Before Jiang Mian could answer, the voice of Heavenly Master Father suddenly rang on the phone, with the doubt that he would wake up: "Monk, who are you talking to?"

As soon as the voice fell, the great monk shook his hand, and he couldn't hold it firmly, and the phone fell on the ground.

Zuo Xing sat up quietly: Isn't that his cell phone!

Zuo Xingping used the previous button phone for several years. Even if he switched to a smart phone, he still kept the button phone.

This smart phone allows him to meet his baby daughter on video. He is very precious at ordinary times. In addition to receiving information calls, he is generally not willing to use it.

After falling a bit last time, he slammed the screen into a crack. He didn't even think about changing the screen. When following Lian Feng at the police station, a female police officer (Tang Xiaoshu) advised him, saying that he would put a cover on the phone so that it would not break.

So he spent five yuan to buy a special mobile phone case for middle-aged and elderly people on the street stall, which is a kind of all-round protection, so he recognized at a glance that the phone that fell on the ground was his own.

Even with the protection of the phone case, he feels distressed.

"Monk, why are you stealing my phone?" The great monk wanted to pick up the phone, but Zuo Xing did not move as quickly as possible.

He looked around and slipped back quietly.


Suddenly, Zuo Xingping jumped up when he heard the sound, and quickly opened the cover. Seeing Jiang Mian on the screen, his happy beard rose up: "Mianmian!"

"When did you give me the video?" Zuo Xingping said with joy, "I just fell asleep and didn't hear it."

Then he stared at the monk murderously: "Who told you to answer my baby girl's phone without my consent."

Jiang Mian: "..."

Her father thought she was calling, but he fell asleep without hearing him, and was picked up by the great monk.

"Amitabha." The great monk put his hands together and said solemnly, "You and I have been together for so many days, and the poor monk worried that the ringtone would wake you up, and it was your daughter who came over. Maybe something happened, so he took it for you rashly. ."

"Wuzhen, I see your daughter's heavenly court is full and her blessings are full of ears. It can be seen that she is talented and blessed, and the future will be smooth sailing."

What he said was telling Jiang Mian that he and her father were in the same group. He praised her so much, so don't expose him.

The great monk was named Xuanji, and he was born in Buddhism Zhaoruo Temple.

There are many disciples in Zhaoruo Temple, the main temple is in Kyoto, and there are many branch temples in other places. It is much more famous than the light pole Taoist temple like Lingqingguan.

Nowadays, whether you are a Taoist priest or a monk, you are not as rigid as before. Once you enter the temple, you will break with the red dust, and there are a lot of laws and regulations.

Most take a more free choice.

But once you enter the Tao, you have to go on firmly and truly leave the mortal world behind.

If you do not enter the Tao, you are free except for the rules that should be followed in the temple or Taoism.

Naturally, Xuan Ji was the latter one. He didn't even abstain from eating meat. He left it before, completely rebellious.

All in all, Xuanji is a monk, but what he did is more like a "fake" monk.

Zuo Xingping was in a Taoist robe, but Xuanji was not. He wanted to wear all his famous brands to show that he was a local tyrant.

When he and Zuo Xingping met, they wore a valuable suit and dressed himself as a nouveau riche, just wearing a big gold necklace around his neck.

After entering the mountain, within a short time, his clothes and pants were torn into strips, and his expensive leather shoes fell into the mud. He simply threw the shoes directly and beat them barefoot. If Zuo Xingping didn't want to be caught in his eyes, he could take himself Only a pair of pants were left.

About the clothes being torn into pieces, Xuan Ji and Zuo Xingping quarreled several times: "If I hadn't resisted that centipede, could my clothes become like this?"

Zuo Xingping: "If you didn't panic to provoke it, and you have to count how many legs it has, can it come after us?"

Xuanji: "It was you who proposed to count the legs, and you said that the legs are so long, maybe there is meat."

Zuo Xingping: "I just said casually, do you understand?!"

Xuanji's forehead was hot: "You are still embarrassed, in such a dangerous situation, you still have the mind to call."

Zuo Xing is righteous and confident: "You can still insist, my daughter called me, why don't I pick it up."


Along the way, Xuanji regretted it countless times, and could not wait to go back and choke the self who actually invited Wuzhen to cooperate to take up the task.

After Zuo Xingping leaked that he had a daughter, Xuanji became interested, and asked left and right—he and Wuzhen have known each other for more than ten years, and he has never heard of him getting married and having a baby. Tight, curiosity filled the whole heart.

Regarding his precious daughter, Zuo Xingping had endless words, so he snapped to praise Jiang Mian.

So in Xuanji's mind, Wuzhen's daughter should be a teenage girl who likes to tie double ponytails, wears a bow, and loves to wear beautiful skirts.

He wanted to see Jiang Mian's photo. Zuo Xingping's phone had Jiang Mian's photo, but he didn't show it to Xuanji.

Xuanji was itchy, trying to steal the phone, but Wuzhen kept the phone very strict, he couldn't find the opportunity.

Until tonight, Zuo Xingping fell asleep because of exhaustion, Xuanji watched the night and used a little trick to successfully "steal" the phone from Zuo Xingping's robe.

Turning on the phone, there was only one WeChat icon on the first page of the screen, and his heart moved: It's not interesting to see a real person in the photo.

The curiosity of the great monk dragged his tattered clothes, moved aside with a guilty conscience, and clicked on WeChat. The first one was Jiang Mian.

—— Zuo Xingping’s remark is [Baby Girl].

Poke the video without thinking about it.

When I saw Jiang Mian clearly, Xuanji thought to himself: Where is the little girl, but the big girl, Wuzhen is a liar.

But the eyebrows were carved out of the same model as Gozen.

Before he could think about it, Jiang Mian began to question him cracklingly. He was secretly using his mobile phone to make a video, and he was guilty of questioning.

Only Jue and Wuzhen's description don't match at all, they are so cute.


Jiang Mian figured out the situation in a few words from the conversation between Heavenly Master Father and the Great Monk. Since she was a companion of Heavenly Master Father, she also followed the words of Heavenly Master Father and admitted that it was the video she had called on her own initiative.

When Xuanji heard this, he relaxed, and suddenly felt that this junior suits his appetite very naturally-he took the initiative to treat Jiang Mian as a junior.

The crisis was lifted, and he came over.

Zuo Xingping noticed that, holding the screen to prevent him from watching: "Go go."

He simply walked to the other side, while being wary of Xuanji coming over to take a peek, while talking to Jiang Mian, by the way, briefly introduced Xuanji's basic news to her.

After listening to Jiang Mian, he didn't ask about his work, but said, "Dad, when will you be back?"

Zuo Xingping hesitated a little, and finally answered honestly: "I don't know for the time being, it may have to wait a few days."

"Are you in the mountains?"

Zuo Xingping nodded. If it weren't in the mountains, he and Xuanji wouldn't have to light a bonfire and take turns to watch and rest at night.

—— Xuan Ji knew that this mission was expected to be delayed for a long time, and prepared several power banks.

If not, Zuo Xingping's phone would have run out of power.

It's just that there was an accident halfway through, and things became tricky. They were temporarily trapped in this mountain. When they could get out is unknown.

Zuo Xingping naturally wouldn't tell Jiang Mian of these situations, so as not to worry his baby girl.

Jiang Mian frowned: "Which mountain is it?"

Zuo Xingping hesitated and refused to say. He saw Jiang Mian's wet hair draped behind him, and said, "Mianmian, are you taking a bath?"

After getting the affirmative answer, he wisely changed the subject and told Jiang Mian not to soak in the bath for too long. After a long time, he would easily get cold into his body and get sick.

Listening to the rumors of the heavenly master, Jiang Mian's worries did not diminish.

She forgot, it has been twelve days since she contacted Tianshida last time and learned that he took this order.

She knows the abilities of the Heavenly Master. Being able to join forces with the Heavenly Master indicates that the Great Monk is not weak, but the Heavenly Master and the Great Monk have stayed in this mountain for twelve days, which is too long.

The two didn't seem to be injured. In this case, it seemed that they were trapped in the mountain and couldn't get out.

There is no shortage of game in the mountains.

Jiang Mian was meditating, Tianshidi didn't want her to worry, he would definitely not tell her the truth, let alone tell her where he was afraid of the curiosity of his baby girl, what should he do if he ran over.

But she couldn't just watch Heavenly Master Dad trapped in the mountain, there was no danger right now, just in case.

"Mianmian, when I come back, I will take you to a French restaurant, OK?" When the order is over, he will be paid 50,000 yuan and he can take his baby girl to a high-end restaurant.

He is poor and always has no money to take Jiang Mian to a good place. Although he knows that a baby girl is not rare, he still wants to.

In most cases, it was the baby girl who took him to a high-end restaurant for dinner. In any case, he had to take her baby girl to dinner.

Jiang Mian hadn't spoken yet, but from the screen of the phone, he saw that the grass behind Tianshi Dad suddenly moved unnaturally. Vaguely, there seemed to be two dim oranges passing by.

Soon it was very pale, as if she was dazzled, but Jiang Mian was sure she could not be dazzled.

Something must have slipped in the grass just now.

Zuo Xingping was still talking, Jiang Mian's pupils shrank sharply and interrupted him: "Dad, don't talk for now."

At the same time, Xuan Ji suddenly said, "I rely on it."

"Smelly Taoist, don't move your grandfather."

Zuo Xingping was confused. Of course he would listen to what the baby girl said, but what did the monk mean?

He was about to move subconsciously, but Jiang Mian said softly, "Dad."

He saw on the screen, the face of the baby girl changed, and he didn't look at him, but behind him.

At the same time, a gust of wind came, and Zuo Xingping's beard moved - he smelled a faint fishy smell.

The smell seemed to be behind me, oh no, it seemed to be on top of my head.

Zuo Xingping raised his head slowly and slowly.

Meet a very very very big...snake head.