There were a lot of people in the box, and Yu Ran didn't notice it. Seeing Jiang Mian with fruit juice in front of her, she said to her, "Drink some juice to get rid of the taste of alcohol."

Although the juice can't hangover, she drank a lot of wine at the finale. Drinking some juice will definitely be more comfortable now.

Interrupted by Yu Ran, when Jiang Mian wanted to see the waiter moving in front of her again, the latter had already turned around and left with his colleague.

She frowned.

"What's the matter?" Yu Ran followed her gaze and looked at him. Compared with the past, his gaze was a little less gentle and clear, and a little more dazed.

He doesn't drink too much and rarely drinks. During the dinner, Jiang Mian did block him a lot, but he wanted to stop it, but he didn't stop it.

Although he was not drunk, he was a little bit drunk, resulting in a lot of restraint.

There were many people in the box and the voice was noisy. When he spoke, he subconsciously approached Jiang Mian's ear.

If it was on weekdays, he would never make such moves that seemed more intimate to him.

"Nothing." Jiang Mian shook his head and took a sip of juice.

Close by, Yu Ran could see her small and shiny earlobe, wearing a simple diamond stud earring.

She is not like the actresses he knows. She is very simple. In the crew, except for the makeup when filming, she always wears a face without even lipstick.

For female artists, the face is the facade, and the first female artist paid special attention to her face.

On the go, even if you don't put on too much makeup, a simple makeup must be done, and even makeup tools will be taken out from time to time.

This is normal, because once it is "not beautiful", it is very easy to be notified by the marketing account, "plastic surgery", "gain weight", etc.

He sometimes heard some female staff members discuss Jiang Mian in a low voice, with envy:

"A plain face looks a hundred times better than my makeup."

"Long and good-looking people look good no matter how tossing them."

"I can be satisfied with one-tenth of her beauty."

"Speaking of disappointment, every time I see her mouth, I want to take a bite. It's ruddy, like a cherry, why is it so attractive."

The last sentence somehow came to Yu Ran's mind untimely, making his eyes look away and turning to the girl's cherry-like lips.

Jiang Mian noticed that Yu Ran was staring at her. She looked down at the juice in the glass, thinking that Yu Ran wanted to drink juice too, took an empty glass, poured half of the juice out, and handed it to Yu Ran.

Yu Ran was taken aback. He recovered, almost panicked and took the cup, drank the juice in one sip, the skin behind his ears seemed to ignite a small flame, and he did not dare to raise his eyes when it was hot.

Jiang Mian didn't pay attention to his abnormality-someone made a booby and said that Director Zhang was asked to sing, and the song ordered was a weird one. Director Zhang wanted face, and he refused to agree.

Fearing that the world would not be chaotic, Jiang Mian said aloud: "Director, you are the boss here. If you don't work hard, how can we continue."

"Right, right, right." As soon as the words came out, everyone found an excuse and forced the microphone into Director Zhang's hand.

Director Zhang: "..."

Finding that Yu Ran hadn't spoken, Jiang Mian took the initiative to say: "The director has cheated us several times, and now it's finished, just take this opportunity to cheat him once."

After thinking that there was no response, Jiang Mian thought that he was uncomfortable when he was drinking, and didn't care.

She took some snacks from the little table to fill up her stomach-everyone drank during the dinner, and she didn't eat much.

Jiang Mian doesn't drink much, but he drinks well.

In the world of cultivating immortals, she concentrates on cultivating, but she doesn't care about things in her belly after bigu, and she is not hungry anyway.

It is said that in the five years that she was seriously injured and became a mortal, she truly lived like a "human". When the bones in her body regained and could walk, she would chat with the villagers and listen to their stories like ordinary people.

It was also when she was learning to cook, and the doctor’s kitchen was bombed several times by her.

Sometimes I would drink a few glasses with the doctor, and the amount of alcohol was slowly refined.

Coming into this world, the original owner used to take a group of friends, friends, and friends to go out for fun. She often went to nightclubs and these places, and her drinking volume was not bad.

I drank a lot during the dinner, although it was not drunk, it was more or less affected. The manifestation was that she was more casual.

If you know her, you will know that Jiang Mian is in the crew on weekdays, whether he is standing or sitting on a chair, his back will be straight, unless there is no one.

There are so many people at the moment, but she is leaning on the backrest like a cartilage, with her hands casually placed, and the corners of her lips are slightly raised.

Obviously she is a beautiful and delicate little girl. As a result, her temperament seems to have changed a lot, a bit more extravagant that cannot be described in words.

A waiter came in midway to add drinks and snacks. The waitress looked at Jiang Mian and carefully placed the cup in her hand in front of Jiang Mian.

Then she whispered: "Miss Jiang, I am your fan. This is the hangover soup I made."

After speaking, he quickly exited the box without watching Jiang Mian's reaction.

After the female service took a tray and exited the box, she let out a long sigh of relief. Just now, the girl's bright eyes looked over, and she felt that her eyes were too clear, which made people panic for no reason.

"Xiao Tian, ​​did she drink?" He patted her chest, and just about to walk forward, a person walked in front of him. When he saw him, Ding Xiaotian's eyes lit up, and joy rose in her heart.

"Ran Xi." She shook her head embarrassedly, and said, "There are too many people inside. I'm not good to block the sight of the guests. She has already drunk the previous juice, so she will definitely drink the sober soup."

Then she was a little strange: "Since Jiang Mian is your idol, you can take it in by yourself and invite her to drink, and you can also ask her for an autograph."

She didn't know Jiang Mian in the first place—not a big star, but only after learning that Ran Xi was her fan did she search for Jiang Mian.

An 18-line star, Ran Xi did not expect to like her.

Ran Xi came to this ktv as a waiter a week ago. When he came, the waitresses in the ktv were all stunned-so good.

Suddenly there was a handsome colleague, and the waitresses couldn't help but approach him to find out his age and whether he has a girlfriend.

As a result, everyone was very disappointed and started to inquire about his girlfriend who was and what she looked like to make Ran Xi like it.

However, Ranxi avoided this question.

Not only did the waitress want to go to Ran Xi, but even some of the female customers who came after saw Ran Xi and asked him to be a waiter in the private room.

And often come tonight, come tomorrow night, just to see Ran Xi.

No way, I can't resist beauty.

Ding Xiaotian was one of the waitresses who couldn't resist. Even if she knew that Ran Xi had a girlfriend, she still couldn't help but want to get in front of him.

When Jiang Mian and his party came to KTV and chose box No. 8, the person in charge of this box did not have Ran Xi, but Ran Xi took the initiative to replace a male waiter.

She saw Ran Xi arbitrarily take the snacks included in the quota and put it into the box.

After inquiring, I found out that he was a fan of Jiang Mian. Seeing that Ran Xi treated his idols so considerately, Ding Xiaotian couldn't help feeling a little sour in his heart.

Especially after learning that Xingran went to the back and made a cup of hangover soup by himself, it was even more sour.

I treat my idols so intimately, I treat my girlfriend, I am afraid to hold it in my hand as a treasure.

Ding Xiaotian felt that at this moment, he had a big lemon on his head.

"Thank you." Ran Xi smiled, without explaining why he didn't enter the box.

Ding Xiaotian thought through his manner: Is it embarrassing?

After thinking about it, she said, "Why don't I go in later and ask for an autograph for you?"

"No need." Ran Xi shook his head. He was going to say something later. The box door suddenly opened, and a figure walked out. Ran Xi looked up and saw that the words came to his lips and swallowed back.

Ding Xiaotian reacted first, putting on a warm smile on his signature: "Miss Jiang needs help?"

"Nothing." Jiang Mian smiled and looked at Ran Xi, not surprised, "Ran Xi, why are you here?"

Ran Xi's long eyelashes trembled--he thought Jiang Mian would call him Xingran.

He opened his lips and was speechless for a while. He didn't plan to meet Jiang Mian.

"Miss Jiang, do you know Ran Xi?" Ding Xiaotian looked puzzled.

Jiang Mian nodded: "I have seen a few times." She looked down and was about to go to the bathroom.

Seeing Ran Xi's silence, Ding Xiaotian was anxious. Seeing the idol she likes, how can she hold back so much? She hurriedly said: "Miss Jiang, Ran Xi had something to do just now, but he didn't come over. He made the sober soup. , He is your fan."

"Could you please sign him, or take a photo together."

Jiang Mianle said: "When did you become my fan?"

If Xing Ran is really a fan of her, if you want to take a photo and autograph, there is a chance before.

Ding Xiaotian was at a loss, and Ran Xi was afraid that she would say something ridiculous, and hurriedly spoke before her: "Where do you want to go, Miss?"

"The restroom."

"Here, come with me."

Ding Xiaotian stood there, looking at the back of the two leaving with a dumb look. Jiang Mian was going to the bathroom, so she should lead the way.

Passing by some boxes, you can hear howling ghosts and wolves inside. Ran Xi glanced at Jiang Mian, then quickly looked away.

After a while, he took the initiative: "I have left the world on earth."

After returning from Dan Er, the first thing Xing Ran did was to leave the heaven and earth. He was forced to enter the heaven and earth. Fortunately, he has been thinking of a way for so many years.

What Jiang Mianzai said to him made him make up his mind.

He left the world on earth, penniless, and didn't know what to do for a while. He knew that she was filming in the studio and came to the studio subconsciously.