When Jiang Mian was in class, he suddenly received a WeChat message from Interpol's father. Only then did he know that Interpol's father went to other places to do tasks, ranging from half a month to one month.

Her heart jumped, the detective father didn't say what task to perform, Liao Liao said, only a few words at the end: waiting for father to bring gifts back.

Jiang Mian stared at WeChat and read it several times, and replied: [Dad, pay attention to safety. 】

I followed another cheering emoji.

Heavenly Master hasn't returned yet, and now the detective father is also going to perform the task, allowing him to perform the task in another place, and the time is still so long, it must be dangerous.

The word "undercover" appeared in Jiang Mian's mind. She sighed. This was the duty of the detective father, and she said nothing was useful.

It's no wonder that the detective father deliberately asked for leave to accompany her on weekends, and she didn't notice it at all.

Before going to bed on Sunday night, the detective father sat by her bed, looked at her for a while, and said, "Didn't you promise your father Han? Go to him next weekend."

Jiang Mian nodded obediently, Lian Feng looked at her and smiled, then lowered his head and kissed her between her eyebrows, "Good night."


Pretending to have something in my heart, the class was a little absent-minded. When school was over at noon, Meng Yuwen came over and invited her to lunch together.

Jiang Mian has been attending classes honestly since the beginning of school, and her classmates are not familiar with her, and she has no interest in making friends.

However, in order not to let everyone look at her with unusual eyes every day, just like in the crew, Jiang Mian gave each girl in the class a brand perfume, and the boys invited a meal, but she did not go.

The so-called cannibalism and short-handedness, so far, the classmates who benefited from her have changed their attitude towards her, and Meng Yuwen has a better relationship with her.

Meng Yuwen said: "I heard that there is a new chef in the cafeteria. He is very good at cooking and handsome. He is still a talented musician. Mianmian, don't you want to meet?"

Jiang Mian shook his head: "Go ahead."

Meng Yuwen had to go with the others.

Jiang Mian wanted to call the detective father, but found that the phone was turned off. Then he realized that the detective father went out to do the task, and he would definitely not bring his original mobile phone and card with him.

"Why stay in the classroom alone, it's lunch time, not going to eat?" The sound at the door made Jiang Mian look up.

"Mr. Jiang." Jiang Mian wasn't surprised either. It was estimated that Jiang Xunian was in a classroom on this floor.

"Go back to the dormitory later." She said.

Jiang Xunian's eyebrows moved slightly, and students passed by from time to time in the corridor to greet him. After he nodded, he went straight into the classroom.

He asked: "Your expression looks a bit tangled, what happened?"

When Professor Jiang is in school, he wears a pair of glasses on the bridge of his nose. He also wears the image of a "teacher" as the main costume. He uses nice words to describe it as-Wenrunruyu, Qianqian gentleman.

But Jiang Mian knew that under his gentle and gentle face was a black-bellied heart.

During this period of time, I was dealing with Professor Jiang because of homework, and with Grandma Jiang in the middle, Jiang Mian and Professor Jiang were more familiar than before.

So Jiang Mian's answer was more casual: "Nothing."

Professor Jiang glanced at her and suddenly said, "Is it because of the police officer?"

Jiang Mian was slightly startled, raised his head, and locked his eyes on him. The sharpness of his eyes made Jiang Xunian raised his eyebrows and said lightly: "My grandma told me."

Now that Professor Jiang knew that Jiang Mian didn't hide it, she nodded: "The last time I...uncle was on a mission, and I was seriously injured when I came back, I was a bit worried when I was on another mission this time."

"You don't have to worry about that." Jiang Xunian said, "This task should not be difficult."

Jiang Mian: "?"

and many more--

Jiang Xunian leaned on the military, does he know something?

Jiang Mian looked at Professor Jiang's gaze, and Jiang Xunian's gaze turned a little uncomfortably away: "I heard the elders at home talk about the task that even the police officer took. If there is no accident, it is to rescue a colleague. When he reaches his destination, he will With the assistance of the local police, compared with single-handed tasks, the risk is much lower."

Seeing Jiang Mian sinking into thought, Jiang Xunian added: "The police officer has a good friend with the surname Yuan. If you want to understand clearly, why not ask the former police officer."

Jiang Mian helped her forehead, and she actually forgot Yuan Jinfei.

Looking across Jiang Mian's face, Jiang Xunian's mouth rose slightly, without saying anything, turning to leave.

After school that day, Jiang Mian took a taxi to the Armed Police Hospital. Original Jinfei suffered too much from the stab wound. At that time, he was rescued for a long time. After being in the hospital for more than a month, he was finally able to get out of bed and walk around.

He actually wanted to go back to the game, Lian Feng went to perform the task, the two captains of a team, one went and the other lay on the hospital bed, Zhou Sirui had to be pulled up to take the responsibility of the captain temporarily.

Therefore, Xia Qiuyan did not agree that he was discharged so quickly. There has been no major criminal case recently. Under the threat of his wife, Yuan Jinfei had to stay in the hospital honestly to continue recuperating.

Jiang Mian hadn't been to the Armed Police Hospital for a while. She bought some gifts. When she arrived in the ward, she found that only the nurse was there, and Xia Qiuyan was not there.

"Why did Mianmian come?" Seeing Jiang Mian, Yuan Jinfei was surprised. He didn't expect this little pepper to come to see him specially.

But he just glanced at it and knew what the girl was doing.

He didn't take the initiative to ask. Instead, he wanted to see how unsinkable this girl was. He didn't want this girl to hold back. She said, "Where is Aunt Xia?"

"Go to work."

Except for the first few days when Yuan Jinfei couldn't move, Xia Qiuyan stayed with him in the ward, after which Xia Qiuyan went back to work.

Because she was assassinated, she also had plain clothes to protect her when she went to work. Xia Qiuyan worked for a few days and felt that this was not good and would affect her colleagues.

And if someone else assassinates her, she might hurt her colleagues, so she resigns and takes care of Yuan Jinfei wholeheartedly.

The two carers that the local tyrant father brought to the detective father have been helping to take care of Yuan Jinfei. Xia Qiuyan sees that Yuan Jinfei’s situation is stable, and wants to let the two leave, but the two refuse to leave until Yuan Jinfei is discharged. .

Xia Qiuyan couldn't help but a friend introduced her to a new job. The salary and benefits were good, so she went to work and went back to the hospital every day after get off work.

A friend asked her if she was tired, she smiled and shook her head, how could she be tired.

Fortunately, fortunately, without children, she can treat Yuan Jinfei wholeheartedly.

Jiang Mian Lala Zaza talked to Yuan Jinfei. She was not sure whether Yuan Jinfei would tell her the details of the police father's mission. Last time she asked, Yuan Jinfei didn't say it.

Yuan Jinfei did not reveal her, and talked about some of the more interesting cases solved by the detective father, and finally said: "Okay, little girl, when you came to see me, I just wanted to ask your dad where to perform the mission? What is it?"

Jiang Mian: "..."

Jiang Mian gave a thumbs up: "The original uncle is really like a god."

Yuan Jin Fei Le, why didn't he find this girl so funny before, he said: "This is an internal task, I can't tell you, but..."

Seeing Jiang Mian's ears were pricked up, he stopped teasing her: "This mission is not a secret mission. As long as you promise not to say it, I will tell you the situation."

Jiang Mian suddenly asked: "Uncle Yuan, do you think my father's mouth is strict?"

Yuan Jinfei: "?"

Jiang Mianyi said righteously: "I am her daughter, and I have naturally inherited his good qualities."

The detective father praised without a trace.

In this way, she learned the details of Interpol's mission from Yuan Jinfei, and Jiang Xunian was right to say it, but she was more detailed.

The colleague Interpol was going to rescue was an undercover agent in a human trafficker organization. His purpose was to rescue the colleague, and the other was to find out the information through the undercover colleagues, and to work with the local police to capture this human trafficker organization. .

It is said that danger is not dangerous, but it is also dangerous if it is not dangerous.

Human traffickers and drug traffickers are two different criminal methods. It is impossible to tell who is more toxic. In short, one can catch one pest.

"With the cooperation of the local police, at least it's not like Lao Lian was alone..." Shocked that he almost missed his mouth, Yuan Jinfei hurriedly shut up. He didn't know that Jiang Mian already knew all about Lian Feng's last mission.

"Anyway, don't worry and trust your father." Yuan Jinfei said, "He has a big life."

Those who do their job are not fated to see him.

"I remember once a gangster took a hostage. The sniper was on his way. If the hostage was injured, it would be too late to save. The old company made a dangerous move, drank other people back, and shot each other with the gangster. The gun is fast, he won in the end and the gangster died."

Jiang Mian knew this story and heard it in the bureau, but it did not prevent her from hearing it from Yuan Jinfei again.

"Your father has good skills, good marksmanship, clever mind, calmness, and can persist no matter how dangerous the situation is. The reason why he doesn't tell you about the task is that he doesn't want you to worry. You continue to be as careless as before , It reassured him even more."

"You are talking nonsense again." Before Jiang Mian could answer, a soft voice sounded. Looking back, it was Xia Qiuyan who came back from get off work.

She came over, patted Yuan Jinfei's body, and glared at him: "Who do you think is heartless."

He said to Jiang Mian again: "Don't listen to him nonsense, we Mianmian are the most filial."

"Aunt Xia." Jiang Mian laughed and hugged Xia Qiuyan, "You are beautiful again."

Xia Qiuyan touched Jiang Mian's hair, and then laughed: "I'm in his thirties, so what's not beautiful?"

"Your film is finished, right? When will it be released? Then I will go to the cinema with your original uncle."

"It might be the Spring Festival if it's early, but after the New Year it's later." Jiang Mian is an investor. Although she hardly cares, she can still get the latest news as soon as possible.

Yuan Jinfei sighed while lying on the bed.

In the past, after his wife got off work, he was the first one to hold her tightly. When Jiang Mian came, he stood aside and only said a word to him from start to finish.

He hurriedly put out the idea of ​​giving birth to a cub. If the cub was really born, his wife would pounce on the cub with all his heart, then he was so pitiful.

Jiang Mian accompanies Xia Qiuyan to the hospital cafeteria to have a meal. When he handed a lunch box at the window, Xia Qiuyan's sleeves retracted, Jiang Mian glanced over at will, and then froze.

There were several scars on Xia Qiuyan's wrist, which looked very fresh, and it should have been just recently.

"Aunt Xia, what's the matter?" Xia Qiuyan was about to take the lunch box. Hearing Jiang Mian's words, she pulled down the sleeves of her clothes and smiled softly. "Nothing, I accidentally fell on the way back and wiped my hands. Up."

Jiang Mian didn't speak, but looked straight at her.

Xia Qiuyan was a little at a loss when he was seen. After a while, she whispered: "Don't tell your original uncle."