Hearing the news, Tang Anan had already covered her chest, her expression blank in shock.

Tingyu Pavilion, one of the famous seven-star chain hotels in the country, can live in this hotel, not only a symbol of wealth, but also a symbol of status.

It is said that the most expensive top-level suite is seven-figure a night, and you must make an appointment to live in.

Many wealthy individuals will make special reservations for the best suite in Tingyu Pavilion. If they can make an appointment to live in, it is a symbol of financial resources and status.

She and Xie Siyuan were in the original hotel, and someone suddenly came to ask her to pack Jiang Mian's luggage and move to Tingyu Pavilion.

Tang An'an was extremely surprised.

She was living well, but she didn't think much about how to move to Tingyu Pavilion suddenly. With the boss's financial resources, it would be okay to let the little boss live in Tingyu Pavilion's ordinary room.

When they came to Tingyu Pavilion, the waiter took them into a suite, which had everything in it, and it was dazzlingly luxurious.

Xie Siyuan was okay. I lived with Qin Jingrun in the ordinary suite of Tingyu Pavilion once before, and he was very calm.

Seeing that he was so calm, Tang Anan couldn't let himself behave like a turtle. Anyhow, his cousin Lin Xi was the right-hand man next to the big boss.

As a result, the person in charge of this Tingyu Pavilion actually asked the little boss to stay in a top suite. Moreover, as long as the little boss enters the Tingyu Pavilion, he can choose a room to stay in, and the most important thing is free!

This kind of treatment can only be obtained by the owner of Tingyuge.

Tang An'an's excited heart beat faster, holding his breath and waiting for Jiang Mian's reaction, while controlling his expression: See how calm Mianmian is, and I can't embarrass Mianmian.

Jiang Mian didn't know much about Tingyu Pavilion. From the tone of the local tyrant father, she only thought that Tingyu Pavilion was better than ordinary hotels.

But until she entered the Tingyu Pavilion, she knew that the consumption in Tingyu Pavilion would definitely not be cheap. Yu Guang caught a glimpse of Tang An'an's reaction, and she said to the manager: "Why can I stay in for free? Can you give me a reason? "

The manager was visibly stunned - it stands to reason that he was too late to be happy when he got this kind of opportunity. Even if he wanted to ask the reason, he should show excitement or joy.

But the girl in front of her looked calm and calm, and she couldn't tell whether she was happy or unhappy at all.

The manager held down the thoughts in his heart, and continued to respectfully say: "Miss Jiang, this is the notice given above. I don't know the specific reason."

"But you can rest assured that we listen to Yuge will never deceive members of the bad things." He was affirming to Jiang Mian, free stay is free stay, and will never charge her a bit.

Jiang Mian thought for a while, and didn't say more: "All right, then go to the top floor."

The entire top floor is a top-level suite, divided into several large areas, there is an open-air swimming pool outside, there are artificial hot spring rooms, theaters, restaurants, meeting rooms... even some of the furniture is pure gold.

On the ceiling of the living room, there are many diamonds designed by famous masters, each at least the size of a baby's fist-no other purpose, just decoration.

The murals on the wall are all from famous painters, and each one is very valuable.

The ceiling of the master bedroom is made of special materials. Through remote control, you can choose a transparent appearance. After you choose, you will face the bright night sky above your head.

In addition, you can also perform virtual simulations. You can choose different modes for the night you want.

In short, this top-class suite is worth a seven-figure price per night.

Jiang Mian glanced around. Compared with the original hotel room, this suite really made people feel more comfortable.

The only fly in the ointment is that the fastest drive from Tingyu Pavilion to the film and television city takes half an hour.

Unlike the original hotel, it takes up to ten minutes.

This means that if Jiang Mian has a play in the morning, he will get up nearly an hour earlier than before.

Fortunately, the play is almost finished,

After the manager took Jiang Mian to the suite and introduced some of the main functions in the suite, he respectfully left. Jiang Mian said to Tang Anan and Xie Siyuan: "You go choose the room yourself."

There are three bedrooms in the suite, one master bedroom and two second bedrooms.

When Jiang Mian finished speaking, neither of them went to find the bedroom. Tang An ran to the huge balcony outside, where the swimming pool was.

Xie Siyuan went to the restaurant for the first time, and that was his home court.

Jiang Mian entered the master bedroom and took out her mobile phone, only to find that Qi Yanshu had sent her a message: [Stay peacefully, good night. 】

The time was ten minutes ago, when she first reached the top floor.

Jiang Mian raised his eyebrows: It really was Uncle Qi who wanted to be her father.

In this way, Tingyu Pavilion is the property of the Qi family. No wonder the local tyrant father doesn't think much of Tingyu Pavilion.

If it's the Qi family's industry--

Jiang Mian remembered that there was a description of Tingyu Pavilion in the original work.

After the original owner went offline, Gu Qiwen had already obtained the financial resources of the Han family, and at the same time, he had inherited the Qi family.

During a filming process, Guan Xin was insulted by the female partner as she was not worthy of staying in a good hotel.

After Gu Qiwen learned about it, he directly gave the Tingyu Pavilion to Guan Xin.

Then, he showed his love in a high-profile manner, and changed the name of Tingyu Pavilion to Wenxin Pavilion—each of them took one of the two names to express his love for Guan Xin.

Then, with this move, he announced that he and Guan Xin were together.

At that time Guan Xin was already popular and had many fans. After the fans learned about it, they strongly supported the blessing.

Except for Shen Shiqing.

Because of the Wenxin Pavilion, Shen Shiqing was furious, and designed to kidnap Guan Xin, and let Gu Qiwen exchange Wenxin Pavilion for Guan Xin. Gu Qiwen agreed.

In the end, Wenxin Pavilion became Shen Shiqing's property. After he got Wenxin Pavilion, the first thing he did was to close five Wenxin Pavilions across the country and replace all the contents in it.

Finally, he destroyed Wenxin Pavilion.

Jiang Mian, who has watched this episode: "..."

She really didn't understand why the author wrote this way.

Now Tingyu Pavilion is in the hands of Qi Yanshu. At least, such a luxurious hotel that can be called a boutique art will not disappear one day in the future.

After thinking about it, Jiang Mian did not reply to Qi Yanshu.

"Mianmian." Tang An'an knocked on the door lightly, then came in with his head, "Do you want to swim?"

Jiang Mian got into the phone and got up: "Go."

Appropriate enjoyment is still possible.

Jiang Mian and Tang Anan passed by the restaurant and found Xie Siyuan wearing headphones. They looked at the first utensil in the kitchen and touched them, with a satisfied expression.

Tang Anan said: "For Brother Xie, the kitchen is his girlfriend."

Jiang Mian: "..."

Qi Yanshu kept holding the phone, waiting for Jiang Mian's reply, but never waited.

He twisted his eyebrows, touched the screen with his fingertips, typed two words and deleted them, looking at the screen, slightly lost in thought.

Because of Qi Yan Shuke's pro-self-denial destiny, Old Qi Qi has been cruel to send Qi Yan Shu to Taoist Temple since he was a child, but he has always loved this little son very much, and he is unavoidably ashamed.

Elder Qi has three sons in total. The two elder brothers on Qi Yanshu have always known that Qi Yanshu will not survive thirty, and will not compete with them for property.

As a result, Qi Yanshu survived-the old man Qi was overjoyed and directly gave Ting Yuge to Qi Yanshu as a gift for his son's survival.


Knowing that Jiang Mian was staying in the Tingyu Pavilion, Qi Yanshu immediately asked Luo Jiale to inform him that he wanted Jiang Mian to live in the best room.

Now Jiang Mian did not reply to him, he was hesitant and uneasy: Does Mianmian dislike his arrangement?

No matter, call and ask.

Qi Yan Shugang was about to call Jiang Mian. The phone shook, and an unfamiliar number appeared. His fingertips slipped to get the call.

"Mr. Qi, I am Lian Feng." A deep and powerful voice came from the receiver.

Qi Yanshu's eyes flickered, and the corners of his lips rose slightly, with a smile: "Lian Police Officer."

Jiang Mian told him that if he wanted to be her father, he had to get the consent of the other four people.

He was thinking of a way to contact other people one by one, but he didn't want Lian Feng to contact him.

"Last time you solved the Gu for me, you never expressed gratitude. Are you free tomorrow? Would you please have a casual meal." Lian Feng was straightforward, and he didn't want to engage in those Wen Zou Zou.

Qi Yanshu: "Okay."

Jiang Mian talked to Director Zhang on WeChat about changing the hotel. The latter didn't say anything, anyway, she paid for it herself.

Then she asked her which hotel to change to so that the crew's car could pick her up.

Jiang Mian generously reported listening to Yuge.

[Director Zhang:...]

[Director Zhang:...Listen to Yuge? 】

Jiang Mian returned an expression, but Director Zhang did not reply for a long time.

When Jiang Mian arrived in the hotel car to the crew the next day, he saw Director Zhang on the set. After seeing her, the latter breathed a sigh of relief and said something that made Jiang Mian laugh and cry: "Fortunately, you didn't tell everyone to live and listen. Yuge's words."

Jiang Mian coughed, and discussed the holiday with him. The reason was very daunting: "You have been sick for so long after the filming, and you haven't been to the hospital. Take advantage of this holiday, go to the hospital for a visit, you relax Relax, all the people in our crew also relax and relax."

Director Zhang stared: "How can it be done? The money is burned during the holiday. The money is yours, don't you feel bad about it."

"Don't feel bad." Jiang Mian blinked, "After the movie is released, it's okay to make money back."

Director Zhang: "..."

In the end, Jiang Mian said something badly, and finally asked Director Zhang to agree to a two-day holiday. When he said yes, Director Zhang's heart was bleeding.


The little girl is so young that she doesn't know the difficulty of making money.

Looking at the script, Jiang Mian suddenly received a message from Adu saying that the detective father was going to see someone, and that the Tianshi father went with him, but he did not let him follow.

Jiang Mian was surprised and asked: [Do you know who they are going to see? 】

[Adu: I don't know. 】