Lian Feng took Zuo Xingping and left the restaurant. He left with Zuo Xingping in his arms. When the waiter saw it, he came over to help and helped Zuo Xingping into the car.

By the way, I was worried and asked: "Sir, is this gentleman okay, do you want to call an ambulance?"

People are drunk in their restaurant, and drunk people are not awake. In case something happens, don't rely on their restaurant, and take precautions in advance.

"No." Lian Feng glanced at Zuo Xingping. After being drunk, Zuo Xingping was as quiet as a chicken.

Under the extremely worried gaze of the waiter, Lian Feng got into the car, called Adu and asked him to come and drive-he naturally couldn't drive after drinking.

While waiting, he took a photo of Zhang Zuo Xingping holding the seat and gnawing, and calmly posted it to Moments.

The dishes on the table hardly moved. After Lian Feng took Zuo Xingping and left, Qi Yanshu slowly poured a few more glasses of wine to drink.

Seeing a bottle of wine bottomed out, he put down the wine glass, rubbed his eyebrows, and the corners of his lips pulled up a self-deprecating arc.

Before he could say anything, he was blocked by Lian Feng.

He took out his mobile phone and clicked on a picture of Jiang Mian-it was a promotional photo of "Lover on the Green".

Looking at it, Qi Yan's eyes gradually became clear, and his memory could not be faked-if you want to know the cause and effect, you can understand it by seeing all the vague memory images.

The top priority is to solve the curse in the body.

If Mianmian is really his daughter, even if no one admits it, it doesn't matter.

He knew it by himself.

Adu was a little surprised when he saw Zuo Xingping, who was still drunk, his nose moved lightly, and he smelled a faint drunk smell on Lian Feng's body.

Did they leave the police station at noon to drink with others?

Adu was very surprised, but he didn't ask too much. After the city bureau, Lian Feng asked Adu to guard Zuo Xingping in the car, and he entered the building by himself.

As soon as he reached the fifth floor, Tang Xiaoshu hurriedly greeted him, his expression a bit wrong: "Company, you are back."

"What?" Lian Feng noticed her look.

"A teacher came to report the crime, saying that his daughter was killed... He asked to see you by name, saying that Mianmian asked him to come."

Lian Feng frowned, first temporarily pressed his daughter to let people report the crime and find him doubts.

Tang Xiaoshu has been in the post for several years. Even if the person who reported the case came after listening to Jiang Mian's words, he would not show such a look.

Sure enough, Tang Xiaoshu whispered: "Company, the teacher said that the murderer of his daughter was Zhou Mingyu."

Seeing that Lian Feng didn't seem to react, Tang Xiaoshu was a little surprised, feeling that today's company seemed to be a little "later", she reminded: "Did you forget, Zhou Mingyu, the son of political commissar."

Lian Feng's eyes sank: "Where is the person."

"Room inquiry."

Zhou Sirui was in the interrogation room. He had been with Lian Feng for a long time. It was the first time that he was an experienced armed policeman who encountered such a weird reporter.

The informant was Song Xueliang, who was from another district, and the matter was not under the control of their city bureau.

Coincidentally, when Song Xueliang came to report the crime, he happened to meet Zhou Sirui. He reported Jiang Mian's name, and Zhou Sirui left the person behind.

Song Xueliang said that his daughter was held to death by his university boyfriend Zhou Mingyu a month ago, and asked him how he knew it now and how did he know it? Is there any evidence?

He said something that made the policemen present chills: "My daughter told me personally."

Isn't the person dead? How can I tell when I die?

Most importantly, as soon as Song Xueliang released Zhou Mingyu's photo, Zhou Sirui was shocked-isn't this the son of Political Commissar Zhou!

Last year, the company broke a big case and held a celebration party. Political commissar Zhou also came to congratulate him. He took his son Zhou Mingyu, and after a drunk, pointed at the company and said to Zhou Mingyu: "Mingyu, you are the company. You have to learn from the company captain."

As a result, Zhou Mingyu didn't take the police academy at all, but a foreign language university.

However, I have heard that the son of Political Commissar Zhou has a good temper and is kind.

Now Song Xueliang accused him of murder?

When Zhou Sirui was frightened, Lian Feng pushed the door and entered, Zhou Sirui quickly stood up: "Company."

After Song Xueliang finished talking about the basic situation, he kept his head down, only then raised his head when he heard the voice.

In just one night, he seemed to be more than ten years old, with sunken eye sockets and red eyes.

He coughed a few times and watched Lian Feng's gaze glowing: "You are the officer of Lian Feng Lian?"

"it's me."

Song Xueliang was taken aback, and then repeated: "Miss Jiang Mian Jiang asked me to come to you."

He squirmed his lips and said for a while: "She said, you can redress my daughter's grievance."


After several struggles in his heart, Song Xueliang took the fruit knife and put it in the cart, ready to go to the cashier to check out. However, when he turned around, he saw his daughter standing behind him, silently watching him.

Song Xueliang shook his whole body, and his brain buzzed. He had only one thought: how could his daughter come out.

"Dad, put your wallet on the coffee table and forgot to take it." Song Ziyi walked over and handed the wallet to Song Xueliang.

Song Xueliang was a little flustered, Song Ziyi smiled at him, and said in a pun, "Dad, I'm fine, we have not been to the supermarket for a long time, let me go with you."

"Buy so many crayfish, I can eat it for a long time." Song Ziyi picked up the watermelon knife from the cart. "Dad, we have a kitchen knife at home, such a long watermelon knife, it looks weird, let's not Buy it." She naturally put the watermelon knife back on the shelf.

Then, she stretched out a hand to hold Song Xueliang's hand. The warm touch of her father's palm made Song Ziyi's heart sore, she paid attention to her father's reaction.

In the next second, Song Xueliang held her hand tightly. He held it so tightly, as if he wanted to transfer the heat from his body to his daughter in this way.

The father and daughter strolled around in the supermarket again. During this period, Song Xueliang quietly looked at the shadows underneath her daughter, there was no shadow.

Song Xueliang closed his eyes and swallowed all the tears that had risen in his eyes.

After checking out, on the way back, Song Ziyi took Song Xueliang to the pharmacy and bought cold medicine back.

When he got home, Song Ziyi urged Song Xueliang to take medicine first, and the latter said, "Take it later, don't be in a hurry."

Then Song Ziyi went to the kitchen to help, and he drove her out: "It will be spicy when we fry it later, so as not to make you spicy. You wait in the living room and I will bring it out when it's done."

"Dad, I'm standing at the door." Song Ziyi said softly.

Song Xueliang's lips moved, and he didn't say anything. He turned to deal with the shrimp, but his hands trembled.

"Dad, I'm sorry." Song Ziyi said suddenly, "I should have listened to you. It was my fault not to be with Zhou Mingyu. How could I not listen to you."

"Dad, you raised me so much, I didn't respect you properly."

"Dad, you can't procrastinate when you're sick. A minor illness can easily become a serious illness. You must remember it in the future."


She kept saying that Song Xueliang turned her back to her, did not say anything, and meticulously prepared the side dishes and condiments for the fried shrimp for her daughter.

Until her last sentence: "Dad, I'm dead."

Song Xueliang's hand movement stopped, his back stiffened.

Even if he had guessed it, the last fact, told to him by his daughter, he still couldn't believe it.

His daughter, why died.

She was standing behind her alive, still talking to herself, but her body was a little colder, and she was silent.

no big deal.

It doesn't matter if you can't go out in the future, as a father, no matter what his daughter becomes, he is his daughter.

Song Ziyi told Song Xueliang about what happened, and most importantly, her body was probably buried in Huangquan Road.

Only in this way can it be explained that she "woke up" on Huangquan Road.


Song Xueliang's voice is low and dumb: "My daughter is buried in Huangquan Road. As long as she finds her body, we can find evidence. Zhou Mingyu murdered my daughter, he was a murderer."

In addition, he also showed to Lian Feng the screenshots of Zhou Mingyu chatting with him in a voice that imitated Song Ziyi during this period. He told all he knew.

The daughter said to him: "Even the police officer will definitely help us."

Lian Feng lit a cigarette. Zhou Sirui took someone to the University of Foreign Studies to find Zhou Mingyu. Tang Xiaoshu asked in a low voice, "Company, should I inform Political Commissar Zhou about this matter in advance?"

"No need."

Tang Xiaoshu thinks about it too, I'm afraid Political Commissar Zhou will know soon.

If Zhou's political commissar’s son is a murderer, this...I'm afraid it will turn the sky upside down. Thinking about the scene, she is a little bit embarrassed.


"How does this matter have to do with Mianmian?" Tang Xiaoshu whispered and asked, "Company, Mianmian's injury is all right?"

Lian Feng hummed faintly, and immediately made a gesture. Tang Xiaoshu understood that Lian Feng wanted to be alone, so she happily backed away and left.

After Tang Xiaoshu left, Lian Feng took out his cell phone and dialed Jiang Mian's number.

At that time, Jiang Mian had just finished the kiss scene on loan. This "kiss scene" took a total of eight shots before going through, until Director Zhang called out, Yu Ran let out a long sigh of relief.

Jiang Mian, who got it, couldn't laugh or cry, and said bluntly: "Teacher Yu, I seem to take advantage of you for doing this."

"No, no, no." Yu Ran's suffocated face blushed again, and he kept calm, "I just..."

The phone number of detective father came at this time, and he quickly said: "You answer the phone."

He nodded and walked away quickly.

"Brother Ran." The assistant Shitou didn't open which one to pick up. "Your face is too red, but it's Teacher Jiang. The whole process is very natural."

In fact, he was puzzled. Although there were no kiss scenes in the previous scenes that Ran Ge made, there were also many scenes that were more intimate with actresses. He did not see that Ran Ge was as shy as this.

This time, Ran's reaction was too strange.

Yu Ran looked at him blankly, and the stone met his gaze, silently covering his mouth.



Hearing his daughter's crisp voice, Lian Feng's stern brows softened a lot at a speed visible to the naked eye, and he said, "Are you resting?"

"This scene is over." Jiang Mian said.

Lian Feng wanted to ask Song Xueliang about it, but he heard the background sound on the phone was very noisy. It happened that Director Zhang was shouting with a loudspeaker and asked Jiang Mian to watch the replay of the "kissing".

These words fell into Lian Feng vaguely, separated by the phone, and blurred a lot. He did not hear clearly, but the sudden intuition made him ask: "What did you just shoot?"

Jiang Mian laughed twice, and quietly moved away from the director's speaker, and said solemnly: "Dad, I made a'wenxi'."