Fu Ju stiffly touched his forehead, holding pepper and cumin powder in one hand.

"Pay the game, you wipe it." Jiang Mian took the lead to take the tissue and handed it to the payment bureau. The latter took it, and turned his eyes to Adu, not knowing what he was thinking, and sighed.

Jiang Mian had an idea: "Have you paid for dinner? I have some skewers here. Would you like to try?"

Paying the bureau gave an "Oh", then turned his eyes to the lunch box on the table, paused for two seconds, and said, "You two young people, this is the company's office, not a place to play around."

"You..." He seemed to want to say something, and swallowed it back. He glanced at both of them, turned around to leave, thought for a while, turned around and took the skewers away from the table.

No wonder that Adu suddenly appeared next to Lian Feng. I heard it was very powerful, but it turned out to be so.

After leaving the game, Adu picked up the chicken wing from the ground and looked at it as if he wanted to wipe it and continue eating.

It's a pity to throw the blame away, Adu thought.

Adu comes from the Qishan school of martial arts inheritance, and he is the only one in the school.

Without a degree, he knows nothing except martial arts.

Because he was too hungry and clanging too poorly, even now he has no worries about food and clothing (the local tyrant is generous, and the salary is sufficient), he is still very economical and firmly implements the principle of no waste and no waste.

Facing Jiang Mian's gaze, Adu had to hide his thoughts.

It doesn't feel good to do this kind of behavior in front of the lady-those who don't know will think that Han always treats him harshly.

He threw the chicken wings into the trash can and took a paper towel to wipe clean the grease splashes on the floor.

Jiang Mian sat on the detective father's chair, and Adu walked over. She raised her head, "Want to fight?"

A degree nodded.

She pondered for a moment, and said, "Next time."

Jiang Mian was actually itchy, but firstly, this was the office of the detective father, and secondly, the space was too small to be displayed.

Moreover, if someone pushes the door and enters again, it is not good to see.

"Find an open place next time."

Adu agreed with her decision, thinking that he could have a hearty battle, felt that his limbs were getting hot-that was the excitement of meeting his opponent.

For so many years, he has always wanted to meet a real opponent, but the group of bodyguards raised by Hanxu are not his opponents.

The only one who could fight him for a while was the strong Han Kriel-at first, Kriel's power caused him a lot of trouble, but after finding out, he had the upper hand.

It's a pity that Creel didn't fight with him anymore, and hid when he saw him.

His eyes lit up: "How long has Miss learned martial arts?"

Jiang Mian did not answer him, but gave him a mysterious smile. Adu was at a loss, unable to understand what Jiang Mian's smile meant.

He scratched his head, and didn't want to think about it. Anyway, if he had the opportunity to learn from each other in the future, he was already satisfied.

Tang Xiaoshu knew that Jiang Mian was coming, but she had been busy and had no time to see Jiang Mian. After finally getting free, she suddenly received a call from her brother Tang Xiaole: "Sister, when are you coming back."

"It's early." Tang Xiaoshu said.

Tang Xiaole said unhappily, "Why are you working so late again? You still have injuries."

There was a case two days ago. Tang Xiaoshu was injured innocently and slipped a slit on her arm. However, she did not ask for leave and continued to follow her busy schedule.

Everyone has been so busy these days, how could she ask for leave because of this little injury.

Tang Xiaole hummed: "I knew it was like this. I brought you chicken soup and rice. At the door, the guard wouldn't let me in, so you came to pick me up."

Tang Xiaoshu had a headache and couldn't help but train: "Who asked you to come over at night?"

Tang Xiaole feels confident: "Who told you to work overtime every day and not go home."

Tang Xiaoshu had no choice but to pick up the siblings because they were arguing with their phones.

Tang Xiaoshu’s father is a policeman and his mother is an ordinary worker. A few years ago, her father died on duty, and her mother suffered a blow and couldn't afford to be ill. Soon after, she died of illness, leaving her brother and sister with each other.

Tang Xiaoshu inherited his father's wishes and was admitted to the police academy. After that, he climbed at the bottom for two years and then followed Lian Feng.

Tang Xiaole also wanted to enter the police academy. As a policeman, after being beaten by Tang Xiaoshu, he had to change his dream reluctantly.

Tang Xiaoshu originally planned to take the food, so he drove Tang Xiaole home. Tang Xiaole pestered her: "Sister, I rarely come to your work place. You take me upstairs to see. I, I want to see the company."

"The company is busy, how can I see you any time." Tang Xiaoshu stretched out his hand to push the nasty dog.

The difference between the two siblings is eight years. Although Tang Xiaole is only sophomore in high school, she is already a head taller than Tang Xiaoshu. She hangs on Tang Xiaoshu, making her panicky.

"Sister~~" Tang Xiaole rubbed.

Tang Xiaoshu suddenly felt that something was wrong. How could this kid specially come to give her chicken soup and rice at night? How could he have never seen him so considerate before.

She stared at Tang Xiaole and didn't speak. The latter rubbed and rubbed, and realized something was wrong, stopped rubbing, and raised his dog's head: "You, why are you looking at me like this."

"Let's talk, what is your purpose?" Tang Xiaoshu hugged his hands, and when he looked at Tang Xiaole's expression, he knew that this kid was guilty of conscience, his eyes were dodging, and he didn't dare to look at her.

"Don't tell me." Tang Xiaoshu began to move his muscles and bones.

"Then what, I heard that my goddess is here." After weighing it, Tang Xiaole finally chose to tell the truth, fearing that Tang Xiaoshu would be angry, he quickly raised his hand, "Sister, you are my first goddess, and Mianmian is my second goddess. ."

Tang Xiaoshu: "..."

She later realized that her brother Tang Xiaole was a fan of Jiang Mian. The last time Jiang Mian was at the police station, she asked for an autograph for Tang Xiaole.

"No, how do you know Mianmian is here?" Tang Xiaoshu frowned, his expression serious.

She knew that Zhu San and Cunhuo assassinated Jiang Mian in the snack street. The company was still interrogating the two at the moment. She had not mentioned to Tang Xiaole that Jiang Mian came to the police station. Why would Tang Xiaole know?

For an instant, countless terrifying thoughts flashed in Tang Xiaoshu's mind, and finally—

"I guessed it." Tang Xiaole took out his mobile phone and clicked on a small video. "Look, isn't this my goddess? The goddess is indeed a goddess. People are so beautiful."

He said admiringly.

Tang Xiaole played games at home and waited for Tang Xiaoshu to go home. After playing for a while, he randomly swiped some funny joke videos and the like, but suddenly the video was swiped.

In the video, Jiang Mian smashed people, and then ran into the store. Jiang Mian stopped. There was a voice-over: "This girl is too fierce. She knocked over a gunner and saved many people."

Tang Xiaole is Jiang Mian’s stubborn fan. He recognized this as his goddess at a glance. He rolled off the sofa with excitement and looked at Lian Feng. Although he had never seen Lian Feng himself, he had seen Lian from Tang Xiaoshu. Feng's photo.

Through Tang Xiaoshu, he knew that Jiang Mian and Lian Feng were uncles and nephews, so he didn't need to think about it, knowing that Jiang Mian must have come to the police station.

Fearing that the purpose is too strong, if he tells his sister in advance, his sister will not let him come, so he prepared chicken soup and rice carefully, and Xiongjiao ran over with angrily.

At the thought of meeting the goddess face to face, my heart was rippling like a roller coaster ride.

Jiang Mian put down the file in his hand and checked the time. It was already ten thirty.

The detective father only came in halfway and said to her, if he was sleepy, he would sleep on the sofa, and then hurried away.

Adu was not in the office, and followed Lian Feng.

The file she was looking at was a serial homicide case that Interpol Dad cracked last year. The unsuspecting case committed more than ten years ago, the murderer brutally killed more than a dozen people, including the elderly and children.

After killing someone, he deliberately revealed his whereabouts and was discovered by the police. Then he absconded under tracking and started killing again in a new city.

He was playing with the police at all. After a few years, this person suddenly disappeared. He stopped killing and couldn't find his person. The case became an unsolved case.

After seeing this, Lian Feng took the initiative to take the case, and it took three months to arrest the murderer.

The process on the file was written concisely, but it made the viewers excited after reading it.

She was about to find another file to look at, but the door knocked and Tang Xiaoshu walked in.


"Sister Xiaoshu."

Tang Xiaoshu coughed, before speaking, the door opened a little, a furry head came in, and when he saw Jiang Mian, he shouted excitedly: "Goddess!"

Jiang Mian: "???"

"Mianmian, this is my brother Tang Xiaole." Tang Xiaoshu raised his forehead, not wanting to see Tang Xiaole's silly look, "It was him who signed the autograph last time. He is your loyal fan."

Looking sideways to see Tang Xiaole, this kid slammed at the door after shouting the word "Goddess" just now, and smiled stupidly when he saw Jiang Mian.

When Jiang Mian turned his gaze on him, his pale face burst into red, and he dared not look directly at Jiang Mian in a shy reply, and stood still in place, twisting.

The goddess looked at him.

The goddess is so beautiful.

The goddess looks so small.


The more the half-aged boy screamed and roared, the more nervous and shy he appeared.

"Hello." Jiang Mian took the initiative to stretch out his hand, and Tang Xiaole stared at the thin white hand that stretched out in front of him. With a grunt, an airy feeling rose from his heart.

What made people laugh at was that Tang Xiaole turned around and ran away.

Jiang Mian: "..."

Tang Xiaoshu: "..."

"Xiao Le is more introverted, and when he meets someone he likes, he will be nervous and shy." After all, it was his brother, Tang Xiaoshu helped Tang Xiaole a little bit in front of his idols.

The star chaser is normal.

She also chased stars-but the star she chased was a company.

Tang Xiaoshu and Jiang Mian talked for a while and then left to go busy. Jiang Mian deliberately did not close the door. After two or three minutes, Tang Xiaole walked over.

"Female, goddess."

Seeing his still red face, Jiang Mian suppressed a smile: "You can call my sister."