The next second, the picture on the screen disappeared-Zuo Xingping hung up the video immediately.

Jiang Mian silently put down the phone, and at a different place from the heavenly master, even if she was impatient, there was nothing to make up for. The only thing she could do was to calmly wait for the heavenly master to call.

She didn't even bother to take a bath at this time, she hurriedly packed up, and lay on the sofa waiting for the call from Heavenly Master.

Unexpectedly, the doorbell suddenly rang. Jiang Mian frowned, got up and walked towards the door. Before she could open the door, the little paper man kicked his feet and jumped onto the doorknob, twisted his body, and opened the door for her.

Xiaobai's strength is much greater.

This idea just a flash, the eye is a large holding red, then sounded Silver Fox spanking voice:. "My master, please accept my love for you."

Silver Fox removed the red rose, revealed his face, and smiled charmingly at Jiang Mianfeng.

Jiang Mian: "..."

"Doesn't the master like it?" The silver fox raised his eyebrows slightly. "Women like men to give flowers the most, especially with such a large bouquet of roses. It is very romantic."

Jiang Mian's lips twitched: "Are you a man?"

silver fox:"……"

"Master, I bought it for you specially." The man's handsome face was full of grievances, Jiang Mian stared at him blankly, and Yinhu had to take back the expression on his face and let himself become normal.

Just about to speak, with a "ding", the elevator door opened, and the silver fox subconsciously turned his head and met a pair of black eyes.

Qi Yanshu's eyes flicked over the rose in Silver Fox's hand. The latter only felt that his eyes were cold, and the hand holding the flower couldn't help tightening, and could only try to restrain the fear that rose to this man.

"Mianmian." Noting that Jiang Mian's face was wrong, Qi Yan frowned slightly, "What happened?"

Qi Yanshu did not live in Tianjingyuan during this period, but in Lanyuan. Jiang Mian checked out from Tingyu Pavilion and the manager notified him.

He was silent for a while and chose to return to Tianjingyuan.

"Nothing." Jiang Mian said.

Qi Yanshu looked at her and didn't speak. Under his gaze, Jiang Mian was a little uncomfortable, as if hiding from him was unfilial., unfilial?

The ghost knew how this idea came about. Jiang Mian rubbed his eyebrows. Seeing Yinhu's eyes full of fear of Qi Yanshu, he thought about it and said to Yinhu, "You leave first."

The silver fox was anxious, stuffed the rose into Jiang Mian's hand, turned and left quickly.

Qi Yanshu frowned, paused for a second, and said indifferently: "You are too indulgent."

Jiang Mian was slightly surprised. It was normal for Qi Yanshu to see that the silver fox was the fox who followed her before, but the meaning of his words seemed to know that the silver fox was controlled by her.

Jiang Mian hadn't spoken yet, Qi Yanshu had already taken the rose in her hand, threw it in the aisle, took Jiang Mian's hand into the room, and closed the door.

A series of actions were made with clouds and flowing water. When Jiang Mian reacted, Qi Yanshu had already taken her to stand in the living room: "Your eyes are full of worry, what's wrong?"

Jiang Mian opened her lips and wanted to shake her head. After a while, she gave up. She whispered: "Dad is trapped."

Qi Yanshu calmly asked, "Which father?"

"Uh..." Jiang Mian said, "Papa Zuo."

She told Qi Yanshu everything she knew, and in the end she couldn't hide her worry: "I don't know where he is, and I don't know if he can..."

She just glanced at the snake. Although she didn't take a closer look, the length of the snake was at least 30 meters or even longer, judging from the size of the snake's head.

This is not an ordinary beast species, it should be called a monster beast. This kind of monster beast should not exist in this world, but the world of cultivating immortals is common.

But this world lacks aura, the python can grow so big, I don't know how many years it has lived.

A monster beast of this level could be killed with a wave of her hand in her previous life, but now she had no choice but to run away.

Heavenly Master Dad is only high in Taoism, his own combat power is not strong, encountering giant python...

She began to wonder what kind of world this is, obviously it is just an ordinary mortal world, and why there are monsters of this level.

Where did the heavenly master go?

Qi Yanshu sat on the sofa holding her shoulders, her voice calm, with convincing power: "Brother Wuzhen is not low in strength, and there is Master Xuanji from Zhaoruo Temple. You can't beat her. There is no problem to escape. ."

He stopped talking.

Jiang Mian noticed his expression, and his heart moved: "Uncle Qi, do you know where is Dad?"

Seeing her face full of worries for Zuo Xingping, Qi Yanshu's eyes darkened and said: "If I guessed correctly, they have entered the forbidden area by mistake and are trapped inside and cannot get out."

Jiang Mian: "?"

Qi Yanshu lifted his fingertips and stroked the end of his eyes: "My curse is coming from restraint."

The meaning of this is: He knows where Zuo Xingping is.

Qi Yanshu entered the forbidden land and came out of it alive. Although he was cursed, he was relieved of his death at the age of thirty.

It can be seen that although this forbidden area is dangerous, correspondingly, it also has high returns.

At this moment, Master Tian's phone called, but he did not make a video call.

Jiang Mian's heart sank.

As soon as the phone was connected, Zuo Xingping's enraged voice came: "Mianmian, I'm fine."

At the most dangerous moment, the little paper men played a role. They were strung into a rope, struggling to entangle the giant python's mouth, giving Zuo Xingping and Xuanji time to react.

The two have self-knowledge, and if they can't fight against such a big guy, of course they will run away.

The two ran fast in the jungle until they confirmed that the python was not chasing it. They found a towering tree and swished up.

When the crisis was resolved, Zuo Xingping quickly called Jiang Mian to report safety.

Don't worry about your baby girl.

After the fire was gone, only the sporadic moonlight over his head was shed. Even if he couldn't make a video call, Zuo Xingping just made the phone call.

"The grand monk and I are still staying in a big tree. It's very safe."

Master Tian is not good at lying, and from his voice, he doesn't look like he is injured, Jiang Mian feels a little relieved.

Zuo Xingping didn't dare to say more, he hurriedly ended the call after he told his baby girl that he was safe.

Firstly, the mobile phone doesn't have much power, and secondly, I am afraid that the sound will lead to other things, but there are everything in this dense forest.

Where they had rested before, Zuo Xingping laid out an array around him. How could he think that the giant python broke the array silently, very clever.

Jiang Mian put down his mobile phone, his eyes were thoughtful. Although the heavenly master was fine, the news from Qi Yanshu was not good.

They strayed into the forbidden area, as long as it was a forbidden area, it was not so easy to break into it-this was the experience Jiang Mian had gained in his previous life.

Qi Yanshu came out of the forbidden area, indicating that he knew the way to leave. Jiang Mian raised his head and instantly slammed into Qi Yanshu's eyes.

He kept looking at himself, his gaze was different from the concealed kindness before, and there seemed to be something more... Jiang Mian's brows were slightly twisted.

She did not speak, Qi Yanshu did not say, the two looked at each other, and the air calmed down.

The fat cat in the cat litter, scared by the paper man, turned into a ball of fat cats who did not dare to move, opened their green eyes, and looked here without blinking.

After a while, when Jiang Mian decided to speak, she heard Qi Yanshu sigh, and he said: "I will go to the forbidden place to bring Brother Wuzhen out."

"Uncle Qi, I didn't..."

"I know." Qi Yanshu stared at her, "You want me to tell you the location of the forbidden area, and then go to the forbidden area by yourself, right?"

Jiang Mian was silent, she really thought so.

Qi Yanshu got up: "Your strength is low, and there is nothing to make up for when you go to the forbidden area, and it is easy to hold back. I will just do this."

Jiang Mian: "..."

She has no rebuttal.

In this world, Jiang Mian's strength is strong enough compared to ordinary people, but it is incomparable with those who have cultivated since childhood.

First, there is a lack of spiritual energy between the heavens and the earth, and secondly, the aptitude is poor. Jiang Mian's cultivation depends on her previous life accumulation, which can be restricted by her body, even if she wants to improve.

She had previously quietly investigated the spiritual roots of Tianshi Dad and Qi Yanshu, and both of them were single spiritual roots.

If it hadn't been for their foundation, and the cultivation system was different from the world of cultivating immortals, she almost couldn't hold back the idea of ​​passing on the techniques of the previous life to the heavenly master.

"But..." Jiang Mian also got up, how could she let Qi Yanshu take risks.

As soon as the words came out, Qi Yanshu interrupted: "Your father is also my senior."

Jiang Mian had to change another sentence: "Are you going over there right away?"

"Yeah." Qi Yanshu nodded gently.

Jiang Mian: "Where is it?"

Qi Yanshu did not answer.

Jiang Mian pursed her lips. In fact, she doesn't like owing favors the most. She knows very well that Qi Yanshu went to the forbidden land, the main reason is because of her, not because the ancestor is his senior.

And there is a curse on Qi Yanshu.

Her eyebrows twisted a little bit.

"What do I need to bring, let me prepare it, such as weapons?" She said dryly.

Qi Yanshu's eyes started to smile, he stretched out his slightly cold fingertips, and brushed between Jiang Mian's eyebrows, to smooth her shallow convergence: "Mianmian, I hope you can call me when I come back. I said "Dad"."

Jiang Mian blinked: "Okay."

Since she wanted to be her father so much, she would have another father.

Thinking of something, Jiang Mian picked up his bag and handed the laser gun and silver wire to Qi Yanshu: "Maybe it will be a little help."

Qi Yanshu didn't refuse either, he looked at Jiang Mian restrainedly and left immediately.

He didn't even go back to the opposite house, and went straight downstairs by the elevator, out of the apartment building, but saw the silver fox squatting by the flower bed, holding a branch in his hand to tease the ants.

Jiang Mian gave him an order not to kill. This life includes people and animals.

Therefore, he can only "joy".

The hair behind his ears suddenly stood up, Yin Fox looked back, took two steps back subconsciously, and looked at Qi Yanshu alertly.

"Why send her a rose?" The faint voice brought overwhelming pressure.

The silver fox moved his hand, sweat dripping from his forehead: "Good, beautiful."