After listening to it, Lian Feng didn't think much about it. He didn't know that across the phone screen, the baby girl at the other end was quietly relieved.

"Dad, is there anything you want to ask me when you call?" Jiang Mian knew how busy the detective father was. Calling her at this time, he definitely didn't want to chat with her.

She moved in her heart, and before the detective father answered, she said, "Is it for Song Ziyi's case?"

Lian Feng was startled slightly, and then he said softly, "How did you know about this?"

"Daddy Zuo knows too." Jiang Mian was a little confused. Master Tian and Dad Criminal Police were together, and Master Tian also knew about Song Ziyi. Dad Criminal Police asked Master Tian face to face instead of asking her on the phone. more clearly.


"Didn't he tell you?"

In Lian Feng's mind, Zuo Xingping was drunk in the back seat, gnawing on the seat and slumbering, thinking about his posting to Moments, but fortunately he specifically blocked his daughter.

He said lightly: "I don't know where he went."

Thinking of Master Tian's escape, Jiang Mian didn't doubt Lian Feng's words at all. She spoke very tactfully about Song Ziyi's death as a ghost--I wonder if the detective father would believe it.

After listening to Lian Feng, it took a long time to say: "So, your father, take you to the hell, right?"

Can't let the heavenly master take the pot back.

"Dad, this is an accident." Jiang Mian rectified the name of Master Tian. "Before you and Dad Han didn't believe in Dad Zuo, saying that he is a magic stick. In fact, Dad Zuo is not a liar."

"Through Father Zuo, I know that there are still many phenomena in the world that cannot be explained in scientific terms." Jiang Mian said, "Dad, sometimes we can't believe in science too much."

Listening to the "adoration" of Zuo Xingping's voice in his daughter's voice, Lian Feng's expression did not change, but his eyes darkened a bit. It turned out that the **** stick brainwashed his daughter like this.

He changed the subject calmly and said, "According to your statement, Song Ziyi is at home now?"

"Yes." Jiang Mian nodded, "Dad, if you want to know more information, you can go back to his home with Teacher Song, but it's better not to let other policemen follow."

Not everyone believes in the "ghost" theory. Furthermore, the less people know the better.

Lian Feng laughed at the tone of his daughter's admonition.

Lian Feng used to firmly adhere to the core values ​​of socialism because he was a policeman. He found clues and evidence through the traces left at the crime scene and finally arrested the criminals.

No matter what kind of criminal case, we need to use "evidence" to explain, and evidence is the most convincing statement.

He did not believe in Zuo Xingping, because even if Zuo Xingping showed one or two hands in front of him, he would use scientific means to explain it.

Furthermore, he and Zuo Xing usually don't see each other all year round, and there is no chance to get along, so it is normal for him not to believe it.

Until he Zhonggu, Jiang Mian and their relationship warmed up, and an invisible bond entangled them.

Jiang Mian believed Zuo Xingping.

He believes in Jiang Mian, and subconsciously believes in Zuo Xingping, the center of this transformation, in the final analysis, is Jiang Mian.

Lian Feng has never been a tangled person. Once he believes that Zuo Xingping has real abilities and all phenomena beyond normal, he can naturally accept it.

He asked Jiang Mian: "Aren't you afraid?"

Jiang Mian: "Don't be afraid, there is Zuo Dad here."

This is not the answer Interpol Dad wants to hear.

Lian Feng changed the subject again: "Why would you think of letting them come to me?"

"Because in my heart, Dad is the best and most powerful policeman. Others can't redress for her. Dad will definitely be able to." Jiang Mian's tone was more serious than ever.

Lian Feng's heart was hot, and for a moment he was speechless.

It turns out that in the daughter's heart, has she accepted that he is a policeman.

A few years ago, Lian Feng was seriously injured, and the situation was even more dangerous than this time for Zhong Gu - at least Zhong Gu had some time to find a solution.

It was a large-scale anti-crime campaign. He was shot three times. The fatal shot hit the heart. When he was sent to the hospital, the doctor said that the chance of surviving was very small.

Finally, he survived. Yuan Jinfei later told him that because he was afraid that he could not survive, he made a pretentious proposal to call Jiang Mian. Jiang Mian and a strange man came to the hospital.

In the end, the operation was successful and after his life was saved, Jiang Mian left with two nurses.

Lian Feng knew that Han Xu was coming with Jiang Mian.

Jiang Mian had never visited him, he didn't mind, he knew that Jiang Mian didn't like his father.

At least, Jiang Mian came over when he was undergoing the operation and waited outside the operating room for the whole process, which was enough for him.

However, Yuan Jinfei couldn't stand it. The good brother obviously had a precious daughter, and it was enough to hide and tuck him. At this time, it would be too much if the daughter didn't come to visit.

It's not just a few years old, it's over ten years old.

Yuan Jinfei didn't want to be nosy at first, but after several days, watching Lian Feng lying alone on the hospital bed, he felt quite unhappy.

Then, he took advantage of Lian Feng's lack of energy to contact Jiang Mian again with Lian Feng's mobile phone, and the call was made several times before getting through.

He asked Jiang Mian to come over and look at Lian Feng on the phone. Jiang Mian sneered on the phone: "I had already been here during the operation and I was not dead. What use is my coming."

Yuan Jinfei thought, how does this kid speak.

"It's him who wants to be a policeman. I told him not to be a policeman. This profession is dangerous and useless. He doesn't listen. He was injured and almost died. Who can be blamed?"

After speaking, he hung up with a snap.

Yuan Jinfei: "..."

He was angry: What happened to being a policeman? If everyone thinks that being a policeman is dangerous and useless, then who should safeguard the safety of the people and the order of society?

Even if you don't like your father being a policeman, you don't need to talk so prickly.

No wonder Lao Lian was so calm about his daughter not coming to see him, I was afraid that he would have such a reaction.

Yuan Jinfei deleted the call log and prepared to quietly put the phone back to prevent Lian Feng from knowing that he had made such a call. As a result, he turned to face Lian Feng who opened his eyes.

Yuan Jinfei: "..."

"My cell phone is dead. I borrow your cell phone to make a call." He found a bad reason.

Lian Feng looked at him with a weak tone, but with a warning: "Old Yuan, don't use my mobile phone to contact Mianmian again without my consent."

Yuan Jinfei was a little angry: "How do you educate your precious daughter? Haven't you taught her how to write the word'filial piety'! It's like a musket. Before I finish speaking, she bursts out Fire."

"Mianmian doesn't like me being a policeman." Lian Feng coughed in a low voice.

As soon as he coughed, it affected the wound. It was obviously painful, but he didn't reveal anything on his face. Yuan Jinfei was very unhappy when he saw it.

In fact, it is more than dislike, even dislike.

Lian Feng had also wondered that when he was a child, his daughter didn't really hate him as a policeman, and even liked him very much.

When it was his turn to raise, he tried to give himself more time and would take his daughter out to go shopping.

When passers-by see her cute, they often tease her and ask her what her father does.

At this time, Xiao Jiang Mian would hold her chest, her little hand hooked Lian Feng's little fingers, and proudly said: "My father is a policeman, he is amazing, he will catch bad guys."

"If you meet bad guys in the future, you can tell my dad and let my dad help you catch them." She let go of Lian Feng's little fingers, kicking in a decent way, and dubbing her own sound effects, "Biu, dad just kick Can kick bad guys away."

Everyone laughed and gave her a lot of candy.

In addition, when Lian Feng is busy at home, she will stuff herself into Lian Feng’s police uniform, like a little Jiang Mian, who is like a glutinous rice dumpling, wrapped in a coat, and then wears a few laps larger than her head. The police cap, completely unable to see the road, stood motionless.

When Lian Feng was finished and wanted to find her daughter, I saw my police uniform and police cap standing on the ground in a strange posture, shaking from time to time-that was because the clothes and hat were too heavy, and the pressed little Jiang Mian could not stand. live.


"Dad?" Jiang Mian, who had not heard the detective father reply, was a little confused, glanced at the phone, and was on a normal call.

Lian Feng came back to his senses. He took a deep breath and said in a calm tone: "I was thinking about something just now, okay, you can continue filming, I won't disturb you."

Jiang Mian didn't think much, just as Tang Anan ran over to urge her to find her, and ended the call with the detective father.

Lian Feng returned to the interrogation room and made a request to Song Xueliang to go to his home. When Song Xueliang heard it, his body shook. Lian Feng patted him on the shoulder and dropped the two words: "Don't worry."

Adu sat in the car, bored, he took the soft sword off and wiped it lightly with his handkerchief. After a while, he heard movement behind him, followed by an ouch.

Looking back, Zuo Xingping fell off the seat.

This fall woke Zuo Xingping awake. He rubbed his head and sat up. He saw Adu's sword at first, and said in a daze, "Is the ruler dirty?"

Adu: "..."

When the words fell, Zuo Xingping fell back in the seat and continued to sleep.

Adu thought to himself: How much wine did he drink?

In the next second, the scene of Adu's pupils shrinking suddenly appeared. Several little paper figures crawled out quietly, stepping on Zuo Xingping's face, and crawling towards Adu's place.

Then, the little paper man climbed up to Adu's sword, using himself as a rag, and began to wipe Adu's sword.

Adu stared for two seconds, and couldn't help but raised his hand and rubbed his eyes.

After kneading, the little paper man was still wiping his sword. Adumo took out the phone for two seconds and took out the phone quietly, quietly took the scene, and then sent it to Jiang Mian.

The young lady asked him to protect Mr. Lian. Within a few days, Mr. Zuo appeared next to Mr. Lian. He told Jiang Mian the news at that time.

Jiang Mian didn't say anything. Through the subsequent conversation between Lian Feng and Zuo Xingping, he knew that Zuo Xingping also knew Jiang Mian.

Now this weird picture that made him understand that it was not an illusion, he felt it necessary to take it and tell Jiang Mian.