Jiang Mian was at a loss, the enemy?

Zhong Wuli is still in the detention center, where's the enemy coming from.

She sent a few question marks over.

I don't think Master Tian returned a bunch of emoticons to her, with obvious intentions and didn't want to explain.

Jiang Mian couldn't laugh or cry, but didn't ask questions anymore. She was relieved when the two fathers acted together.

Just chat: [Dad, where did your emoji come from? 】

[Zuo Xingping: When someone sent it to me, she also taught me how to send it. Isn’t it pretty? 】

Jiang Mian raised his eyebrows: Master Tian would still chat with others?

She couldn't imagine that picture.


Without waiting for Jiang Mian to decrypt, Tianshidi told her with joy.

Since changing his cell phone and having WeChat, Master Tian has only chatted with his baby daughter. Yesterday he followed Lian Feng to the detention center and quietly used some means to make Zhong Wuli suffer.

Lian Feng opened one eye and closed another without saying anything, which was regarded as acquiescence in his actions.

Zuo Xingping thought that he had taken a sigh of anger for his baby girl, and he was refreshed. On the way back, he found that someone had added him as a friend on WeChat.

——The Tianshi father at that time didn't know that WeChat had a function to call nearby people, which could be added to him by shaking.

Seeing that someone added him, I was a little happy: So far, only Jiang Mian is on his WeChat list, and he has not added the other three.

They didn't add him, why did he rush to add them.

So this avatar is a cartoon rabbit, and the person named [Aidola] on WeChat became his second WeChat friend.

Aidola is very enthusiastic. As soon as her friend passed through, she sent a message: [Wow, brother, has your circle of friends blocked me? Why is there nothing? 】

[Zuo Xingping: What is a circle of friends? 】

Zuo Xingping just applied for WeChat. He only knew that he could use WeChat to send messages and chat with his baby girl, and he could also use video. He had no idea what Moments were.

【Edola: ...】

[Aidola: Okay, I won't ask more, what's your name, brother? 】

Zuo Xingping is even more strange, he corrected the other party solemnly: [You want to call me uncle. 】

[Edola: You are not funny at all, OK, uncle, how old are you? 】

There was also a weird picture behind it-later Zuo Xingping learned that this was an emoticon.

Zuo Xingping didn't type so fast. Before he could answer, the other party's news came again.

[Edola: I'm twenty, hehehe. 】

[Edola: Uncle, what do you look like, can I see it? 】

[Aidola: If uncle is shy, I will show you mine first. 】

Then sent a picture of a young girl, dressed very revealing.

Zuo Xingping took a look, frowned, and said: [Although you are young, but you can't wear so little, you will get sick, and you must learn to take care of yourself when you are young. 】

These little girls don't know what to think, how can they wear so little clothes.

Fortunately, my baby girl can't wear it like this. If she catches a cold, it hurts.

Thinking of her baby girl, Zuo Xingping wanted to buy her beautiful little skirt again.

But during this time he had to stay at the police station to avenge his precious daughter, and he couldn't take orders and earn money.

Fortunately, this guy Lian Feng provided food and lodging. He didn't have to spend a penny every day, and Zuo Xingping was relieved again.

[Aidola: Are you stupid? 】

[Zuo Xingping: Huh? 】Why do you curse?

He sent a few more words in the past, and Adora did not reply to him. When Zuo Xingping was about to put away the phone, Adora returned to him: [So you are really an old antique uncle. 】

An emoticon pack followed.

Zuo Xingping was at a loss. He asked her what the picture meant, and Adora explained to him that it was an emoticon pack, and then sent him a lot of emoticon packs, saying that this emoticon pack can be used when chatting with others to increase the chatting fun. of.

That's how Zuo Xingping learned to express a love package.

Jiang Mian read the screenshots sent by the celestial master, as well as the screenshots of the conversation between him and Adora.

Jiang Mian was amused, and Aidola's intentions were too obvious, but Tianshida did not understand at all. On the other hand, he felt that her daughter was incompetent. He did not personally teach Tianshida to operate WeChat. Instead, let a stranger teach Tianshida. Use WeChat.

Next, Jiang Mian took the time to rest and patiently taught Master Tian what is a circle of friends and how to post to a circle of friends.

Zuo Xingping sat in the co-pilot, lowered his head and kept playing with his phone, with a smirk on his face. Lian Feng Yuguang had already looked at it for a few times-it was hard not to pay attention.

He should have gone to see Qi Yanshu alone, but when Zuo Xingping knew about it, he insisted on keeping up. After thinking about it, Lian Feng asked him to keep up.

Zuo Xingping suddenly raised his head: "What is your WeChat account, I will add you."

Lian Feng: "?"

Just at the traffic light, Lian Feng clicked on the WeChat QR code, and he saw Zuo Xingping very skillfully scanning his QR code.

This operation was very inconsistent with the magic stick. Lian Feng narrowed his eyes and suddenly said, "Who taught you?"

"Of course it's Mianmian." Zuo Xingping said without thinking.

Lian Feng's eyes drooped slightly, and the friend who landed on the screen verified, and after a while, he clicked to reject.

Zuo Xingping: "What are you doing!"

Lian Feng: "Hands are shaking."

Zuo Xingping didn't doubt that he was there: "Sweep again."

Lian Feng glanced at him and added him this time.

At the same time, both Han Xu and Qin Jingrun received applications from Zuo Xingping's friends-Zuo Xingping turned out their mobile phone number to apply.

Han Xu quickly ordered to pass, but Qin Jingrun was busy and didn't see it.

Then, Han Xu received a reminder from the circle of friends that someone ait him, clicked in and found that it was a circle of friends sent by the **** stick.

[Mianmian teaches me~] Screenshots are also attached.

After Han Xu finished reading it, he gave a cold snort, not to be outdone, also posted a circle of friends, and posted a photo of the dinner with his baby daughter at the Michelin restaurant last night.

Zuo Xingping turned off WeChat angrily: After he saves enough money in the future, he can also take his baby girl to this high-end restaurant.

When Qin Jingrun had time to get his mobile phone, he first passed Zuo Xingping's application, and then he was prompted to enter the circle of friends, watching Zuo Xingping and Han Xu post back and forth, and sneered.

Turned around and posted pictures of attending the banquet with her baby girl.


After Jiang Mian taught the various operations of the Tianshi Dad about the circle of friends, just after the rest time, he quit WeChat and continued filming.

I didn't know that in the near future, apart from the detective father, the three fathers would quarrel in the circle of friends.

Director Zhang has notified the whole team that after the redemption this afternoon, all the staff will have a two-day holiday-the most happy is the staff. The holiday is free and there is a salary. Naturally happy.

From time to time, Jiang Mian could hear the staff whispering about the holiday.

And because of this good news, Guan Xin was overwhelmed in an instant. When she finished, the crew sent a bunch of flowers, and the staff cheered and cheered.

Then Guan Xin and Zheng Xiaoyu left the set. Before leaving, Guan Xin seemed to want to come to Jiang Mian.

Seeing this, Jiang Mian didn't give her a look, and walked away directly: Tyrant father said that when you see the garbage, just glance at it.

She didn't bother to talk to each other. Although it was pleasant for Guan Xin to deflate, the face was too much to look at, and it was quite responsive.

Guan Xin stood there for a while, and wanted to say goodbye to Director Zhang, but when she approached, she found that Jiang Mian was talking and laughing with Director Zhang, and there were Yu Ran and several other old actors next to her.

Guan Xin took a deep breath, turned and left.

Zheng Xiaoyu followed her, lowered her head, and rarely spoke, but the gloating in her eyes was about to overflow.

Guan Xin's cell phone rang. Gu Qiwen called. Guan Xin subconsciously hung up and said to Zheng Xiaoyu: "I'm going back to school, you don't need to follow."

Zheng Xiaoyu curled his lips: "President Shen asked me to take care of you. I did not dare to leave without receiving Mr. Shen's order."

"I'll tell him." Guan Xin said coldly.

"Heh." Zheng Xiaoyu shook his waist and walked away quickly, "Then you better hurry up."

Guan Xin stared at her back for a few seconds, retracted his gaze, and called back to Gu Qiwen.

"Guanguan, I'll pick you up back to school."

"Xiwen." Guan Xin's eyes flashed a little decisively, and she whispered, "Let's break up."

Director Zhang suddenly called Jiang Mian and Yu Ran in front of him. They looked at each other, and Jiang Mian said, "Director, just say anything if you have anything."

Director Zhang looked at her, then at Yu Ran, and said, "You two have been right in the next scene."

The two nodded.

In the next scene, Chen Wanjing's imagination was filmed—she imagined that if there were no misunderstandings, she had received the letter Song Yunan sent her.

Maybe she left Dashan long ago to be with Song Yunan.

He was riding a bicycle, she was sitting on the bar in front, and he hugged her, leaving their footprints in every corner of the city.

Jiang Mian had already faced Yu Ran in this scene, and there was no problem—in fact, Yu Ran was riding a bicycle and taking her around in the set scene.

Director Zhang next sentenced a bomb: "I think it would be better to add a kiss scene to this scene."

Jiang Mian: "???"

Yu Ran's face flushed, and he almost said awkwardly: "Director, there is no kiss scene in the script."

"That's right." Director Zhang nodded, "I'm not asking you to discuss it, I thought and thought, adding a kiss scene will be more artistic."

A sense of sorrow flashed in his eyes.

Director Zhang glanced at Jiang Mian and said, "What do you think about it."

Jiang Mian thought for a while. The request made by Director Zhang was very reasonable, and it was just a borrowing. She generously said, "I have no problem."

Director Zhang looked at Yu Ran. The latter's face was flushed and he was at a loss. It took a while before he said: "Xiao Jiang is fine, and I'm fine."

Then Yu Ran left quickly, saying that he was going to prepare.

Jiang Mian: "..."

It's just a borrowing to shoot a kiss scene. What do I need to prepare for?

"Did you not see that, Yu Ran is shy." Director Zhang said, "It seems that Yu Ran has never filmed a kissing scene."

Jiang Mian: ==

She seemed to have photographed it.