Lian Feng rushed into the shop almost in an instant. When he saw the detective father, Jiang Mian immediately stayed away and put the stool on the ground.

His gaze swept across the bent stool leg—as if he had used a little more strength.

The main reason is that there is no weapon in hand. The laser gun gifted by Daner is too powerful to be used. Silver Fox’s silver wire is not good for breaking hands and feet, which is not good.

After much deliberation, only the stool can take advantage of it, so as not to hurt the assassin too badly.

There were many women among the customers in the store. At this moment, seeing the "unilateral force assault" ended, only then slowly stopped the screaming caused by fear of panic.

"Gun! That's a gun!" Someone screamed in the crowd.

On the ground, Jiang Mian's nose and face were swollen, and the dying people were wearing special aprons made by the skewers shop. The skewers shop is a good business. There are more than ten waiters alone. Although the waiters do not wear the corresponding uniforms, they wear them on everyone. Wear an apron with the name of the store to distinguish them from customers.

He was holding a black gun in his hand, next to it were scattered trays and skewers.

Someone remembered: It was the waiter who was carrying the grilled skewers, but somehow, the beautiful girl suddenly violent, waved away the waiter, then picked up the stool and smashed it, scaring the innocent couple who was eating grilled fish **** at the table next to him. Jump up.

Those who saw it clearly knew that the reason the "waiter" on the ground had no resistance was that when he was knocked down for the first time, the girl in the couple jumped up in shock and the fish **** on the sign flew out. It happened to fall into the "waiter" mouth.

First, he was choked, and second, the girl attacked fiercely, causing him to be crushed wildly.

Things just happen, we think is the first time the dispute - long good-looking girl, "waiter" **** difficult, the brain make a courtship is not anti-beat of "beautiful love" story.

Only when I saw the gun that the waiter was holding but didn't play any role did I realize that I was thinking of something wrong.


Silver Fox triumphantly said: "My master, you should thank me. I know this person, his code name is Inch Huo, he has seen two people in the organization, and his skill is quite good. If I hadn't attacked his eyes first, you wouldn't Beat him so easily."

He was half proud and half inviting credit, and at the same time he felt fortunate. He was only smashed twice last time, and then tied up.

Inch Huo had indeed been smashed dozens of times. Although Jiang Mian didn't smash the opponent, he could guarantee that more than two of his ribs had been broken.

By contrast-he is much luckier.

Jiang Mian ignored his voice, and she was considering whether to break the bent leg of the stool back.

Before Lian Feng had time to speak, the boss who rushed in looked at the scene as if he was a blow, and shouted: "Who is this! This is not my employee, this gun is fake."

He plucked up the courage to pick up the gun on the ground, and Lian Feng stepped forward and pinched his wrist. The boss' fingers numb and he couldn't hold it.

Lian Feng took the gun, and said in a low voice: "The gun is loaded and it will easily escape."

The boss has been busy at the roasting stall, his head is full of sweat. Hearing Lian Feng's words, the sweat on his forehead became more fierce, and his hands began to tremble.

Jiang Mian sat back to her original position obediently and noticed that someone was taking pictures. She also deliberately moved her hair to the sides to block the lower block. The silver fox lay on her shoulders, with her big fluffy tail facing forward, flicking and flicking for Jiang Mian. Cover your face on the second floor.

She didn't care about anything, and gave the police father full authority to deal with it. In order to show that she was a "weak woman" with "no hands-free chicken", she sat in a seat, holding the Nutrition Express, and sipped sips.

During the period, she also glanced at the roasted vegetables on the table, and the aroma penetrated into the tip of her nose from time to time, making her hands tempted to move.

Lian Feng contacted Zhou Sirui, and within a few minutes, the latter brought someone over, and Zhu San and his companions were quickly brought back to the game.

When Lian Feng checked out, he settled the smashed stool in it. When he left, Jiang Mian also brought up a lunch box—if he couldn't eat it on the spot, he packed it back to the game.

Lian Feng glanced at her, Jiang Mian quickly raised his hand: "Dad, I'm not afraid."

Lian Feng: "..."

What he wanted to ask was not a question of "whether afraid or not".

Seeing Jiang Mian's look, Lian Feng swallowed back what he wanted to say.

Well, it's not that I have never seen her beating someone.

The scene where Jiang Mian intercepted Zhong Wuli last time resurfaced.

Lian Feng thinks that Jiang Mian can control an inch of fire so easily, and a small paper man secretly helps.

My thoughts flashed, and I remembered Zhu San's sentence-do you think my target is you?

In other words, the goal of these two people is sleep.

The coldness in the eyes flashed, Lian Feng's eyes turned from light to thick.

Jiang Mian thought of the more than a dozen mouths in the bureau, glanced at the various food stalls in the distance, and suggested: "Dad, let's pack something and go back by the way."

Originally, she planned to eat the skewers, and then went around this snack street with the detective father.

Now because of this episode, I can't eat rice, so I can only pack a few things and go back.

Lian Feng said suddenly: "Mianmian, you don't seem to be surprised that someone assassinated you with a gun."

Several thoughts flashed in Jiang Mian's mind. She was surprised and said, "Dad, what do you mean, the two people brought by Uncle Sirui came at me?"

"I thought it was for Dad, and I was happy to protect Dad." The little girl's excited face dropped.

Lian Feng couldn't find the flaw-he suspected that the anonymous video he received in the afternoon was sent by Jiang Mian. If Han Xu and others helped them, they would not be oblique and straightforward.

But Jiang Mian was the only one who would help him in secret, but didn't want to be discovered by him.

It's because of finding this video that it will lead to murder-Jiang Mian knows it, so he is not surprised.

Staring at his daughter's white, crystal-clear face, Lian Feng didn't go any further. The next thing to do is to get Zhou Anmin and Zhong Wuli into the net as soon as possible, and to close the case, so that his daughter will no longer be in danger.

He agreed to Jiang Mian's proposal. The father and daughter quickly bought a few extra snacks while waiting for snacks, and brought a large bag back to the team.

The assassination involved Jiang Mian, so Jiang Mian could stay in the team with Lian Feng with integrity.

Once back, Zhou Sirui greeted him, and first gave Jiang Mian a thumbs up. He had already figured out what happened at the skewers restaurant.

For a while, I don't know if I should sigh whether this girl is incompatible with the game. It seems that something happens every time I come here, or I should sympathize with the two killers.

Actually dared to act on Jiang Mian under the company's nose.

That moved the company's Ni Lin.

With these in mind, he handed out two documents without delay: "Company, this is the information just transferred from the inside."

It's about Zhu San and Cunhuo.

The two men are wanted in the country. Zhu San's original name was Zhu Peng. They broke into the house. They were found by the owner and killed him by accident. They did not dare to surrender and fled in fear of crime.

Cunhuo, formerly known as Wang Yaqiang, had served as a soldier, but was later expelled from the army for failing to observe discipline.

When he returned to his hometown, he did not change his life and caused trouble everywhere. His parents disciplined him. He who refused to obey the discipline, killed his parents and escaped.

Both of these are wanted criminals, and no one has ever been caught-I didn't expect to catch them under such circumstances.

Both were murderers on the most wanted list. Why did the assassination of Jiang Mian suddenly appear?

The reason is worthy of further investigation.

Jiang Mian took the snacks he brought back to Zhou Sirui: "Uncle Lian bought it back, Uncle Zhou, you can share it with everyone."

Zhou Sirui received a continual nod, and immediately ran down with something joyful-although there were many cases and busy at work, there was still time to take a bite to fill his stomach.

Jiang Mian knew that the detective father was going to interrogate Zhu Sanhe Cunhuo. He seemed to want her to go back. He blinked his eyes quickly and said, "Daddy, go ahead. Anyway, I have nothing else to do. Go to your office first. Stay, okay."

Means to stay.

Lian Feng thought for a while and nodded in agreement.

It is safe to send Jiang Mian back when he is finished.

So Jiang Mian went to the detective father's office, just walked two steps, turned back, took out a cheese stick from the bag and put it on his toes, and he just fed it into the detective father's mouth before jumping and running away.

Adu did not follow Lian Feng, but walked into Lian Feng's office behind Jiang Mian.

Now there are only two people. He stared at Jiang Mian with blazing eyes. Just about to pull out the soft sword from his waist, Jiang Mian beckoned: "I brought it to you. You haven't eaten it yet, here, yours."

Adu wasn't thinking about eating, he was full of the scene where Jiang Mian held his soft sword and instantly made the soft sword straight.


Jiang Mian interrupted him with a smile: "If you want to say anything, let's talk when you are full."

"I'm not hungry." Adu's sluggish temper finally became anxious. He drew out his soft sword and said in one breath, "Miss, let's fight."

He shook his soft sword, and his fighting spirit was high. For a moment, he looked like a martial arts master.

Jiang Mian kicked away the silver fox who came to watch the good show. She sighed, "But I'm very hungry. I'll talk until I'm full."

Adu had to rub his hands and wait, watching Jiang Mian skewered skewers while drinking milk (when he came back, detective father specially bought her for her), only to feel like a year, wishing Jiang Mian's delicate and ruddy lips widened and took a few bites Finish.

Jiang Mian: "Really not eating?"

She handed out a bunch of very fragrant chicken wings, and Adu swallowed in her throat, holding a soft sword, thinking for a second, and reaching for it.

Jiang Mian shook his hand, the chicken wings flew towards him, and the iron stick followed like lightning.

Adu unexpectedly didn't expect Jiang Mian to act without warning, but he didn't panic. The soft sword circled forward and caught the chicken wings. The iron sign came to him, and he avoided it.

Jiang Mian hooked his lips.

She took out five or six iron picks in her other hand and pierced him in the chest without hesitation.

Adu's soft sword flicked, the chicken wings flew into the air, the soft sword turned back, and pointed Jiang Mian's head.

At the same time, the office door was pushed open, and the bureau came in: "Lian Feng, I heard..."

Before the words were finished, a chicken wing flew over and patted the forehead of Fu Ju.