Jiang Mian glanced at the movie theater, pinched his eyebrows, and resigned to the address Han Jiayuan gave her.

On the phone, Han Jiayuan gave her the basic information of the lady surnamed Zhang.

Mrs. Zhang's real name is Zhang Qianya. The Zhang family is a real scholarly family, but Zhang Qianya dislikes the family's education very much. She has been rebellious since she was a child and is a headache for her parents.

Unexpectedly, Grandpa Zhang liked this granddaughter the most, so under the doting of the grandpa, according to the Zhang family's tutoring, Zhang Qianya was raised crookedly.

Zhang Qianya admits that there is no man in the world who is worthy of her, and she is not married when she is 30 years old. There is an old man on it, and the rest of the Zhang family can’t say anything. Her parents even open their eyes and close their eyes. Invisible

There are four great families in Kyoto, Lin, Han, Qi and Qi.

Mr. Zhang has a close friend, Mr. Lin of the Lin family, and the two are in the same sibling relationship. The third young master of the Lin family has been a sick child since childhood and has been hanging on for his life by medicine.

Seeing that the situation is getting worse and worse, the doctor directly notified him that Mr. Lin really didn't want to send a white-haired person to a black-haired person at his age. He would follow the old method-he wanted to find a grandson-in-law for his third grandson.

It's good to have a little hope.

Chongxi's people must be good, good luck, and many girls in the Lin family were not satisfied, so Old Man Lin turned to Zhang Qianya.

Zhang Qianya had several accidents when she was a child, and in the end she went through peacefully, and her horoscopes were particularly compatible with Lin San.

Maybe if you marry Zhang Qianya back, your third grandson will be fine.

Mr. Lin knew that Mr. Zhang loved Zhang Qianya so much that he might not agree to it, but he really couldn't help but put an old face to tell him about it.

Faced with the hopeful and desperate look of his close friend, Old Man Zhang couldn't refuse, but he dared not agree. He sighed, "Old Lin, you know Xiaoya's temperament, even if I agree, she may not be willing to marry."

"I know I know." Old man Lin nodded hurriedly. He also watched Zhang Qianya grow up, and he was naturally familiar with her character, "It's just that he can't wait for three."

An old man in his eighties with white beard and hair with red eyes: "As long as Xiao Yaken gets married, no matter whether San'er will be fine or not, everything in the next San'er will be hers. I just want to try my best at last as long as there is... "

"I am willing." Before Mr. Lin finished speaking, the study door was suddenly opened. Zhang Qianya got in and patted her chest and said, "Marry the third brother? No problem."

Zhang Qianya and Lin San don't meet much, but she and Lin Er are good brothers. The brother's brother is her brother. There is nothing wrong with helping the brother Chongxi.

If it is really because she made Lin Sanchong alive, it is also a credit. When the time comes, we will discuss the divorce, it is simple.

Things were so settled, and Zhang Qianya soon married Lin San.

Things really turned around. Lin San, who was determined by the doctor to survive less than a week, got better, but unfortunately his illness was too serious. After three years, he finally passed away.

For the Lin family, enough, at least Lin San lived another three years.

Zhang Qianya and Lin San had been married for three years. They regarded Lin San as brothers. After the brothers left, she certainly couldn't occupy other people's property, so she planned to return to her natal family and continue to be her single nobleman.

Elder Lin didn't stop her, but gave Zhang Qianya all the property belonging to Lin San.

When Lin San was alive, she did not divorce Lin San, and she was still Lin San's wife in name.

The upper class almost knew about this, and Zhang Qianya didn't like to give her husband's surname, so most of them called her Mrs. Zhang.

Zhang Qianya didn't mind at first until she met Han Xu.

Last month, when Lin Da's son turned 18, the Lin family hosted a grand banquet and Han Xu was invited to go.

Zhang Qianya glanced at Han Xu in the crowd. For the first time, this lady and young lady who had lived for thirty-four years and had been pretending to be a man understood what a heartbeat was.

She thinks she has met love.

Since last month, Zhang Qianya has been chasing Han Xu wildly. Her way of chasing people is very direct and simple. She tried her best to get in front of Han Xu.

Fortunately, she also knows that too many times will be annoying and keep it within a normal range.

In this way, in the face of the Lin family and Zhang family, Han Xu couldn't do too much. He even bluntly said to Zhang Qianya: "You can't treat me as a brother?"

"I want too." Zhang Qianya pointed to her heart, "but it doesn't allow it."

Han Xu: "..."

Han Xu: "You are not my type."

Zhang Qianya: "Then what type do you like?"

Han Xu: "It will not last long for you to be like this."

Zhang Qianya meditated, and then she said surprisingly: "It doesn't matter if I don't like it, I am in good shape, or if you close your eyes, how about a pure bed relationship?"

Han Xu looked at her like a strange flower.


Han Jiayuan also knows these details, because when Zhang Qianya said these things, Han Jiayuan was beside her, and she treated him as air.

However, Han Jiayuan did not tell Jiang Mian of these details. If the boss knew that he had told the lady about these details, he would have to deduct his salary.


Jiang Mian had a headache. Just from the news from Han Jiayuan, he knew that the peach blossom of local tyrant father was not easy to block.

Behind her are the Lin family and Zhang family. Unlike Princess Bomi, she is just a princess from a small country. Besides, Princess Bomi loves to cry, but she is actually quite relieved.

Before, she learned that Princess Bomi's blind date journey was very smooth. Those blind dates that Han Jiayuan was looking for, Princess Bomi saw two of them, cried in shock for two days, was sick for three days, and pushed all the others behind.

The reason is that--

The first blind date is a good-looking person, and looks gentle. The two ate in the restaurant and the atmosphere was quite harmonious.

In the restaurant, a girl with a big belly ran over and beat the blind date man wildly. She also stuffed a small chili pepper into his mouth and yelled at the man with a big belly.

Princess Bomi was frightened, and finally fainted from crying. The scared Han Xu went to the hospital to see her.

The second blind date, Princess Bomi went to see her tremblingly, and the blind date man saw her so weak and wanted to protect her.

In order to prove his power to Princess Bomi, he showed his wild muscles, and then performed a hand hammer on the spot.

Princess Bomi was taken back to the hospital by the bodyguard again. She was so frightened that she was crying while holding a water bottle-crying too much and lacking water.

Han Xu didn't dare to let her meet her blind date again. He found that Princess Bomi and the street performer liked to be in contact online, so he moved in his heart and let them meet each other. The progress is good.


Jiang Mian sighed, and the uncle of the driver couldn't help but feel happy: "Girl, what happened? You sat up for less than a minute, and sighed several times."

Jiang Mian said: "Someone is trying to ask my stepmother to ask me how to do it."

The driver's uncle nodded clearly: "In this case, you can check her character. If it's good, it's okay to be a stepmother. It would be nice to have your dad a company."

Jiang Mian: "The point is that my dad doesn't like it. It's useless to refuse."

The uncle driver thought for a while and said: "This is easy to handle. You can find a girl who is prettier than her, and kill her in terms of age, appearance, body, and cultivation, so that she feels ashamed and retreats when she is in trouble."

Jiang Mian: "..."

Therefore, she still has to come forward.

After a while, the uncle driver looked at the rearview mirror in surprise, and saw the little girl sitting behind took off the rabbit headband and put down the tied ball head.

A beautiful and smooth long hair fell down and fell to his waist.

She took off her coat, revealing her snow-white shoulders, and then only heard a tear, her knee-length skirt was torn in half by her, revealing slender, straight legs.

In an instant, the little girl's pure and sweet temperament disappeared, replaced by an indescribable feeling——

The uncle driver racked his brains, and in the end he could only come up with the word amazing. He felt that his car seemed to have become taller because he took her.

"Girl, what are you doing?" The uncle driver was curious.

Jiang Mian opened the small bag, pushed away the little paper man who wanted to sneak out, and found a lipstick that hadn't been used much. She curled her lips and said nothing.

Zhang Qianya looked at the time, then at the smiling Han Jiayuan, and asked for the eighteenth time: "Where did A Xu go? Did he hide from me on purpose."

Han Jiayuan replied with the same sentence: "Ms. Zhang, Mr. Han is busy with work. If you don't want to go back first, I will invite you again next time."

Zhang Qianya snorted, turned her head, and continued to tap the plate with the knife and fork.

Han Jiayuan's phone vibrated, he looked down, with a smile in his eyes, and then quietly retreated and went downstairs to pick up Jiang Mian.


Jiang Mian interrupted him: "Uncle Jiayuan, you will cooperate with me later."

She confessed a few words, surprise flashed in Han Jiayuan's eyes, Jiang Mian asked him: "Remember?"

Han Jiayuan made an ok gesture.

Jiang Mian shook his hair: "Let's go."

Zhang Qianya found out that Han Jiayuan was missing, she was happy, maybe he received news from Han Xu and went to pick up Han Xu.

She took out the makeup mirror and looked at herself carefully. When she found no problems, she put her thighs together, her back straight, and made a lady's posture.

After a while, she heard the footsteps, showing a shy smile as she practiced in the mirror, got up, turned her head, and said in her own sweet voice: "Axu, how are you..."

However, it was not the beautiful face that made her dream of it was what she met, but—

"Auntie, who are you?" Jiang Mian raised his eyebrows with a look of confusion and incomprehension. He immediately looked at Zhang Qianya up and down, and suddenly realized, "I see, you are A Han's new secretary, right?"

Zhang Qianya: "Secretary, secretary?"

"Isn't it?" Jiang Mian walked to the main seat, tilted his head, "Ahan told me that he hired a female secretary, it should be you."

Zhang Qianya was messy in the wind: "Wait, wait, who is your name Ahan?"

Han Jiayuan was stern, pointing to Jiang Mian, and respectfully said: "Miss Zhang, this is Mr. Han's...little lover."