It's not a child, besides, it's just that if you don't blow your hair once in a while, there is no such easy headache, Jiang Mian can't laugh or cry.

But she didn't object to the local tyrant father, and cleverly let the local tyrant dad wipe her hair.

Han Jiayuan was very winking and brought the hair dryer—there were several hair dryers in the suite, and Han Jiayuan carefully selected the best one.

Han Xu took it and began to blow Jiang Mian's hair. When the hair was half dry, he grabbed his baby girl's hair, looked at it for a while, and twisted his eyebrows: "Mianmian, Dad, let's see how your hair is not smooth."

"Is it too tired to be filming, and the nutrition is not keeping up." There is only one reason.

Jiang Mian: "..."

Regarding the issue of hair quality, how did the local tyrants see it?

Before Jiang Mian could answer, Han Xu had already determined that this was the reason, and said, "No, dad will send you more nutritionists. Be sure to bring them back."

"Dad." Jiang Mian opened his eyes and looked at the local tyrant father, and said helplessly, "Do you want me to bring a football team to the crew and let others talk about me every day."

Han Xu imagined the scene and felt pretty good, and said: "The football field is also very good, and it's a lot of wind. Others can't even want it. My sleep should be the highest configuration."

——He said this before, and his daughter stunned him: "This is not a high profile, this is an upstart!"

Han Xu disagrees, what's wrong with the nouveau riche? How many people want to be nouveau riche but can't.

But in the end it still lost a lot of pomp.

Now I can't help but want to pull out the formerly lost pomp, but unfortunately, although my daughter hasn't frustrated him again, she still doesn't want to.

Han Xu felt sour in his heart.

This is like holding a large sum of money in your hand, wanting to spend it, but not being able to spend it.

Jiang Mian faintly looked at the local tyrant father, who faced his daughter's slightly accusing gaze, and had to regretfully dismissed his thoughts.

Han Jiayuan on the side saw the scene of the father and daughter getting along, and smiles appeared in his eyes, but he couldn't smile too clearly. If he was seen by the boss, he would definitely be deducted from his salary.

Then I thought: The boss can only be so "counseling" in front of the lady.

After drying his hair, Han Xu meticulously took care of Jiang Mian's hair, and it was already an hour later to clean up and leave Tingyu Pavilion.

The private jet is parked at Han's private airport, and all the procedures have been prepared, only the owner needs to get on the plane and fly.

When Jiang Mian and Tuhao Daddy arrived at the private airport, it was already ten o'clock in the evening. The captain and flight attendants were both trained by the Han family, and they respectfully guided them to the plane all the way.

According to the aesthetics of the local tyrants, the interior of the aircraft is naturally luxurious and luxurious. There are meeting areas, rest areas, entertainment areas, fitness areas... everything.

Jiang Mian took a look and searched from his memory. It seemed that this private jet was not the one that the original owner had ever been on.

She asked, and the local tyrant said: "Did you say that the one was too small last year? Dad changed it to another one."

Jiang Mian remembered that there was indeed such a paragraph.

Last year, the original owner wanted to go shopping in the United States. He brought a group of friends and friends she knew. The first thing she bought was an international flight. He didn't want to use the family's private plane.

However, there was a problem with the flight, and the original owner contacted Han Xu angrily to let the local tyrant find a way.

No matter how busy Han Xu is, Han Xu will handle the request made by the baby girl. Finally, the formalities are completed. The original owner brought a group of people on the plane.

The people led by the original owner were met outside the school in high school. There were a lot of rich but not rich. Among them, Lin Feifei took the lead, held her in the middle, and treated her like a queen.

The original owner ordered Han Xu not to come forward, so she only needs to prepare the plane and she can go to the United States with the group.

The group headed by Lin Feifei had repeatedly asked the original owner who her father was, but the original owner never said it.

The original owner took this group to the United States, shopping for several days, and bought a lot of things, one by one and one by one, but not much left for him.

Then, she drove the group back and asked them to buy their own plane tickets to return to China, while she returned by private jet. She disgusted and told the flight attendant that the plane was too small.

She probably complained at will, but the flight attendant relayed what she said to Han Xu, and Han Xu remembered that since the baby girl said she was small, she would change to a big one.

He handed this matter over to Han Jiayuan.


Han Xu took her baby girl's hand and walked her to the bedroom: "Daddy specially prepared a bedroom for you on the plane, and you can rest in it later."

Fortunately, the internal space of the aircraft is limited. For the sake of safety, the local tyrants did not make the ingredients pink and tender, which is in line with the aesthetics of ordinary people.

But there were still several dolls piled on the bed.

Jiang Mian couldn't laugh.

However, what Jiang Mian did not expect was that a cubicle door in the bedroom was pushed open, and a young man walked out immediately. He was wearing a simple white shirt, with long legs and a clean temperament.

With his sleeves rolled up on his forearms, he held a clean white towel in his hand, as if he was working.

Most importantly, that face is familiar.

this is……

Seeing Jiang Mian, the young man was stunned for a second, his eyes brightened, and his temperament became even more dusty.

He stared at Jiang Mian, and his voice was imperceptibly nervous: "Miss, I am Xingran, I wonder if you still remember me."

Jiang Mian: "..."

She turned to look at the Tyrant Father, who happened to look down at her: "Mianmian, don't worry, Dad only ordered one this time."

It takes more than ten hours to fly by plane. It is impossible for Han Xu to use all of them to accompany his baby daughter. He is worried that when he works, her daughter will be bored alone.

Bringing Xing Ran over can help her daughter to relieve her boredom, which is equivalent to ordering her daughter a long and beautiful assistant.

Originally, he wanted to order more, but remembering the last time, the baby girl didn't seem to like it, so he only ordered Xingran.

He has an impression of Xingran. He looks good and has a vision. He can make his baby girl happy.

Jiang Mian: "..."

Before she could speak, Han Jiayuan came over and said to Han Xu: "Mr. Han, the captain has something to look for you."

Since it was the captain looking for it, it was hard to ignore it. Han Xu had to let go of his daughter's little hand: "Mianmian, Dad will come back later."

As he said, his gaze glanced at Xing Ran.

Xing Ran bent over slightly, understanding what Han Xu meant, and said, "Sir, I must accompany Miss."

After the rich father left, Jiang Mian looked at Xingran again. Compared to the last time he was on the cruise, Xingran tonight is dressed more like a wet boy, completely unlike the top card in the sky.

"Just now I saw a place in the bathroom was a little dirty, so I wiped it off with the veil." Xingran spoke first, and he put down the veil and tidied up his clothes, a little embarrassed.

He said silently: "I didn't expect to see Miss again."

Since the cruise ship left, Xingran knew that there might be no chance to see Jiang Mian again.

Unexpectedly, in only half a month, he saw Jiang Mian again and could still get along with Jiang Mian alone.

Although he knew, it was not Jiang Mian who ordered him.

He had a serious illness a few days ago, and he was off work these days. When Han Xu asked him to order him, Xingran agreed with the high price of the clubhouse-but in this case, Xingran has the power Refused.

He is now the top card in the world, a cash cow, as long as he doesn't want to take it, the person in charge can't do it.

Jiang Mian looked at him, thinking about his situation in the original book. According to time, there are still several years before he killed his father and turned the entertainment industry upside down.

She didn't worry about this before because Xingran was just an insignificant figure to her.

Unexpectedly, the local tyrant father ordered him again.

Jiang Mian helped her forehead, why is the local tyrant father so keen to give her a male model.

"Miss is tired from filming, I'll give you a massage?" Seeing Jiang Mian not speaking, Xing Ran took the initiative to take a step towards Jiang Mian, and smiled lightly.

"Do you know I'm filming?" Jiang Mian raised his eyebrows.

Xingran did not hide it, and nodded generously: "I have seen Miss's news on the Internet."

In fact, he specifically searched.

He just searched without reporting hope, but he did not expect to find news about Jiang Mian on the Internet.

He is very happy.

He knew he was not good enough for Jiang Mian, it didn't matter, he just watched silently.

Jiang Mian didn't think too much. It's normal for young people, especially those who like to browse the Internet, to see her on the Internet, but ordinary people just glance at it and forget it.

Xingran has seen her, and will pay attention when she sees her again.

After thinking about it, she said: "If there is a chance in the future, it is best not to have any involvement with Guan Xin."

In the original book, the tragic ending of Xing Ran's last fall is inseparable from Guan Xin-he exposed too many dirty transactions in the entertainment industry, which involved Guan Xin, Gu Qiwen and Shen Shiqing, in order to repay Guan Xin's innocence, deal with Xing. dye.

In the end, Xingran went to jail and ended his life, which was inevitable with the help of these two people.

Jiang Mian doesn't know if these plots will appear in the future, but this does not prevent her from reminding Xing Ran.

Since Xing Ran knew she was filming, she must also know who Guan Xin is.

No matter what Xingran thought of her reminder, she did what she could do so far.

Sure enough, Xing Ran didn't ask much, he nodded and said seriously: "I remember what the lady said."

Then, he raised the matter of massage again: "My massage technique, everyone said it was good, would you like to try it, Miss?"

"Good massage technique?"


"You come with me." Jiang Mian said.

Xing Ran silently followed Jiang Mian, and then Jiang Mian found the local tyrant who was talking to the captain. When she arrived, the two stopped talking.

Then the captain said a few more words and left.


As soon as Han Xu spoke, Jiang Mian grabbed him and pressed him on the chair next to him: "Dad, let Xingran give you a massage. He has very good skills."