Lu Yixiu glanced at Gu Qiwen, feeling a little at a loss.

He was out of anger just now, thinking about how to get his face back, he had to press Gu Qiwen to the ground and beat him over and over.

When it came to the head, I didn't dare to do it.

He subconsciously went to see Jiang Xunian, his mind was a little messy, and finally the thread in his mind was clear, and he had only one thought: it turns out that the senior sister is so powerful.

Jiang Xunian tapped his finger on the desktop, but did not respond to Lu Yixiu's eyes, his eyes flashed low over Guan Xin.

Jiang Mian frowned: "The injury is still not healed, so forget the pain?"

"Why?" Lu Yixiu stalked his neck, touched his face, and gently pressed his ribs. It was the first time he was beaten like this.

The injury on the face can be ignored, but the punch on the ribs can't be ignored.

Thinking about this, the anger came up again.

He strode towards Gu Qiwen, Guan Xin stretched out his hand to block Gu Qiwen, screamed: "You stop! Teacher Jiang, you are a teacher, let your brother hit someone?!"

Jiang Mian didn't give Jiang Xunian a chance to speak. He was a teacher after all: "What you mean is that it's impossible for others to beat Gu Qiwen, but Gu Qiwen can beat others, right?"

Guan Xin stopped, anxious, Yu Guang saw Qi Menghan leisurely watching the show.

Gu Qiwen told her that Qi Menghan's background is no worse than Jiang Mian's background. She gritted her teeth and said: "Qiwen is now your boyfriend. Do you have the heart to watch him get beaten?"

Qi Menghan sighed: "But it's true that Qiwen hurt his junior. Teacher Jiang didn't say anything, so what can I say."

At the end, I added: "You are the ex-girlfriend of Qiwen, I am very happy to have you protect him like this."

The irony in Qi Menghan's tone could not be heard by Guan Xin, but she couldn't figure it out. Even if Qi Menghan didn't like her, he should help Qiwen at this time.

Lu Yixiu had already approached at this time. He ignored Guan Xin and kicked Gu Qiwen straight to the ribs.

He thought: Gu Qiwen punched him in the ribs and he returned a kick, which is fair.

Gu Qiwen was the one who was willing to be beaten in peace. He hugged Guan and rolled aside while swept his left leg towards Lu Yixiu's.

Lu Yixiu has raised his right leg. If Gu Qiwen's leg is swept, he will not only not be able to kick Gu Qiwen, but he will also fall heavily to the ground.

"Bang——!" screamed.

Lu Yixiu jumped aside in fright, looking at Gu Qiwen, who was holding his leg painful and sweating in confusion.

He didn't kick it at all.

Just thinking about it, a sphere of bones rolled in front of him and looked down at the globe on his brother's desk.

"You can't beat anyone, you're stupid."

Lu Yixiu looked up and met Jiang Mian's gaze, his face flushed, he stammered: "I..."

Jiang Mian pulled him over, walked to Gu Qiwen's side, stepped on Gu Qiwen's chest, and said to Guan Xin, who was crying: "I have said many times, you two should not mess with me. Did I always behave very tenderly? , Make you think I am very bullied?"

"In the crew, you compare with me everywhere, you have to fight with me in everything, I ignore it, it is because you are not qualified, I spend time lazily on you. But you should not take my tolerance of you as you Incremental capital."

"I don't want to know how you broke up with Gu Qiwen, and I don't have that interest to know. How did your role come, and the relationship between you and Shen Shiqing, you know best." After speaking, without looking at Guan Xin's face, he turned Watching Gu Qiwen, "You are the first I met, a smiling idiot with a grassland above my head."

She turned her finger at Qi Menghan, the sweeter her voice, the deeper the chill in her eyes: "You are with her, nothing more than trying to use her family's power and wealth to climb up, and in the process of climbing, deal with me by the way. Gu Qiwen, I thought you were so sturdy, you are not a trash that only uses women's superiors."

"And you." Jiang Mian tilted his head and met Qi Menghan's gaze in the air, saying meaningfully, "Whether you want to grab Gu Qiwen with Guan Xin or be willing to be used by Gu Qiwen, I don't care what you do. Don't count on me."

"The secret is the fire wrapped in paper, it will burn if you are not careful, do you understand."

Qi Menghan's face did not change, but his pupils shrank violently, and Jiang Mian's words set off a terrible wave in his heart.

She always thought that she was the daughter of the Qi family, born with a golden spoon, she was the youngest in the family, and a girl. Except for a few cousins ​​who love to compete with her, and grandpa is more partial, she has everything she wants.

But suddenly one day, she received a courier, and there was a letter in the courier. The person sending the courier was unknown. Qi Menghan didn't care about it.

She has many friends, and sometimes the servants don't know who sent the courier about her.

As for the letter-there are more people who like her, maybe some rich second-generation admirer sent her a love letter.

She had planned to tear it up directly, but she was in a good mood that day, and she opened the letter.

The content of the letter made her furious, thinking that she was being pranked by someone.

The letter said that she was not the daughter of the Qi family. She went to school in the film school and filmed the second female of "Love in the Green". The girl named Guan Xin is the real daughter of the Qi family.

The last sentence: If you don’t believe me, you can go to the film academy to verify. Good luck.

The content of this letter was engraved in Qi Menghan's heart. She asked people to check who the letter was sent, but there was no news. She always consoled herself as a prank, in order to make her want to eat.

But she was panicked. She knew that the Qi family attached great importance to blood.

If she was really taken by mistake when she was a child, Guan Xin is the Qi family's daughter. This matter is known to the Qi family. Even if she has been raised in the Qi family for more than ten years, she must be the one who has given up without hesitation.

She searched for Guan Xin on the Internet. When she saw her photo, Qi Menghan's heart jumped wildly. Qi Xin and her mother were very convinced.

She was told more than once when she was a child that she did not look like her parents.

At that time, she almost believed the content of the letter in her heart. She began to investigate Guan Xin, and she had to make preparations in advance.

Since fate made her the daughter of the Qi family, no one can deprive her of her qualifications, even if that talent is the real daughter of the Qi family.

For this, she will not hesitate.

Now, Jiang Mian said the word "secret" in front of her, besides her life experience, what secret did she have.

Qi Menghan stared at Jiang Mian, Jiang Mian wrote the letter back then?


When Jiang Mian finished speaking the last word, the audience was silent, and only Gu Qiwen's rapid breathing was heard. Jiang Mian said to Lu Yixiu, "What do you dare to do, fight."

Lu Yixiu had to kick Gu Qiwen on the ribs.

Jiang Mian took his feet away from Gu Wenwen's chest: "I will give you two choices, either, I will automatically apply for withdrawal and get out of the film academy. Or, if I see me in the future, stay away, or I will fight once."

The corners of her mouth rose slightly, toward Guan Xin who had stopped crying: "Including you."

Guan Xinse flinched, her eyes drooping with deep hatred.

Gu Qiwen only looked at her, thinking Jiang Mian's words in his mind. Those words finally condensed into one sentence: What is the relationship between Guan Guan and Shen Shiqing.

Jiang Mian said to Lu Yixiu, "Do you have a knife?"

"There is a fruit knife."

Jiang Mian stretched out his hand.

Lu Yixiu took out his key with a folded fruit knife on it.

What did the senpai do with a knife.

Not being right, Lu Yixiu wanted to take the key back, but Jiang Mian had already taken the fruit knife.

"Don't think I'm joking." She opened the knife and said to the "fateful mandarin duck" on the ground, "Choose."

Gu Qiwen stared at the fruit knife with a stern look, and sneered: "Do you think your hands and eyes are open to the sky?"

Lu Yixiu felt that Gu Qiwen had tofu dregs in his mind. He was at a disadvantage and had no resistance. He even dared to say such things.

Is it courageous? Or do you stupidly think that you are the protagonist and have the protagonist aura?

He was also worried about what she would do if the senior sister really used the knife and the nature of the matter rose.

Then I thought about it, shouldn't Gu Qiwen deliberately anger the senior sister, just want to get a knife, and then let the senior sister bear the criminal case?

He felt that he had figured out Gu Qiwen's insidious skills, and he was about to make a sound, a step late.

Jiang Mian smiled softly: "It seems you are not afraid."

She picked up the fruit knife and bent over, the blade of the knife flicked across Gu Qiwen's throat.

Guan Xin's eyes widened, she was extremely frightened, her throat seemed to be blocked, and she couldn't make a sound.

Qi Menghan gasped. The calmness on her face could not be maintained. She looked at Jiang Mian in shock: How dare she? !

Lu Yixiu's legs were weak and his mind buzzed.

"Jiang Mian!" Jiang Xunian quickly turned over the desk, squeezing Jiang Mian's wrist, the calmness in his eyes was replaced with solemnity.

"Teacher Jiang, I was just making a joke." Jiang Mian chuckled lightly, "He is fine."

Gu Qiwen touched his neck subconsciously, and there was nothing, but the chill that had passed in that moment made his hands tremble in fear.

He looked at Jiang Mian finally with fear.

This woman... is completely different from before.

"Can I choose now?" Ignoring everyone's looks, Jiang Mian asked with a smile again.

Gu Qiwen's voice was dull and slowly said, "Guanguan and I will never show up in front of you again."

When the words fell, he stood up, holding Guan Xin and swaying away.

Qi Menghan, who had been forgotten by Gu Qiwen, had an ugly face, said nothing, and left a few steps.

Jiang Mian returned the fruit knife to Lu Yixiu, picked up the globe on the ground, placed it on her desk, and smiled at Jiang Xunian very studently: "Mr. Jiang, the globe is not broken. If you mind, I will accompany you?"

Lu Yixiu looked at Jiang Mian, who had changed in the blink of an eye, and scratched his head blankly.

Senpai doesn’t have a double personality, right? !

Jiang Xunian looked at her and said slowly: "You are brave."

Jiang Mian sighed: "There is no way, I was forced, you have also seen it, they are too bullying."