The next day, Jiang Mian was awakened by a sound. She opened the door of the room and found Liu Ma instructing people to carry things in.

"Miss is awake." Mother Liu hadn't seen Jiang Mian for a while. After seeing Jiang Mian came out, she was very happy. "Miss has lost a lot."

The worker came in carrying a beautiful large fish tank, filled with many beautiful ornamental fishes.

In addition to the fish tank, two workers each carried a cage, one for kittens and the other for puppies, both of which are precious breeds.

The two little guys looked at Jiang Mian eagerly through the cage.

Liu Ma asked Jiang Mian for her opinion: "Miss, where do you think the fish tank is better?"

Jiang Mian rubbed his eyebrows with a headache: "You let me take it easy."

Mother Liu observed her face and explained carefully: "This is a pet that my husband bought for you... I said before that I should buy it back and recognize it. I propose to send it back when you come back. Otherwise, if I grow up by then, they I won't stick to you."

Last time the local tyrant father sent her two white rabbits because of the detective father, and insisted on sending her another pet. Later, because he went to Daner to interrupt, she thought he had given up his mind.

did not expect--

"You make up your mind." Jiang Mian said weakly, and returned to the bedroom. Liu's mother thought she was upset by the noise that Jiang Mian went to bed, so she quickly asked the workers to speak a little bit.

Jiang Mian returned to the bedroom and received a call from the local tyrant father, asking her whether she liked the pet he sent. Jiang Mian could only say: I like it, I really like it.

The local tyrant called me to ask, knowing that he was busy, Jiang Mian didn't say much, but only told: "Dad, remember to call me when you go abroad."

After hanging up the phone, it didn't take long for Mother Liu to knock on the door: "Miss, I will prepare lunch and put it on the table."

As soon as Jiang Mian went out, the cat and dog Liu Ma teased ran towards Jiang Mian with short legs.

One whispered quietly around Jiang Mian, and one reached out and grabbed Jiang Mian's trousers and climbed up, with a milky meow from his mouth.

The fat cat in the cat litter probably felt that her status was threatened. She returned the cat soul that was frightened by the paper man, swished over, hugged Jiang Mian's feet, and seemed to want to climb up.

Jiang Mian: "..."

Enduring the goosebumps, Jiang Mian handed these three brains to Mother Liu: "Bring them back to your house."

Liu Ma hurriedly caught it, she was not stupid when she heard the words, don't look like this was just a pet, I was afraid of death.

"Mimi, shall I take it home?"

Jiang Mian glanced at the fat cat: "It stays. You should bring the two small ones back to raise them, and then bring the larger ones back."

She is so young that she has to be breast-fed.

Mother Liu had to take the two small ones and all the things they need back to her home. Her daughter went home on vacation and saw it. She couldn't put it down and said to her, "Mom, the lady you served is so weird. Don't even want such a cute pet."

"No," Mother Liu said, "I'm just raising them temporarily. Don't think they belong to our family anymore."

The daughter didn't care. The lady was so rich, and she gave her mother the famous brand and expensive cosmetics without blinking. Keeping these two pets in her house is equivalent to giving away.


After Liu Ma left, Jiang Mian came to the fish tank. The fish tank was placed next to the TV cabinet. There were many kinds of fish, colorful, and it was very beautiful to swim in it.

The local tyrant always remembered not to red carp, so there is no red carp inside.

Jiang Mian went out, bought a live crab from the supermarket, and threw it into the fish tank.

This crab is very honest and motionless except for eating.

Even if other fish make fun of it, it does not move.

After Qi Yanshu left, he didn't contact Jiang Mian by phone, and only reported the progress through WeChat.

On the contrary, Tianshidi couldn't get in touch, so she called and shut down. Fortunately, she quickly received a message from Qi Yanshu that they had already met.

Master Tian's mobile phone automatically turned off because it was out of power-the few power banks that the monk brought with him ran out of the last battery.

After that, Qi Yanshu would send her the word "peace" at intervals, but did not mention when they would return.

Jiang Mian no longer disturbed them wisely.

Last semester, the film academy was closed late, which caused the school to start later than other schools. Jiang Mian’s mobile phone posted the information released by the academy, and there are still two days left.

——During the final exam, Jiang Mian was in the crew and took some time to take the exam. Fortunately, she didn't miss the exam.

Jiang Mian only did two things in these two days:

One, tease the crab that I bought back at home to make it lively.

Second, I went to meet Xie Huaiyu, the older brother of Xie Siyuan.

Shen Shiqing threatened her with Jiang Mian's relationship with the movie emperor's father last time. After being threatened by Jiang Mian, he told Jiang Mian who revealed the news to him.

At that time, she had no time to see Xie Huaiyu because of the criminal police father's Gu. Later, when she had time, Xie Siyuan said that Xie Huaiyu was transferred to work and went to the country, and only returned to China in the past two days.

Xie Siyuan always remembered Jiang Mian's appointment to see Xie Huaiyu, and when the latter came back, he immediately set about making arrangements.

Xie Siyuan has a bad relationship with his family, and his family situation is very bad.

When he was ten years old, his mother died of illness. Within a month, Xie father married another and brought back a brother who was two years older than him.

After Xie Siyuan became an adult, he left the family and had little contact with the family these years.

Xie Huaiyu thought it was Xie Siyuan who wanted to see him, but he readily agreed. Xie Siyuan responded to Jiang Mian's request and set the location in a very private restaurant.

Xie Huaiyu dressed up specially, wore a famous brand, and wore only over 200,000 watches in his hand, doing his best to let himself out of the "noble" taste.

Xie Siyuan is just a cook, how can he compare with him.

He straightened his chest under the guidance of the waiter, and entered the reserved box, only to find that there was not only Xie Siyuan in the box, but also a young girl.

Xie Huaiyu's face changed when she saw the girl's appearance, and a panic flashed across her eyes.

"Si Yuan, you go out and wait for me." Jiang Mian said lightly.

Xie Siyuan retired from the box, and Xie Huaiyu saw her alone and a little girl, and calmed down: "Are you...?"

Jiang Mian walked to the door, locked the door and said to Xie Huaiyu: "Don't you remember me?"

"It's okay." Jiang Mian smiled after locking the door. "You'll remember it soon."


Xie Huaiyu is a short stature man with a shrunken facial features. His courage is as small as his stature, not as good as Shen Shiqing.

At least when Shen Shiqing was threatened, except for the change in his eyes, he looked normal.

After friendly conversation, he quickly confessed.

Xie Huaiyu accidentally learned of Jiang Mian's relationship with Qin Jingrun through Xie Siyuan's mobile phone. He wanted to sell the news to the media, but he was worried that he would be involved and he wouldn't decide.

Just got the news-Shen Shiqing wants to fix Jiang Mian.

He has a certain understanding of Shen Shiqing and knows that this is a ruthless person. It is much safer to sell the news to him.

"Can you guarantee that what you said is true?" Jiang Mian slowly took back the used silver needle.

She bought it online.

Using slabs is too fierce, change to a gentle way.

Xie Huaiyu lay on the table sweating profusely. He looked at Jiang Mian in horror and nodded: "What I said is true. I have no hatred with you or Qin Jingrun...I just want to make some money."

What he wants to see most is that Qin Jingrun is scolded by thousands of netizens, preferably by online violence. Once the news of his daughter is exposed, there will definitely be people who say he cheated fans, and if others fan the flames, things will definitely ferment.

He hated Xie Siyuan for being able to do things by Qin Jingrun's side, and was rewarded generously. Through the identity of Xie Siyuan, he expressed to Qin Jingrun that he was willing to be Qin Jingrun's bodyguard.

He knew that Qin Jingrun's bodyguard was also paid very high.

But Qin Jingrun rejected him, it must be Xie Siyuan who said something.

Xie Huaiyu is not convinced, what a star?

Even if it is a man, it is also a plaything to be watched by others, and he curses with various words in his heart.

So when there is a chance to "retaliate" for a sum, he naturally refuses to let it go.


"I advise you to be honest afterwards, and record what you say is here." Jiang Mian took out the recording pen and looked at Xie Huaiyu indifferently. "You seem to have said it just now. How many women did you have while you were out?"

"You took the money that Shen Shiqing gave you, married a rich woman, and used the money from the rich woman. The bread is small outside. Your wife doesn't know this."

Xie Huaiyu's eyes changed. He did think that when Jiang Mian left, he would immediately call the police, even if he didn't call the police, he would expose the matter.

He cannot be beaten for nothing.

He wants to speak as a weak person. Jiang Mian is a public figure, and someone will ask him for justice.

He could even use this incident to threaten Jiang Mian in turn. He had been planning his revenge in his heart just now, but he didn't expect Jiang Mian to see his thoughts thoroughly.

He looked at the thin needle in Jiang Mian's hand. This was the thing just now, which made him suffer from heartbreaking pain.

He was scared: "Miss Jiang, don't worry, I will be honest, don't tell my wife."

There was a pause: "Don't tell Xie Siyuan, either."

Jiang Mian glanced at him: "The dishes are getting cold soon, if you eat slowly, I won't be with you."

Jiang Mian opened the door, Xie Siyuan stood not far away, and she said, "Let's go."

Xie Siyuan glanced in and saw nothing unusual, nor did he ask Jiang Mian why he was looking for Xie Huaiyu. He calmly sent Jiang Mian home.