The next day was the weekend, and Jiang Mian simply lived with the detective father and spent the weekend with him.

Lian Feng was reluctant to refuse, so he planned to take a two-day vacation-he was allowed to rest for a few days in the previous game, but he refused.

There is another reason. He took a task and was going to perform it in another place, at least half a month.

Too many things have happened in the past few months, all around are perilous, and I haven't gotten along with my daughter. Now that the crisis is over, I take this opportunity to live peacefully with my daughter for a few days.

Knowing that the detective father had drunk, he would definitely be uncomfortable when he woke up. Jiang Mian got up early and there was nothing in the refrigerator. Jiang Mian had to use a small pot to make porridge first, and then went to the supermarket to buy some vegetables and make some appetizers.

When the porridge was cooked, she served a bowl, and when it was almost cold, she took it to the detective father's room.

The detective father was not awake yet, Jiang Mian put the porridge on the bedside table and was about to wake his father. He looked back and met the opened eyes of the detective father.

"Dad, good morning."

Lian Feng looked at Jiang Mian in a daze.

When Jiang Mian opened the door, he woke up, but there was no sound.

He remembered raising Xiao Jiangmian before. At that time, he was not a criminal policeman, but a grassroots policeman. His daughter liked him very much. Everyone said that my father was a hero.

Lian Feng couldn't laugh or cry, holding Xiao Jiang Mian to teach: "Dad is not a big hero, Dad is just an ordinary policeman."

Xiao Jiang Mian hugged his neck and held his head high: "I don't care, Dad is the hero."

Sometimes Lian Feng had to attend work at night, afraid of waking up his daughter, so he sorted out the other bedroom and trained his daughter to sleep alone.

But every time he took Xiao Jiang Mian to the next room, after a while, Xiao Jiang Mian would hold his little pillow and stand at his door without speaking, and looked at him with anger.

Lian Feng was helpless.

When on duty at night, I had to speak as quietly as possible without waking her up.

But the little girl was very alert, always aware, opened her eyes, and said sleepily, "Daddy, you have to come back early, and sleep is waiting for you."

Lian Feng was so soft-hearted that he bent over and kissed Xiao Jiang Mian's face, coaxing Xiao Jiang Mian to fall asleep again, and then left lightly.

When he comes back from duty, his daughter will lie in his arms: "Mianmian warms my father, Nuannuan will not be cold anymore."

In the morning, if your daughter wakes up first, she will be quiet and not annoy him at all. Until he wakes up, she will rush to kiss him and wake him up completely with her soft voice: "Dad, good morning."

Later, her daughter grew up, without their company, and her personality changed a lot. Yuan Jinfei always said: "Just your daughter's violent temper, put me here and beat me early. But then again, bear children have bear children. , Not what you are used to."

Lian Feng said, "You don't understand."

Only they know how good his daughter is, and where he is willing to beat her, and they can't wait to put her in his arms and not let her suffer any wind and rain.


"Dad, will this be more comfortable?" A gentle press on the head, pulling back Lian Feng's thoughts.

Jiang Mian injected some spiritual energy when rubbing the acupuncture points on the head for the detective father to relieve the discomfort caused by the hangover.

Lian Feng nodded, picked up the porridge and took a sip: "Are there any places you want to go?"

Jiang Mian couldn't think of a particular place to go, and shook his head.

"Go to the zoo?" Lian Feng hesitated for a second and whispered, "You always wanted to go when you were a kid, but I never took you there."

When he said this, Jiang Mian had a vague memory in his mind.

At about seven years old, Xiao Jiangmian heard that most of the students in her class had been to the zoo, but she had never been, so when she returned home, she told Lian Feng about this idea.

At that time, Lian Feng had already entered the criminal investigation team from the grassroots police station. Although it was still at the bottom level, the cases he had contacted became criminal cases and he was very busy every day.

He agreed to Xiao Jiang Mian, but couldn't spare time to take her there.

Xiao Jiangmian never mentioned it again. It was the turn of Master Tian to raise her. She knew that Master Tian could not afford tickets to the zoo, so she didn't mention it intimately.

The actor father has fans, so she can't take her out in a big way, and she didn't mention that the actor father wants to film and participate in various activities.

In the end, it was the local tyrant father, but the local tyrant father managed the company, the housekeeper's grandfather, and other servants all told her that it was not because her father did not accompany her, but because he was busy.

Until I went to England, Uncle Nishizawa came to look for her. Uncle Nishizawa knew that she wanted to go to the zoo. Apart from anything else, he stole her from the school and took her to a very large zoo.

Later when it was the detective father's turn to raise her, he finally found some time to take her. Xiao Jiangmian said to him boredly, "I'm not going."

This incident became a concern for Lian Feng, how he didn't know it was his fault, but he had no way of doing it.

He is a policeman, and he is destined to ignore his children because of his work, so later his daughter hates him, that's right.


Jiang Mian saw a flash of guilt in the eyes of the detective father. She was silent for a second. The memories she remembered made her nose sore: "Okay, then we will go to the zoo."

Lian Feng took his daughter's hand and stroked her hair: "I'm sorry."

Jiang Mian's eyelashes trembled and almost burst into tears, as if at this moment, a huge grievance surged up-just looking at the memory of the original owner, it made her feel so deeply.

Jiang Mian took back his tears, and smiled at the detective father: "Dad, eat breakfast quickly, let's leave after eating."

Pretending not to see his daughter's red eyes, Lian Feng nodded, "Okay."

Both father and daughter have deep knowledge in emotional management. Jiang Mian quickly picked up his mood, and Lian Feng also put away his distress and guilt.

Jiang Mian changed her skirt. Lian Feng checked the weather forecast and told: "Today we will cool down and wear a coat."

Jiang Mian had to accept his fate and put on a thin coat. When the father and daughter went out, they happened to meet Jiang Xunian who was also going out on the opposite side.

"Ms. Jiang is early." Jiang Mian greeted her actively.

After saying hello, Jiang Xunian glanced at the two of them wearing them, and said, "Go out to play? Remember to bring an umbrella. It might rain."

Probably after hearing the sound, Grandma Jiang came out of the room, just about to speak, the intimate little quilted jacket Jiang Mian went online, and said quickly: "Grandma Jiang, goodbye Teacher Jiang."

Then he pulled the detective father to the elevator.

Jiang Xunian: "..."

Grandma Jiang didn't react, and saw her grandson: "...I haven't finished speaking just now, you run..."

As the elevator doors were about to close, Professor Jiang squeezed in.

Grandma Jiang’s voice was blocked outside the elevator door, and the old lady was inexplicable: Why did she run so fast one by one.

Knowing that they are going to the Kyoto Zoo, Jiang Xunian kindly reminded: "There are many people in Kyoto Zoo. If you have a regular ticket, you can only watch a part of the animals on display. Some special ones cannot be watched. You must buy a VIP ticket. VIP tickets need to be booked in advance.”

"If you order now, it's too late."

Lian Feng frowned and Jiang Mian said, "It's okay, just look at ordinary ones."

Jiang Xunian looked at Lian Feng and carefully said: "This zoo is owned by a friend of mine. I will ask him to help open another reservation."

He did not directly say that he was here to buy tickets.

Lian Feng stretched his eyebrows and said, "Thank you."

Jiang Xunian: "Even police officers don't need to be so polite."

There are many people in the zoo, and Lian Feng guards Jiang Mian to enter.

Once he arrives in such a crowded place, he will reflexively observe the surroundings and check for suspicious persons.

Passing by a small vendor, Lian Feng watched some children holding small toys such as windmill bubbles in their hands.

He glanced at the daughter beside him, and didn't know what the old father thought, he bought a bubble for Jiang Mian.

Not only that, he also bought a little white rabbit headband.

Jiang Mian: "..."

After a while, Jiang Mian, wearing a white rabbit headband and blowing bubbles, stood in front of a tiger, and Lian Feng used his mobile phone to take several pictures.

Jiang Mian took a look at the phone and found that none of them was normal—all of them were muddy.

Midway, Jiang Mian asked a passer-by to help her take a picture with the detective father. After the passer-by was done, he looked at her carefully, with some doubts in his eyes—I thought this girl looked familiar, as if I had seen it somewhere, but the details were I can't remember it again.

To avoid being recognized, Jiang Mian quickly pulled the detective father away in a low-key manner.

After visiting the zoo, Lian Feng calmly posted the photo of him and Jiang Mian to Moments, blocked Jiang Mian as usual, and set it up for the other three to see.

Jiang Mian had no idea.

The father and daughter found a restaurant for lunch, and Lian Feng saw a movie poster on the wall, which was a cartoon.

After thinking about it, he pointed to the sea report: "Want to see this?"

Jiang Mian was sending a message. It was sent by the local tyrant father and asked where she was. After she returned, the local tyrant father said: [Wait for me there, dad will come over immediately. 】

When the detective father asked, she looked up, silent.

Is the detective father determined to treat her as three years old today?

She coughed and did not answer the question for the time being, but showed the phone to the detective father: "Dad, father Han is coming over."

With a move of Lian Feng's eyebrows, he subconsciously wanted to take Jiang Mian to leave here, find a place again, and let Han Xu fly into the air.

Fortunately, reason made him press this idea.

He gave a faint hum.

Lian Feng looked around this restaurant. The restaurant was not big and had nothing to do with tall ones. Based on his knowledge of Han Xu, he disliked this kind of small restaurant the most.

When the time comes, he is still uncomfortable.

The local tyrant said right away, almost ten minutes.

When he walked into the restaurant with two bodyguards in suits, leather shoes, eyes and sunglasses, it attracted everyone's attention. The boss even brought four or five waiters to greet him, and asked vigilantly: "Sir, what are you doing?"