At the end of the day, Lei Yan coughed and coughed. Jiang Mian stepped forward with vision and patted Lei Yan's back. After a while, Lei Yan stopped.

Jiang Mian thoughtfully handed the tissue, Lei Yan took the popsicle from his beard, and looked at her and Qin Jingrun. Finally, he clutched his chest and said, "Birth?"

Qin Jingrun was unhappy, but did not show it, he pulled Jiang Mian to his side: "Isn't it?"

Lei Yan waited and said: "You kid kept it deep enough."

Qin Jingrun looked modest: "It's okay."

Lei Yan: "..."

Jiang Mian lowered his head, not letting his smile come out.

Qin Jingrun became serious: "Director Lei, you only need to know this, don't tell it to others."

"Are you stupid?" Lei Yan couldn't help but glared at him. If Qin Jingrun has a teenage daughter, the whole network paralyzed as soon as the news spread.

Jiang Mian entered the circle with Qin Jingrun's halo behind him, which would harm her without any benefit. After the sensation, everyone would compare her with Qin Jingrun, and it would be better for Qing to be better than Lan.

Even her every move is related to Qin Jingrun, for young people, she is absolutely unwilling to be under his father's aura.

There have been a pair of father and son in the circle before. The father is a well-known actor. After his debut, his son will be compared with his father no matter what he does. No one sees his efforts, but thinks that all this is because he is **** Son will get it so smoothly.

Lei Yan is the director. He considers the career level. For the four fathers, he will not be exposed, but he does not want Jiang Mian to be stared at everything because of Qin Jingrun.

Lei Yan recovered expressionlessly, and he said to Jiang Mian: "Mian girl, you go back, I will tell you...Dad something."

He glanced at Qin Jingrun, it was also strange. They stood together and didn't know their relationship, they would feel that the appearance of men and women was like a match made in heaven.

After I know it, I look more like a father and daughter.

If someone came to him and told him that Qin Jingrun and Jiang Mian were father and daughter, he would not believe it for 10,000 people, and it is estimated that the entire circle would not believe it, but this is what Qin Jingrun said personally.

Jiang Mian knew that there was no place to speak for himself, and left obediently.

When she walked away, Lei Yan said bluntly: "Lao Zhang also knows your relationship? His drama was the Mian girl who only accepted you because of you?"

"Aren't you testing Mimian today." Qin Jingrun pulled a stool and sat down, "How?"

Lei Yan didn't say a word, remembering that in the morning, Jiang Mian was good at watching dramas, and he could see the crux of the problem at a glance, but watching a drama is not the same as acting.

There are so many professional film critics with sharp eyes, and they can tell at a glance what is good and bad in a scene, and they can be used to act, and it is no different than shopping for drunks.

Without seeing it in person, even if Zhang Zhixin praised him, he would not recognize it.

Qin Jingrun glanced at him: "I don't care. Since you know Mianmian, Mianmian's second scene must be filmed for you."

The two have known each other for so many years, and they are both teachers and friends, and Qin Jingrun does not wipe his feet.

"You know my rules." Lei Yan shook his head, "As long as the girl has enough abilities, you don't need to go through the back door."

Qin Jingrun said leisurely: "I just told you in advance that at any rate my daughter called you grandpa. If you are a grandpa, why don't you think about it for your granddaughter?"

Lei Yan: "Asshole thing, you can call me Dad."

Qin Jingrun: "Dad."

Lei Yan: "..."

"Sister Mianmian." A voice called to stop Jiang Mian, and when he turned his head, it was Lu Zhiyu who stopped her.

Jiang Mian: "..."

She commented five points in front of others, and criticized them less than one-half of the actor's father. It was difficult for him to call out the word "sister".

Unable to figure out what he meant, Jiang Mianli said, "Hello, Brother Lu."

"Is it hot?" Lu Zhiyu glanced over the mask and asked with concern, "Is the sunburn better?"

Show the appearance of gentle brother.

"Much better, thank you Brother Lu for your concern."

Lu Zhiyu passed the iced fruit in his hand, and Jiang Mian declined: "My stomach is not very good. I have eaten a popsicle just now, so I can't eat any more ice."

Lu Zhiyu took the fruit back again.

He didn't speak, but looked at her lightly, his eyes seemed to be thoughtful, Jiang Mian said, "Is there anything else, Brother Lu?"

The implication is that if you have something to say, there is...cough...just let it go.

Lu Zhiyu looked down, and after a moment, said: "Sister Mianmian, can you tell me my shortcomings in the morning game between me and your uncle?"

Jiang Mian was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Lu Zhiyu would actually ask her about a "little girl", which is not easy for an adult male and a well-known male artist.

No one is willing to admit their shortcomings frankly, especially facing a "little girl" who doesn't understand anything.

On the set, even though Jiang Mian’s comment was based on Director Lei who asked her to tell the truth, she was a junior, and speaking in front of everyone was not enough to give Lu Zhiyu face.

No matter how broad-minded people are, they probably won't feel very comfortable in their hearts.

Jiang Mian nodded: "Okay."

They went to the edge of a Populus euphratica tree. Soon, Lu Zhiyu asked Jiang Mian to ask about the play. Many people praised Lu Zhiyu's behavior.

Jiang Mian explained the problem she saw in detail, and added a little bit of her own opinion by the way. After she finished speaking, she wanted to add the sentence "This is all my own thinking." When she saw that Lu Zhiyu was meditating, she didn't Good to say something.

I thought: This person is just like Yu Ran, who is a fool.

When she played against Yu Ran before, sometimes Yu Ran thought of something like this.

Jiang Mian didn't disturb Lu Zhiyu, and was about to slip back to the tent. It was too hot outside. At this moment, there was a scream in the direction of the bathroom.

Jiang Mian rushed past, several tens of meters apart, no matter how fast it was, it would take several seconds to arrive. When Jiang Mian arrived, the scene before her made her eyelids jump.

There was a long chaotic trail in the sand on the ground. It was Shen Chuman's assistant, Xiaoxue, who screamed. She fell to the ground with a disheveled hair, a shoe on her foot was gone, and a hole in her instep.

Jiang Mian's nose moved slightly, and besides the **** smell, there was another smell——

"Wolf! It's a wolf!" Xiaoxue screamed in fright.

Jiang Mian looked towards the sand and saw a shadow disappearing quickly in front of her eyes. When she moved her footsteps, she subconsciously wanted to chase her, but seeing Xiaoxue's appearance, she hesitated and didn't move.

A wolf appeared around the camp, which was a hidden danger-her first reaction was to kill the wolf.

Jiang Mian frowned. The crew chose to shoot the location in the desert, but at the edge and didn't go deep. It was a bit strange that a wolf appeared here.

"It's okay." Jiang Mian knelt down to comfort Xiaoxue, "The wolf has run away."

Xiaoxue was both painful and scared, and did not forget to say to Jiang Mian: "Be careful, don't run out again."

Fortunately, other staff members ran over, and Xiaoxue quickly helped him to let the doctor on the crew deal with the injuries.

Knowing that there was a wolf infested and hurting people, Qin Jingrun's heart jumped and he immediately looked for her baby girl. The first reaction was to send Jiang Mian back quickly.

Lei Yan asked the male staff to bring weapons and search around, but found no trace of wolves.

"Dad, it's okay, there are so many people on the crew, just a wolf."

Seeing that the baby girl was not scared at all, Qin Jingrun sighed secretly, thinking that the baby girl was with Lian Feng and had even seen the bullet, so he had to let her go.

Jiang Mian went to see Xiaoxue. She had stitches on her foot, and she calmed down.

Girls usually go to the bathroom with many people, but Xiaoxue has a little stomach trouble today. She ran a few hops and was embarrassed to find someone to accompany her continuously. Plus, she didn't find any danger, and it was broad daylight, so she went alone. Up.

When she came out, the wolf didn't know where it came from and rushed towards her. If she hadn't been struggling and screaming in a dangerous moment, it would have been more than just a kick.

When something like this happened, Lei Yan gave a death order, no matter male or female, two or more people must go to the bathroom.

Jiang Mian wanted to go and see around the bathroom-the wolf ran away, and the staff found no traces around, so it is normal to find it.

The wolf is a vengeful species. It failed the first time, and it is very likely that it will come again.

The actor father has to be filming in the crew. If this hidden danger is not solved, she is uneasy.

But the actor father looked at her tightly—he heard everyone say that when Xiaoxue's scream sounded, Jiang Mian was the first to rush there, but the actor father was scared enough.

Shen Chuman seemed to see that she wanted to go to the bathroom, and smiled and said to Qin Jingrun: "Jingrun, don't be too nervous. With so many people, is it possible that she is going to the bathroom when she sleeps, and you forbid her to go?"

Then she stretched out her hand to Jiang Mian: "Mianmian, you accompany me to the bathroom."

Jiang Mian cleverly went to the bathroom with Shen Chuman. Shen Chuman always wanted to find a chance to talk to Jiang Mian, but he didn't find it. At this moment, she finally had a chance. She said, "Mianmian, are you not afraid of wolves?"

Jiang Mian blinked: "So many people."

Shen Chuman shook his head, and said with some worry: "Wolves are social animals, there will be one, it is impossible to guarantee that there will be a second and third..."

Jiang Mian: "That's only a single person, most of them are too hungry."

Shen Chuman looked at her in surprise.

"If there are more than one, they would have come out together a long time ago." Jiang Mian said, "and wolves are afraid of fire. Just build a bonfire around the camp at night."

While Shen Chuman was going to the toilet, Jiang Mian glanced at the surrounding situation, his eyes thoughtful.

This wolf has been quietly observing the surroundings for a period of time. He hasn't done anything, because he didn't find a chance. Humans are afraid of wolves, and wolves are also afraid of humans.

Until I met Xiaoxue and came alone, maybe I thought it was an opportunity.

A wolf faces a young girl. It stands to reason that it is easy to succeed at the first time, but in the screaming struggle of Xiaoxue, it finally escapes.

This wolf, I'm afraid it is already very weak, it should be hidden somewhere not far from the camp.

At three o'clock in the morning that night, everyone in the camp fell asleep. Jiang Mian quietly unzipped the tent, wrapped the actor father's down jacket tightly, took a flashlight, and walked silently to the distant desert.

Qin Jingrun turned over and woke up suddenly. He sat up and glanced at the time, half past three.

A little worried baby girl, he put on a piece of clothing, got out of the tent, and gently opened Jiang Mian's tent. As soon as he opened it, Qin Jingrun felt cold all over, like a basin of cold water poured down his head.

Where's his baby girl!