"Ms. Han, Miss, just encountered the airflow, please fasten your seat belts to avoid collision injuries." The captain's voice sounded inside the fuselage through the radio.

The flight attendant appeared quickly, ready to help Jiang Mian back to the room.

"Where's father." Jiang Mian didn't move.

"Zong Han is in the study."

Jiang Mian walked straight to the study.

At this time the plane was shaking again slightly, and the flight attendants were very anxious. If Jiang Mian was injured under their noses, they would be responsible as specially hired personal flight attendants.

"Miss, you..." the flight attendant said anxiously.

Jiang Mian took two steps and stopped, interrupting the flight attendant, and pointed to Xingran's head: "You are injured."

She told the flight attendant: "Take him to deal with the injury."

Xing Ran was stunned, only to feel the warm liquid flowing down from his temples. He stretched out his hand to touch it, and it was blood red.

Although Xing Ran was ordered by Jiang Mian to go back to his room to rest, he has been paying attention to the time. If Jiang Mian has any needs, he can know immediately.

When the fuselage shook violently, Xingran didn't stand still and knocked his head.

He was worried about Jiang Mian, and he didn't notice the pain at all. If Jiang Mian suddenly pointed out, he didn't know he was injured.

"I..." He shook his head to say that he was okay, but this shook his head, as if turning on some kind of switch, the pain he had neglected suddenly hit, dizzy before his eyes, and his body began to shake.

Jiang Mian asked the flight attendant to notify the accompanying doctor, Xing Ran was taken back to the room and secured with a seat belt, and Jiang Mian quickly came to the study.

Before approaching, the study door opened, and the local tyrant rushed out, Han Jiayuan followed behind him, and said repeatedly: "Mianmian will be fine, you should fasten your seat belt first, and I will go find Mian..."

Seeing Jiang Mian, Han Jiayuan had to swallow the words back.


"It's okay." Seeing the undamaged baby girl, Han Xu fell back with a heart, and couldn't help but criticize her, "Let you fasten your seat belt, how can you run here."

"I'm worried about Dad." Jiang Mian and Han Xu returned to the study. The father and daughter sat on the fixed sofa and fastened their seat belts.

Han Jiayuan picked up the documents that fell on the ground, and Han Xu shouted, "Hurry up and sit down."

"It's okay." Han Jiayuan said, these files cannot be destroyed.

Just as he was about to straighten up, the fuselage shook again, and the frightened Han Jiayuan quickly found a place to sit down.

If you don't care about your baby girl by his side, Han Xu can slap Han Jiayuan's curse with blood.

Rao was so, but also scolded a few words severely.

Han Xu didn't go to talk to Han Jiayuan, and found that the baby girl had a small face, seemed to be thinking about something and wanted to be fascinated.


Jiang Mian looked up with a strange look. She asked the local tyrant father: "Dad, was this plane bought last year?"

Han Xu nodded: "What's wrong?"

Jiang Mian asked: "Have you encountered this situation before?"

"Airflow?" Han Xu touched the soft long hair of his baby daughter, thinking that the baby girl was frightened by the turbulence of the plane, and comforted, "It is rare to encounter airflow, and it will happen occasionally. , Don't be afraid, ah."

The natural phenomenon of weather is sometimes difficult to predict. Perhaps the weather station predicted that there will be no rain today and the weather will be fine, but in the end it will rain heavily.

It is also a problem of probability that the plane encounters turbulence.

However, Han Xu was lucky. He often used a private jet to fly around. After changing the plane, this was the first time he encountered such a strong turbulence.

If not, he wouldn't need to be so nervous Jiang Mian.

Jiang Mian nodded, did not say anything, changed the subject, and talked about other things with the tyrant father.

The air turbulence lasted for about a minute, and then the captain informed him that he was safe, and Jiang Mian got up: "Dad, you can keep working, I'll go see Xingran."

Han Xu frowned: "What happened to him?"

"He accidentally broke his head."

Seeing the disappearing back of the baby girl, Han Xu held his chin: The baby girl seemed to have a heart for Xing, so he hurried back after getting off the plane. As expected, he couldn't use the star dye again.

The local tyrant is determined to change his family.


As soon as he left the study, Jiang Mian's expression instantly turned cold.

Suddenly encountering turbulence, this incident gave her a wake-up call.

The local tyrant father received a box lunch when the original owner was 24 years old, when she and Gu Qiwen were married for two years.

After the local tyrant father received the box lunch, within two months, the original owner's legs were interrupted by Shen Qingwen, and then he was thrown into the nursing home and tortured.

The original owner had been tortured in the nursing home for several years, and when he was offline, he was just after his 28th birthday.

As for the specific reason why the local tyrant father received the box lunch, the original text only uses the four words "aircraft crash" to summarize. I don't know when, only knowing that the accident happened on the way abroad.

As a local tyrant, there is a private jet, so naturally he will not take a passenger plane. The "aircraft crash" must have happened on a private jet.

This "wreck" was caused by weather changes during the voyage or by the aircraft itself. It is not known.

At present, the box lunch crisis between the actor father and detective father in the original work has been resolved.

The situation of the local tyrant father is different from that of the actor father. As long as the actor father is prevented from going to the United States to film "Death Plan 3", nothing will happen.

But because of the nature of the job of the local tyrant father, flying by plane is commonplace, she cannot prevent the local tyrant father from taking the plane, and now because of her arrival, the original plot has been changed, leading to some of the plot ahead of schedule.

Therefore, it is not certain at all, in which year the local tyrant father’s "aircraft crash" will occur, which is fatal.

How can she avoid it.

Perhaps as long as you avoid the male and female heroes and stay away from Gu Qiwen, these subsequent plots will not happen.

But she dare not bet.

She was far away from the hero and heroine when she first arrived, but the actor father went to the United States to shoot "Death Project 3" but the matter was advanced. If she hadn't asked the heavenly master father to stop the actor father, the actor father had already gone to the United States.

With such a premise, Jiang Mian did not dare to take risks.

She pursed her lips and twisted her eyebrows. Thinking about these things in her heart, a cold hostility was invisibly shrouded in her body, so that she was shocked by a flight attendant who came to "escort" her back. jump.

When the flight attendant touched Jiang Mian's cold gaze, he subconsciously stopped his movements, and a touch of fear rose in his heart.

There are six specially hired flight attendants. They are all excellent employees of regular airlines, with three flight attendants and three flight attendants.

The flight attendant's impression of Jiang Mian rested on being gentle and polite.

——At first, she thought it would be difficult for a rich lady to serve her. She warned herself that when facing Jiang Mian, she must be careful and careful not to make her angry and avoid causing unnecessary trouble.

When it's okay, the flight attendants will gather for small talk, and everyone agrees that the eldest lady is better to get along with than the big boss.

At this moment, when facing Jiang Mian's sudden cold gaze, the flight attendant suddenly felt: They seemed to be wrong...

Noting the flight attendant, Jiang Mian calmed down his ups and downs and asked faintly: "How is Xingran?"

During the flight attendants, she immediately returned to her senses and found that Jiang Mian's feeling of "fear" disappeared from her body, but she still cautiously replied, "He has a broken head. Dr. Li has taken care of his injury and there is no problem."

Jiang Mian nodded casually and went straight back to his bedroom.

The flight attendant blinked, with a puzzled face, she thought Jiang Mian would visit Xingran.

Xingran's identity on the plane is not a secret, everyone knows it.

This clean temperament, gentle appearance, like a handsome and elegant teenager holding a scroll, is the top card of the male model club, and Mr. Han specially serves his daughter.

They were envious when they discussed in private.

Especially the three flight attendants, they were so surprised that they couldn't even give birth to jealousy, except for envy or envy.

An air hostess quietly said: "If you let me become Jiang Mian, I will die too."

is not it.


Jiang Mian returned to the bedroom and looked at her mobile phone. After the video call between her and the actor father was suddenly interrupted, the actor father dialed several times and sent a series of messages. The last sentence was: [Baby, Dad is going to film, see the reply . 】

Jiang Mian quickly replied a few words, then walked to the window and looked at the dark sky outside.

Probably noticing that she was in a bad mood, the little paper man who quietly ran around on the plane suddenly got in under the crack of the door.

In order to run to Jiang Mian quickly, the little paper man twisted himself into a thin strip, kicked it under his feet, jumped onto the bed, and when he was about to kick again, he pinched it with two fingers.

The little paper man immediately climbed along the pole, holding Jiang Mian's fingers on the back of her hand, twisting and twisting against Jiang Mian.

Jiang Mian poked it: "Are you making me happy?"

The little paper man stopped and nodded his head very solemnly.

Jiang Mian couldn't laugh, she suddenly reacted, she got into the tip of the horn.

She didn't know how to prevent the box lunch incident of the local tyrant father for a while, and her concern was so confused that her thinking was narrow.

The solution is very easy. When the local tyrant takes a plane to go abroad, she will just follow the whole journey.

She didn't believe it. If she followed, the local tyrant father could have trouble.

"Miss." The door was knocked, and Xingran's voice came.

Jiang Mian, who had figured it out, calmed down, letting the little paper man get into her hair and got up to open the door.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Mian glanced at his head, and white gauze was pasted on the wound, with blood leaking out, "If you are injured, take a good rest."

"It's just a slight injury, it's not in the way." Xingran didn't know why he had knocked on the door, worried that Jiang Mian would be unhappy with his interruption, he quickly raised the tray in his hand, "I, I made some desserts, you Would you like to taste it?"

Jiang Mian uttered a sigh, his eyes swept across the tray, but did not answer. He met Xingran's expectant gaze and said lightly: "Take it back. I don't like desserts."