Seeing Jiang Mian, everyone in the office looked different.

Jiang Xunian twisted his eyebrows slightly.

Lu Yixiu covered his face, and when he saw Jiang Mian, an accident flashed in his eyes.

In addition to the accident, there was some inexplicable anger, but this anger was not directed at her, but at Gu Qiwen.

There were too many emotions in Gu Qiwen's eyes, and the right hand hanging beside him was tightly clenched, as if he was trying his best to control himself.

He only glanced at Jiang Mian, then closed his gaze back.

Guan Xin looked down, concealing the fleeting disgust. This was in the teacher's office and should not be in conflict with her.

But the anger in my heart rose uncontrollably.

Since she was killed, she has not seen Jiang Mian again. See you today. Jiang Mian looks even more complex than before. She is more beautiful than Huajiao. Looking back at her...

She pinched her hands fiercely, using the pain to divert her attention.

Only Qi Menghan looked up and down at Jiang Mian, seeming to be watching the defeat of his subordinates. With red lips raised, his voice was a little **** and hoarse: "You are Jiang Mian."

At the end, she ended with a "tsk" tone.

Immediately, she put her arm around Gu Qiwen's waist, her eyes moved, and turned to Guan Xin. The latter's eyes really moved away from Jiang Mian.

Qi Menghan looked at Guan Xin provocatively and disdainfully, with gloom beating deep in his eyes.

She thought Jiang Mian would respond to her, but Jiang Mian didn't give her a look, only looking at Jiang Xunian.

Qi Menghan glanced at Jiang Mian again, but didn't say anything again, and there was no change in his face.

Jiang Xunian calmly gathered the expressions of the people present in his eyes, pondering for a moment, and he said to Jiang Mian: "You will come back later."

He called Jiang Mian to come over, indeed for homework, but he didn't expect an emergency, which caused these people to come to his office before Jiang Mian came.

Hearing this, Jiang Mian was ready to leave. He just raised his toes, and Lu Yixiu's voice sounded behind him: "Sister, don't go."

"They say bad things about you, what they say is awful." Facing Jiang Mian's gaze, Lu Yixiu pointed at Gu Qiwen and blurted out.

After finishing speaking, he went to Jiang Xunian again: "Brother, I was beaten like this by him. I don't care. You must call the shots for me, otherwise I can't swallow this tone."

Jiang Xunian's face was slightly dark: "Call me teacher at school."

Lu Yixiu struck her neck.

Gu Qiwen's eyelids twitched: "Teacher Jiang, is he your brother?"

Guan Xin said: "Teacher Jiang, we are just talking casually. This schoolboy rushed up and hit Qiwen. Qiwen had no choice but to fight back."

Qi Menghan didn't know when to let go of Gu Qiwen's waist, stepped back two steps, embraced his hands, and watched from the wall.

Jiang Mian raised his eyes, looked at Lu Yixiu, and suddenly asked: "You heard them saying bad things about me, so you rushed forward to try to be fair to me, and then he was beaten by him, right?"

Lu Yixiu covered her face and shook her head, did not speak, but her ears were red.

Although Gu Qiwen is stronger than him, he is also a man anyway. It is too shameful to suffer such a big loss under Gu Qiwen.

Lu Yixiu is a freshman. He is admitted to the film school and loves photography.

The photography major in the film school is very famous. There are many famous teachers. He came to learn to improve his photography skills.

He didn't pay much attention to entertainment news, so he didn't know who Jiang Mian was at first, but thought this senior sister was very beautiful and a little cute.

He couldn't find the way, so he instructed him to look for it, and then pretended to be serious and completely deceived him.

Lu Yixiu was not angry, but found it interesting.

When I arrived at the assigned dormitory again, a famous roommate was very good. His girlfriend was a junior, and he was the film school where he came to join his girlfriend for the exam.

This roommate told everyone about several anecdotes about the school of science, one of them was Jiang Mian.

Lu Yixiu glanced at the photo, isn't this the sophomore senior sister?

After listening to the roommates, they all expressed their opinions to stand with Jiang Mian, for one reason: Jiang Mian looks good.

Lu Yixiu was confused and went out to visit the campus to familiarize himself with the environment. He was holding a camera and looking for a photographable scene. He was lying on the lawn behind a pavilion, ready to shoot a tree, but he heard the quarrel in the stop.

Looking over it quietly, through the photos he had seen on the forum, he recognized who they were—Guan Xin and Gu Qiwen.

Far away, he did not hear clearly what the noise was, nor was he interested in listening, but suddenly he heard Guan Xin screaming out the word "Jiang Mian", he couldn't help but rub it over, and heard the rest. .

Guan Xin: "...You are obviously disgusting me, Jiang Mian tossed me so excessively, do you know how she treated me in the crew. She is bound to win you, you know her arrogant domineering, I only I can break up with you, I don’t want to hurt you."

"Sure enough, she threatened you." Gu Qiwen's voice was ruthless, and he reached out to grab Guan Xin.

Guan Xin avoided him, her eyes were red, and she couldn't cry: "I thought I could at least protect you by doing this, but you and Qi Menghan..."

"Guan Guan, me and her..." He seemed to want to say something, but he was hesitant, and swallowed it to his lips, only to hug Guan Xin with force, "You believe me."

"Jiang Mian threatened you, tell me, I will make her pay." His eyes were cold.

Guan Xin shook her head, crying heartbreakingly, and Gu Qiwen's anger towards Jiang Mian grew higher.

The more angry, the more calm.

Over the past few months, his city has become much deeper, and he must grow quickly to protect the people he wants to protect.

He couldn't help Jiang Mian on his own, but someone could, and all he needed to do was to use this "knife" completely.

Lu Yixiu heard these clearly and recalled his impression of Jiang Mian.

He studied photography, and photographers have a strong sense of "beauty".

Such a girl with a clear temperament, delicate features, and "beauty" everywhere, how could it be what they said.

He couldn't listen anymore, his mind was hot, and he rushed forward...

After Gu Qiwen was beaten by the local tyrant father with his bodyguards, he knew that he was weak, so he deliberately learned Taekwondo, and also found opportunities to make some gangsters on the road, and asked them to teach him to fight.

He was also cruel to himself, and he played against these gangsters, and grew rapidly in being beaten.

The effect was good. Lu Yixiu was his opponent. He only succeeded in the first sneak attack. When Gu Qiwen reacted, there was no resistance.

Then, Qi Menghan appeared, followed by Jiang Xunian.

Lu Yixiu almost came to tears when he saw Jiang Xunian.

Jiang Xunian is his cousin. He has been well-loved at home since he was a child. He has a relatively simple personality and never messes with his family background.

Being beaten like this, angry and wronged, and didn't want to lose face in front of Jiang Xunian, so I had to endure desperately.

Jiang Xunian took them all to his office.

Jiang Mian is here before the solution begins.


He was beaten and recognized by Gu Qiwen, but he didn't want Jiang Mian to think that he was beaten for seeking justice for her, which was too embarrassing.

What if the senior sister thinks he has thoughts about her.

He has someone he likes.

"I just can't get angry." Lu Yixiu said with a grin, "has the ability to speak in front of others, and make irresponsible remarks behind the back. You are still a man. You are not nauseous."

"And you." He looked at Guan Xin angrily. "You said that senior sister threatened you in the crew, then you said, what did she threaten you? Teacher Jiang is here, he is the teacher, if senior sister Really threatening you, Teacher Jiang will be fair for you."

Guan Xin's expression changed, and she looked at Jiang Mian subconsciously, a little panic in her eyes.

Jiang Mian threatened her only as her rhetoric to Gu Qiwen. She knew exactly what the facts were.

"I'm also a bit curious." Qi Menghan said, fiddled with the rivets on his clothes, "Guan Guan, although Qiwen is now my boyfriend, he and you are still friends, and his friends are mine. Friend. Tell me about it, maybe I can help."

Jiang Mian patted her palm twice and attracted her attention. She had been standing at the door just now, and she walked into the office with light toes.

In everyone's eyes, she closed the door slowly.

The temperature in the air seems to change somewhat.

Jiang Xunian's eyebrows moved lightly. He sat on a chair, swiping his gaze over Jiang Mian, narrowing his eyes slightly.

"Actually, I'm also curious. I didn't know if I threatened Miss Guan in the crew, Miss Guan might as well think about it." Jiang Mian approached Guan.

Guan Xin opened her mouth.

"Guan Guan, are you lying and insulting Jiang Mian?" Qi Menghan asked in surprise.

"How is it possible?" Guan Xin said calmly, "I..."

Jiang Mian: "Ms. Guan wants to say that it is a joke again? You have already said this to me in the crew before."

"What are you doing!" Seeing Guan Xin backing away frightened by Jiang Mian, Gu Qiwen felt a great pain. If it hadn't been for what Jiang Mian had done to Guan Guan, why would she be so frightened when she saw Jiang Mian.

Unable to hold back one, he reached out to grab Jiang Mian.

Jiang Mian's lips hooked slightly, and without turning his head, he clasped Gu Qiwen's wrist and twisted it fiercely.

Gu Qiwen's face changed, and he felt that something was wrong and wanted to retire.


Jiang Mian swung out his right leg and kicked Gu Qiwen hard in the face. The latter couldn't stand his strength, kicked back, knocked down the chair and fell to the ground.

The bright shoe soles were reflected on his right cheek, and he spit out a big tooth.

"Xiuwen!" Guan Xin rushed over.

Qi Menghan stood there and didn't move.

Guan Xin said angrily: "Jiang Mian, in front of Teacher Jiang, you hit people casually, don't be too arrogant."

Jiang Mian ignored her and turned to Lu Yixiu who was stunned with his mouth open: "Besides the face, where did he hit you?"

Lu Yixiu subconsciously lifted the t-shirt, and there was a large group of shocking bruise on the skin on the right rib. Jiang Xunian's gaze fell on this group of bruises, and his eyes changed.

Jiang Mian's eyes sank slightly, and his chin raised slightly: "Give you a chance and go back. I will take care of anything."