"But I just asked for leave." Jiang Mian raised her forehead and faced the look in the eyes of the tyrant father, it was really difficult for her to refuse.

Although she is the investor of "Sing Cong Lian Yu", she has power and willfulness, but this is a matter of principle-she only took three days off, and just came back to shoot for two days, and asked for leave again, which is too easy for people to criticize.

"Then don't ask for leave." The local tyrant said.

Jiang Mian: "?"

Without asking for leave, will she run away and disappear?

The next sentence: "Dad asked me to negotiate. The entire crew will have two days off. The actors and staff are not iron-clad people. Normal office workers still have holidays on weekends."

"If there is any problem with the funds, Dad will come out." The local tyrant father is quite bold, "No one will have trouble with money, right."

Jiang Mian: "..."

Yes, yes, dad, everything you said is right.

Jiang Mian couldn't laugh or cry, the local tyrant was spending money to ask the whole crew to take a vacation, just to give her two normal days of vacation.

Everyone is on vacation, and she is also on vacation, will anyone say anything.

The local tyrant father said that. Besides nodding, Jiang Mian said, "Dad, I just go and talk to the director."

Although Han Xu doesn't know much about the entertainment industry, he also knows that, in addition to investors, the director has the right to speak out in a crew.

Baby girl go and tell the director, the director will listen to her?

Seeing the doubts of the local tyrant father, Jiang Mian bends his eyes, thinking that the local tyrant father will be surprised by these words: "Dad, I am an investor in this drama."

Han Xu suddenly realized: "It turns out that the bank news my father received last time was that you invested in this movie." Then he was overjoyed: "My sleep is really good. I learned to make money so quickly, just like me."

Jiang Mian used the bank to transfer the money directly to the account given by Zhang Dao. She used the black card of the local tyrant father for the transfer. One hundred and twenty million is not a small amount. The local tyrant father will definitely receive a notification.

At that time, Jiang Mian was waiting for the local tyrant father to ask her, but the local tyrant father didn't ask at all. In his opinion, it was nothing more than a small amount of money. He gave the baby daughter a black card, didn't it mean that the baby daughter could spend it without restrictions.

If he had to ask every money, what card would he give back.

"Dad, aren't you afraid that I will spend money arbitrarily?"

"Dad's is yours. Why spend your own money in squandering." Han Xu wondered, wondering how his daughter would ask, "Besides, Dad's money is enough for you to spend."

"If it is not enough, dad strives to earn and spend as much as he wants to spend." Han Xusheng was afraid that his daughter would have the terrible thought of not having enough money-he was not the pauper of the **** stick.

He gets angry when he thinks of the **** stick.

When the baby girl was young, she followed the magic stick, what a hard life.

Had it not been for the agreement, the gods would occupy a quarter of the custody rights, and within a year, he would have to be raised by the gods for three months. How could he be willing to bear the hardship of his precious daughter.

Every time it was Han Xu's turn to raise Xiao Jiangmian, when he went to Zuo Xingping to pick up his daughter, he would fight with Zuo Xingping.

Teaching her daughter to climb trees and stealing things from other people's soil is nothing more than to take her daughter to the countryside to fight in the mud with a group of wild children.

Every time Han Xu thinks of this, his internal organs feel irritated.

He was raised as a baby by the little princess, and he was actually raised as a little girl by the **** stick.

It was when Xiao Jiangmian was five years old, and it was his turn, Han Xu happily went to pick up his baby girl.

He got news that Zuo Xingping was in a small village with his daughter.

When Han Xu heard this, a bad premonition immediately rose in his heart. After he arrived, he saw his precious daughter fighting a mud fight with a group of wild boys in the field. His reason was lost, and Shimoda and Zuo Xing had a battle.

Xiao Jiang Mian is still beside him to add to the fun.

After the fight, Han Xu immediately took Xiao Jiang Mian to the mansion, and it took a week to turn his daughter into a beautiful little princess again.

However, if one does not pay attention, the daughter will climb up the tree planted in the yard like a monkey, and will wave to him on it, with a small expression on her face: "Dad, I think I am climbing so high, Dad left teaches me how to do it. "

Han Xu's heartbeat almost stopped. He compared the distance between Xiao Jiangmian's station and the ground. It was really unimaginable how the baby girl's small arms and legs climbed three meters high!

What made him even more unexpected was that the baby girl said gruffly: "Dad, you catch me below."

Then he opened his hand and jumped down.

Han Xu: "!!!"

He took Xiao Jiang Mian with his arms full, and his scared legs were soft.

Xiao Jiangmian hugged his neck and giggled in his arms, still not forgetting to join in: "Dad is so powerful, as powerful as Dad Zuo, and can catch Sleep."

It was Zuo Xingping's **** thing again!

Han Xu gritted his teeth, wishing to carry Zuo Xingping to his body and unload eight pieces.

So that later, I was afraid that Xiao Jiangmian would accidentally fall, and there were sponges under each tree—it was okay to climb the tree, even if it accidentally fell, there would be no trouble.

Later, Han Xu learned that his daughter climbed to the tree and jumped down to let people catch him—this was a small game played by Zuo Xingping and her.

After her daughter learned it, she not only played with him, but Qin Jingrun and Lian Feng were no exception.

This habit, Han Xu and Qin Jingrun have not changed after repeated teaching, and finally corrected it when it was Lian Feng's turn.

How to correct it, Han Xu doesn’t know ==

Asked Lian Feng, Lian Feng did not say, and asked the baby girl, the daughter groaned and did not say, and then it stopped.


Local tyrants can dispose of tens of billions of mobile assets at will, and real estate, etc., add up to hundreds of billions of assets.

At this time, money is just a number.

For him, these are all for his precious daughter, who can spend whatever she wants-fathers and girls of other people's families are afraid that their children are the prodigal.

Tyrant father is different, he is eager for his precious daughter to "prodigal".

He has the financial resources to support his daughter's "prodigal family"-those who dislike their children's prodigal family are nothing but can't support it.

"Dad, what if I take the money to do bad things." Jiang Mian put his head on the shoulder of the tyrant father.

"It's okay, I'll have my father take it for you." In front of the baby girl, the three views of the local tyrant father had already crooked to the moon, and he caressed Jiang Mian's long hair lovingly, "Daddy is with everything."

Jiang Mian sighed lightly.

The way the local tyrant father educates his children is really...the original owner will not be long and crooked!

But this is not his most selfless love for his daughter.

She clasped the hand of the Tyrant Father's arm tightly and closed her eyes, trying to find some pictures of getting along with the Tyrant Father from her memory-very few.

The original owner moved out to live alone after he was twelve years old, and rarely met with the four dads.

There are very few memories between the ages of six and twelve, because the fathers are very busy, most of them with the nanny, and many of the memories are very vague, she can't see clearly.

Before the age of six, there was no impression.

Han Xu has already begun to think about what kind of dress he will prepare for his daughter. This is the first important banquet that the baby daughter will attend with him when he grows up.

When the time comes, I will post photos, mad at the narcissist named Qin.

——He didn't know that Jiang Mian had accompanied Qin Jingrun to two banquets.

Among the other three fathers, Han Xu was most afraid of Qin Jingrun, Zuo Xingping was the most angry, and Lian Feng was the one who was able to treat with a little normal heart.

The reason why Qin Jingrun is jealous is that although the actor father's financial resources are far less than the local tyrant father, but almost the local tyrant father can give Jiang Mian, so can he.

The key is to look good.

In ordinary families, parents still ask their children whether they like their mothers or their fathers. This question is unavoidable even with them.

When each father raised Xiao Jiangmian individually, when asked this question, Xiao Jiangmian naturally answered "Dad" without hesitation, referring to which father raised her at the time and which one he liked best.

But when everyone got together and asked this question again during the New Year, Xiao Jiangmian pointed to Qin Jingrun without hesitation--

Whenever this time, Qin Jingrun happily jumped to the sky.

Asked her why, Xiao Jiang Mian gave a powerful answer: "Daddy Qin is the best."


"Mianmian, this time Dad will dress you up as a real princess." Han Xu accidentally said what was in his heart.

When Jiang Mian heard this, she opened her eyes and guessed that the local tyrant father meant yes. She asked: "Dad, I don't want pink."

"No lace."

"No diamonds."

"Don't shine."

He said several times in one breath not to, and after finishing speaking, he found that the local tyrant looked at her in a daze. Jiang Mian made up a sweet smile: "Okay?"

Han Xu: "..."

The dress he imagined was exactly what his daughter said "no", but of course he could only nod his head when facing her daughter's acting like a baby.

Jiang Mian breathed a sigh of relief-attending the banquet with the actor father, she had worn enough "princess dress".

She just wants to be normal ==

The father and daughter talked slowly, and soon the car stopped at the Michelin restaurant they were going to, and the waiter led them in.

Jiang Mian found that there was no one in the restaurant.

Needless to say, the local tyrant must have contracted the entire restaurant again just to serve the two of them.

After dinner, at eight to ten, Han Xu had to visit Vice Governor Zhao at nine, and had to reluctantly send Jiang Mian to Tingyu Pavilion.

I was going to accompany my baby girl into the room, but there was not enough time, so I just had to.

"Daddy will pick you up tomorrow night."

The banquet is the night after tomorrow, and we have to start tomorrow night.

Sending away the local tyrant father, Jiang Mian, led by the waiter, entered the suite booked by the Tingyu Pavilion. The local tyrant father did not book the most expensive suite, so he booked a second one.

When he entered the suite, Jiang Mian found that Tang An'an and Xie Siyuan were both in it, packing their things.

There was also a waiter from Tingyu Pavilion who wanted to help tidy up, but Tang Anan stopped him.

How can the things of the little boss make other people move?

"Mianmian." Tang Anan greeted him, "I..."

Before she could say anything, a voice suddenly sounded behind Jiang Mian: "Is it Ms. Jiang Mian Jiang?"

Jiang Mian turned around and saw a man who looked like a manager: "What's the matter?"

"That's it." The manager said respectfully, "We just received news that you can stay in Tingyu Pavilion for free anytime, anywhere."

Jiang Mian: "???"