It was four o'clock in the morning when he got off the plane, and Han Xu sent Jiang Mian back to Tingyu Pavilion first.

As for Xingran, Han Xu directly let Han Jiayuan deal with it, so that before Xingran left, he did not see Jiang Mian.

Jiang Mian has made an agreement with the local tyrant father, and he will take her with him whenever he goes abroad.

Han Xu nodded eagerly for his daughter to stick to him.

Jiang Mian wanted to let the local tyrant father rest in Listening Yuge, but after the local tyrant father answered the phone, his face changed.

"Dad has something to do, you have to go first." Han Xu touched the baby girl's little face, reluctantly, "If you think about your father, call your father. Remember to ask your assistant to change the dressing for the wound. Don't be sloppy."

Jiang Mian nodded obediently: "Goodbye, Dad."

The car that watched the local tyrant disappeared before Jiang Mian and then entered the Tingyu Pavilion.

Ting Yu Pavilion is staffed 24 hours a day. As soon as Jiang Mian enters, the manager of the two waiters greets him, and respectfully said to Jiang Mian, "Miss Jiang, please, sir."

Uncle Qi?

What Jiang Mian told Qi Yanshu before was to contact him after returning to China. He didn't expect that he would be waiting for her in Yuge, and listening to the manager's tone, the waiting time was definitely not short.

Jiang Mian sighed secretly and followed the manager to see Qi Yanshu.

Qi Yanshu lives in an ordinary suite. After talking to Jiang Mian, he did not rush to Dan'er country again to avoid staggering the two.

Then, he calculated the time to arrive at Tingyu Pavilion, and waited in the room for Jiang Mian to return.

The suite is fully equipped. While waiting for Jiang Mian to come back, he asked him to prepare rice paper and paint brushes and put them in the study room.

He grew up in Taoism, specializes in his own research, learns all kinds of fine arts, and knows all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

He didn't intend to paint anything, he just released it in this way.

Practicing in Taoist temples, sometimes it is inevitable to feel a little dull-he knows that he will not survive thirty.

Accept fate?

Naturally not, otherwise he would not specialize in everything.

If you want to survive, you can only save yourself.

This is what Senior Brother Wuzhen's master said to him before his death.

In the beginning, Qi Yan didn't quite understand the book. As he grew older, he gradually understood the meaning.

He doesn't believe in fate. He must break the curse of death at thirty. In the end, although there was an accident, he succeeded in the end.

He survived.


As I drew, the pen in his hand seemed to be out of his control, and gradually drew a wisp of clothing corners, and a slender hand gripping the corners of the clothing.

Then, he kept in his hands, and he slowly made up the painting, showing its original appearance.

Qi Yan stopped writing quickly and looked down at the picture on the rice paper, his pupils contracted.

In the picture is a swordsman in Tsing Yi. He is sitting cross-legged on the ground, holding a sword in his right hand. There is blood on the sword, his eyes are sharp and cold, and a large number of black shadows fall on the ground in front of him-that is a corpse.

Beside the swordsman, lying a young girl, her eyes closed seemed to be asleep, she stretched out her slender fingers to grab the swordsman's clothes corner.

Qi Yanshu was startled. He not only drew the memory image in his mind, but also restored it.

He is the swordsman in Tsing Yi, and the girl is Jiang Mian.

This is the most intuitive feeling, and it feels like you can't go wrong.

Qi Yanshu looked at the painting with thoughtful eyes. He stretched out his slender fingers and placed them on the girl's immature face, tracing them carefully.

Is it an illusion? dream? Or did it happen before?


When the knock on the door sounded, along with the knock on the door, there was also a familiar voice: "Uncle Qi."

Qi Yanshu's figure quaked slightly, took a piece of new rice paper to cover the painting, walked to the door, opened it, and the girl's white and delicate face appeared in front of her eyes.

"Mianmian." The expression on the man's face did not change at all, he only looked at the girl from start to finish, and finally his eyes fell on the girl's right hand.

Jiang Mian shook his right hand generously: "A little injury."

Qi Yanshu moved manually, trying to hold the girl's hand in the palm of her hand and check it, but finally restrained it.

"Why are you injured at the palace banquet?" Qi Yanshu asked in a deep voice.

The omen of his dream means that Jiang Mian is definitely not just a little injured.

"What an accident." Jiang Mian didn't intend to elaborate, she glanced at the desk, "Are you painting?"

Qi Yanshu hummed faintly, he hesitated, thinking of the painted picture, did not invite Jiang Mian into it, but brought Jiang Mian to the living room of the suite: "Sit down first."

Jiang Mian had planned to leave and return to the attic suite. Hearing this, he had to sit down first. Qi Yanshu went to the bedroom and walked out a few seconds later.

Holding a small jade bottle in his hand, he said to Jiang Mian: "This is the wound medicine I prepared according to the medical book. It has a good effect on pain relief and scar removal."

After all, a pair of black eyes stared at Jiang Mian. Facing such a look, the latter subconsciously raised his right hand, allowing Qi Yanshu to naturally take apart the gauze on his hand, exposing the wound.

The wound healed very quickly. After more than ten hours, the wound had been closed, and the surrounding bruises faded away. It was much better than the shocking scene before.

"This is a wound with poisoned blood after being bitten by a poisonous snake." Qi Yanshu said in a flat tone of the facts he saw.

"It's not a slight injury to be bitten by a gold wire scale." His shallow eyelids lifted up, locking Jiang Mian's sight, "Who did it?"

Jiang Mian's eyelashes trembled slightly, and Qi Yanshu actually judged that she was bitten by a gold wire scale based on her wounds. This is not pure eyesight.

Could it be that his brain is a puter, knowing everything

"Uncle Qi is really knowledgeable." Jiang Mian praised sincerely, "This can see the reason for my injury."

"In short, it was really an accident." Since Qi Yanshu saw it, she said the matter in a few words.

After speaking, her eyebrows were twisted unnoticeably.

In fact, she could leave after seeing Qi Yanshu, there is no need to stay to explain this to Qi Yanshu.

She herself didn't understand why.

In the end, it had to be attributed to Qi Yanshu's gaze looking at her, with an expression that could not be rejected.

His concern for her is not mixed with any impurities, even if she does not understand, she should not trample on it at will.

"Uncle Qi, you really don't need to worry." Jiang Mian proudly, "It's just a bit of snake venom, but it can't help me. If I really have something to do, I won't appear in front of you."

Qi Yanshu looked down at her injury and did not speak.

He opened the small jade bottle, and a delicate fragrance of medicine came out. He moistened some ointment with a cotton swab and gently wiped it on the wound.

Jiang Mian looked at the ointment, her expression turned a little weird. She looked at Qi Yan's book and then at the jade bottle, and suddenly asked: "Uncle Qi, is this your own medicine?"

"According to the medical book." Qi Yanshu added.

Jiang Mian asked, "Is that medical book still there?"

"Not anymore." Qi Yanshu shook his head. He did not hide it. "The bamboo forest caught fire once, and some scriptures and medical books were burned."

Knowing that he likes to read books, ancient books, modern books... Father Qi let people collect them, and all sent them to Taoist temples. Qi Yanshu's residence in Zhuhai once built a bamboo house to store books.

Almost no less than a medium-sized library.

And he has read all those books.

Many things he consciously learned from these books.

It was just a big fire, and those books were almost burned.

"what happened?"

"Nothing." Jiang Mian shook his head, "It's just this medicine that reminds me of a friend."

Qi Yanshu paused, and he said: "This friend of yours is a Chinese medicine doctor?"

"That's it."

"You can get acupuncture, he taught it?" Qi Yanshu asked again.

Jiang Mian nodded again.

Qi Yanshu frowned and could teach her acupuncture, and listening to Jiang Mian's tone of voice, the relationship should be closer.

He asked: "How old is he? Where does he work now?"

The next few questions were too obvious, and he swallowed it back temporarily, and it was not too late to ask slowly.

"He is dead." Jiang Mian smiled, his tone indifferent.

What she was talking about was naturally the healer who saved her in the world of immortality.

During the five years in the mortal world, without a healer, she could not survive, let alone break through and regain her cultivation.

At that time, her body meridians and bones were all broken, and the spiritual platform was also broken, and she fell in one breath. The doctor said that she was a monster, so she would not die.

But in Jiang Mian's eyes, the healer was also a monster.

He likes to hide in the dark, wearing a pitch-black mask, and only speak when he is healing her, and at other times, he can't speak without speaking.

However, during that time, although Jiang Mian held on with a single breath, he was very frustrated.

Even if she survives and loses her cultivation, it is difficult for her to protect herself, so how can she avenge her master.

She needs a quiet space to think, and the doctor's taciturn is just what she wants.


Qi Yanshu was slightly taken aback, and he hesitated immediately, put his hand on Jiang Mian's head, the latter tilted his head to look at him, and asked him again: "Uncle Qi, why do you want to be my father?"