"Miss Qi?" No sound was heard, the waiter shouted again.

Jiang Mian made a waiting gesture towards Tang An'an and corrected the other party: "My name is Jiang."

"Ah." The waiter looked dumbfounded.

He glanced at Qi Yanshu who was sitting quietly and closed his eyes motionless. He didn't know that he thought he was asleep, and he didn't look drunk.

But the waiter knew that Mr. Qi was indeed drunk.

When he entered the box, Qi Yanshu heard the voice and looked in his direction, his eyes were not focused, he was typically drunk.

The waiter didn't panic either, mainly because he had encountered this situation many times, and there was nothing to be surprised.

Just contact family and friends.

He knew that this guest was surnamed Qi. When he came in before, the other party reported his surname, and he led him to the box.

After the previous two guests left, he thought that this guest would also leave, but he did not expect that he stayed in the box for almost two hours.

At the urging of the manager, the waiter came to see the situation and understood what was going on.

It turned out to be drunk.

But if you contact family members and friends, you must also know the contact information. The waiter asked softly: "Mr. Qi, you..."

However, before he could say anything, he saw Mr. Qi take out his mobile phone, looked at him directly, and uttered two words: "Mianmian."

The waiter blinked and didn't understand what the other party meant.

"Call Mian Mian for me." He pinched his eyebrows, frowning in distress, and his voice was a bit low, "I can't see clearly."

It stands to reason that he can speak as usual, it should not be too drunk, but the waiter has to respond to such a request from the customer, and he asks by the way: "This Mianmian, who are you?"

Qi Yanshu stared at him and said, "Daughter."

So the waiter picked up the phone, quickly found "Mianmian" in the address book, and then dialed through.

He thought, since it is Mr. Qi's daughter, it is always right to call Miss Qi.

"Miss Jiang." The waiter quickly regained consciousness, and the person who went on the road changed his name. Maybe someone followed his mother's surname.

He spoke again and reported the location of the restaurant.

Jiang Mian said, "You give him the phone."

The waiter whispered: "Mr. Qi?"

Qi Yanshu closed his eyes and did not respond. The waiter had to say to Jiang Mian, "Mr. Qi is already asleep."

"Now you take his mobile phone, call his assistant, and his assistant will come and pick him up."

The waiter wanted to say something more, a beep came from the phone, indicating that the call was over.

He looked at the phone, and then at Qi Yan's book, thinking: The relationship between the father and daughter may not be very good.

After a second glance, this Mr. Qi looks young and handsome, and his daughter is not too old, so it is reasonable to let an assistant take over.


Jiang Mian held his chin and looked at the phone, his eyes thoughtful.

She just got the news that the celestial father was drunk, and then she got news that Qi Yanshu was drunk.

Is it such a coincidence that the two brothers are drunk together?

Recall the address and restaurant name mentioned by the waiter... She quickly searched the restaurant and it was clear from the map that the restaurant was not far from the city bureau.

Therefore, at noon, Master Tian and Dad Criminal Police left the police station to meet someone. Did they see Qi Yanshu?

The detective father had said that he would entertain Qi Yanshu in a banquet, and thanked him for explaining Gu.

This should be.

The detective father didn't mention Qi Yanshu on the phone just now. He didn't know that Qi Yanshu wanted to be her father.

If the detective father knew about this, he would definitely be on the phone, telling her not to have much contact with Qi Yanshu in the future.

In her opinion, Qi Yanshu would never go to her four dads——

Qi Yanshu is not an ordinary person, he has his own pride, how could he easily bow his head to others.

It's just that he didn't expect him to be so stubborn, so determined to be her father.

It's really weird.

Jiang Mian couldn't laugh or cry, shook his head, and walked towards Director Zhang. After two steps, the vibrating mobile phone stopped her.

The caller ID shows "Uncle Qi".

Jiang Mian: "..."

After the connection, it was really the voice of the waiter: "Miss Jiang, you should come here."

After a pause, afraid that the little girl would be afraid, he said again: "Or do you contact the elders?"

The waiter looked at the call log just now, and the assistant's number was easy to find, because the note was the assistant, but no one answered the call.

With the exception of "Mianmian" and "Assistant", there are no other contacts saved on the phone, and the waiter would be fine even if he wanted to call his team.

Had to call Jiang Mian again.

Should this assistant Luo resign? Jiang Mian has a black line. She always cannot find him at a critical time. She thought for a while and said: "Their restaurant can send someone to send him back. How much should I pay? Give you."

"No way, Mr. Qi sits there and doesn't move his seat." The waiter said.

The people in the restaurant sent it back. In case something happened on the way, the responsibility was all in the restaurant, and they couldn't tell.

If this is no good, then Jiang Mian said depressed, wanting to say "then let him stay there", but he couldn't say it when he reached his lips.

Putting aside Qi Yanshu's desire to be her father, Qi Yanshu has helped her a lot, especially, if there is no him, the detective father's Gu can't be solved.

If she really didn't care, she would be too ruthless.

But she can't leave here for a while, and there are two more scenes to come, and the holiday can only be done after work is over.

Yu Guang looked at Xie Siyuan, and the light bulb on Jiang Mian's head lit up-can the nutritionist help him run a run.

She said to the waiter: "I will let someone come and pick him up. During this time, please help me take care of him."

Hanging up the phone, the waiter scratched his head and looked confused: the tone of this "daughter", the more he listened, the less he looked like an older girl.

After Xie Siyuan got the instruction to pick up a drunk person back, he readily borrowed a car from the crew and went straight to the restaurant.

Jiang Mian felt relieved when Xie Siyuan worked. She quickly left the matter behind.

Director Zhang asked her to watch the replay of the “kissing scene” and said that the effect was very good. The positions and roles of the two of them looked real, not like borrowing.

When Yu Ran reappeared, his emotions had been sorted out, and he couldn't see the shyness and embarrassment before. He once again apologized to Jiang Mian-because of his problem, they took several pictures before passing.

"Teacher Yu, if you are so polite, I am afraid I will not even dare to speak to you in the future."

Yu Ran's hand hanging beside her moved uncomfortably, looking at Jiang Mian's helpless expression, she smiled lightly, then turned the topic away and talked about the next scene.

The two of them passed the next two scenes very quickly, more than forty minutes earlier than the expected closing time.

During the two days off for the whole crew, the atmosphere of the crew was warm, Jiang Mian did not stay on the set and returned to Tingyu Pavilion by car.

On the way, she saw the WeChat sent by Xie Siyuan, the last one was sent half an hour ago, saying that Qi Yanshu had been sent back to Tianjingyuan-she asked Xie Siyuan to pick up someone from the restaurant and send it back Tianjingyuan.

He sent a few, Jiang Mian slid up, frowning after reading it.

Xie Siyuan said that when he arrived at the restaurant, Qi Yanshu was already awake.

When he heard that she was sent to take him home, Qi Yanshu didn't say anything, nodded, and got in the car smoothly without assistance.

According to the waiter, Qi Yanshu drank two full bottles of wine with not low alcohol content.

Back at Tingyu Pavilion, Jiang Mian avoided Tang An'an and called Qi Yanshu. It rang for half a minute before the call was connected. As soon as the call was connected, there was a harsh sound of a cup breaking to the ground.

"Mianmian?" Qi Yanshu's voice was a little hoarse, he explained, "I accidentally touched the cup to the ground."

"Uncle Qi, are you okay." Jiang Mian said, "Are you awake?"

"It's okay, don't worry." Qi Yanshu's voice had returned to normal when he spoke again.

There was silence for a while, and the atmosphere was inexplicably embarrassing.

Jiang Mian coughed uncomfortably, and had nothing to say: "Where's Assistant Luo? Why didn't he follow you?"

She found that Luo Jiale often disappeared at critical moments.

"He was called back by my father."

Jiang Mian made a sound.

The face of Mr. Qi, who had met him once, popped up in his mind, and then inevitably thinking of the picture of the tyrant father, Mr. Qi, Jiang Mian couldn't help but laugh.

The thoughts just flashed, the phone shook, and a new call came—it’s the local tyrant father.

Jiang Mian subconsciously wrote to Qi Yan: "Uncle Qi, I have something to do, first..."

Before she finished speaking, Qi Yanshu interrupted her warmly: "Go and work, pay attention to rest, don't get tired."

Then actively hang up the phone.

Jiang Mian was startled, and slid the answer button in his hand, and the local tyrant father's hurried voice came: "Mianmian, Dad is here to pick you up."

Hearing the voice of the local tyrant father, the inexplicable guilt in Jiang Mian's heart disappeared instantly, her eyes and the corners of her mouth bend at the same time: "Dad, I have finished work and returned to Yuge."

When Han Xu heard this, he urged Han Jiayuan: "Speed ​​up."

——It’s better to take Han Jiayuan to attend a more important palace banquet abroad.

So Han Xu summoned Han Jiayuan, who had recruited the blind date for Princess Bomi in the hospital, and sent the assistant before him.

The explanation to Princess Bomi is: "Han Jiayuan is too fierce, let me give you a gentle one."

The key is that Princess Bomi was relieved after receiving the news.

Han Jiayuan: "..."

He touched his face: What a fierce!


"Dad, don't hurry, we are not in a hurry."

Jiang Mian hasn't even asked which country and what kind of banquet the court banquet that the local tyrant would take her to.

I only knew that it was going by Han's private jet, so I didn't have to rush in time.

Han Xu answered quickly, but his eyes kept floating towards Han Jiayuan, indicating that he should speed up.

Will you be able to pick up your baby girl sooner if you arrive earlier?

Jiang Mian originally planned to take a bath and wait for the local tyrant to arrive, but only halfway through the bath, the local tyrant arrived.

Jiang Mian: "..."