"Mr. Jiang." Jiang Mian stood up suddenly.

Jiang Xunian's eyes flashed and he smiled kindly: "Does Jiang have any questions?"

Everyone turned their eyes from Jiang Xunian to Jiang Mian.

Jiang Mian left his seat unchanged and walked towards the podium, saying, "I remember that the last homework has not been handed in. I will hand it to you now."

When he reached the stage, Jiang Mian glanced at Jiang Xunian's computer with a USB flash drive inserted in it.

In full view, she couldn't make the move to grab the USB flash drive, and handed over her empty USB flash drive to whisper to Jiang Xunian: "Don't let me go."

Jiang Xunian's eyebrows moved slightly, and he did not speak.

Jiang Mian pointed to the phone vaguely. Jiang Xunian's phone lit up and a new WeChat came in. He picked it up and looked at it. It was Jiang Mian who sent it: [Otherwise, I will publish your WeChat (smile). 】

As the school's male **** teacher, many teenage students want to get Jiang Xunian's WeChat-there is a special post on the school forum about this.

Those who replied to Jiang Xunian asked for WeChat, but they were all rejected.

Jiang Xunian's gaze shifted downward, and he fell on Jiang Mian's left hand behind him.

Goodbye, the girl smiled like a fox about to explode. Jiang Xunian looked down, hiding the smile rising under his eyes, and said, "Don't worry, yours is not good enough."

Jiang Mian: "..."

Holding a breath in his heart, unable to spit out and swallow, Jiang Mian had to return to his seat and silently read: This is the teacher, this is the teacher.

So, Fang Ping finished this lesson calmly.

After class, the students left one after another, and Jiang Mian was also preparing to leave. Unexpectedly, Jiang Xunian, who was surrounded by several female students, said: "Student Jiang, come here."

Jiang Mian had to walk over, and the girls saw that Jiang Xunian had something to say to Jiang Mian, and they left with interest.

Only Jiang Mian and Jiang Xunian were left in the huge classroom.

"Even the teacher dared to threaten, there is nothing you dare not do." Jiang Xunian clicked on the WeChat Jiang Mian sent him.

Jiang Mian said, "Didn't Mrs. Jiang already know that I am courageous?"

"Besides, I was just kidding."

Jiang Xunian looked at her with a smile, but after a while, the conversation changed: "Is there time at night?"

Jiang Mian: "?"

Jiang Xunian: "Your uncle did a favor to my grandma two days ago. My grandma wanted to treat him to a meal, but she thought of you and sent me to invite you."

Jiang Mian thought for two seconds, remembering that the uncle in Jiang Xunian's mouth was referring to the detective father, and his grandmother was the kind old man who lived opposite the detective father.

The case concerning Zhong Wuli has been closed-through Zhong Wuli, Zhou Anmin was pulled out, and through Zhou Anmin, several large tumors inside the system were pulled out.

The help of the local tyrant father and the movie emperor father is indispensable to be able to kill these people so quickly.

Minister Jiang and a deputy director Zhao, whom the local tyrant father knew, and a provincial governor whom the actor father knew by coincidence, these three big bosses secretly helped and exerted pressure. No one dared to make a ghost under the gaze of the "tiger".

Lian Feng made a great contribution and wanted to promote his position. He refused, and exchanged the credit for a bonus, and put all the credit into Jiang Mian's living expenses card.

Before, Lian Feng called Jiang Mian and asked her to withdraw Adu. Jiang Mian had intended to shamelessly, but under Lian Feng's strict words, he had to withdraw Adu.

When Han Xu saw Adu's return, he thought that Adu was angry with Jiang Mian, and was rushed back by Jiang Mian. He contacted Jiang Mian and said that he would change some bodyguards.

The frightened Jiang Mian quickly rejected the kindness of the local tyrant father on the grounds that he was going to school.

Afterwards, Jiang Mian received a message from Adu: [Miss, my salary has been deducted. 】

Jiang Mian: "..."

Jiang Mian had no choice but to make up for Adu's salary deducted by the local tyrant father.


"Okay, then I'm not welcome." Jiang Mian agreed, and just took this opportunity to see the detective father and give him a surprise.

Seeing her promised so readily, Jiang Xunian was a little surprised and said, "After school, I will wait for you in the parking lot."

Jiang Mian nodded.

Jiang Xunian: "Aren't you afraid of being recognized and spreading a scandal?"

Jiang Mian smiled and said, "You should be more scared. You are a teacher, and I am your student. It is true that the scandal has been spread, and who is more unfavorable."

Jiang Xunian: "..."

Jiang Mian, who had won a round, was about to leave. Lu Yixiu rushed in: "Sister, I finally found you."

"Brother... Teacher Jiang." After the brakes, Lu Yixiu noticed that his brother's face was a little weird and didn't think much about it. He said to Jiang Mian eagerly, "Senior Sister, life-saving event."

Jiang Xunian waved the two out of the classroom.

When Lu Yixiu was in high school, he added a photography hobby group, chatted with a girl in it, and became a confidant. He hadn't seen the girl, but fell in love with the girl during the chat.

The girl was studying in high school abroad. Two days ago, she said she was going back to China. Lu Yixiu secretly poked and wanted to meet, but after sending the news, the girl didn't return.

Later in the chat, he realized that the girl was colder towards him, and he realized that the girl was angry. She didn't know what the state of her opposite was through the Internet, and made him anxious.

Patience After listening to Lu Yixiu's relationship problems, Jiang Mian pointedly said: "So you are a unilateral online dating...no...an online crush."

Lu Yixiu said bitterly: "It seems to be."

Jiang Mian: "..."

"But I think she likes me too." Lu Yixiu wrinkled her baby face and looked melancholy.

Jiang Mian glanced at him and said, "You never thought about it. What if the information she revealed to you is false, you are lying."

"Impossible." Lu Yixiu jumped up anxiously, "Absolutely impossible."

"Why not possible."

Lu Yixiu faltered: "I..."

Jiang Mian: "Have you checked her?"

Lu Yixiu shook his head in a panic: "No, how could I do this kind of thing, it's just that I have a friend who understands computers and hacked her computer..."

He said more and more quietly.

He didn't know this at first, but the friend showed him her education certificate and photos, only then knew that the friend had hacked her computer without his consent.

He had a fight with his friends and was afraid to tell her, for fear that she would ignore him if he said that, so he had to hide it.

Jiang Mian: "..."

Jiang Mian: "Maybe someone has a boyfriend. You asked to meet her, making her embarrassed and uncomfortable, so she became cold."

When the words fell, she found that Lu Yixiu was about to cry, so she had to stop.

Looking up at the sky above her head, Jiang Mian pinched her eyebrows—why did she sit here to help others deal with emotional problems.

She doesn't understand either.

"Do you have her contact information?" Jiang Mian asked.

Lu Yixiu nodded.

"Call to ask."

Lu Yixiu lowered his head confusingly.

Okay, this is not dare.

Jiang Mian resignedly took out his mobile phone: "Give me the number."

Lu Yixiu hesitated, Jiang Mian's eyes were cold: "Hurry up."

Lu Yixiu's scared hairs stood up, busy reporting her number, and Jiang Mian dialed.

"Hey." A few seconds later, a soft female voice sounded over there.

Jiang Mian said, "Is this Tong Yue?"

"I am, are you...?"

Jiang Mian sighed and whispered: "I am Yixiu's older sister. He has been ill these past two days. He..."

"What's wrong with him? Is it because he stayed up late to feel sick? Which hospital is he in? How is it now?" Before Jiang Mian finished speaking, the girl's voice suddenly became tense and asked a series of questions.

Jiang Mian gave the phone to Lu Yixiu who was stupid, then got up and walked to the other side.

After a while, Lu Yixiu ran over with a smirk and smiled into a flower, with excitement: "Sister, you will be my sister from now on!"

Jiang Mian: "..."

After school, Jiang Mian went straight to the parking lot. When he was looking for Professor Jiang's car, a whistle sounded behind him. Looking back, a black car slid over.

Jiang Mian pulled the car door and sat up, and found that Professor Jiang had changed into a casual outfit, without glasses, and was a little less moist and more chic, looking like a college student who had not graduated.

"Mr. Jiang, you like to teach simulation classes so much, why don't you go into the circle and filming? While filming and being a teacher, there is no conflict, and with your looks, there is no need to worry about the fire."

Jiang Xunian faintly said: "Filming is trained by the director. When a teacher trains a student, you say which one is better."

Jiang Mian: "..."

She actually felt very reasonable.

Passing by a supermarket on the way, she asked Professor Jiang to stop. Seeing that she was about to get off, Jiang Xunian frowned and asked to get off.

"You wait in the car for a while, just a few minutes." After speaking, she rushed into the supermarket and quickly bought some gifts.

Looking through the window, Jiang Xunian's eyes moved slightly as he looked at the girl returning with the gift.

Jiang Mian opened the car door and explained her actions: "My uncle is busy, so he probably forgot to buy gifts, so I can't go to your grandma's house empty-handed."

Jiang Xunian smiled and said, "Why didn't you see you being polite to me."

Jiang Mian: "Am I not respecting you enough?"

She emphasized the word "you".

Jiang Xunian shook his head, stopped talking, and concentrated on driving.

When we arrived at the underground parking lot of Warm Home, it was already 7 o'clock in the evening. Jiang Mian got off the car with the gift. Jiang Xunian parked the car and prepared to take it from her.

The car lights suddenly lit up and a car drove in. Jiang Mian subconsciously looked over and recognized that it was the detective father's car.

I don't know which of the tendons didn't match, she actually hid behind Jiang Xunian.

Jiang Xunian: "???"

Jiang Mian: "..."

She stood up now, it seemed a little weird.

Next to the car Jiang Xunian parked was Lian Feng's parking space. Lian Feng's gaze swept across Jiang Xunian. There was clearly a person behind him, with gift boxes on both sides.

Lian Feng moved his eyebrows slightly, retracted his gaze, opened the door and got out of the car.

"Even the police officer."

"Mr. Jiang."

The two nodded in greeting.

Jiang Mian: "......???"

Interpol Dad knows Professor Jiang? !

Lian Feng's gaze crossed behind Jiang Xunian and fell into the rearview mirror of a car behind.

Through the rearview mirror, he could clearly see his baby girl bending over, sneaking behind Jiang Xunian.

Lian Feng: "..."