Jiang Mian received the message from Song Ziyi and hoped to see her again when he left.

Jiang Mian didn't refuse. After finishing work, he took the silver fox who had turned into a fox to Song Ziyi's house.

Song Ziyi originally only had three days, and when Lian Feng went to her house, Zuo Xingping went with him.

After seeing their father and daughter getting along, thinking of himself and his baby daughter, Zuo Xingping used some other methods to give Song Ziyi two more days.

But in the last two days, she was very weak and couldn't go out even at night.

Song Xueliang asked for leave from the school these days-after the incident, everyone knew that his daughter was killed, and they all regretted.

Song Xueliang has taught books for a lifetime. He is honest, diligent, and kind. When teaching, if there are special difficulties among the students he teaches, he will often provide financial support.

So Song Xueliang is very popular around him.

As his daughter, Song Ziyi inherited his integrity and kindness. Song Ziyi was often a role model for other parents in educating their children, but ended up in such a tragic end.

Song Xueliang and his daughter had no other relatives. Residents in the community spontaneously built a mourning hall for Song Ziyi. Many people wanted to visit Song Xueliang, but he never saw him.

Everyone thought he was too sad and didn't bother him. He was doing funerals in the community silently, and he should do his best. Hope Song Ziyi can go well.

Song Xueliang already knew that his daughter would leave completely tonight. This middle-aged man in his forties was very old and crippled overnight. He bought a lot of ingredients, all of which Song Ziyi loved to eat, and had been busy in the kitchen.

Until night fell, Song Ziyi got out of the little star, her body has become a little transparent. After sending a message to Jiang Mian with her mobile phone, she walked into the kitchen: "Dad, let me do it, you haven't Have tasted the rice I cooked."

Song Xueliang's salary is not high, but fortunately he has this house. When he was young, he would go to tutor and save money to raise his daughter.

The Song family is not a wealthy family, but they are not worried about food and clothing. Song Xueliang can buy almost everything Song Ziyi wants.

Song Ziyi has been very sensible since she was a child, and will not compete with others. What she wants to buy will only be affordable among buyers.

There was a time when Song Xueliang made up lessons when he was a child, but when he came back too late, Song Ziyi was too hungry. He followed Song Xueliang's cooking steps to prepare for cooking, but was accidentally burned.

So there is a scar on the leg that can't be removed.

Since then, Song Xueliang no longer let her cook, even if Song Ziyi learns to cook, Song Xueliang will not let her cook.

Song Ziyi was pursued when Song Ziyi was in high school. Once Song Xueliang knew about these "suiters", he would take his own way to let them quit when they faced difficulties-such as make up classes, exams, etc.

After waiting for the university, Song Xueliang no longer tied Song Ziyi, only let her protect herself.

Therefore, Song Ziyi, who was emotionally blank, met Zhou Mingyu after entering the university. Under the sweet pursuit of the other party, he stupidly liked Zhou Mingyu.

Later, Zhou Mingyu proposed to rent a house off campus. After Song Ziyi went to college, she would go to tutor in her free time. Zhou Mingyu said that it would be more convenient to rent a house outside. Sometimes her tutoring was late, and returning to the dormitory would easily disturb her roommates.

Song Ziyi thought what he said was reasonable, after thinking about it, he agreed.

Zhou Mingyu has always been very kind to her, gentle, considerate, and attentive. She does not hesitate to believe that he really loves her.

She treated the small apartment she rented as a small home for both of them. She started cooking like a wife, making the back end on the table, watching Zhou Mingyu's non-stop eating with happiness and sweetness.

She has cooked meals for Zhou Mingyu countless times, but in the end, she has never cooked for her father.

Her life has just begun, and she hasn't honored her father properly. Everything ended in the year she was 21 years old.

Song Xueliang took a halt, and finally moved aside. There were no tears in his eyes, but bloodshot, looking at his daughter's figure like a mountain of love.

"If you miss me, just give me a dream, tell me what is missing, dad buy it and burn it for you." Song Xueliang didn't believe this before, but his daughter came back to him after death.

When she was gone, she would go to another place, even if she couldn't see each other again, he was relieved to learn that she would live well in another place.

Song Ziyi nodded, and the father and daughter cooked a table full of dishes, all Song Ziyi loved.

Song Ziyi found paper and pen and wrote all the instructions on the paper, one by one, and wrote hundreds of them.

She wrote one and read one. Song Xueliang sat and watched. When she said something, he answered.


The mourning hall is located in the northeast corner, and people go up to offer flowers from time to time.

This incident has been on the social news-the murderer was the son of Zhou's political commissar, and there has been a lot of heat on the Internet.

This is what Jiang Mian asked Yinhu to do. She secretly paid for the news and topped the hot search, but the hot search was quickly withdrawn, and she couldn't even add money.

However, the power of netizens is huge. It didn't take long for the hot search to squeeze into the hot search, so that at night, many people went to the community hall to express their condolences.

There are many reporters nearby.

After Jiang Mian entered the community, what he heard in his ears was almost all regrets for Song Ziyi and sympathy for Song Xueliang.

"It's just such a daughter. The white-haired person will give away the black-haired person. What can Teacher Song do in the future."

"It's so pathetic."

"How can such a well-behaved and sensible child, a **** scumbag, do it."

"Go back and tell your daughter to ask her boyfriend to keep her eyes open."


Someone noticed Jiang Mian, treated her as a student who came to visit Song Xueliang, and said kindly: "Girl, Teacher Song is nowhere to be seen."

Reporters and media wanted to interview Song Xueliang, but they were all blocked by the door and had to guard around the mourning hall.

"I will try." Jiang Mian said casually and walked upstairs.

"The students taught by Mr. Song are all kind and righteous, how many students come to see Mr. Song today"


The silver fox lay on her shoulders and sneered. Because of the master-servant contract, Jiang Mian could understand what he said in his original state. In other people's ears, it was just a bunch of fox squeaks.

"A group of hypocritical humans," he said.

Jiang Mian ignored him, he was a bit boring, and his big fluffy tail swept back and forth behind Jiang Mian: "My master, do you think I'm wrong?"

Jiang Mian: "In your eyes, what is good?"

silver fox:"……"

He was very upset and didn't know what to say.

Jiang Mian: "These people did not take the initiative to gloat and build mourning halls, and the media reporters did not forcefully block in the unit building, waiting for Song Xueliang to come out..."

"I'm telling you what to do and waste my tongue."

Silver Fox swallowed the complaint silently and asked, "Why did you let the media expose this matter?"

"There are both human and physical evidence. Zhou Mingyu's crime cannot be escaped. The media has exposed it. Tens of millions of netizens are staring at it. Even if someone wants to do it, it is impossible." Jiang Mian said. Put the video you brought back online, perfect."

Silver Fox returned to the organization, but it was not just Zhou Anmin who had hired Jiang Mian to kill Jiang Mian. He also made a video. In the video, Zhou Anmin and Zhong Wuli were in a small room. Zhong Wuli gave Zhou Anmin a In addition to cash, there is a bag of drugs in the box.

According to Yinhu, this video was discovered on the office computer of the leader of the organization. Yinhu did not know Zhong Wuli, but Zhou Anmin was in the video. Intuitively this video was useful, so I copied it back.

Almost found.


Jiang Mian asked Yinhu to send this video to the police station anonymously. With the abilities of the detective father and the assistance of the other three fathers, Zhou Anmin would soon be arrested.

Jiang Mian didn't expect that the greatest progress would come from Zhou Anmin himself-he might have heard Zhong Wuli's words or something else, so he hired her to murder her.

But the silver fox planted in her hands, and in a shameful moment, she used the silver fox to obtain the most direct evidence.

It is also a coincidence.

Regardless of the number of malignant tumors in the Ministry of Public Security, at least Zhou Anmin will definitely bring out a lot.

Thinking that the detective father would be very busy next time, Jiang Mian felt distressed.

When he arrived at Song's house, Jiang Mian pressed down his thoughts and sent a message to Song Ziyi.

The door was opened by Song Xueliang. Jiang Mian was shocked when he saw Song Xueliang's appearance. Song Xueliang a few days ago was not what he is now.

In a daze, she remembered the anxious and worried look of a few fathers when she was injured. She pursed her lips and did not speak, but she saw Song Xueliang suddenly kneel down to her.

Jiang Mian reached out and pinched Song Xueliang's arm, and the latter couldn't kneel down as soon as he tried hard.

"Dad." Song Ziyi rushed over to help Song Xueliang, but his hand passed through Song Xueliang.

Song Ziyi was startled, looking down at herself, her body was getting weaker and weaker.

"Miss Jiang, thank you." After Jiang Mian stopped, Song Xueliang no longer insisted on kneeling, and his thousand words turned into a thank you.

Jiang Mian is not accustomed to facing this situation, not to mention that she didn't do anything. It was Master Tian who allowed Song Ziyi to go home, and it was Interpol father who caught Zhou Mingyu's conviction.

The only thing she did was to send Song Ziyi home.

She pointed to Song Ziyi and reminded: "She is running out of time."

Song Xueliang nodded calmly, Song Ziyi took a deep breath and said to Jiang Mian: "Miss Jiang, can you take me to see Zhou Mingyu."

"If it's inconvenient, it doesn't matter." Song Ziyi grabbed the corner of her clothes. She knew that this request was a bit harmful, and she knew that Jiang Mian was not obliged to help her.

She just wanted to ask that person at the last time.

Why kill her.