Jiang Mian admired the shocked gaze of the two daughters Guan Xin, clingingly beside the local tyrant father, without saying a word, letting the local tyrant father support her.

She would be lazy when her father was there.

Han Xu thought that her daughter did not speak, but said that she had been wronged, and his anger became more and more high.

From the conversation he heard just now, it can be known that the baby girl and the surname Guan are in the same crew, and the surname Guan has offended her daughter several times.

In the hypocritical words to her daughter, she kept discrediting her. I don’t know how much wronged the baby daughter has been!

Thinking of this, Han Xu suddenly stopped, tilted his head slightly, and did not look at Zheng Xiaoyu, just asked: "What is your name?"

Zheng Xiaoyu was shocked by the noble temperament that Han Xu exuded belonging to the superior, and subconsciously answered: "Zheng Xiaoyu."

"Mr. Han, I've already written it down." The assistant quickly said. He knew what the boss meant. This was for him to remember the name and check the woman.

He looked at the two women and shook his head.

He also heard what the two said to the young lady just now.

It was also the young lady who had a good temper, but there was no reaction.

Immediately he was a little puzzled, isn't it because the rumored lady has a bad temper, why is it so different from the rumored one.

He quietly looked at Jiang Mian, where is such a beautiful and lovely lady who has a bad temper?

With Han Xu's status, people nodded and bowed to him everywhere, and agreed that the two of Guan Xin were surrendered and led Jiang Mian out.

Guan Xin and Zheng Xiaoyu watched their backs walk away. The former lost consciousness-this person is Jiang Mian's father? Is her father so young?

She has always loathed Jiang Mian, doing whatever she wants with money, like a nouveau riche.

But Jiang Mian's father didn't look like a nouveau riche.

Most importantly, they don't look like father and daughter at all!

Zheng Xiaoyu thought the same as her. Although this man is not like a young man in his twenties, he looks like he is in his thirties at most. How could Jiang Mian be his daughter.

Guan Xin said to her that Jiang Mian has money at home, is a wealthy daughter, and drives millions of sports cars to school-what if she is not rich at all, what if this "dad" is not "the father"?

Now the word "dad" has multiple meanings, who knows if it is the so-called "father".

As for Han Xu's question of her name just now, after she answered, the assistant replied-Zheng Xiaoyu didn't care at all, and his mind was occupied by the relationship between Jiang Mian and this man.

Zheng Xiaoyu pinched her palms, what she was afraid of, didn't the other party's eyes look colder, could it be possible that she would dare to hit her?

She gritted her teeth, made up her mind in her heart, and suddenly said: "Sir, are you really Teacher Jiang's father?"

Jiang Mian and Han Xu stopped at the same time, and Jiang Mian looked at Zheng Xiaoyu.

Although the latter still had a smile on her face, the malice in her eyes overflowed, almost overflowing.

I want to stare at the five words "improper relationship" between Jiang Mian and Han Xu immediately.

Guan Xin gently pulled Zheng Xiaoyu, without looking at Jiang Mian and Han Xu, and pretended to say: "Xiao Yu, how can you talk like this? It's so impolite.

“I’m not confused.” Zheng Xiaoyu said, “I heard Mrs. Jiang calling his father several times on the set. I was very curious about what Mrs. Jiang’s father looked like. I didn’t expect Mrs. Jiang’s father to be so young and very different from Mr. Jiang. Like it."

She emphasized the words "very different".

Han Xu's eyes suddenly turned cold, and he was about to speak, but was stopped by Jiang Mian.

"Dad, didn't you just say that, the trash on the roadside will dirty your eyes if you look at it more." Jiang Mian blinked, "I don't want Dad to dirty his eyes."

"Yes, trash can't understand human words." The local tyrant embraced Jiang Mian. "This hotel is full of trash, Mian Mian, Dad will take you to another one."

The assistant immediately said: "Mr. Han, I have already booked a suite in Tingyu Pavilion, and the lady can move in tonight."

Han Xu: "The last time my dad went to Tingyu Pavilion for one night, the environment was okay. I can barely move in. I will wait for my dad to go with you."

Guan Xin and Zheng Xiaoyu's faces were very ugly.

Tingyu Pavilion is one of the well-known hotel chains in the country. It has a membership system and non-members are not allowed to stay.

It is said that the rooms inside are divided into grades, and the most equipped suites can be as high as seven figures in one night.

The cheapest is also five-figure, and the average rich cannot afford to live.

In such a high-end place, Han Xu had no choice but to evaluate it as "feasible" and "reluctant".

No gold master is so generous.

Unless it's a real dad.

However, such a comparison makes people feel unbalanced.

"Good dad." The father and daughter walked out of the lobby talking and laughing, Han Xu held up the umbrella, and was careful not to let his daughter get caught in the rain.

After getting in the car, Jiang Mian burst into laughter-thinking of Guan Xin and Zheng Xiaoyu's expressions of eating flies, she couldn't help but laugh.

"Mianmian, tell your father, do they often bully you like this?" Han Xu saw his daughter smile, thinking that her daughter was angry and became even more angry.

If he doesn't care that the other party is a girl, he will directly let the bodyguard do it.

"Dad, do you think they are bullying me, or I bullying them?" Jiang Mianle couldn't help. "Don't worry, Dad, as your daughter, how can I suffer."

Han Xu looked at his delicate and lovely baby girl, becoming more worried, and suddenly remembered something: "Where is Adu? As your personal bodyguard, where did he go?!"

Jiang Mian: "..."

"I want to see Dad, what will Adu do to get in the way," Jiang Mian said.

The two bodyguards in the car glanced at each other and shrank silently, trying to reduce their sense of existence.

The local tyrant father snorted and asked, "Then Guan Xin, tell your father, why is she on the same crew with you?"

Where is the surname Gu?

Looking at his baby girl, Han Xu swallowed this sentence back.

Jiang Mian explained it briefly. After listening to this, the local tyrant's father felt a bit of chill between his brows and feathers: "Why didn't you tell Dad at the beginning, you tell Dad, Dad will let her roll the bed and get off."

"Dad, it's not good to bully others, we have to persuade people with reason." Jiang Mian held the local tyrant father, "Besides, in the crew, I am the first female, she is the second female, and it is her who is unhappy."

Han Xu thought for a while and felt that what his daughter said was right.

No wonder this Guan Xin has trouble finding her baby girl. In that case, she will always be a match.

He wants his baby girl to always be on top of Guan Xin's head.

The local tyrant father had already figured out a solution in his heart, and did not say to Jiang Mian.

Then, the local tyrant took the account to the actor's father.

The baby girl enters the entertainment industry to film. The narcissist with the surname Qin is in this circle. It is a **** not to help her daughter.

——He forgot, the actor father had no idea that the baby girl had committed suicide for a man's wrist cut.

The local tyrant father scolded Qin Jingrun a few times in his heart, and decided to wait and find time to call Qin Jingrun.

At this moment, in order to meet the director's requirements, Qin Jingrun had to lose five pounds before joining the group and was undergoing high-intensity training.

This morning, he ate the same breakfast with his baby daughter—soy milk fritters. The nutritionist said bluntly that he had too many calories and he had to exercise more.

He is lifting heavy weights, the racer vest on his upper body has been dampened by sweat, and the sweat on his cheeks condenses on the ground. The muscles on his waist, abdomen, chest, and arms are agitated by the force. The picture is pleasing to the eye.

However, at this moment, Qin Jingrun only felt itchy on the tip of his nose, and reflexively wanted to sneeze. He wanted to hold it back, but he couldn't hold it back.

The effect of a sneeze was that the breath held in his heart suddenly disappeared, the power in his hand was loosened, and the weightlifter fell with a bang.

"It's okay, Brother Qin." Lin Xi was startled.

Qin Jingrun stepped back two steps, shook his head, took the towel that Lin Xi handed over, wiped the sweat on his face, what he thought in his heart was: which **** cursed him behind his back.


Han Xu found that his daughter didn't mention a word with the surname Gu. The more he did this, the more he felt a little worried.

Since the surname Guan can play in the same crew as the baby girl, will the surname Gu be in the same crew?

"Mianmian, who are the actors in your crew?" The Tyrant Father thought of a compromise, "Is there any photos, Dad, look."

Jiang Mian couldn't laugh or cry: "Dad, what do I save pictures of actors."

She casually said the names of a few actors.

I found that my daughter didn't talk about the actor, the local tyrant father was anxious. Could it be that Gu is the actor?

"Who is the male number one?" Han Xu asked impatiently.

Jiang Mian said Yu Ran, Han Xu heaved a sigh of relief when he heard it, not Gu.

Jiang Mian noticed the look of the local tyrant father, and her heart moved: "Dad, do you think Gu Qiwen is also on the crew?"

Han Xu's heartbeat speeds up, why does his daughter take the initiative to bring up Gu Qiwen?

Looking at the expression of the local tyrant father, Jiang Mian knew that she was right. She sighed secretly in her heart. What should she do to make the local tyrant father 100% sure that she really didn't care about Gu Qiwen.

"Dad, what I want to see most now is Gu Qiwen and Guan Xin together." Jiang Mian said, "The two of them are a perfect match by nature."

"It's enough for me to have a father."

Han Xu felt distressed. From his daughter's words, he heard the meaning of "completeness".

After thinking for a while, he embraced Jiang Mian: "Mianmian, the next night, Dad is going to a palace banquet abroad. Will you go with Dad?"

In the past, local tyrant father attended various grand events and wanted to take Jiang Mian with him, but the latter never agreed, and local tyrant father had to give up.

Jiang Mian tactfully refused: "...Dad, I want to make a movie."

The local tyrant looked at her blankly.

Jiang Mian: "..."

When did the local tyrants also learn the practice of Heavenly Master!