Zhou Mingyu has not been transferred yet, and he is detained in the police station's detention center. Jiang Mian did not call the detective father, but called the Tianshi father.

After ringing several times, the phone was connected, and the heavenly master's breathless voice sounded over there, as if doing some strenuous exercise.

"Dad, what are you doing?"

Zuo Xingping was very happy when he received the call from his baby girl. He clutched his phone and whispered: "Mianmian, I'm making money."

Zuo Xingping took a big order this time, which was a cooperative order with a reward of 200,000 yuan, and he shared it equally with the other person.

This is the first time that Zuo Xingping has received such a large order. He originally had no part in him, but the employer invited another person.

The order this time was not simple, the person was not sure of winning, so he invited Zuo Xingping and promised to pay him half of the reward if the order was completed.

One hundred thousand.

Zuo Xingping's eyes were filled with gold coins. Hearing the person's description of the situation, he knew that it was not easy. It was precisely because it was not easy that he could afford it.

After the list is completed, his 100,000 won will not be counted as a windfall, and will not disappear due to various circumstances.

As long as he completes this order, he can buy a lot of things for his baby girl after he has one hundred thousand.

Zuo Xingping agreed without hesitation.

Zuo Xingping followed Lian Feng, just looking for an opportunity to punish Zhong Wuli secretly and avenge his daughter, which he had already done.

What does Lian Feng need him to do, and he is here to help, does not mean that he has to follow Lian Feng in the police station all the time.

Furthermore, he and Lian Feng went to see Junior Brother Chen together a few days ago, but they were drunk. He didn't know what the two said. After waking up, I asked Lian Feng, who told him nothing.

Zuo Xing was very calm, but he couldn't help it. Without Lian Feng, he couldn't pry open his mouth.

Looking for Qi Yanshu, the other party also sent him a few words.

Zuo Xingping: "..."

After that, he used other methods to make Song Ziyi stay for two more days, which consumed a lot of energy, and then got the invitation from that person and simply went to take the order.

Lian Feng did not stop.

The reason Zuo Xingping didn't talk about this to Jiang Mian was because he didn't want to disturb her.

My baby girl has to work.

After switching to a smart phone, apart from using WeChat, Zuo Xingping can't use other entertainment software at all. Naturally, he didn't know that his baby girl went to Daner.

In his opinion, if he frequently contacts Jiang Mian, it will disturb her work.

Jiang Mian took the initiative to contact him, and naturally there was no interruption-indicating that the baby girl was free.


Jiang Mian knew that Master Tian was not with Dad Interpol. She was about to ask where Master Tian worked. An anxious voice sounded at the end: "Wuzhen, what phone are you calling at this time, come and help? , I can't hold it anymore."


Jiang Mian said empathetically: "Dad, you go to work first, and you should contact me when you are finished. Be safe."

"Good, good." Zuo Xing nodded hurriedly, completely forgetting that Jiang Mian couldn't see his movements. He reluctantly hung up the phone and looked at the call time, only ten seconds.

"Wuzhen!!!" A bald monk in the distance yelled when he saw his slow movements.

In front of him, was a centipede that was taller than a human. The big centipede pressed against the bald head, trying to "kiss" his head.

"Come here." Zuo Xingping put the phone in the robe like a baby, comforting his mouth, "It seems to like you very much, and won't slap you for a while, hold it on."

Monk: "..."

Damn, finding him to cooperate was the worst decision he made.

It seems that I can’t go to the police station quietly through Master Tian. Jiang Mian first contacted Adu and asked Ming detective father if he was in the police station. After getting the affirmative answer, Jiang Mian decided to go to the police station first before calling the detective father. .

She has arrived at the police station, so the detective father can't drive her away.

Putting the little star into the small bag, Jiang Mian left Song Ziyi's house. When she left, she looked back at the window of Song's house.

With excellent eyesight, she saw Song Xueliang standing by the window, condensing into a silent statue.

Yinhu was surprised: "Why not let him go to the police station with him?"

"What can he do if he goes," Jiang Mian said lightly, "Song Ziyi knows some answers."

Silver Fox still didn't understand. Seeing that Jiang Mian didn't want to explain, he had to hang his head angrily on Jiang Mian's shoulder.

Hiring a taxi, Jiang Mian sat in and reported the address. The driver was a young man in his twenties. When he saw Jiang Mian, he didn't move for a while: "You are the one..."

He was so excited that he couldn't speak.

"Noble star." A few seconds later, the young man suffocated four words excitedly.

Jiang Mian: "..."

"Unexpectedly, one day I would be able to catch a star." The youth started the car with a look of excitement. "I thought that your celebrities traveled by private cars, surrounded by a large group of people, unlike us."

Jiang Mian opened his mouth, swallowed back after what he wanted to say, only showing an awkward and polite smile.

"You are more beautiful than on TV." The young man snapped a lot of compliments, and finally got a pleasant "thank you". Only then did he realize that he seemed to be too excited to say too much, and I wonder if it will be offensive.

"Are you really a nobleman?" the young man couldn't help asking.

"..." Jiang Mian reminded with a smile, "Look at the road ahead."

The young man raised his head and the car in front stopped. He hurriedly slowed down and paused. When the episode was over, when he wanted to ask again, he looked up, and he was not looking at the beautiful facial features of the girl, but a fox face.

The fox grinned at him with a big smile.

The young man was in a daze and smiled at the silver fox. The journey after that was very quiet, and the young man stopped asking questions.

Until Jiang Mian paid the bill and got out of the car, the young man drove some distance away, and suddenly remembered: He finally picked up a star, why didn't he expect to have an autograph and then take a photo.



"My master, at this time, I still have to rely on me." The silver fox was complacent.

Jiang Mian flicked its skull and glanced at him: The silver fox in its original form is much more pleasing than the human form.

The city bureau was brightly lit. In addition to Zhou Mingyu's case, several other murders occurred. The police worked overtime almost every day until late at night. When they were tired, they squatted in their seats for a while, and didn't even have time to return home.

Lian Feng has not closed his eyes for two consecutive days to rest. Not long ago, he went to the Armed Police Hospital. A week later, although Yuan Jinfei could not get out of bed and walk around, he could lie down halfway and recovered well.

In the afternoon, Lian Feng received a courier with a USB flash drive, and the contents of the USB flashed him.

He went to the Armed Police Hospital to discuss the content of this video with the original Jinfei.

After returning from the Armed Police Hospital, Fu Ju had not left yet. He showed the video to Fu Ju. After watching the video, the latter remained silent.

Without disturbing him, Lian Feng exited the director's office, pinched his eyebrows, wanted to light a cigarette, and found that the smoke on his body was gone.

One was handed over the hypotenuse—it was Adu.

"You can go back now."

Regarding Zhong Wuli's case, it was about to end, and Adu didn't need to continue to follow him.

Adu still said: "Miss asked me to go back, and I will go back."

Speaking of Jiang Mian, the man's sharp and cold eyebrows were much softer, and the smell of nicotine rejuvenated his slightly tired spirit.

Spit out a puff of smoke, Lian Feng was about to speak when the vibration of the phone interrupted him.

Seeing the caller ID, Lian Feng moved his eyebrows and connected to the phone: "Dad~~~"

Lian Feng: "..."

Lian Feng: "Are you in the game?"

From the receiver came the coughing that the daughter concealed. She was helpless and did not speak. Her daughter’s crisp voice came over, with admiration: "Dad is really amazing. I haven't said anything yet. I can actually know where I am. It really deserves to be the Lian God praised by everyone!"

In the face of your relatives, it's okay to flatter occasionally.

"Dad, I'm at the door." The implication is that you can't drive me away.

Lian Feng sighed secretly, without asking the reason, only said: "Wait for me to come."

Hanging up the phone, Jiang Mian looked at the doorman, who was wearing a police uniform, staring sharply at Jiang Mian, like a thief.

Jiang Mian: "..."

At the side, Yinhu asked her again without giving up, "How many dads do you have?"

Jiang Mian ignored him, she suddenly remembered something, took out a bandage from her bag and applied it to the wound on her right hand.

The medicine Qi Yanshu gave was more effective than the medicine she made by herself, but within two days, the wound had scarred and the surrounding bruises disappeared completely.

Put on a bandage to prevent the detective father from seeing something wrong with the wound.

In the distance, the tall figure gradually approached, and as he approached, it seemed that the surrounding night became much brighter.

When the guard saw Lian Feng, he shouted loudly, "Company."

Lian Feng nodded and waved to Jiang Mian. Jiang Mian trot over and put the guard's surprised gaze behind him.

"Dad, I didn't come here on purpose." Jiang Mian took out the little star. She knew the detective father understood. "She wants to see Zhou Mingyu."

Lian Feng was silent for two seconds and said, "I'll arrange it."

Looking at his daughter's crescent eyes, Lian Feng's mouth rose unconsciously.

When the father and daughter walked upstairs and chatted casually, Lian Feng suddenly said, "Did you send the video?"

"What video?" Jiang Mian widened his eyes in confusion, and there was no flaw in his answer.

"It's nothing." Lian Feng touched Jiang Mian's hair, and glanced at the silver fox on the ground.

"I took a little pet." Jiang Mian poked the silver fox's **** with his foot, and the latter straightened up flatteringly, and squeaked to Lianfeng like a dog.

Lian Feng: "..."

In Jiang Mian's ears, Silver Fox was saying, "My master, is this really your father? His body is so suffocating, and there is not much blood on his hands. Are you sure he is a policeman?"

Jiang Mian looked down at it.

The silver fox slowly retracted its claws, and said nothing.

Hearing Jiang Mian said that he had finished work and went to Song Ziyi's house, Lian Feng frowned and asked, "Have you eaten?"

Jiang Mian didn't answer and asked, "Did you eat it?"

The father and daughter looked at each other and were silent.

After a while, Lian Feng said, "Wait to take you out to eat."

If Jiang Mian can't come, Lian Feng may eat some biscuits at will this night.