Jiang Mian glanced at him, perhaps Ran Xi himself hadn't noticed that the things hidden deep in his eyes, as he left the world on earth, seemed to blow away like sand.

He has made a choice, and his life will change in the future.

At least, the ending in the book is no longer his ending.

"This is a good thing." Jiang Mian didn't ask much how he entered the heaven and earth in the first place. "What are your plans in the future?"

Ran Xi hesitated for a second: "Be a waiter here first, save some money, and then go to other places to see."

Jiang Mian: "Don't you go home?"

"No need." Ran Xi shook his head. From now on, he wants to live for himself.

"Miss." He clenched his hands on his side, and sweat broke out from his palms.

Jiang Mian smiled and said, "You are not employed by me now, so don't call me that. Let others listen to you and think I'm exploiting you."

"Can I tell you to sleep?" he blurted out.

In response to his nervous and expectant gaze, Jiang Mian twisted his eyebrows imperceptibly: "Just call my name."

Ran Xi's heart was stagnant, and she wanted to look away in a panic, and felt that this was too obvious, and she could only force herself to continue looking at Jiang Mian.

Jiang Mian's gaze seemed to penetrate into his heart. She considered it for a moment and slowly said, "Ran Xi, you need to understand that I haven't helped you. You don't need to feel that you owe me."

Ran Xi didn't speak, he seemed to understand what Jiang Mian wanted to say.

Jiang Mian said again: "Since you have decided to live for yourself, live for yourself."

"You helped me a lot." Ran Xi gently shook his head, her voice very firm.

He stretched out his hand.

Ran Xi’s fingers are very beautiful. If you look closely, you can see many cocoons and scars in his hands. He emptily held the light spilled from the top of his head and said word by word: "You show me a clean light. , Let me grasp the hope."

He took a deep breath, his eyes slowly lit up.

"Jiang Mian, from the first time I saw you, you are different to me." His eyelashes were trembling, but his eyes were firm. "I know I shouldn't have such delusions, but I can't control it."

"In my whole life, I have had too little income, and I didn't ask for much. Suddenly I have a concern and someone I want to love. As long as I think of her, I feel warm."

"I know you don't have me in your heart, not because you don't think I am worthy of you, but you don't care about me." He looked at her intently, the stars in his eyes lit up only for her, "I don't know the future, it will be What kind of person can you care about in your heart."

Jiang Mian was silent, thinking that nothing was bad.

"The bathroom is here." Ran Ran stopped.

He turned around to leave, took two steps and paused, then turned around and smiled brightly at Jiang Mian, "You are the best girl I have ever seen. I only hope that you will be safe and successful in the future, and everything will come true."

When the words were over, Ran Xi no longer delayed, and left in large strides. At the beginning, the pace was very slow, but at the end the speed increased, and after a second, he disappeared before Jiang Mian's eyes.

"Ran Xi, what's the matter with you." Seeing Ran Xi as if fleeing something, Ding Xiaotian worries again in his doubts.

"Nothing." The corners of Ran Xi's lips rose slowly, and a faint redness seemed to flash across her eyes, "Somewhat happy."

Ding Xiaotian scratched his head in confusion, and suddenly understood: "Did Jiang Mian sign your photo for you?"

So excited about crying?

Ran Xi did not speak.

Standing in place, Jiang Mian was solemnly confessed for the first time, and his mood was a little complicated.

There was a sound of joking, it was the person who had brought his companion to the bathroom, and someone came out of the bathroom behind him.

At first, Jiang Mian didn't realize that Ran Xi was a male model in the heavens and on earth. The tyrant father spent money on him, and his duty was to serve people.

His thoughtfulness and care for her can be attributed to these.

Until on the plane, Ran Xi brought the cake.

He was injured on his head. A male model who is acting in accordance with the contract, even if he is gentle and considerate, what he should do at this time is to take a good rest instead of giving her a cake.

There is no one else on the plane, so why bother.

Jiang Mian was not a fool. She said she didn't like desserts, and that was her answer.

If you don't have that mind, don't give the other side a reverie.

Entering the bathroom, looking at herself in the mirror, Jiang Mian was puzzled.

She didn't get along much with Ran Xi, and she didn't help him. What did Ran Xi like her.

Is this face?

When Jiang Mian returned to the box, there was a lot of noise inside, and the booze wanted Jiang Mian and Yu Ran to sing love songs. Jiang Mian said that he was very drunk and needed to go back.

The others didn't want to let it go. Fortunately, Director Zhang spoke, and Yu Ran offered to send Jiang Mian out, and the two of them left KTV.

Being blown by the wind, Yu Ran's drunkenness woke up seven or eighty-eight.

Xie Siyuan opened the car door, Tang Anan helped Jiang Mian get into the car, and Yu Ran said to her through the window: "Take a good rest, goodbye."

"Goodbye, Teacher Yu."

Watching the car drive away until it disappeared in front of her eyes, Yu Ran did not look back.

Shishi cautiously said: "Brother Ran, I bought medicine, do you want to take one?"

Yu Ran has stomach problems and cannot drink too much.

With the experience of the stone, Yu Ran's stomach is definitely uncomfortable at this moment, but he is used to cover up, and will not be easily noticed.

Yu Ran answered the wrong question: "It's finished."

Stone looked blank.

The next day, Jiang Mian opened his eyes, and Tang Anan handed out a wet towel to make Jiang Mian wake up: "Mianmian, Du Yi has arrived."

Jiang Mian remembered that she asked Tang An'an and Du Yi to contact her, and she went to take a phone call today.

I didn't expect the other party to come so early.

When I came back last night, I was a little drunk. Jiang Mian didn't practice, so he cleaned up and slept all night.

"It's getting late." Tang Anan showed Jiang Mian the time, "It's almost nine o'clock."

Jiang Mian: "..."

Du Yi is a young man in his twenties with a medium-looking appearance. After seeing Jiang Mian, he smiled bitterly: "Miss Jiang, I finally hope that you will accept the contract to shoot."

"Sorry." Jiang Mian apologized, "It's my problem."

Du Yi was stunned. He didn't expect Jiang Mian to apologize so readily. He thought that Jiang Mian had been dragging away from filming because of previous events.

To say that not being angry is false, but there is no way.

Jiang Mian's sincere apology now makes him a little embarrassed.

Said Jiang Mian helped him, if it weren't for Jiang Mian, he wouldn't be the person in charge.

Moreover, Jiang Mian removed a big cancer for the company.

With a good beginning, the signing of the contract and shooting went smoothly, and it took almost three days to complete.

It was night when Jiang Mian returned home. Although he hadn't been home for a while, the house was still clean and clean-Liu Ma would come to clean up the room every day and feed Mimi by the way.

As soon as she went home, the fat cat named Mimi stuck over. She didn't see her as a master for a while, and she didn't admit to giving birth, holding Jiang Mian's leg and didn't let go.

Jiang Mian's hair stood up all over his body and couldn't shake it off, so he had to hold it by the back of his neck and threw it into the cat litter.

After a while, it sticks over again cheeky.

"You stop me."

The fat cat didn't listen, Fei Dan didn't stop, but ran faster.

Jiang Mian: "..."

She threw the little paper man over, and sure enough, when she saw the little paper man, the fat cat stopped moving, a pair of green pupils stared at the little paper man, and his legs began to move back.

On the contrary, it was a little paper man. When he saw the fat cat at first, he was very curious and rushed towards the fat cat.


Seeing a cat and a piece of paper being friendly, Jiang Mian happily went to the bathroom to take a bath.

Jiang Mian, who is soaking in the bathtub, plays games on the tablet while soaking, it is rare to enjoy the leisure time.

The video call suddenly popped up—it was from Heavenly Master.

As a result, as soon as the video was connected, it was not the iconic beard of the celestial master, but a large bald head with shiny tiles, and the background light over there was very dark, so the bald head was very bright.

The monk said, "Are you Wuzhen's daughter?"

Jiang Mian frowned: "Are you...?"

The great monk coughed, before speaking, Jiang Mian's heart jumped and his face became cold: "What's wrong with my father?"

"It's okay." said the monk, "your dad is fine."

He said: "Didn't you call him before and send him a message, he didn't reply? He was afraid that you were worried, so I asked me to call you."

"Why did my dad want you to call me? Other people? Why didn't he talk to me? Is he injured? Where are you now?" Jiang Mian asked a series of questions with a gun, and the monk was stunned for a moment. I don't know which one to return to her first.

"He, he is asleep." The monk stammered, "He is too tired, so let me call you for help."

"Really, don't believe it."

After a few seconds, the camera shifted, and Jiang Mian saw a small fire. The Tianshida was lying next to the fire. His beard covered his face so that she could not see his situation.

"You wake him up." Jiang Mian almost stood up from the water anxiously.

"He's really okay." The monk rolled his eyes, "You listen to his breathing, he finally fell asleep, it's a pity to wake him up."

When the words were over, Jiang Mian saw Heavenly Master Dad stretch out his hand and scratched his face, then turned over and continued to sleep.

Her beating heart fell back at this moment, and it turned out that she was really asleep.

"Look, I didn't lie to you."