"You take Mianmian to eat something like this. People who don't know think that you are poor and have the same weight as the last name Zuo, and four pockets are the same weight." Han Xu said in a mocking mode.

Jiang Mian: "..."

When turning to Jiang Mian, Han Xu seamlessly switched to the gentle wind and drizzle mode, for fear that his loud voice would scare his baby daughter: "Mianmian, Dad will take you to a real restaurant to eat."

Without waiting for Jiang Mian to answer, Lian Feng said to the waiter: "Add another chair."

Han Xu snorted: "Do you think I would eat in this kind of place?"

Without raising Feng's head, he said lightly: "Do you want Mianmian to be recognized?"

Jiang Mian took the local tyrant father's hand and smiled, "Dad, this restaurant has a good review, you sit down and we eat together."

Under Jiang Mian's pull, Han Xu finally sat beside her reluctantly, and the two bodyguards found an empty seat to sit down.

Humph, he is looking at the face of his baby girl.

"Dad, have you forgotten? The canteen food we ate in the hospital last time was also good." Jiang Mian enlightened the local tyrant father, "Small shops are not necessarily bad."

Lian Feng was injured before and was raised in the Armed Police Hospital. Under the leadership of Jiang Mian, Han Xu ate food in the canteen for the first time in his life.

He disliked it at first, but ended up eating the most.

When his daughter said so, Han Xu's face blushed, and he noticed the embarrassment of the local tyrant father. Jiang Mian resolved it with understanding, washed the cup with boiling water and poured a glass of juice for the local tyrant.

Seeing detective father staring at her, Jiang Mian hurriedly poured a cup for detective father.

The atmosphere gradually became harmonious, and then the detective father accidentally said that Jiang Mian "actively" came to him and wanted to spend the weekend with him.

Han Xu couldn't guess that after listening, the surname Lian was showing off to him. He glared at Lian Feng, who calmly gave Jiang Mian a chopsticks.

Jiang Mian: "..."

Feeling the resentful sight of the local tyrant father falling on her body, Jiang Mian burst into tears, and she lowered her head to pick up rice, and decided to pretend to know nothing.

In the next second, she heard the voice of the local tyrant father: "Mianmian, what are your plans next weekend?"

Jiang Mian quickly replied: "I will go to Dad's next week."

The grievance on Han Xu’s face was replaced by joy. He turned his eyes wide and began to plan in his heart. Not only next week, next week and next week’s weekend, he will abduct his baby girl to his side and prevent others from letting others. There is a chance.

"By the way, are those pets obedient?" Han Xu unwilling to show his weakness, took a slice of fish for his baby girl, removed the thorns, and put it in the Jiang Mian bowl.

Two expensive cats and dogs were raised by Liu's mother, and Liu's mother asked Jiang Mian to name them.

The cat is white, but there are both big white, two whites, and small whites. Jiang Mian simply took a second flower.

The dog is gray, called Huihui.

Jiang Mian couldn't say that the two pets were not kept at home, only that they were good.

When Han Xu heard it, he said without thinking: "If you like it, dad will send you a few more."

Jiang Mian: "..."

Lian Feng said abruptly, "You want her apartment to become a zoo?"

Han Xu choked him: "It's better than some people. The poorer can only send some chickens and rabbits. My little princess, how can I raise these things."

Lian Feng took a sip of the soup, his complexion was not disturbed, and he responded with one word: "Oh."

Han Xu suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness with his fist hitting cotton, and the surname Lian didn't even pick him up.

Not reconciled, Han Xu had to pick another round. Jiang Mian put down his chopsticks and silently extinguished the small flame that had just started: "I'm finished."

Then he pointed to the movie poster on the wall and said to the two dads who were watching: "Dad, let's go to the movies."

In the movie theater, everyone concentrates on watching the movie. In a quiet atmosphere, the two dads will never make a noise.

Neither Han Xu nor Lian Feng had ever watched a movie with Jiang Mian in the cinema, so they stopped talking.

After dinner, Lian Feng checked out, Han Xu asked two bodyguards to wait outside, and it was too conspicuous to follow him.

With a continuous front, at least his safety is safe.

When he arrived at the cinema, Jiang Mian didn't want to choose cartoons, but both fathers agreed that cartoons were good.

Jiang Mian really didn't understand the thoughts of the two fathers.

Han Xu wanted to book a VIP private room, but Jiang Mianyi categorically refused: "Dad, what is the difference between booking this room and watching it in the theater at home."

In desperation, Han Xu had to rely on Jiang Mian.

When the father and daughter were discussing, Lian Feng had already bought tickets at the ticket office, and he handed one of them to Han Xu.

Han Xu saw that the seat Lian Feng chose for him was actually the last row, separating him from Jiang Mian.

Han Xu: "..."

Jiang Mian: "..."

At Shang Han Xu's murderous gaze, Lian Feng said indifferently: "You accidentally chose the wrong one, you have to change it by yourself."

The local tyrant has never been to a movie theater. How did he know the operation of buying a ticket for a ticket exchange? Just as Jiang Mian was about to take this matter down, Lian Feng took her to the popcorn shop next to him, and asked her, "Which flavor to eat? ?"

Jiang Mian looked back at the local tyrant father uneasy. Lian Feng held her head to prevent her from turning, and said to the store: "I want a bucket for the whole family, and the popcorn should be creamy."

"Dad." Jiang Mian couldn't laugh or cry.

Lian Feng rubbed her hair: "Don't worry, he is not stupid."

Jiang Mian: "..."

She always felt that she was working with the detective father to bully the local tyrant father.

In the next second, a big bucket of popcorn appeared in front of her. Han Xu pulled Jiang Mian to her side, then stuffed the popcorn into her hand, raising the ticket in her hand.

Although he doesn't know how to buy tickets in exchange for tickets, he has money and is full of people, so he can find someone to pay for it and ask the other person to help.

The little brother who helped with the errands was so happy that he couldn't see his teeth, and only felt that he had harvested a windfall from the sky.

"Dad bought two, Mian Mian, wait for you to sit with dad."

The four tickets are all in the same row, the two in Lian Feng's hands are next to each other, and the two in Han Xu's hands are together, with three seats in between.

Jiang Mian has a headache.

Just thinking about it, the popcorn bought by the detective father arrived and passed it to Jiang Mian.

A silent battle was carried out in the dark. Facing the gazes of the two fathers, Jiang Mian held a bucket of popcorn in each hand, expressionless.

Two seconds later, she returned the popcorn, grabbed four tickets, and ran to the counter.

Returned one and replaced the other three seats next to each other.

She sits in the middle!

"Let's go." She took the lead, regardless of the looks of the two dads.

The effect of this trick was remarkable. When the baby girl was found to be angry, the two fathers didn't say anything, one left and the other held Jiang Mian into the arena.

After that, the two fathers were in harmony.

In line with the money spent, Jiang Mian watched the movie seriously. This is a comedy action movie that invites family affection. The first half makes people laugh and the second half makes people cry.

During this period, both Lian Feng and Han Xu's cell phones rang several times.

Lian Feng came from Yuan Jinfei.

Han Xu is from Han Jiayuan.

Noting that Lian Feng hung up the phone without hesitation, Han Xu did.

At the same time, Yuan Jinfei in the hospital stared at the phone and cursed: "This kid hangs me several times, why did he go."

Xia Qiuyan was helpless: "The company must not answer the phone because of something. You can't be quiet."

"No." Yuan Jinfei sighed, "I have to ask clearly about the task, lest he be stupid and have another accident."

Xia Qiuyan unscrewed him on his leg and said angrily: "You have the ability to call him stupid in front of the company."

"It hurts, it hurts." Yuan Jinfei smiled meanly, "Isn't this incapable, I only dare to speak in front of you."

Xia Qiuyan couldn't laugh or cry.

Han Jiayuan didn't dare to scold the boss, he stuffed the phone back into his pocket with a bitter expression, his face returned to normal when he turned his head, with a gentleman's polite smile, and he was the gold medal assistant who would not change his face even if Tai Shan collapsed in front of him.

He said to the lady in front of him: "Mrs. Zhang."

The lady hummed: "What is your name? Miss Zhang."

Han Jiayuan followed the kindness: "Yes, Miss Zhang."

Mrs. Zhang looked up for the first time, like a husband's stone, and the waiting flowers were almost thankful: "When will A Xu come?"

Han Jiayuan: "..."

He couldn't answer this.

When the video was played two-thirds, Jiang Mian got up and went to the bathroom.

The two fathers subconsciously got up, Jiang Mian made a fierce look, they had to sit quietly and watch their daughter go out.

After a few minutes, Lian Feng could not sit still.

He counted the time, Jiang Mian has been to the bathroom for five minutes.

Han Xu was holding popcorn and eating freely, waiting for her baby girl to come back.

Lian Feng glanced at him speechlessly. Just as he was about to speak, the phone screen lit up.

It was sent by Jiang Mian: [Dad, you watch with Daddy Han, you must finish watching, I'll go back first, huh~]

Han Xu's cell phone lit up, and the message was exactly the same.

Fathers: "..."

Jiang Mian slipped out of the cinema and praised her wise choice.

If she doesn't slip away, when the movie is over, the two dads will definitely quarrel about where she is going to live tonight, and she will be guilty of helping either.

So, this is not counseling, this is strategy.

After yawning, she was about to go back to the detective father's house. Just a few steps away, when the phone rang, she almost hung up with a guilty conscience—thinking that the two fathers came over.

At first glance, the caller ID showed Uncle Jia Yuan.

Jiang Mian was a little surprised, she had no contact with Han Jiayuan.

After thinking about it, I connected to the phone.

Thankfully, Han Jiayuan breathed a sigh of relief on the phone: "Mianmian, you call Mr. Han, I have something to tell him."

Jiang Mian: "Dad is not by my side."

Han Jiayuan: "Huh?"

Hearing Han Jiayuan's eagerness, Jiang Mian frowned: "Uncle Jiayuan, what's the matter?"

"This..." The light bulb on Han Jiayuan's head suddenly lit up, remembering the last time Jiang Mian quietly solved Han Xu's peach blossom matter for Han Xu. He said seriously, "Mianmian, this is a big deal, you Is there time now?"

Jiang Mian turned and walked to the cinema: "You said."

"That's it. Mr. Han was taken in by a wife and young lady who nominally has a husband, but in fact does not have a husband. Now that I have to see Mr. Han all the time, I can’t contact Mr. Han. You can’t help. President Han drives away this rotten peach blossom?"

At the end, I added: "This peach blossom has an unusual identity. I am weak and can't keep up."

Jiang Mian slipped and almost fell to the ground.