Jiang Mian's "surprise" is no less than a thunder, and Qin Jingrun's mind is full of: How can his baby come in a place like the desert!

It was near the desert and the signal was not very good. He only had time to say a few words with Jiang Mian, and the signal was interrupted.

Qin Jingrun's anxious heart was beating wildly, so late at this night, there is no need to think that the baby girl is also here alone, what if someone sees that the baby is good-looking and gets crooked?

He couldn't imagine such a thing happening, he felt out of breath just thinking about it, no longer rested, and greeted Lin Xi: "Prepare the car, go to the town to pick up sleep."

"Who picked up?" Lin Xi suspected that he had heard it wrong.

"Mianmian is here." Qin Jingrun hurriedly changed his clothes. The temperature difference between day and night in the desert is big, so he must wear thicker clothes at night.

Lin Xi couldn't help but said: "This girl is really good enough to hide it. How dare she."

Qin Jingrun did not forget to say: "Like me."

Lin Xi: "..."

Lin Xi hesitated: "A little girl suddenly came, how can I explain to the people in the crew?"

Besides, they are all in the same circle. Even if some people on the crew don't know Jiang Mian, the rest will know.

Furthermore, news of Jiang Mian is everywhere on the Internet today.

"Just say it's my distant niece," Qin Jingrun said, "just cover it up then."

Lin Xi: "Brother Qin, I'll go pick Mianmian, your end scene is about to begin."

"Go ahead and say it." He didn't feel at ease for a moment if he didn't take the baby girl personally.

Lin Ximo, it was the first time that I met Qin Ge who was delayed in work due to personal affairs.

"At that time, I will make a payment for everyone." Qin Jingrun added another sentence.

Lin Xi had no land, so he quickly borrowed the crew's car to Qin Jingrun. For a while, the entire crew knew that Qin Jingrun's niece was here.

"The little girl came alone?"

"I'm so bold."

"Brother Qin actually has a niece?"

"It's also the first time I know, it's so exciting."

"I've become a tired dog these few days, and suddenly it's like being beaten up with blood."

"Hahaha, me too."


Lin Xi accidentally heard a few female staff members discussing in a low voice: "..."

He suddenly felt that it was not easy to hide Jiang Mian's face.

The driver Jiang Mian invited was specially invited by her to the town after inquiring. The 40-50-year-old uncle's face was carved by the wind and sand for many years. His eyes flashed occasionally and belonged to the "businessman". shrewd.

At first, he wanted to erroneous Jiang Mian. Seeing that she was dressed so well, she looked like a rich city man, and she was white and tender, obviously not deeply involved in the world.

However, when he saw Jiang Mian's gaze, his heart stunned. The other's gaze seemed to see all his thoughts in his heart, so he had to say a market price and took Jiang Mian to drive the night.

After the call with the actor father was interrupted, Jiang Mian did not call, but sent a WeChat account to the actor father to report her location.

The driver looked in her direction from time to time.

Kaiyelu is so boring and easy to fall asleep. The uncle yawned a few times and couldn't do it anymore. He said, "Girl, you come to the desert to find your dad alone, aren't you afraid?"

"What are you afraid of?" The girl's crisp voice rang in the carriage, and the surroundings were quiet, and it seemed that her voice was a bit more empty in the crisp leaves, and it sounds good or not, but it makes people feel cold inexplicably.

The driver also seemed to feel that he looked at Jiang Mian less frequently: "You are a girl's house, and you are not afraid of encountering bad people. I have seen several news about young girls having accidents because of a ride."

Jiang Mian suddenly turned his head and smiled sweetly at him; "Is the uncle a bad person?"

The driver was taken aback, struck his neck, and shouted: "Of course not."

Jiang Mian let out a faint "Oh" and then said, "My father is on the way to pick me up, but don't worry, I will give you all of the fare promised to you."

The driver chuckled, and then picked up some funny stories and said that Jiang Mian occasionally made a sound or two, and the atmosphere gradually became harmonious.

The driver occasionally glanced through the rearview mirror and glanced at himself, afraid of the scary thought that had arisen in his mind not long ago.

Maybe it was the money that the girl revealed, maybe it was her amazing beauty, no one was around, and there was no monitoring. He was an adult man who worked for many years and had great strength, so that a little girl could easily be subdued.

Crazy and terrible thoughts suddenly rose up in his heart.

He was ashamed.

Qin Jingrun was worried about her baby daughter. He dialed the phone while driving, but was affected by the signal, but fortunately there was a call.


Qin Jingrun, who heard the voice of her baby girl, let out a long sigh of relief: "Where is it."

Jiang Mian asked the driver and reported the location the driver said to the actor father.

"Almost." Qin Jingrun said, "Dad will be here in a few minutes."

A few minutes later, Jiang Mian saw a car in front of him.


As if telepathically, the car on the opposite side also stopped. Jiang Mian saw the door open and the actor father, who had not seen him for almost two months, got out of the car.

Qin Jingrun's heart that had been hanging in the air didn't fall back to its original place until he held the baby girl in his arms. He paid the driver, and the driver resolutely only charged half of the money.

Qin Jingrun frowned, but did not think deeply.

"You girl, scared my dad to death." He measured Jiang Mian up and down, then opened his coat to wrap his thinly dressed baby girl, "Knowing that the temperature difference between day and night in the desert is big, why do you wear such a thin dress."

Every syllable was filled with distress and worry.

The top male **** Qin Jingrun has always spoken little to the outside world. Faced with the "surprise visit to the class" baby girl, the image of the male **** is completely gone.

Jiang Mian discovered that she came to visit the class without saying a word, not a surprise to the actor father Fei Dan, but a fright.

She hastened to apologize honestly: "I'm sorry Dad, I caused you trouble."

"Apologize to Dad." The actor father felt even more distressed, thinking that he scared the baby girl, he raised his smiley face, held his daughter's small face, and kissed her between her eyebrows, "The baby can see Dad, Dad Very happy."

Apart from worrying, he is indeed happy, as if the depression of filming during this period of time, at the moment he saw his daughter, he all receded.

"Go, let's go back."

Jiang Mian carried a small backpack. After getting in the car, she took out a box from the backpack, which contained some small snacks she made specially at home, but when she looked at the box, Jiang Mian was silent.

The exquisite box has been crushed, and the cakes inside have also been crushed into a ball.

Jiang Mian was about to quietly throw it away. He didn't want the actor father to learn that she made it by herself, so he squeezed a piece into his mouth, and the father and daughter ate the box of deflated pastries together.

When I finished eating, the crew arrived at the desert camp. Jiang Mian found a silk scarf to wrap his eyes outside, and his eyes were bent into crescents: "Dad, will no one recognize me?"

Qin Jingrun is happy.

Many people heard the sound of the car and wanted to see what the legendary "niece" of Brother Qin looked like. As a result, the niece got out of the car with a scarf on her face. She didn't see what she looked like.

Brother Qin said that the little girl had sunburned her face and hurriedly took her to his tent. Everyone had no choice but to look away. See you tomorrow.

When he got into the tent of the actor's father, Qin Jingrun called Lin Xi to accompany Jiang Mian. He had to film a scene, and everyone had been waiting for him for half an hour.

Lin Xi poured a cup of hot water for Jiang Mian, and sat opposite Jiang Mian, "Are you hungry?"

Jiang Mian responded with a hiccup.

Lin Xi: "..."

Jiang Mian glanced out: "When does Dad have to take the picture?"

Lin Xi: "He has only one scene tonight, but this scene has been prepared for a few days. I don't know if it can be done. If it passes, it should be finished around eleven o'clock. If not, it must be delayed until tomorrow."

The director of the movie filmed by the actor father is called Lei Yan, a great director who is as famous as Zhang Zhixin, and he is known for being selfless.

Although Zhang Zhixin is also very strict, he occasionally joked with actors on set.

Lei Yan would not, he was notoriously harsh.

Jiang Mian learned about the actor father's situation, and the more he listened, the more distressed.

Lin Xi said that the actor father had been injured several times in the past two months, and every time the injury did not heal, he continued to shoot. He said, "It doesn't matter if you come, please persuade Brother Qin to let him not fight so hard. He doesn't listen to me , I will definitely listen to you."

When Qin Jingrun was young, it didn't matter if he was filming, he was young.

Now he can't see his actual age on his face, but his age has reached middle age, and he cannot compare with his twenties.

Over the years, he has accumulated a lot of old illnesses, but as soon as he enters the crew, he commits an occupational disease. He always wants to do his best, and he concentrates on the drama and does not care about himself at all.

Jiang Mian made a fist: "I must educate my father to change this bad habit."

Lin Xi was amused, thought for a while, and said, "The night in the desert is pretty. Would you like to go out and have a look?"

Jiang Mian has been in the desert in his previous life. Compared with that desert, this small desert is the difference between a pond and the sea.

This desert is too clean and peaceful, and there is no danger except for the cold wind blowing by at night.

Unlike that piece of man-eating sand, she used her high-end cultivation base to kill her for half her life, but it was also in it. She took advantage of the terrain and monsters to kill those enemies and completely avenge the master.

I thought there was no longer a chance to set foot in the desert, but I didn't expect to step on the gentle sand now, there is no life threatening, no hatred, listening to the noise coming from a distance, thinking that the actor father is here, I feel satisfied.

Under the leadership of Lin Xi, Jiang Mian walked around the camp and returned to the tent to wait for the actor father.

Lin Xi went to prepare the tent and other basic tools for Jiang Mian. Only Jiang Mian was left in the tent. She saw a script, and when she opened it, it was full of dense comments.

Then she found a photo under the pillow of the actor's father. At first glance, it was the actor's father more than ten years ago. He squatted on the ground, opened his hands, and his handsome face was covered with a petting smile.

Opposite him, is little Jiang Mian.

Suddenly a familiar picture flashed in Jiang Mian's mind, which made her wonder for a moment whether it was the memory of the original owner or her own—the little Jiang Mian in this photo was only two years old.

She walked late when she was a child, and only walked slowly around the age of two. This picture shows the actor father opening his hand and letting her walk staggeringly.

While thinking about it, a soft voice suddenly came to mind outside the tent: "Little girl, this is Shen Chuman. Your uncle said that you have sunburned your face. I have sunburn medicine here and the effect is pretty good. Would you like to try it? "

Just listen to the tone of voice, you can hear friendship.

Shen Chuman...looks like the heroine of the movie "Daddy".

Jiang Mian: "..."

She helped her forehead, won't she, she has to block the peach blossoms for the actor father? !