Lian Feng retracted his gaze and asked Jiang Xunian, "Ms. Jiang alone?"

Jiang Xunian couldn't figure out Jiang Mian's intention to hide, thought for a while, shook his head, and said nothing.

Lian Feng didn't mean to leave. He suddenly said, "I haven't asked Mianmian about her schoolwork for a long time. I wonder how she performed at school?"

A flash of surprise flashed in Jiang Xunian's eyes. Lian Feng knew very well that he was not Jiang Mian's counselor, but asked him about Jiang Mian's situation. He pondered for a moment and said, "Classmate Jiang is very talented."

Jiang Mian discovered that the detective father actually asked Professor Jiang about her situation here, but he asked and Professor Jiang answered, and neither of them moved.

I don't usually see the detective father so much talk.

She started to rub her somewhat sore waist. Just when her hand touched her waist, she realized that the detective father was deliberate.

He knows she is here!

Jiang Mian straightened up, moved himself completely out of Professor Jiang, and smiled at the detective father how well-behaved.

The voices of Lian Feng and Jiang Xunian stopped instantly.

The atmosphere suddenly became a bit weird.

Jiang Xunian smiled and said, "Police Officer Lian, Classmate Jiang hasn't seen you for a while, so I am prepared to surprise you."

"It was pleasant enough." Lian Feng said lightly.

Jiang Xunian took the gift from Jiang Mian and said, "I'll go upstairs to help grandma first, and you'll just come here directly."

After speaking, leave calmly.

Lian Feng asked, "You have a good relationship with that teacher Jiang?"

Jiang Mian obediently said: "Dad. You forgot, the last time Grandma Jiang asked me to send braised pork ribs, she said you helped her, invite you to dinner, and invited me by the way, I just took Teacher Jiang's car over. Up."

Lian Feng glanced at her and said, "Next time you want to come over, call me and I will pick you up."

The little chicken Jiang Mian nodded like a peck.

She held the detective father and said coquettishly: "Dad, what are you doing for Grandma Jiang?"

"Little things."

It's really a trivial matter. During this time, even the frontman was very busy. Yuan Jinfei used to help. Yuan Jinfei was still recovering from his injuries in the hospital. Everything fell on him. The case ended two days ago, and it can finally be easier.

He seldom got off work on time. When he got home, he found Grandma Jiang anxiously standing at the door. Seeing him, she was pleasantly surprised and said: "Lian police officer, got off work so early today."

Lian Feng nodded, took a look, and said, "Can't open the door?"

Grandma Jiang nodded.

Grandma Jiang is carrying a basket of vegetables. These are the leftover vegetables that I bought at the market. These vegetables are very fresh, but they don't look good. They are twice as cheap as the original price. Grandma Jiang often goes out to buy vegetables at night.

As a result, I forgot to bring my key and mobile phone when I went out this time. Lian Feng helped contact the locksmith. The unlocker required the old lady to show her ID to open.

The old lady didn't have any ID card on her body, and she was in a stalemate. Lian Feng heard it in the room and went out to show her ID to the master.

The master saw that it was a policeman, so he didn't delay anymore and opened the lock readily.

After this forced opening of the lock, the original lock is definitely no longer usable. The master changed a new lock, and the total cost was 30% off for the old lady.

The old lady was very happy to save dozens of dollars, plus the ones Lian Feng had helped her before, she insisted on asking Lian Feng for dinner.

Lian Feng repeatedly refused, and the old lady became angry: "Lian police officer, do you look down on me as an old lady?"

With such a big hat down, Lian Feng couldn't, so he had to respond, so he decided to eat at Grandma Jiang's house tonight.

But Lian Feng did not expect that the old lady would also invite Jiang Mian.


Entering the elevator, Lian Feng looked at Jiang Mian calmly, and suddenly said, "Do you know what that teacher Jiang does at home?"

Of course Jiang Mian knew, and she couldn't say it. She parsed this sentence carefully in her heart and made sure it was not the trick that the detective father gave her.

Jiang Mian said puzzledly, "What does Teacher Jiang do at home has nothing to do with me, Dad, do you know?"

She kicked the ball back.

Lian Feng said lightly: "Know a little bit."

"What is it?"

Lian Feng scratched the tip of her nose, and the corners of her lips raised slightly: "Children don't ask too much."

Jiang Mian: "..."

She shrugged: "Dad, how many cigarettes did you smoke today?"

Lian Feng frowned, and subconsciously lowered his head to smell his body.

"It tastes great?"

Jiang Mian nodded heavily.

"Sorry." Rubbing Jiang Mian's head, "I made you smell second-hand smoke."

When he got home, Lian Feng went to take a shower first, and Jiang Mian went to his bedroom. The layout was still the same—but a few paper bags were found here. After opening it, the clothes inside were a bit familiar.

She remembered, this is the clothes she bought for the heavenly master.

It seems that Heavenly Master slept in her room before.

She didn't know, for this reason, Zuo Xingping had a fight with Lian Feng once.

There are only two bedrooms, but there are three people. Before Zuo Xingping came, Lian Feng prepared a folding bed for him and placed it in the study.

Lian Feng's choice for Zuo Xingping:

1. Sleeping sofa-the sofa can be joined into a bed.

Second, buy another folding bed.

Three, sleep with him.

Zuo Xingping was shaking with goose bumps and took the lead in eliminating the third, then eliminating the first and second. He stood in Jiang Mian's bedroom: "I want to sleep here."

At the end, I added: "I don't sleep on the bed, I hit the floor."

Lian Feng who couldn't get out: "..."

In the end, Lian Feng had to open one eye and close one eye. He didn't let Zuo Xing really sleep on the ground. He just explained: the bed can be used, and he is allowed to go to bed.

This is the bed for the baby girl, Zuo Xingping will do it without reminding.

He was used to taking an inch, and then found time to bring his belongings over and store it here.

Jiang Mian bought these clothes for him. The price is not cheap. He had lost two of them inexplicably before, and he was really reluctant to lose them again.

Jiang Mian also found a stack of cut paper figures in the paper bag, lying motionless in them.

Today she received a message from Qi Yanshu on WeChat: [Something unexpected happened. It's a good thing, don’t worry. 】

Maybe they encountered some chance in the forbidden area, Jiang Mian could only worry about it.

"Miss your left father?" A voice came from behind him suddenly. Jiang Mian turned his head. The detective father changed into clean clothes with a towel around his neck. He looked nothing like a person in his forties.

While admiring the handsomeness of the detective father, Jiang Mian put the little paper man back into the paper bag. The desire to survive made her shook her head and Lian Feng was noncommittal.

In order to divert the attention of the detective father, Jiang Mian said, "Dad, did that Aunt Chen look for you again?"

Lian Feng: "..."

He gestured up and raised his hand, Jiang Mian grinned and got out under his arm.

The smile in Lian Feng's eyes widened.

Granny Jiang frequently looked out of the kitchen, urging her grandson who helped her out: "In the first new year, go and see, why aren't these uncles and nephews here yet."

Jiang Xunian was helpless: "Grandma, even the police officer just got off work, so you have to go home. Look at the pot, don't mess up."

Grandma Jiang clapped his hand, and said, "Why are you so unenthusiastic as a child."

Jiang Xunian was silent, he must set off firecrackers to show his enthusiasm.

Grandma Jiang saw the gifts placed on the table again and began to mutter: "Mianmian is still a little girl, how can you let her pay for things? You are really too. You are still a teacher at a loss. Is that reasonable?"

Jiang Xunian: "Okay, I'll let her take it back later."

Grandma Jiang: "How can we take it back? It would appear that we don't think the gifts given by others are bad."

Jiang Xunian: "..."

He decided not to speak, it was too wrong to say more.

Grandma Jiang didn't let him go: "By the way, how about going to school after a break, is he healthy?"

"It's alive and kicking, it's alright."

"That's good." Grandma Jiang looked at him, "You are twenty-six this year, when will you bring me a girlfriend?"

Jiang Xunian put down the dishes in his hands: "The doorbell rang."

Grandma Jiang immediately let go of her grandson's lifelong affairs: "Go and open the door."

Needless to say, Professor Jiang has been out of the kitchen quickly and can't wait to open the door.

The moment the door opened, Jiang Mian raised his eyebrows. When Professor Jiang, who had always been calm, looked at them, he said very enthusiastically: "Please come in."

The old lady was very happy to see them: "The last dish will be ready soon."

When the dishes were ready, Grandma Jiang pulled Jiang Mian, boasting, and in front of Lian Feng, once again let Jiang Xunian release water on Jiang Mian.

Then the key point came, and the old lady sighed: "My grandson, he won't bring me a granddaughter back after twenty-seven years old. Xiaolian, you are also a big eldest, and you have to take care of yourself."

Turning to Jiang Mian again: "Mianmian, don't you mind if your uncle finds you an aunt."

Seeing her father's expressionless appearance, Jiang Mian lowered her head and drank a drink wildly, holding back a smile and shook her head.

"The old woman has lived for so many years, and I don't know when she will go there. I just want to watch you well." Grandma Jiang said, "I have a little sister, and she has a little daughter who works as a police officer abroad, just like you. , I have delayed myself for work and duties. I haven't gotten married since 31st this year."

"Recently she returned to China, and it is estimated that she will work in the country. Maybe you two will be colleagues in the future. Or the old woman is the master, do you meet?"

Lian Feng: "..."

Suddenly Jiang Mian was kicked off the foot, raised his head, and received the look from the detective father.

The father and daughter looked at each other.

The next second, the chopsticks in Lian Feng's hand fell on the table, lying on the table, Jiang Mian got up: "Grandma Jiang, uncle is drunk, I will help him go back first."

The old lady didn't suspect him, her face was worried, and directed Jiang Xunian: "Xu Nian will help you, I'll cook the sober soup."

"No need." Jiang Mian blinked at Jiang Xunian. The latter understood and stopped the old lady. "Grandma, you have been busy all night. Go and rest. I will come."


Back home, Jiang Mian closed the door and turned on the light. The fainted detective father opened his eyes, and Jiang Mian laughed.

Lian Feng leaned against the wall, tapped his fingers on her head, and said helplessly, "What a smile?"

Jiang Mian helped him sit on the sofa, poured a glass of water and handed it to him: "Dad, the auntie Jiang said sounds good."

Lian Feng drank a few glasses of wine. This wine was brewed by Grandma Jiang herself. With plenty of stamina, plus the exhaustion during this time, he was really dizzy.

He took the water and drank, leaning on the sofa, staring at Jiang Mian.

The daughter in front of me looked like she was lying in his arms when she was young, and she looked like she was next to him when she grew up.

Lian Feng's eyes gradually became gentle.

This is his daughter, his blood.

He smiled and said: "I have you enough."