Xia Qi took Jiang Mian to stroll around, had a big meal, and then sent Jiang Mian to school to catch the afternoon class. He didn't ask Jiang Mian about the specific situation, so Jiang Mian didn't say anything.

But she asked Xia Qi not to tell the actor's father a trivial matter. For her, it was indeed a trivial matter. If the actor's father knew it, it would affect his filming.

Not long after, Jiang Mian received a call from Director Zhang. She was in class, hung up and forwarded the message.

[Jiang Mian: Director Zhang, I'm in class, what's the matter? 】

[Director Zhang: Xiao Jiang, I already know the matter, this matter is my mistake, sorry. 】

[Jiang Mian: How can I blame you, who made me low in my position? 】

She sent a funny emoticon to the past, revealing the matter in a joking tone.

That night, she received another video call from the actor's father. Jiang Mian did not talk to the actor's father for a while.

During this period of time, the actor father was making new scenes, rolling around in the sand every day, and he didn't want his baby daughter to see him in embarrassment. The father and daughter only took the time to chat on WeChat occasionally.

The actor father in the video has lost a lot of weight, and he lost five pounds when he joined the group. Even in the sight of insufficient light at night, Jiang Mian still saw all kinds of small wounds on the face of the actor's father, but they did not damage the perfect face of the actor's father, but gave him a beast-like fortitude.

Jiang Mian thought that Xia Qi still told the actor's father what happened during the day, but he didn't expect the actor's father to call this phone and didn't mention it at all. She quietly apologized to Uncle Xia in her heart.

"Baby, stand up and let Dad see if you have lost any weight." The actor father's voice sounded a bit hoarse, Jiang Mian frowned, first stood up and obediently let the actor father finish watching, after getting the actor father's satisfactory gaze, She said, "Dad, have you caught a cold?"

Qin Jingrun coughed lightly: "No, it just used my throat, which made me a little dumb."

He naturally deceived Jiang Mian. At this moment, Qin Jingrun had a high fever, and had just fallen physically.

Xia Qi did not tell Qin Jingrun about Jiang Mian in the column team, and she couldn't hold back Director Zhang. He couldn't figure out the relationship between Qin Jingrun and Jiang Mian, and thought it was better to tell Qin Jingrun about it.

He intended to be kind. This interview column ranks high in the circle. Generally, artists who are not popular are not eligible. Jiang Mian did not announce after he was finished. He returned to school. He wanted Jiang Mian to occasionally show news during this time period. heat.

Qin Jingrun knew that Jiang Mian hadn't told him about this, because he didn't want him to know, so he followed his daughter's will and pretended not to know.

But what he has is a way to find a place for his daughter, and everyone in the circle loves to welcome high and low, then he will use his own way to treat his body.

Jiang Mian can still distinguish the hoarseness caused by excessive force of the throat from the hoarseness caused by the cold. She looked at the actor father with a natural face and no trace of lying, so she had to follow him and said: "Dad take some throat medicine. , Protecting your throat."

When the conversation turned around, he pretended to ask casually: "Dad, have you changed the place where you are filming now?"

Qin Jingrun nodded and said a famous location: "Now I am shooting location shots, and I will be back to Kyoto in two months."

Jiang Mian secretly noted that she saw Lin Xi swaying in the background a few times, and her expression was a little anxious. She had to take the initiative to end the conversation with the actor father and let the actor father take more time to rest.

"Brother Qin." After hanging up the phone, Lin Xi handed over the medicine and reluctantly persuaded, "Even if you don't think about yourself, you must think about Mianmian. If she sees you like this, she will feel so distressed."

Under the bright light, Qin Jingrun's face was revealed, his cheeks were red, his lips were chapped, and his eyes were piercing.

"It's just a little cold." He swallowed the medicine indifferently.

Lin Xi expressionlessly took out the thermometer, 39.5 on it.

"The director obliges you to take a day off. If you don't take a break, everyone won't work."

Qin Jingrun: "..."

He changed the subject: "How about Lao Chen."

"Don't worry, Brother Xu will take care of Mianmian," Lin Xi said.

Qin Jingrun said lightly: "The editor in chief of the Xingyue column, it's time to change."

It was the Xingyue column that invited Jiang Mian to interview.

Lin Xi looked at Qin Jingrun and shook his head secretly. The reason why Qin Ge is so popular in the circle is because he treats people generously, that is, someone offends him, as long as he is not cruel, he will laugh or ignore it.

In his words: "Lazy and general knowledge of them."

But once he encountered Mianmian, he was not calm.

You can bully him, but you can't bully his baby girl.

The Xingyue column once invited Qin Jingrun. At that time, Qin Jingrun was already on fire, but at that time, there were several other big coffees who were invited by Xingyue. Qin Jingrun was the least senior and received the same treatment as Jiang Mian.

Qin Jingrun endured it, and later Qin Jingrun went to the altar. Xingyue wanted to invite again, but he ignored it.

Unexpectedly, Xingyue still remains unchanged. Qin Jingrun didn’t care about it before, but he didn’t care about it-the position was high enough. Before looking back, these experiences can be regarded as a kind of training on the journey of the heart calendar. He is not surprised under any circumstances.

Now Jiang Mian is in the same situation as he really is. According to his baby daughter's previous temperament, it is impossible not to be upset, but now that her daughter has become sensible, she will definitely be the same as before and dismiss it.

But Qin Jingrun disagreed.

Some people do not know to repent after a few lessons, so he will be the one who will repay him once.

Dragons have reverse scales, and they will kill if they touch them. For the four fathers, Jiang Mian is their reverse scales.

On Friday, Jiang Mian had only half a day in the afternoon class. She planned to skip both classes, but one of them was a simulation class by Professor Jiang.

Jiang Mian took advantage of the "friendship" between the two and generously expressed to Professor Jiang on WeChat that she said "skip class". At the same time, she also told the local tyrant father that she had something to do this week and would not return to Karowan.

At 9:30 in the morning on Friday, Jiang Mian boarded the plane to City X. There was only one purpose of this trip-to explore the actor's father.

Four fathers, the celestial father is still in the forbidden land, the detective father is going to perform the task, the local tyrant father is busy making money with various business tycoons, only the movie emperor father is left.

Taking advantage of this weekend plus Friday, a total of three days of visiting classes, just right.

The filming location of the actor's father was in the desert. After getting off the plane, Jiang Mian made a good turn. She closed her eyes and practiced silently on the bumpy road. She was interrupted by a phone call. Tang An'an, who had not contacted for a while, called her. of

Jiang Mian connected, and Tang An'an's excited voice resounded over there: "Oh my God, Mian Mian, you actually invested in "Lian Mian Lian Yu"!!!"

"How do you know?" Jiang Mian raised his eyebrows.

Only Director Zhang and a few high-level officials knew about this, but when the show was about to air, she couldn't hide the fact that she was an investor. Didn't expect it to be exposed so soon?

"Director Zhang said it personally, the hot search is number one, you can go and watch Mianmian." Just listen to the voice to know how excited Tang An'an is. She never thought that Brother Qin would spoil the little boss so much, just take it out. One billion let her invest.

My heartbeat can't help speeding up just thinking about it.

Click into Weibo, the first hot search: #姜眠一亿#

An explosion followed.

Jiang Mian: "..."

She didn't rush to click in, but first clicked on her own Weibo. She didn't know when the hot search was posted. Anyway, she saw that her Weibo number had increased by tens of thousands in a short time.

The decimal point of private messages also kept rising, and Jiang Mian's eyes were sore when the word count was jumping.

Her last Weibo post was about going to the zoo with the detective father. There were only a few hundred comments, but now it has almost tens of thousands.

Click in, the front is neatly full of "fuck".

Clicking on the hot search again, she is already prepared, and what each post on the marketing account is a short interview video about Zhang Dao.

Moderator: "Why did you choose Jiang Mian as the heroine?"

Director Zhang: "She is the most energetic newcomer I have ever met, Li Wanjing in my mind."

Moderator: "I heard that Director Zhang likes Jiang Mian very much because of her excellent acting skills."

Director Zhang: "You will know how good her acting is when the movie is released."

The host’s questions were sharper one by one: "I heard that Jiang Mian brought money into the group?"

I don’t want Director Zhang to nod without hesitation: "It’s okay for you to say that. When one-third of the scene was filmed, the previous investors withdrew. After she knew, all the subsequent expenses were paid by her alone. Billion ten million."


Comments below:

"Fuck! I'm like the host, the pineapple bun I was biting in my mouth fell off."

"Hahahaha, the microphone is off, the host is dumbfounded by the ability to perform."

"I wonder if Zhang Xin said one more zero."

"True Baifumei, I shed tears of envy and hatred."

"She is only eighteen years old. How could she have given so much money? She must have been given it by the family. What is her family background?"

"The news broke that Jiang Mian was a nobleman last time. Those people who said they were fakes, are their faces hurting now?"

"One billion, how many zeros are there?"


This was not over yet, and then someone broke out that Jiang Mian was invited by the Xingyue column to interview, and then because of the staff's arrogance and rudeness, Jiang Mian was gone.

There is no video, but there are screenshots of the conversations of the staff of the Xingyue column, so you can see the cause and effect.

Xingyue Guanwei was abused by angry netizens.

At the same time, the previous news about Jiang Mian being a nobleman came up again, and now almost everyone is sure that she is a nobleman.

Others are speculating about who her parents are. For a while, Jiang Mian's name has occupied several hot search places in a row, and the big headlines are also her news.

Jiang Mian quit Weibo and read WeChat again. Many friends sent her messages to ask about the situation. The Xingyue column also sent messages to her as an apology.

Jiang Mian picked a few replies, then turned off his mobile phone and decided to go to see the actor's father with peace of mind regardless of online matters.

Either the actor father did this, or the actor father asked Uncle Xia to help do it, all just to vent her breath.

Jiang Mian couldn't wait to see the actor father. At 7 o'clock in the evening, she arrived at the nearest town to the desert, paid for a car, and sent her to the desert.