Jiang Mian looked at Qi Yanshu. The latter had a natural look. When she looked over, a faint smile appeared in her eyes, and she nodded by the way, emphasizing that she was right.

Jiang Mian: "..."

She said without blinking: "Dad, I'm on the set of the crew, and I'm talking about actors from the same group."

The Han family has a bad relationship with the Qi family. Just because Qi Yanshu lives opposite her, the local tyrant wants her to move away. If he knows that Qi Yanshu is by her side and wants to be her father, the local tyrant will have to explode. No.

Qi Yanshu opened his lips and swallowed when he wanted to say something.

Just now, the power of the curse had happened once, and his lips were a little pale and looked a bit weak.

No matter, it is normal for Mianmian not to believe what he said, and it doesn't matter if she doesn't want to admit it, as long as he understands it in his heart.

"Mianmian, those actors who took the initiative to join in, don't pay much attention to them, who knows whether they will come to join in if you look good." The local tyrant father did not doubt Jiang Mian's words, he began to teach his baby daughter how to avoid it online A man with a bad heart.

"The so-called non-professional courtesy, you will steal if you are not rape." The local tyrant father's voice was sonorous, but the conversation changed, and he said, "But if you have something you particularly like, just tell Dad, Dad will give you..."

"..." Jiang Mian couldn't help but interrupted the astonishing language of the local tyrant father, "Dad, have you chosen it?"

"Not yet." Tyrant father followed Jiang Mian's words, "Daddy will send you the photo, you choose one."

Before Jiang Mian could answer, the local tyrant said again: "The photos are no better than the real thing, so let's let my father bring them to the house. You can choose it yourself, OK?"

The little nine in the heart of the local tyrant father: In this way, he can let his daughter go back to his home again!

Thinking of the scene of dozens of cats piled up together, Jiang Mian immediately shook his head and tactfully refused: "Dad, I want to make a movie."

When the local tyrant father heard this, he was immediately reluctant to let his baby daughter rush to home after work, and said without thinking: "Daddy happens to be almost busy at work today. Let me visit your crew."

"When you finish filming, Dad will take you to eat delicious food." The local tyrant said, "There is a Michelin restaurant that has a new signature dish. It has not been officially launched. Dad will take you to taste it first."

When Han Xu finished this sentence, the assistant next to him silently swallowed what he wanted to say: Where are you busy? !

The boss has three schedules before eleven o'clock in the evening.

Discuss the project with a partner, have dinner with the partner after the negotiation, and then visit a political leader.

The schedule is very full.

The assistant reminded him again and again that the boss knew about it, but turned around and said he was not busy on the phone.

The assistant was clutching his heart. He missed Zongzhu Han in the hospital so much. If Zongzhu Han was there at this time, he would have the courage to persuade the boss.

But he has no courage.

The boss made it clear to push all the itinerary tonight, just to see his daughter. If he rushes to persuade him, his salary will be deducted every minute.

But the problem is that the previous discussion meeting with the partner can be cancelled.

But the latter is a political leader with a lofty position. He has made an appointment to visit him today.

If the boss does not go suddenly, this is not an offense.

The assistant saw Khan on his forehead anxiously. The boss was still looking at the square pieces before, but after answering a phone call, his style changed and he ordered him to find expensive pet shops.

Then, the situation became like this.

The assistant took a deep breath, no, even if his salary was deducted, he had to persuade him. He stepped forward and bit his head and whispered: "Mr. Han, Deputy Chief Zhao is still at home waiting for your visit."

The enthusiastic Han Xu: "..."

He slowly raised his head and looked at the assistant. Later, his scalp was numb when he looked at him. Han Xu clutched the receiver and asked him in a particularly soft voice: "What time is the date with Deputy Governor Zhao."

Help ideals said without thinking, "Nine o'clock."

Han Xu: "What time is it now?"

The assistant said: "...7:03:29."

"Dad?" The voice of the baby girl came from the phone. Han Xu didn't care about the assistant who looked at the wink, put the phone to his ear again, and then heard the baby girl say, "Dad, then you come to the hotel to pick you up Me, I'll wait for you."

Han Xu's flame was instantly cooled and extinguished by the assistant's anger, and he ended the call with his baby girl happily and said to the assistant: "Prepare the car."

The assistant looked like a hot wheel, and rushed out of the office: Fortunately, no deduction was made!


Jiang Mian, who hung up the phone, wrote to Qi Yan with a smile: "Uncle Qi, sorry, my father is coming to pick me up, so I won't go to dinner with you."

Qi Yanshu: "..."

He lowered his long eyelashes lonely, and said to Luo Jiale: "Go back to the film and television city."

Luo Jiale had to follow suit.

When he arrived at the hotel, the rain was much lighter. Qi Yanshu held an umbrella and took Jiang Mian to the door of the hotel. Jiang Mian saw that he didn't seem to want to leave, and he was somewhat helpless.

She found that Qi Yanshu seemed determined to be her father.


"Mianmian." Qi Yanshu reached out and wiped off a drop of rain accidentally splashed on her hair, and whispered, "Is Han Xu your father?"

Jiang Mian looked back at him calmly and nodded generously: "Yes."

"Uncle Qi, if you want to be my dad, you need to ask my other dads for their opinions." Jiang Mian said simply.

Qi Yan's booklist showed contemplation, and after a moment of indulgence, he said: "Policy officer, brother Wuzhen, Han Xu, there are three in total."

Jiang Mian stretched out his index finger and shook it.

Qi Yan expressed doubts in writing, and Jiang Mian said, "There is one more."

Qi Yanshu: "..."

Jiang Mian took out his phone and pointed out a photo of the actor's father: "He is too."

Qi Yanshu's eyes fell on Qin Jingrun in the photo. This is a photo of the actor's father in a certain drama when Jiang Mian accidentally read Weibo.

The beauty is incomparable. Even though she is used to the face of the actor father, she is still amazing and immediately save the picture.

He hesitated for a second, and said, "Anything else?"

Jiang Mian shook his head.

Qi Yanshu smiled, did not say anything, entered the rain curtain with an umbrella, and quickly disappeared in the car.

Jiang Mian: "???"

What does this laugh mean? !

After thinking about it for a while, I really couldn't figure out what happened to Qi Yanshu, so I stopped thinking about it.

She was never a tangled person.

She sat in the lounge area in the lobby waiting for the arrival of the local tyrant father. Just after sitting down, she received a request from a friend on WeChat.

——【I am Song Ziyi】

Jiang Mian agreed.

[Song Ziyi: Miss Jiang, thank you. 】

[Song Ziyi: I feel that I have three days left. 】

[Song Ziyi: Three days later, I will come to you again. 】

[Jiang Mian: No, stay with your father. These three days, submit all the evidence to the police, and he will give you justice. 】

Song Ziyi sent a grateful emoticon.

After a while, she sent another message: [My dad... seems to feel it. 】

Song Ziyi originally intended to tell Song Xueliang the news of her death tomorrow, so that he would be happy tonight.

She did not dare to contact her other friends, for fear that they would be frightened when they learned the truth, and she could not find someone to talk to about some things.

So think of Jiang Mian.

This girl who saw her in the woods, praised her beauty, and helped her go home.

[Song Ziyi: He didn't ask me anything. After making me egg fried rice, he hurriedly went to the supermarket to buy shrimp and make my favorite stir-fried crayfish. I said to go with him, but he wouldn't let it. 】

[Song Ziyi: He closed all the curtains in the house, and even wanted to turn off the lights and light the candles, saying that the light was too bright. 】


Song Ziyi posted a lot, Jiang Mian read them one by one, but she didn't know how to respond, she was not good at comforting others.

【Since your father has noticed it, wait for him to come back and tell him the truth slowly. With the preparation, it will be easier to accept. 】

【Thank you. 】

Song Ziyi put down Song Xueliang's cell phone-Song Xueliang hurried out the door without his cell phone.

The phone screen photo is of Song Ziyi. Song Ziyi sobbed. Then she found her father's wallet on the coffee table.

Song Ziyi picked up his wallet and decided to find his father.

She strung the little star with a string and wore it around her neck, took an umbrella and went out. There is a large farmer's supermarket outside the community, and almost everyone in the community buys things in that supermarket.

Not surprisingly, my father would buy crayfish in this supermarket.

She is running out of time, so she should seize all the time she spends with her father.

When Song Ziyi arrived at the supermarket, she tried her best to avoid the crowd, looking over looking for Song Xueliang's figure, and soon she found her father in the crowd.

Song Xueliang stood in front of a row of knives. There were many types of knives, such as kitchen knives, fruit knives, straight knives, machete knives, and watermelon knives.

Song Xueliang picked up a watermelon knife and put it down after a while. After two seconds, he picked it up and put it down again.

After repeating this five or six times, he finally made up his mind and threw the watermelon knife into the cart.

"Xiao Jiang, why are you sitting here?" Yu Ran had a night show tonight. At this moment, she closed work and returned to the hotel. She was a little surprised to see Jiang Mian sitting in the lobby lounge alone.

"Wait for someone." Jiang Mian said, frowning immediately, "Are you...?"

A large piece of medical gauze was pasted on the back of Yu Ran's hand, with bleeding stains in the middle.

Yu Ran: "I accidentally got hurt."

Shishi couldn't help but said, "If it wasn't for the rescue of Teacher Guan, how could Brother be injured."

Jiang Mian: "?"

"Stone." Yu Ran frowned.

The stone poked his mouth and swallowed it back.

Immediately afterwards, a group of people came in at the door. The leader was Guan Xin. She put a blanket on her body and lowered her head. Zheng Xiaoyu protected her as she walked in. He suddenly saw Jiang Mian and Yu Ran, his eyes rolled.

Directly pulled Guan Xin towards the two of them.

"Ms. Yu, Mrs. Jiang, what a coincidence." Zheng Xiaoyu said in surprise, "Ms. Yu, was on the set just now. Fortunately, you saved us Guan Guan, otherwise Guan Guan's face will be scratched.

Guan Xin bowed her head because she was wet and didn't want people to see her embarrassment.

In fact, when she entered the hotel, she saw Jiang Mian and Yu Ran. She pretended not to see them-but she didn't expect Zheng Xiaoyu to pull her over without authorization.

She had to freeze her face: "Thank you, Teacher Yu."

I ignored Jiang Mian.

"Nothing." Yu Ran said lightly and smiled at Jiang Mian, "I'm going upstairs first."

Without even looking at Guan Xin, he turned and left.

However, the stone stared carefully in Guan Xin's direction.

Jiang Mian watched this scene calmly, thinking about Yu Ran's injury and Zheng Xiaoyu's words, it is not difficult to imagine what happened.