Song Ziyi wanted to laugh, but couldn't hold the corner of her mouth. She squatted down: "Did you forget? You buried me on the bed and threw my body on Huangquan Road. The soil there is really cold."

She reached out to touch Zhou Mingyu.

Perhaps because of the relationship between seeing the enemy, Song Ziyi exhausted the remaining energy under complicated emotions, making his body firmer than when he was at home.

Let her touch Zhou Mingyu.

Zhou Mingyu let out a scream of horror with the cold touch.

Because of fear to the extreme, the voice just uttered and was pinched again, staring at Song Ziyi, breathing quickly, and her body retracted unconsciously.

"How could..." he murmured.

Finally knowing why she was arrested, it turned out that she was back.

Sure enough, the picture she stared at him stiffly at the time indicated that there would be such a result in the future.

I knew it, I knew it...

He looked at Song Ziyi and suddenly smiled. The smile matched the horrified facial features, unspeakable craziness and distortion: "Xiaoyi, since you are dead, why do you want to come back? Am I wrong to you? ."

"I love you so much. From the first time I saw you, I fell in love with you at first sight. I know your family is not rich, and I never tell you my background. I'm afraid you will think about it."

It seems that recalling the past, the tone of his speech gradually calmed down: "When you first pursued you, your roommate said that you are innocent and kind and timid. Let me not be too impatient, so as not to scare you."

"They were right. According to their reminder, I spent a year pursuing you, and finally made you nod. The day you promised to be my girlfriend, I almost jumped up happy." There was a trance in his eyes. "I have all thoughts about it. When you are in your senior year, we will study graduate students abroad together, and I have planned everything."

"It doesn't matter if my dad doesn't agree, my life is my own decision." His fingers on his knees began to spasm. "But because of a mistake, everything is gone."

"It's all because of you, why did you go to see that man." He stared at him angrily, "Don't tell me, you didn't notice that man coveted you."

In the face of his anger and hysteria, Song Ziyi was very calm: "I explained to you many times that there was nothing between me and Mr. Yu, and he was looking for me because of his son."

Song Ziyi works part-time as a tutor. She previously coached a boy with depression. Under her guidance, the boy's symptoms alleviated. The boy's father was very grateful to Song Ziyi-simply grateful.

Once, because it was too late, Mr. Yu was afraid that it would be too dangerous for her to go back at night as a girl. During that time, there were several cases of missing and murdered female college students.

Zhou Mingyu was busy with schoolwork, and she was reluctant to have him come all the way to pick her up after class, so she didn't tell him but accepted Mr. Yu's kindness.

However, when I went back, Zhou Mingyu saw that Zhou Mingyu was very upset. He asked Ming the situation and told her not to counsel the child again.

Song Ziyi didn't understand and didn't agree. The child she was counseling had just a few symptoms. If she refused counseling for no reason, she would be confused.

But Zhou Mingyu had a cold war with her because of this, and in the end she compromised and rejected the tutoring.

Zhou Mingyu suggested to her that the object of future tutoring must be single-parent families, mother-daughter or mother-child.

He said: "You are so good, I am afraid that other men will **** you away."

It turned out to be jealous. Although Song Ziyi felt that Zhou Mingyu was too domineering, after he figured it out, he took care of Zhou Mingyu and chose a tutor according to his requirements.

In the middle work, Mr. Yu had looked for her several times, but she refused, and Mr. Yu had to give up and did not break her again.

Until the day of her death, she received a call from Mr. Yu. Mr. Yu’s child left a note saying that she was looking for Sister Song, and then disappeared.

Mr. Yu was anxious and had to contact Song Ziyi, and then the child returned home under the leadership of the police.

It was getting late and it was raining again. Mr. Yu thanked Song Ziyi for his help, so he sent Song Ziyi back.

At that time, Song Ziyi sat with the boy in the back seat. She didn't even talk to Mr. Yu, who also kept her distance politely.

However, this scene was seen by Zhou Mingyu again.

Song Ziyi returned to the apartment, and the two quarreled. No matter how she explained, Zhou Mingyu couldn't listen.

During the dispute, he pushed her down, hit the back of his head and fainted for a while.

"I just fainted and I will wake up soon." Song Ziyi's eyes rose in confusion, "but why did you use a pillow to cover me to death."

She woke up from suffocation, opened her eyes, and there was pitch darkness in front of her, without new oxygen entering, she began to struggle instinctively.

When her hand touched a familiar arm, she realized that Zhou Mingyu was holding her head with a pillow.

It is the person she likes, the person she regards as her husband, the person she wants to spend her life with.

"Why, why?" She asked word by word.

She didn't hate Zhou Mingyu, because she was blind, so she could only blame herself for choosing this person.

She just didn't understand. After she passed out, what factors caused Zhou Mingyu to kill her cruelly.

Zhou Mingyu looked at Song Ziyi and laughed. After the laugh, he whispered: "Because I'm afraid."

"I pushed you down. After you wake up, you must break up with me. I have paid so much for you, how can you tell me to break up." His voice fluctuated high and low, "After breaking up, you will break up with me. With other men, maybe you will be with that surname Yu when you turn around. I want you to have only me in your eyes and you can’t betray me.”

He looked at Song Ziyi who was unconscious on the ground.

When she was struggling, he had a softhearted heart. He wanted to let go, but deeper worries emerged: he had shown murderous intentions. If she let her go, she would not only break up with him, but also call the police.

He cannot bear the charge of attempted murder.

If you want to kill it, kill it clean, destroy all the evidence, so that everyone can't find him.

After hesitating, his hands were strengthened again, until the hands on his arm fell weakly.


"It turned out to be like this." Song Ziyi stood up again, pulling the corner of his mouth, muttering, "It's okay, it's okay."

Coming to see Zhou Mingyu in the last time, there is still a trace of anticipation deep in my heart.

Maybe, maybe he has some uncontrollable reasons.

She must admit that she loves the wrong person.

For this mistake, she gave her life and made her father sad.

Her figure began to fade, and looking at Zhou Mingyu, hostility began to rise from the bottom of her eyes: She was going to disappear completely, why can't he be taken away.

After taking two steps, the hostility slowly dissipated.

Miss Jiang brought her here, even with the convenience of the police officer. If Zhou Mingyu suddenly died in the detention room, they would be involved.

Well, why bother.

He will be retribution.

Song Ziyi no longer looked at Zhou Mingyu. The next second, his body disappeared like a bubble, without any trace.

"Xiaoyi?" Zhou Mingyu showed an expression that no one could understand. He knelt on the ground and laughed nervously.

At the end, he said in a voice that only he could hear: "I regretted it, really."


Outside the detention room, Jiang Mian looked at the little star in his hand, and the icy temperature on it disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, a pure power was injected into her body, which almost instantly turned into spiritual power.

These spiritual powers walked gently in the meridians, and finally gathered in the dantian, directly raising her cultivation base by two levels, reaching the third level of Qi refining in one fell swoop!

Jiang Mian:! ! !

She looked at the little star in surprise, her eyes filled with confusion.

She had also gained power through ghosts before, but she had never gained so much.

Since sending Song Ziyi home, she gave up getting spiritual power, but Song Ziyi was gone.

In the words of Master Tian, ​​Song Ziyi has not harmed anyone, and her departure means reincarnation.

So, where does this huge spiritual power come from.

Too strange.

"Mianmian?" Seeing Jiang Mian staring at the little star blankly, Lian Feng frowned.

Jiang Mian put away the surprise. She had one advantage. There was no harm in the things she couldn't figure out, so she no longer struggled.

He raised his head and said to the detective father: "Dad, she is gone."

"Let's go." Lian Feng nodded.

Lian Feng handed over the matter to Zhou Sirui for the time being, and then took Jiang Mian away from the police station, but Adu did not follow him with interest.

There is a snack street nearby. Lian Feng wanted to take Jiang Mian to the restaurant. Hearing there was a snack street, he decided to go here with the detective father.

Lian Feng frowned. It was rare to have dinner with his daughter. Naturally, he wanted to take Jiang Mian to a better place.

Seeing Jiang Mian's persistence, he had to compromise.

Every dad’s financial situation is different. Tyrant dad and movie emperor dad go in and out of high-end restaurants, that suits their identities.

Tianshi father is different from detective father.

Choosing a grounded place will make you more comfortable.

Now it’s more than eight o’clock in the evening, it’s not too late. The snack street is when there is a lot of people-under normal circumstances, crowded places are prone to trouble, but because it is close to the city bureau, no one dares to be under the nose of "tigers" Recklessly.

Except for unexpected circumstances, the surrounding businesses have never had a fight, and the atmosphere is very harmonious.

The bosses heard that many police officers would wander around the snack street in plain clothes. Maybe anyone who buys snacks is a policeman. They don't want to cause trouble. They are very honest.

There are so many people, Lian Feng is holding Jiang Mian's hand, relying on his height advantage to completely prevent others from meeting Jiang Mian.

He didn't speak much. Hearing Jiang Mian's words throughout the whole process, he occasionally responded twice, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Silver Fox was lying on Jiang Mian's shoulders, Lian Feng occasionally set his eyes on Yin Fox, his eyes thoughtful.

"Dad, let's eat this." Jiang Mian pointed to a hot skewers restaurant.

The fragrance spread far and wide, really aroused her appetite.

Lian Feng has no objection. Most of the team will choose this kind of place for dinner. Drinking and chatting is much more comfortable than in a high-end restaurant.

It's just that the skewers are not hygienic, and he is worried that Jiang Mian will have trouble with eating.

Just thinking about it, Jiang Mian had already pulled him into the store.

In the bustling crowd in the distance, a short man squatting on the ground took a cell phone and called: "Retreat, look for another opportunity, the girl is following the police. How do I know, you ask me who I ask. The police are very vigilant, I Don't dare to follow, you are easy to be found."

I didn't know what was said over there, the short man pushed aside the stone on the ground irritably: "Are you crazy? With so many people around, I don't want to be caught drinking a pot in the game."

"Damn." The man stared at the hung-up cell phone, his expression changed, and finally gritted his teeth and walked toward the skewers shop.