Because I am your father——

When this sentence reached his lips, Qi Yanshu swallowed it back.

"In a while, I will give you the answer." Finally, he answered Jiang Mian with these words.

Jiang Mian didn't ask anything, just nodded lightly, and then said casually: "Uncle Qi wants to know the name of my friend?"

The death of a friend is not a memorable memory. Qi Yanshu didn't want Jiang Mian to be in an uncomfortable mood. He wanted to change the subject and didn't want Jiang Mian to take the initiative to mention it. He had to follow her words and his voice softened a little: "What is it?"

Jiang Mian looked at Qi Yanshu calmly, not letting go of his expression, and said with a smile: "Li Tired, it's a very strange ‘Chinese medicine’."

Li Yan...

Qi Yanshu said a few times in his heart, not ignoring the emotion that flashed on the girl's face after she said the name.

He patted her on the shoulder and said, "People cannot be resurrected from death. Since you are practicing with your brother, you should understand this truth."

Jiang Mian: "..."

She carefully observed Qi Yanshu and confirmed that it was the first time he heard this name.

She really thought too much, she was lucky to be able to come from the world of cultivating immortals to the world in this book, and it didn't make sense that others had the same luck as her.

The two talked for a while, and Jiang Mian was about to leave and return to his room. When he went back to clean up and rest for a while, he had to go to the studio.

However, at this moment, a sudden drowsiness hit, she yawned, and Qi Yan wrote: "Wait for a while, I have something for you."

Jiang Mian had to be patient and watched Qi Yanshu enter the study, his body involuntarily leaning on the sofa.

When you fight up and down, you squint.

Long eyelashes hung down, covering the eyes that were as moist as glass.

Qi Yanshu came out of the study room, holding the picture he drew in his hand, quietly walked to the sleeping girl.

In the medicine specially made for Jiang Mian, he mixed some ingredients to help sleep well. In order not to let Jiang Mian notice, he added a small amount.

If Jiang Mian is not tired, this medicine is of no use.

Once Jiang Mian is sleepy, this medicinal effect can play its role to help Jiang Mian fall asleep.

Qi Yanshu is sure that when Jiang Mian returns, he will not be very energetic, but he checked her work plan and will work at nine o'clock. With her temperament, she will not take too much rest, so she will go to the studio directly. .

He just borrowed this method to give her a real break.

Fortunately, it worked well.

The girl's cheeks are white and tender, and her lips are as bright as petals, like a clean and delicate elf, delicate and innocent, people can't help but want to hold her in the palm of her hand and prevent any trouble from getting her eyebrow feathers.

Qi Yanshu stretched out his hand, walked into the air, and took it back.

The eyes of the girl when she opened her eyes flashed in her mind, her eyes were clear, and she occasionally passed the sharp insight into people's hearts, especially when facing him.

He had seen her face her father.

Innocent and charming.

He only hoped that one day she could be so charming in front of him.

Qi Yanshu turned his eyes to the painting in his hand. The girl in the painting looked exactly like Jiang Mian, but it seemed that something was missing.

He pinched his eyebrows, rubbed his fingertips on the paper, the open flame burned, and he threw the painting into the trash can.

A month.

He set himself a deadline of one month, and he must figure out all the memory images in his mind.

Qi Yanshu bent over, ready to pick up Jiang Mian.

In the next second, there was a pain in his wrist—as if he had been drawn by a whip.

With a move of his eyebrows, he quickly pinched the little paper man from behind Jiang Mian who wanted to hide and attack again.

The corner of Qi Yanshu's mouth raised: "You protect the Lord."

The little paper man held his head proudly.

"Brother, give you to her," Qi Yanshu said lightly, "Unfortunately too weak."

The little paper man was in a hurry, and after a while, his head was down.

Qi Yanshu looked at it for a while, bit his finger, and drew a strange symbol on the little paper man with the overflowing blood.

The blood soaked into the little paper man's body, which should have been dyed red, but the blood stains slowly disappeared. The little paper man looked down at himself curiously.

Drawing this symbol seems to be exhausting. Qi Yanshu's face paled a little, and he put the little paper man back on Jiang Mian: "From now on, take good care of her."

The crew took two days off, and Tang An’an also had two days off. In these years, relying on her own hard work, she borrowed some money from her cousin Lin Xi and finally paid for a house in Beijing.

Through Lin Xi's bridge and matchmaking, she became Jiang Mian's assistant. Qin Jingrun has always been generous, especially to those around her.

He paid Tang An'an a lot. Jiang Mian was good at serving her and treated her very well, so that she would no longer worry about monthly payment.

In this way, I am more concerned about my work, and think about Jiang Mian wholeheartedly.

She had planned to stay at home for two days, and then go to listen to Yuge early, and wait for Jiang Mian to return-when Jiang Mian left, she and Xie Siyuan had permission to move in the room.

But neither she nor Xie Siyuan lived in.

As a result, she was unlucky, diarrhea in the morning, and collapsed.

She is working hard in Beijing. Although she has a cousin to take care of him, she knows that his cousin has followed Brother Qin into the new crew. He is more busy than himself every day.

Tang Anan is not a last resort, she doesn't bother Lin Xi.

Tang Anan, who felt something was not right, called 120 by himself. Following the ambulance to the hospital, he tossed for almost a day before leaving the hospital at about 5 pm.

So much so that she didn't know about Jiang Mian's hot search until the afternoon, and when she looked at the hot search, her soft body was immediately injected with strength.

The little boss went abroad to attend a state banquet, which is amazing!

When he saw the sour and terrible words on the Internet, Tang Anan rushed home, picked up a cell phone to log in to the trumpet, and played a few roles, snapping and catching the hot curse.

When she was almost scolded, she remembered to inform Jiang Mian of the matter and asked where Jiang Mian was.

Waited for almost an hour until Jiang Mian responded, knowing that Jiang Mian had seen the news on the Internet and would arrive early in the morning.

She immediately packed up, never mentioning that she went to the hospital for a trip. The doctor asked her to rest for more than two days, contacted Xie Siyuan to listen to Yuge together, and waited for Jiang Mian to return.

As a result, there was news from Xie Siyuan that he had to come tomorrow, and Tang Anan had to go back to Ting Yuge alone.

Entering the penthouse suite, the boss is not there, no one else, no matter what you do in the room, no one will know.

But Tang Anan didn't touch anything except the massage chair.

This is a matter of principle. If the little boss is there, she can play whatever she wants. If the little boss is not there, she must naturally follow the rules.

She waited for Jiang Mian to call and pick it up when the time came. The sofa in the living room was wide and soft. She was sitting on the sofa playing with her mobile phone, and fell asleep on the sofa accidentally.

Tang An'an suddenly woke up when he heard the sound of the elevator opening, and sat up from the sofa. When he looked at the time, it was already six in the morning.

There was no message or phone call from Jiang Mian on the phone. She rubbed her eyes and thought that Jiang Mian must be back and didn't want to disturb her, so she didn't call her.

Tang An'an was moved in his heart, stood up, and just walked two steps, his footsteps stopped violently-the door opened and a man walked in.

If she is right, the girl in the man's arms is the little boss.

Tang Anan couldn't react completely, his brain buzzed, and he subconsciously drank: "You, who are you, why are you..."

The man's gaze swept lightly, Tang Anan couldn't help taking a step back and silenced.

She watched the man enter her bedroom holding Jiang Mian, without hesitation at her feet, as if she knew which room Jiang Mian lived in.

His movements were very light, as if he was afraid that a little heavier would wake up the girl in his arms.

Put Jiang Mian on the bed, Qi Yanshu covered her with a quilt, looked at Tang An'an who was stunned, and whispered: "The nine o'clock play, wait for eight o'clock to wake her up."

Facing the man's gaze, Tang Anan nodded unconsciously, Qi Yanshu glanced at Jiang Mian again, and then left without looking back.

Tang An'an clutched his head, and his head was full of images of Qi Yanshu suddenly touching Jiang Mian-Brother Qin said to her before that he must pay attention to the young men near the little boss.

Young man? !

Tang An'an returned to his senses in an instant, and his heart sighed: Is it possible that Sleepy went to a banquet abroad this time, did he go with this person?

The more I thought about it, the more I realized that Tang Anan kept walking back and forth, wondering whether to tell Brother Qin the news.

One is the big boss who pays her, and the other is the small boss who treats her as a friend.

Tang An'an: "..."

She looked at the few hairs she pulled off her hands, and finally made up her mind: pretending not to know.

At eight o'clock, Tang Anan woke Jiang Mian up on time. When the latter opened her eyes, her eyes were dull for a while. Tang Anan saw that she was not moving, and quickly said: "Mian Mian, we have to go to the crew to put on makeup quickly, otherwise it's too late."

Jiang Mian blinked, then frowned: "Am I asleep?"

Tang An'an was dumbfounded and wanted to say something. Jiang Mian stopped talking. She stood up and went to the bathroom to wash. Tang An'an immediately became accustomed to knowing nothing and turned the topic to the state banquet.

"Mianmian, everyone is saying you are a nobleman." She said with joy. Although she knew it was impossible, she couldn't help but fantasize.

Jiang Mian smiled.

After a simple wash, he quickly rushed to the set. Upon arriving at the scene, Jiang Mian found that the crew of the crew looked strangely at her.

It looks like she is a walking RMB.

When she cast her gaze over, these people quickly turned their gazes again, as if she was emitting a strong light and did not dare to look at her.

Jiang Mian: "..."