Xia Qiuyan said that the injury on her hand was when she came back from get off work and when she was on the subway, she met a young man on the subway who worked with the elderly.

When Xia Qiuyan and Yuan Jinfei are dating, sometimes there will be various accidents. Whenever they encounter, Yuan Jinfei, who is a policeman, will always take action.

Over time, Xia Qiuyan also learned his chivalrous deeds.

The young man spoke extremely awkwardly, all kinds of foul language, people around couldn't see it, and they condemned the young man. The young man did not stop it, but was even more horrible than anyone else.

Seeing that he was still beating the old man, Xia Qiuyan couldn't stand it, and stepped forward to stop it.

Yuan Jinfei was afraid that she would sometimes encounter danger when she was single, so she taught her some self-defense skills, and she just used this to stop young people.

Unexpectedly, young people have companionship, and if it were not for the help of other people on the subway later, Xia Qiuyan would suffer more serious injuries.

She was afraid of being seen by Yuan Jinfei, so she tried her best to protect her face and didn't hurt her face. She was kicked a few times on her body, and her hands blocked her face and hurt more.

When several young people were taken away by the flight attendant, she tidyed up her hair and dresses and came back pretending that nothing happened.

After Jiang Mian listened, he didn't speak. Xia Qiuyan smiled and said, "Actually, I prepared anti-wolf spray in my bag, my secret chili water, but I didn't have the opportunity to take it out."

"Aunt Xia." Jiang Mian sighed.

Xia Qiuyan said: "I was indeed a little impulsive at the time. I just spent a long time with your original uncle and developed his character, so I subconsciously took action and didn't care about the back."

Without systematic learning, coupled with the power gap between women and men, in this case, women are always the ones who suffer.

Jiang Mian couldn't help talking.

She flipped through her bag and found out the bottle of medicine Qi Yanshu had given her before and put it on Xia Qiuyan's wounds. The latter was surprised: "Mianmian, what kind of medicine is this, it doesn't hurt much."

Jiang Mian: "Given it by an elder."

Xia Qiuyan: "Do you know where to sell it?"

"He did it himself." She gave the medicine bottle directly to Xia Qiuyan, "Uncle Yuan's injury can also be used."

Xia Qiuyan did not want to take it.

What she just thought was that this medicine is very effective. If it is sold, she will buy some for Yuan Jinfei, but since the elders gave it to Jiang Mian, she naturally can't get it.

Jiang Mian forced it to her, and then had dinner with the two before returning home.

A few days later, on the weekend, the local tyrant sent a car to pick her up to Caro Bend. It was also at this time that Jiang Mian learned from Han Jiayuan that the last time she blocked the peach blossom, the method used has been used by the local tyrant. Dad knows.

She also learned from Han Jiayuan that the local tyrant used the excuse of his little lover to block a few more peach blossoms.

It is now rumored that the little lover of the Han family is pregnant, and it may not be long before the mother becomes the wife of the Han family, and half of the Han family will be her.

When Han Jiayuan said this news, the corners of his mouth were twitching.

He also said: "Do you know what Mr. Han said when he heard these rumors."

Jiang Mian listened to the ears.

Han Jiayuan learned from Mr. Han's tone: "Half of the Han family? From now on, the entire Han family will belong to my precious daughter, cut."

That tone and attitude, I learned a lot.

Jiang Mian helped his forehead.

The baby girl finally returned this trip to spend the weekend with herself. Han Xu had planned to squeeze time to accompany her, but he did not squeeze it out, and even went home only once.

That's why he sent Han Jiayuan back to accompany Jiang Mian.

"Mianmian I'm sorry, Dad will be with you next week." The local tyrant father was full of apologetics in the call. Jiang Mian looked at the bruises under him and didn't tell him more, so let him take more time to rest.

On this day, Jiang Mian received a message from Director Zhang that she had to participate in a relatively well-known column interview about "Love in the Green".

Since Director Zhang asked to go, Jiang Mian couldn't refuse.

Jiang Mian happened to be full of class that day. Fortunately, it was in the morning to collect the prescription. After the interview, he could catch the afternoon class. Jiang Mian took a half day off.

She has no company and no team. Tang An'an becomes her assistant. She is the only person who signed the contract during the filming of "Living on the Onion". After Jiang Mian was finished, Tang An'an also went home.

Therefore, she had to go to the company where the column was located by herself. When she arrived at the company, someone received her, and then a staff member asked her to wait first.

Jiang Mian didn't think much, just waited.

As a result, this wait is an hour.

I asked, it turned out that she was not the only one invited to defend her, there were several celebrities, and several of them were names often heard in the circle.

And these few people arrived later than Jiang Mian, but according to the coffee position, they are all taller than her, so it is natural to arrange for them to interview first.

Jiang Mian looked at the time and stopped a staff member helplessly: "When will I be here?"

The staff looked impatiently and said: "What reminds you, just wait, it will always be your turn."

Another staff member came over and said to her: "After Yu Ying wants to drink water, have you prepared?"

"Isn't this just carrying the past." After she finished speaking, she gave Jiang Mian a sideways look. "A newcomer, I don't have any patience for this. I think I am a big coffee."

She said this in front of Jiang Mian, her voice was not suppressed at all, and then she stepped on her high heels and walked away.

The remaining staff member took a look at Jiang Mian. He did entertainment work. He had seen too many stars. Jiang Mian, a newcomer who had only filmed a scene and had not yet released it, would naturally not be concerned.

But what she was puzzled was that ordinary artists in this column could not come, and how could Jiang Mian, an unpopular pure newcomer, come.

Is there any background?

Thinking about this, she hesitated: "I'm interviewing Yu Yinghou now, do you know Yu Yinghou?"

She just asked at random, although there are many actresses in the circle, and the one who is well-known internationally, the surname is Yu, and there is only one. Since Jiang Mian is an insider, how can she know this name.

But he didn't want Jiang Mian but he showed a look of doubt.

Staff: "Yu Sizhu, don't you know?"

Jiang Mian was a little impressed. After thinking for a few seconds, he remembered, isn't this Yu Sizhu the queen she met when she accompanied the actor father to the reception for the first time.

I said a few words at the time.

Jiang Mian gave a faint cry, she only told one fact: "The interview time I received was 9:30, and it is now eleven. I have waited for an hour and a half."

What the staff wanted to say, Jiang Mian didn’t give her that opportunity: “I just want to ask, if there are artists to be interviewed next, they are all higher than me, and I have to keep moving. When they finish the interview. , I can interview, right?"

The staff did not know how to answer, and the hesitation just now turned into displeasure.

This is the reality. Everyone knows their names, and they have to say it face-to-face to embarrass everyone. Is the emotional intelligence so low?

Just about to speak, she was interrupted by the sound of high heels. She looked up and said nervously: "Editor in chief."

The editor-in-chief is a thirty-year-old elite woman. She frowned and said, "What's the matter?"

The staff had no choice but to say briefly: "This teacher Jiang Mian wants to interview soon. Sister Ke Yuan is interviewing Yu Yinghou. We finally invited Yu Yinghou. I want her to wait, but she was……"

The words behind her are endless.

After listening, the editor-in-chief glanced at Jiang Mian and raised his head: "Go down."

The staff left.

The editor-in-chief looked at Jiang Mian: "I'm impatient so soon? How long have you waited. Miss Jiang, you must know that with your current coffee position and reputation, you are not eligible to be invited by us. I am looking at Zhang. Only in the face of the guide did he agree to do your interview."

Don't know what it means.

Jiang Mian smiled lightly, and said, "Coincidentally, I only accepted your invitation because of the face of Director Zhang."

"Do you think I'm rare?"

The editor-in-chief's expression faded, looking at Jiang Mian as if he was watching a joke. It was a long time since he had encountered such a "straight" insider.

"You know what will happen to you if I write your remarks on the manuscript?" The editor-in-chief looked at Jiang Mian carefully, wanting to see where she came from the courage to let her say these things.

In fact, waiting for a while was nothing, but Jiang Mian only took a half-day off, and there were still classes in the afternoon, and the message to her was very clear, and the interview started at 9:30.

She waited for an hour and a half and did not start, nor did she give her the interview draft.

If the staff's attitude is better, she will forget it in the face of this kind of normality in the circle, and take a half-day off in the afternoon.

It happened to be the same, and she used her as a soft persimmon to stir up her anger.

The four fathers held her in their palms, and couldn't bear to accept a little anger. Why would she be irritated by a small column group here?

Jiang Mian smiled happily: "Then I want to see, dare you dare."

In the circle, the artists know that it is best not to offend reporters and some backstage staff of entertainment talk shows, because these people are used to calling white as black and splashing black water without leaving room for drafts.

When did the editor-in-chief suffer such provocations and threats, he said coldly: "I see you..."

Before he finished speaking, there was a sound of footsteps. The editor-in-chief saw the person in charge, swallowed back when he reached his mouth, with a smile on his face, and greeted him enthusiastically: "Teacher Xia, why did you come so early, you... …"

"Xiao Mianmian, why are you here?" Xia Qi directly ignored the editor-in-chief, straddled her long legs, walked to Jiang Mian, stretched out her hand to compare Jiang Mian's height, and laughed, "Oh, it's a little taller, to I have a chin, not bad, not bad."

Then, she noticed the strange expression in Jiang Mian's expression, raised her eyebrows, put her arms on her shoulders, wrapped her around her, and swept her eyes on the editor-in-chief: "What's the matter, who is angry with you? Tell me about it."

Everyone knows that Xia Qi is a good friend of the male **** Qin Jingrun. Xia Qi was originally a singer, but later became an actor because of her voice problem.

Most importantly, Tianhua Entertainment, one of the three largest stigma entertainment companies in the circle, was opened by Xia Qi's father.

Therefore, even if Xia Qi hasn't had a hit drama or a big hit, he has no shortage of resources, and with good acting skills, he is also on the front line.

It is unbelievable that such a big coffee shows such intimacy and pampering to the newcomer Jiang Mian.

The editor-in-chief's complexion changed and changed, and his eyes turned around Jiang Mian and Xia Qi with amazement. The two staff members who had satirized Jiang Mian just now saw this scene, and their expressions became a little ugly.

Jiang Mian glanced over the eyes of these people, and said lightly: "Uncle Xia is here to interview?"

Xia Qi nodded, frowned, and instantly understood what was going on from the word "Ye", her eyes became cold for a few degrees, and she embraced Jiang Mian and walked out: "Let's go, I'll take you to a better place."