The skewers shop has a good business, and there are endless customers. There are tables and chairs inside and outside the shop, and each one is full.

Now the weather is getting cooler, but because of the lively atmosphere, there are not a few people who drink together, get excited, and undress and be shirtless.

There was a table with a dozen or so people sitting at a table, noisily doing the drinking order, which attracted a lot of attention.

Jiang Mian and Lian Feng entered the store, and there happened to be a table of guests who checked out and left. The waiter enthusiastically led them over: "Two of you, wait a minute, I will clean up immediately."

In a short while, someone pushed the trolley for food and took a big rag to clean up the tables and chairs—at least the surface was clean.

There are no tissues on the table, and the waiter forgot, Jiang Mian said to the waiter: "Take the tissues, please."

The waiter replied repeatedly that when he saw Jiang Mian at this moment, he realized that the customer was very good-looking and couldn't help but look at it more.

At the same time, some people around were passing their gazes. Suddenly a person with a face value far above the average appeared in the crowd, who naturally attracted more attention.

Especially Jiang Mian had a silver fox with a smooth and beautiful coat on his shoulders.

Isn't it hot?

Some people flashed this idea in their hearts.

Lian Feng's gaze swept around in a faint circle. Anyone who looked over here, after touching his gaze, subconsciously averted his gaze and did not dare to look at him.

The waiter brought paper towels and wiped the tables and chairs with Feng meticulously before letting Jiang Mian sit down.

"Dad, you have something." Jiang Mian pushed the menu in front of the detective father, and said with his chin on, "I haven't eaten it. I don't know which ones are delicious."

She took this to observe the taste of detective father.


Lian Feng ordered a copy of every item on the menu.

Jiang Mian: "..."

As if seeing her concerns, Lian Feng said, "I can't finish it and take it home."


Jiang Mian couldn't laugh.

The sound of the table wine order was too loud to ignore, and Jiang Mian couldn't help but glanced over.

"Is it too noisy?" Lian Feng frowned. "If it's too noisy, change another house."

Jiang Mian smiled and lowered her voice slightly: "Listen, father, they are complimenting you."

Lian Feng paid attention to the environment and everyone in the store, and because the sound inside the store was too noisy, he didn't hear what Qing Xing Jiu Ling was discussing at the table.

Jiang Mian has a keen hearing and automatically filters out the noise, but clearly hears what they are saying.

I don't know how these people discussed about the police. A thin man seemed to be making complaints, saying that the last time he was shipped, he was rear-ended, and obviously the other party was more responsible. As a result, he had to deal with him and finally went to the police station.

That person had something to do with the police station alone, and in the end he only got a little compensation, and he was still angry after thinking about it now.

"Officials protect each other, there is no good thing." After drinking some wine, the man was a bit reluctant to say anything. Anyway, everyone is brothers, and it's nothing to talk in private.

"It's not right for you to say that." The one who answered the conversation was a shirtless man with three loops of meat on his waist. He poured a glass of beer and exhaled happily. "You can't kill everyone with one shot. In my field, I often deal with the police. In our area, who doesn't tell the police officer, this is a serious people's hero."

"I had friends when I was in the bureau, and even the police officer arrested the son of a high-ranking official, who was a murderer and killed his girlfriend."

"Fuck, so cruel?"

"It's still fake. It's all on the news. You can know if you don't see it online."

"I mean the police officer you are talking about, the senior official's son said to arrest him."

"You are blinded by the law, what happened to the senior officials? The murderer is still caught."


Suddenly, at the table of Xingjiu Ling, the big man praised Lian Feng, his tone full of admiration. In a few words, he even talked about several cases that Lian Feng had solved before, and he said so well that he almost thought he was an insider.

Hearing the praise of the detective father from the people is more comfortable than hearing the praise inside the bureau.

With so many good policemen, it is not extravagant that everyone can remember their names.

But at least, the people should know that behind their stable life, there are so many people standing in their posts, shouldering the responsibility to protect the safety of one party.

A post is like a tree, and the tree bears abundant fruits.

The tree is big and there are many fruits, it is hard to guarantee that there will be a few spoiled fruits.

However, it is not because of these spoiled fruits that other fruits are also spoiled.

"Dad, did you hear that."

Seeing his daughter's bright and proud eyes, Lian Feng faintly said, "What kind of drink do you want to drink?"

"Juice bar."

The waiter's busy feet didn't touch the ground, and Lian Feng didn't let the waiter take it, but got up and went to the beverage cabinet by himself.

The beverage cabinet was at the door of the store. The juice in the beverage cabinet was gone. The waiter probably forgot to load the goods. Lian Feng paused, looked around, and finally took a bottle of Nutrition Express.

The wall on the street in the store is made of glass, and you can see that the tables and chairs outside are also full of people. One of the tables and chairs sits on a small man with a few kebabs in front of him, holding a bottle in one hand. Drink beer, hold the phone in one hand and attach it to your ear.

Through the glass, his eyes met Lian Feng, and then quickly passed, his mouth closed and he was talking to the person on the phone.

"No, he seems to be..." Zhu San took a piece of barbecue and stuffed it into his mouth, lowered his head, and said while chewing the meat, "The police stared at me for a few seconds. He was suspicious. I **** suspected him. Can lip-talk."

"I said that the police are not easy to do things here. If I do things, he will look at my face. Even if I escape, I will be caught in a national hunt. I have changed several ID cards and don’t want to change them. ."

"There will always be times when she is alone."


The phone hung up, and the man cursed again.

Even if he is a killer, he is at the mercy of his life. He is not sure or is too risky, so he won't do it.

But this time someone worked with him. He wanted to change time and look for another opportunity. The other person disagreed. Instead, he thought that now that there are too many people, the police will worry about the safety of other people. The opportunity is just right.

In dealing with the same matter, internal disagreements are most avoided. Once internal disagreements, this matter will not happen in most cases.

Zhu San looked up and found that Lian Feng holding a drink at the door had disappeared. From this position he was sitting, he could see where Jiang Mian and Lian Feng were sitting in the store.

Lian Feng had already returned with the Nutrition Express. He placed the Nutrition Express in front of Jiang Mian. At this time, a waiter put on some grilled skewers and said, "You eat first, I'll go out."

Jiang Mian's eyebrows curled up: "Good dad."

Lian Feng glanced at her, then turned and walked directly outside the store.

Zhu San's intuition was wrong, his body was tight, and he calmly paid attention to Lian Feng's movements.

Lian Feng wiped his seat straight and came to a short distance behind the boss, his voice calm: "Boss, when is the roast chicken wings good?"

"It's ready soon."

Zhu San was about to get up and leave. The next second, the chair under him suddenly overturned. He reacted quickly and quickly pulled out the gun wrapped in his coat.

He is fast and Lian Feng is faster.

When Zhu San was about to draw his spear, Lian Feng deceived him, twisted his wrist, grabbed his spear in an instant, and covered it with his coat.

Lian Feng was more than a head taller than Zhu San, and his muzzle was on his chest.

Zhu San moved his throat, his body froze, and he dared not move.

His eyes were full of disbelief. It seemed that he didn't expect Lian Feng to move so fast. Before he could even make a move, he was seized by Lian Feng and cut his back.

The people around didn't see clearly, they just looked over when they heard the chair falling to the ground, and then they saw the man standing with Lian Feng.

The boss was close, turned around, confused: "This..."

"It's okay." Lian Feng said faintly. Everyone thought they knew each other and didn't think much about it, and they looked back.

Looking around, Lian Feng's eyebrows frowned, there were too many people, even if it was him, it was impossible to tell who was his accomplice in the crowd.

He glanced at the store again, Jiang Mian sat on the seat obediently, and took a sip with the Nutrition Express. The bright lights in the store fell on her, making her look more charming.

As if he had noticed his gaze, Jiang Mian's gaze suddenly turned around, and the eyes of the father and daughter met, and she smiled sweetly at him.

"Aren't you going out?" Silver Fox said.

Jiang Mian retracted his gaze: "Why are you going out, Dad alone is enough to deal with it."

When she goes out, the goal is to get bigger.

Sitting here, waiting for the fish to take the bait, is the right way.


Lian Feng retracted his gaze. He observed carefully in the store just now, and there was no suspicious person. This was the reason why he dared to leave the store.

Lian Feng thought that Zhu San's target was him-this is not uncommon. There are many people around him, so his range of motion should not be too large, so as not to cause panic among the masses and unexpected situations.

Zhu San initially followed far in the crowd. Lian Feng did not doubt. His eyes swept across the crowd, not to mention that every face would be remembered, but if one face was seen two or three times in a row, it was enough to prove that there was a problem.

Besides, Zhu San is still sitting outside the skewers restaurant. His position is facing Lian Feng and Jiang Mian in the shop. Such a position, experienced, can almost be noticed at a glance.

"Sit down." Under Lian Feng's faint eyes, Zhu San honestly raised the chair and sat down.


Zhu San did not answer.

Lian Feng didn't mind. With the cover of his jacket, he asked Zhu San to stretch his hands under the table, take out the handcuffs, and cuff his hands under the table.

Zhu San sneered: "Do you think my target is you?"