The desert at night is quiet, quiet and weird, a bright moon in the sky, light and soft white gauze is sprinkled, and this land of yellow sand is a little gentle.

Jiang Mian raised her breath quickly, but within a few minutes, she reached a recessed place and looked around. She didn't want to find the wolf's hiding place inch by inch.

Sitting on the ground, Jiang Mian let out a low wolf howl.

This is the wolf language she learned in the world of cultivating immortals, and she was forced to learn it in that piece of man-eating sand.

Don't chase the past, Jiang Mian continued to speak wolf language. After a full five minutes, there was movement in a sandy area in the distance.

The wolf was very cautious. It didn't even utter an echo, as if it was deciding whether it was dangerous.

It thought that its deeds were very secret, and the next second, a bright light fell.

It turned around and swept away, but the "language" behind it approached, and it stopped blankly.

Seeing the person approaching, he arched his back, bared his fangs, and made an attacking posture—the instinct of a beast made it feel killing intent.

This is a very weak old wolf, skinny and bones, with several wounds on his body that have rotted away, and exudes an unpleasant smell-Xiaoxue's struggle kicked and fell on its wounds, which made it escape.

It issued an angry threatening growl, driving away the enemy.

Jiang Mian's eyes fell on the abdomen of the old wolf, and he realized that this was not only an extremely weak old wolf, it was also a mother.

Jiang Mian's killing intent faded.

The old wolf raged at the yellow sand on the ground, Jiang Mian took a step back, and finally, it rushed towards Jiang Mian.

Two minutes later, Jiang Mian ignored the old wolf with its teeth and claws, and cut open a bush, revealing the hollow sand hole below. Two little wolf pups huddled in it, sleeping Zhengxiang.

The old wolf continued to growl, Jiang Mian carefully carried the two little guys out, without raising his head, and told a fact: "You are dying."

The old wolf's whimper was slightly smaller.

"If you die, they can't live either."

The old wolf doesn't plan the sand anymore.

"Wolves hold a lot of grudges, I hate them." Jiang Mian grouped the two little guys in his arms and looked at the old wolf faintly. I'm lazy to do it to you."

"Don't worry, although I hate wolves, I won't kill your cubs. They will survive."

The old wolf stared at her tightly, Jiang Mian looked back without evasive, the old wolf shook his skinny body, and something moist seemed to flash in his eyes.

It slowly walked to Jiang Mian's side, licked and licked the two little wolf pups, and finally raised its head and gave a long roar, turned and rushed, and quickly disappeared before Jiang Mian's eyes.

The two little guys woke up and screamed quietly. Jiang Mian coaxed for a while, and the two little boys fell asleep again and licked Jiang Mian's palm with their tongues.

The actor's father's down jacket pockets are particularly large, and one pocket is placed on each side. Jiang Mian didn't delay any more and turned around and went back quickly.

Qin Jingrun calmed down quickly. Through the situation in the tent, he could tell that the baby girl went out by himself. His heart was a little relieved--for a moment, a terrible thought came to him.

Since he got out of the tent, after thinking about it, Qin Jingrun strode towards the bathroom.

There is no one in the bathroom.

Jiang Mian's cell phone was in the tent, and he couldn't use it to contact him. He walked around the camp and found no figure of his baby girl. Qin Jingrun had cold sweat in his hands.

He remembered what the staff said during the day:

"The sleeping speed is so fast, as soon as Xiaoxue's voice sounded, she ran over."

He thought of Lian Feng's case, that the drug dealer named Zhong Wuli was caught by his precious daughter for Lian Feng-the injury on his back was the one he injured at that time.

He knew that his daughter had inherited the "chivalry" that belonged to Lian Feng.

Looking at the vast desert ahead, a clear thought came up in Qin Jingrun's mind: Did the baby look for the wolf?

He knows that the surname Lian has taught his baby daughter some basic tricks, and he also knows that the baby girl has some self-protection ability after learning, but he knows that Gui knows.

Especially the daughter has never been to the desert, she has nothing with her, if she gets lost in the desert, or encounters other dangers...

"Dad." Just when Qin Jingrun was about to take action, the voice rang behind him relaxed his whole body.

Qin Jingrun turned around, only to find that his back was covered with cold sweat, and the breeze blew the cold into his bones.

"Baby, you..." As soon as he said, his voice was a little hoarse.

Jiang Mian ran over a few steps. She didn't expect that she went out quietly for half an hour. When she came back, she saw the actor father who should have been sleeping standing in the camp, and she suddenly felt a little guilty.

Looking at the expression of the movie emperor father, Jiang Mian quickly admitted: "I'm sorry, Dad, I worried you."

"I just can't sleep, so I went for a walk." She tried to make her words sound convincing.

No matter, Qin Jingrun didn't ask much when looking at the little face of the baby girl, as long as there was nothing wrong, he would send her back tomorrow!

It's a pity that the two wolf pups in the pocket demolished Jiang Mian's platform, and Qin Jingrun was not deaf: "What sound?"

Jiang Mian smiled extremely innocently: "Dad, you got it wrong, it's the wind."

Qin Jingrun's eyes fell into her pocket, Jiang Mian: "..."

Back in the tent, Qin Jingrun looked at the two little guys yelling on the quilt. They had only been born for a few days, and they couldn't even open their eyes.

Jiang Mian gave a powerful explanation: "Dad, I really found out by accident. It was not far from the camp. The mother wolf who injured sister Xiaoxue knew that there was not much time, so she took the two little cubs. Come out and give it to me."

"Baby, do you think Dad's old eyes are dim?"

In a word, Jiang Mian shut up.

Qin Jingrun pinched her cheek lightly, and when he turned around, he scolded Han Xu severely: My baby girl lied and didn't write drafts. It must be Han Xu's upstart teaching.

It's not for no reason that he thinks so, because Han Xu had this previous conviction.

The first time Xiao Jiangmian lied was after being led by Han Xu-the other three naturally thought they were Han Xu teachings.

In fact, the first time Xiao Jiangmian lied and deceived people, it was taught by Nishizawa, and Han Xu had to recite this pot.

Jiang Mian resolutely didn't tell the real reason-if she told the actor father that she slipped into the desert in the middle of the night and got rid of the wolf, but didn't want the wolf to hurt him, the actor father would definitely blame herself.

Sometimes white lies are better.

Jiang Mian decided to change the subject, not to let the actor father worry about how the wolf cubs came: "Dad, what do they do."

She has rescued the little wolf cub in an exceptional way, as for how to raise it, she still hands it to the actor father.

The next day, Qin Jingrun handed the little wolf cub to Linxi and contacted the local forestry bureau for handling.

Everyone was surprised to learn that the male **** saved the two little wolf pups, and asked how to save them, the male **** said solemnly: "I picked them up next to the bathroom last night."

So everyone automatically made up for-

The mother wolf who attacked Xiaoxue during the day probably didn't want to attack Xiaoxue. It might want to support the gu, but the method was a bit rough, and finally only dared to **** the little wolf cub in the dead of night when there was no one.

The logic of the story is very reasonable, even the victim Xiaoxue thinks so.

This incident was revealed.

Jiang Mian’s ticket is at 7 o'clock in the evening, and she needs to transfer to the airport halfway, so she has to leave at noon.

Qin Jingrun asked Lin Xi to send Jiang Mian to the airport to be relieved, Jiang Mian disagreed-the actor father only brought Lin Xi an assistant, Lin Xi was indispensable when filming.

Qin Jingrun couldn't hold her back, okay, don't let Lin Xi go, and ask a member of the crew. Before Jiang Mian could refuse, Lu Zhiyu suddenly asked him to send it.

He has no play in the afternoon, just as he has time.

His reasons are very good, just to get Jiang Mian to comment on his morning scene on the road.

——Each staff member has his own job. If there is no work and finally have time to rest, I naturally want to take a good rest.

But if Qin Jingrun speaks, there will be no staff to refute. There is a difference between being active and passive. Qin Jingrun hesitated and agreed.

Jiang Mian had no choice but to get in the crew car and Lu Zhiyu sent her to the airport.

When he left, Jiang Mian touched the two little wolf pups. People from the Forestry Bureau have not yet come. Seeing that the little wolf pups are cute, the girl in the crew spontaneously took over the feeding work.

Shen Chuman gave Jiang Mian a book. Jiang Mian came to the crew for a day and a night. He didn't spend much time with Shen Chuman, but he could feel that Shen Chuman was sincere to her.

"Aunt Shen, you are so beautiful and outstanding. People who like you can definitely line up to France." Before leaving, Jiang Mian smiled and said a joke.

The implicit meaning is to let her not hang on a tree.

Shen Chuman had a good sense of measure. Unlike other peach blossoms, Jiang Mian couldn't speak too clearly.

After Shen Chuman listened, he smiled, did not say much, only asked Jiang Mian to pay attention to safety. If there is anything in the future, you can contact her on WeChat.

The car quickly left the desert and entered the normal road. It was Lu Zhiyu's assistant who drove, Jiang Mian and Lu Zhiyu sitting in the back seat.

Lu Zhiyu glanced at Jiang Mian. She was still wearing a mask. Even if she was sitting in the car, she didn't mean to take it off.

The two said something about the play. After Jiang Mian finished speaking, Lu Zhiyu didn't think about it this time. He just nodded, and then proposed: "Should you take the mask off for ventilation?"

Jiang Mian shook his head.


Jiang Mian continued to shake his head.

Lu Zhiyu didn't ask questions, and the carriage became quiet. The two were not familiar with each other, and the atmosphere was so awkwardly silent.

After a while, Lu Zhiyu shifted his eyes slightly, and fell to Jiang Mian who was looking out the window, and suddenly said, "Mianmian, what is your real name?"

Jiang Mian turned around and said in an embarrassed voice: "My real name is not good."

Lu Zhiyu stopped asking.

After entering the city, Jiang Mian didn't let Lu Zhiyu send it off. She thought that Lu Zhiyu would not easily agree, but he did not expect that he readily agreed.

She smiled a lot more sincerely. She knew he was so easy to talk, and she could get out of the car in town before.

"Goodbye Brother Lu."

Lu Zhiyu smiled and said, "I hope you will call me that next time you meet."

Why is he so sure that he will meet again in the future.

Jiang Mian gently raised his eyebrows, nodded his back like a stream, waved his hand, and hired a taxi.

"Keep up." Lu Xingyu said lightly.

Assistant: "Huh?"

Lu Xingyu: "I promised Brother Qin to send the little girl to the airport."

The assistant became more puzzled: "Then just send her over."

Lu Xingyu shook his head: "She wanted to get out of the car a long time ago, just be patient."

The assistant still didn't understand.

Lu Xingyu no longer explained.