The car had been following, Jiang Mian naturally noticed, but she couldn't say much, and when she arrived at the airport waiting for the flight, she searched for Lu Zhiyu's news by the way.

At first glance, the news came out of all kinds of peachy news. For example, he and a certain actress once dated, then broke up, studied abroad for two years, and had countless girlfriends. He also said that he was married, but just concealed it. Sleeping tongue.

Look at the movie emperor's father, clean, there is no peachy news.

But there is a blogger who said that the truth is, to the effect that the reason why Lu Zhiyu has so much peachy news is because the female artists he cooperates with, like to rub his enthusiasm, Lu Zhiyu does not mind whether it does not rub, anyway. Just influence him in filming.

Inexplicably, Jiang Mian felt that this blogger was right.

The exchanges between her and Lu Zhiyu were almost entirely drama. Once this person entered the "drama", it seemed to enter another space. No wonder the movie emperor's father had a little praise when he mentioned him.

Not long after, Jiang Mian received the photo from Lin Xi, and people from the Forestry Bureau went to the town to pick up the two little wolf cubs.

These two little wolf pups also made the actor father a hot search-after the local forestry bureau picked the little wolf pup back, it posted an official Weibo, mentioning that Qin Jingrun had rescued it.

Qin Jingrun's flow, after the fans learned of the rainbow fart, praised the male **** for his love, and he was tired enough to film in the desert, and he could save wolves... There is nothing in the sky and the earth.

Jiang Mian was speechless, as if in the eyes of fans, the actor father became a god, and everything is good.

They will always see the glamorous and handsome appearance of the male god, but they don't know how hard it is behind their favorite male **** Brother Qin.

Last night Jiang Mian washed the feet of the actor father-Qin Jingrun certainly disagreed. He shot a scene for a whole day. The temperature was high during the day, and his feet had been covered in combat boots, all with sweat.

After the filming, when cleaning in the bathroom, he disliked the smell, even if it had been cleaned, he still couldn't bear to let his baby daughter wash his feet.

Jiang Mian forced him to sit on the bed, and there were several torn blisters on the actor's father's feet. He felt nothing, Jiang Mian felt distressed.

The wound medicine was given to Xia Qiuyan, and she had no other good wound medicine on her body, so she could only use the medicine given by the crew.

"Dad, if you squeeze any more, I will be angry." Jiang Mian sullenly, and then the actor father walked away and obediently handed his feet to the baby girl.

Jiang Mian washed the feet of the actor father again, avoiding the blood bubbles on the feet, massaged the acupuncture points on the feet, infused aura, and used a gentle method to relieve the fatigue of the actor father.

After the massage is finished, put the blood bubble on the medicine, do everything well, the actor father is already asleep.

Because of this, she would go out to find the old wolf at three o'clock in the middle of the night-she thought that the actor father should fall into a deep sleep and would not wake up so easily.


The radio broadcasts that the plane will be delayed due to weather conditions. As for when it will arrive, it is unknown.

Jiang Mian bought the first-class cabin. She is now in the first-class lounge. A flight attendant came to apologize. There were not many people in the lounge. There were only a few. The flight attendants apologized one by one, and the responses were very polite.

Jiang Mian followed the hotly searched comments from the movie emperor's father. Although the fans' praise was too exaggerated, it did not prevent her from watching it in a very happy mood.

More happy than fans boasting of herself.

Until a piercing voice interrupted her pleasure: "I have been waiting for half an hour. I bought first class. I spent so much money. I want to rush to the meeting. Now you tell me when I will take off. Who will pay for all the losses I have caused at this time, are you coming?"

The flight attendant apologized softly: "I'm very sorry, sir, we are also very anxious when the time is late, but this is a message from the Ministry of Aviation. The weather is changeable. We are for the safety of all passengers..."

"I care about your weather and things, so I'll ask you, when will I fly? My meeting can't keep up, and I lose tens of millions. Who will pay?!"

The flight attendants continued to persuade them with kind words. It was not the first time they encountered this situation as service personnel. They were also aggrieved. Whether the plane was delayed or not, they could not predict how they would give orders and how they would accept them.

But these emotions are facing the passengers, no matter how helpless, they can’t have them, they can only try their best to appease, but the more she appeases, the louder the voice of the passenger, and the other people in the lounge look sideways. Someone has spoken to persuade him. calm.

This man is like a machine gun. He squirts when he catches someone. He said to the middle-aged man who spoke: "It's your shit, you are so strong, you have money, then you will pay for what I lose?"

The middle-aged man glared at him and suffocated: "I have never seen someone so unreasonable like you."

These words were like sparks thrown into the oil pan, and instantly boiled. The yelling man slapped the stewardess and pushed her away, rushing towards the middle-aged man.

The chaos started, the stewardess was pushed and fell down, Jiang Mian reached out and stopped, she ran to the man hurriedly regardless of being beaten.

If a passenger is injured, she is the stewardess who came in to spread the news to appease, and she will inevitably be severely punished.

Jiang Mian's eyes quickly passed the stewardess's red face.

Fortunately, other people couldn't see it, stopped the man, and didn't hurt the middle-aged person. After some entanglement, somehow, Wu Yangyang rushed in the direction of Jiang Mian.

Jiang Mian looked around, and a young man sat in the seat behind her, Zhengxiang who was sleeping with headphones, completely unaware of the dispute ahead.

It's also great.

After entering the rest room, Jiang Mian took off the mask. She put on the mask now, and when the group of people came over, she stretched out her left leg lightly.

The man was tripped, and her extremely fast man kicked her leg. The man screamed and was soon subdued by others.

She went out and closed her legs quickly. There were so many people that no one saw her. Afterwards, she lowered her head and quietly continued to play with her mobile phone, hiding her merit and fame.

The man who disturbed the order was taken away by the security personnel, and he was still shouting tens of millions when he left.

A few minutes later, the beaten flight attendant came over to thank Jiang Mian-Jiang Mian stopped her to prevent her from falling to the ground.

The five fingerprints on the stewardess's face were obvious. Jiang Mian didn't say anything but accepted her thanks.

"Hey, it's okay." A voice suddenly came from behind, "Beauty, make a friend?"

Jiang Mian didn't move, "Not interested."

The man moved and sat next to Jiang Mian: "I saw it just now, it was you who got out of the leg bravely."

Seeing that Jiang Mian still ignored him, he continued to shamelessly said: "My name is Qi Cheng, I think you are a bit familiar, have you seen it somewhere? What is your name?"

Jiang Mian looked up for the first time: "Your sister is Qi Menghan?"

"How do you know." Qi Cheng was startled, he blinked his romantic peachy eyes, "Do you know my sister?"

Jiang Mian carefully looked at Qi Cheng. He was twenty-three or four-year-old, with bright and handsome features. His hair was dyed with a few strands of red, red, purple and purple. There was a small tweet on the top of his head. There was a big earphone around his neck. —Have fun.

In the original book, Qi Menghan's older brother Qi Cheng, as a serious female, has a lot of roles, and this young master Qi is one of the few male characters in the book who hates Guan Xin, and he is a very hated one.

Even if he later learned that Guan Xin was his own sister, he hated it very much. The only sister he recognized was Qi Menghan, who didn't give Guan Xin any good face.

The ending of the book about him, perhaps because it is the brother of the heroine, is not too miserable. After Qi Menghan went off the assembly line, Qi Cheng left Qi's house and went missing.

"Why are you looking at me like that, do you know me?" Qi Cheng was a little numb by Jiang Mian's gaze, and couldn't help but raise his hand to touch her face-anyway, she looks pretty good.

Jiang Mian smiled and said, "It's nothing, I have met your sister, not familiar."

She flipped through the book about Jiang Mian and Qi Cheng's scenes in her mind.

In the book, Jiang Mian lived under house arrest by Gu Qiwen after his four fathers Cha Ji received the box lunch. During that time, Shen Shiqing had not acted on her.

In the tragic time that followed, Qi Cheng was the only warmth she felt.

Qi Cheng tried to take her away, but he didn't succeed once.

Later, when she learned that her leg was interrupted by Shen Shiqing, Qi Cheng went to Shen Shiqing to get her justice back. She was beaten severely and sent back to Qi's family to raise her for a month.

Then, she was put in a nursing home, Qi Cheng asked more about where she was, but never got the news until Qi Menghan told him.

He went to see her and tried to save her many times without success.

The description of Jiang Mian's last scene in the book:

Jiang Mian finally escaped, even if she was begging, even if she exhausted all the methods, as long as she still had a breath, she would take revenge.

She crawled and crawled, and suddenly heard someone discussing Gu Qiwen and Guan Xin. Then, she saw the man she loves most hated on the electronic screen, holding the woman she hated most in her arms. She was wearing a white wedding dress and laughed. Happy face.

What irony, these two people left her with nothing, but in the end they had everything.

She hates, hate that cuts into the bone marrow.

Pedestrians passing by saw that a ragged beggar who barely saw a woman suddenly spewed a strong blood and fell to the ground. His body twitched for a while and stopped moving.

The moment she closed her eyes, she seemed to see a person running towards her, that person had a pair of romantic peach eyes.

Dad, I am looking for you.

Based on this, it can be inferred that after Jiang Mian in the book died, her funeral was handled by Qi Cheng. This can also be seen from a later dialogue between Qi Cheng and Qi Menghan.


"Since you met my sister and know my name, you can tell me what your name is now." Qi Cheng winked and said, "You see how fate we are, right."

Jiang Mian: "I'm afraid you will be surprised if you say it."

"Oh?" Qi Cheng raised his eyebrows, "Say quickly, it scares me."

Jiang Mian groaned, still shaking his head.

Qi Cheng: "..."

He snorted, "I know if you don't tell me."

He said this deliberately, in order to attract Jiang Mian to ask why, but Jiang Mian gave a sigh of curiosity.