Lian Feng and Qi Yanshu had an appointment in a restaurant, the restaurant was chosen by Qi Yanshu, not far from the city bureau, and was somewhat famous.

Usually when leaders come, or have dinner in the bureau, they usually choose this restaurant.

When he first booked this place, Lian Feng was a little surprised and didn't want Qi Yanshu to know about it. At the same time, he also understood that Qi Yanshu chose here for his convenience.

At the destination, Lian Feng parked the car, Zuo Xingping was still fighting with Han Xu in the circle of friends, Lian Feng ignored him and got out of the car.

When he was about to lock the door, Zuo Xingping finally reacted and hurriedly jumped out of the car. He looked up at the number plate of the magnificent restaurant and said, "It should be expensive here."

"What do you want to express?" Lian Feng said lightly.

Zuo Xingping murmured, Lian Feng did not hear clearly, and listened lazily. He took a long leg and entered the restaurant.

Zuo Xingping stood there for two seconds, and quickly followed in.

The entire restaurant is made of wood, with a box system, and has three floors.

After entering, there was a faint fragrance of sandalwood in the air, and the waiter led the two into the already booked box.

The box is on the third floor, with independent small sofas, TVs, windows, etc., integrating leisure and entertainment.

Through the window, you could vaguely see the city bureau building in the distance. Lian Feng stood by the window and looked at it twice, then looked down and looked downstairs.

Downstairs is the inner courtyard of the restaurant, planted with evergreen trees, and there is a small pond in the middle. There are red carp in the pond, and occasionally guests will throw it in.

"What are you looking at?" Zuo Xingping saw that Lian Feng was standing at the window and walking outside from entering the box.

Lian Feng shook his head and said nothing.

Although he is not unfamiliar with this restaurant, it can even be said that he knows the structure of this restaurant well, but after entering the box, it is already an instinct to look at the outside through the window.

No matter where he goes, he keeps this habit.

This habit can save lives at critical times.

Lian Feng once went out to dinner with several leaders after a commendation meeting, which is also a restaurant that everyone often goes to.

After Lian Feng entered, he looked at his surroundings for the first time-when the leaders saw this, they were a little disapproved, thinking that he was too careful.

Facts have proved that his caution saved the life of one of the leaders.

In their line of business, they are often accompanied by danger, and even in most cases, they do not know who the assassin was.

As long as you are in this position, in the eyes of some people, it is a thorn in the eye.

Lian Feng checked the time. There were still fifteen minutes before the agreed time, and he asked the waiter to start serving dishes.

Zuo Xingping touched his deflated stomach, and took the lead to sit down unceremoniously. After sitting down, he felt something was wrong. He raised his head and met Shang Lianfeng's eyes.

Zuo Xingping: "..."

He stood up silently, and then Lian Feng withdrew his eyes.

Zuo Xingping thought about my guilty conscience.

Li Chen solved the Gu for Lian Feng, and later he took a demon pill to Chen as a reward. It stands to reason that Lian Feng and Qi Yanshu were the only two of them.

Lian Feng invited Chen Che to a thank-you banquet, and he should have invited himself.

But then he took out the Demon Pill to Qi Yan, not for Lian Feng, but for Jiang Mian. Secondly, it is difficult to explain to Lian Feng what a demon pill is.

But how can I say I did my best.

Thinking of this, Zuo Xing sat back calmly, and even if Lian Feng continued to look at him with those dark eyes, he would not stand up, and stared back at the same time.

Lian Feng: "..."

Lian Feng stared at him. After a while, he walked behind Zuo Xingping and stretched out a hand, holding Zuo Xingping's back collar, directly dragged Zuo Xingping towards the sofa.

Zuo Xingping was first-rate in Taoism, but his own force value was almost zero. He was dragged by the front and had no resistance.

"Lian Feng, you let go!" Zuo Xing yelled with his teeth and claws, angrily wishing to beat Lian Feng, he would just sit down first, what's the big deal.

Lian Feng was indifferent. If he didn't have tools in his hand, he wanted to silence the magic stick: "The host will take the seat before the guest arrives. Have your family education and manners been eaten by your IQ."

At this moment, a voice came from the door, interrupting the two of them: "Officer Lien, brother."

The two stopped at the same time and looked towards the door, Qi Yanshu stood alone at the door.

He wore a simple casual dress and looked younger, standing calmly at the door, looking at the situation in the house, his expression remained unchanged.

Lian Feng released Zuo Xingping and shook hands with Qi Yanshu: "Mr. Qi."

He looked at Qi Yanshu's eyes: "Congratulations."

Zuo Xingping pulled his collar to adjust, watched the two greeting each other, and then sat down, laughing and feasting, like an old friend he hadn't seen for many years.

Instead, he stood here, like a stranger.

Zuo Xingping snorted, squeezed in forcefully, sat down, and interrupted the "friendly" conversation between the two: "Brother Chen, it looks good."

"It's okay to drag brother's blessing." Qi Yanshu's lips raised a little, and he replied politely.

"Since it's okay, I won't answer the call or send a message." Zuo Xing rehabilitated his hand to Lian Feng, "He asked you, why did you agree?!"

"Brother called me to send a message?" Qi Yanshu's voice was just right, surprised, "Sorry, brother, maybe the cell phone signal is not good, and I didn't receive it."

Zuo Xingping: "..."

What kind of excuse is this, do you not know how to bully him?

When he was about to speak, Qi Yanshu didn't give him a chance to speak, and said to Lianfeng: "In fact, police officer Lian doesn't have to thank me specifically for solving the Gu for you, just a little effort."

"Furthermore, in the process of relieving Gu, it also made me gain."

He stretched out his index finger and swept lightly at the end of his eyes: "Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to look again so quickly."

Zuo Xingping was startled, and he forgot to get angry: Liachen means that the reason for his curse is related to Lianfeng's Gu?

Qi Yanshu didn't intend to elaborate on this aspect, he was paying attention to the changes in Lian Feng's expression-Senior Brother Wuzhen hardly took it to heart, this is easy to deal with.

Lian Feng is what he needs to pay attention to.

Lian Feng is just an ordinary person, but his tenacity is far beyond ordinary people.

Qi Yanshu always respects such people.

"All this is thanks to Mianmian." Qi Yanshu poured a glass of wine for Lian Feng and said, "If it weren't for her, I wouldn't be involved in this matter by chance."

He poured himself a full glass.

"Of course, brother." Qi Yanshu filled Zuo Xingping's cup again.

Qi Yanshu picked up the wine glass, gestured to the two of them, and then finished it refreshingly.

Lian Feng's eyebrows were twisted unnoticeably-this meal was his appreciation banquet to Qi Yanshu.

But after the latter entered the box, whether it was the words or the tone of the words, it was faintly revealed that he had led the meal.

On the contrary, Qi Yanshu has a natural demeanor, and there is no lack of politeness in every move, which will not make people feel overwhelming.

This is reflected in the art of speaking.

Moreover, he took the initiative to bring up Mianmian.

Lian Feng narrowed his eyes, raised his wine glass, and drank in one gulp.

Only Zuo Xingping, of course, knows how much he drinks, so he almost never takes the initiative to touch alcohol, but Lian Feng and Chen drank it. If he didn't drink, he would be embarrassed.

To drink or not to drink?

Zuo Xingping stared at the wine glass, his tangled beard was almost knotted, before he thought of a solution, he heard Qi Yanshu's voice: "Brother?"

He raised his head and met Qi Yanshu's gaze. For some reason, he always felt that Chen was smiling in his eyes, and he must be laughing at him.

Zuo Xingping's brain heated up, and he picked up the wine glass and poured it into his mouth—he thought it all, so he held it in his mouth, and waited for a chance to quietly vomit.

Somehow, my throat choked and I actually drank all the wine.

With a bang, the wine glass fell on the ground and rolled around.

Zuo Xingping looked at the two with a dizzy expression, blinked twice, and then lay on the table with a snap.

Qi Yanshu's right hand placed under the table lightly moved, pinching a small paper figure that had been quietly touched, and flicking his fingertips, the little paper figure froze and couldn't move, Qi Yanshu put the little paper figure into his purse.

"I don't know that the senior brother's drink volume is so bad." Qi Yanshu said somewhat unexpectedly.

Lian Feng glanced at Zuo Xingping, who was asleep, and then turned his gaze to Qi Yanshu. The latter's gaze calmly faced him and did not withdraw.

"Mr. Qi got the magic stick drunk, so you have something to tell me." After a while, Lian Feng said, "It just so happens that I also have something to say to you."

Qi Yanshu was startled.

Lian Feng clasped his hands on the table, looked directly at Qi Yan's book, and spoke first: "I heard that Mr. Qi lives across from Mianmian. He is a neighbor of Mianmian. He has only known each other for three months. What impression."

Qi Yanshu's heart sank slightly. Lian Feng seemed to know what he was going to say, so he took the initiative and paused. He said, "Mianmian is...cute."

Lian Feng nodded and said, "Presumably Mr. Qi is very curious, why Mian Mian called me and the **** stick to be fathers."

Qi Yanshu didn't speak, and quickly flashed something under his eyes.

Lian Feng didn't mind, and he said to himself: "Because I and Shenchou are both Mianmian's biological fathers. The world is so big that there are no surprises. Presumably Mr. Qi would not be surprised even if he knew the news."

"We grew up sleeping and raising her. She is all we have. No one can take her away from us."

His eyes locked on Qi Yanshu, and his voice was very light but heavy: "If someone wants to take sleep away from us, that person must be our enemy."