"If you have something to say, it's unsightly." Facing the moved fist, Qi Cheng blinked his eyes quickly, but didn't let himself move a bit. "Besides, look at my handsome face, if I get beaten. It’s a shame that the last punch is green, right?"

He glanced at the expression in Jiang Mian's eyes, stretched out a fingertip, and carefully poked Jiang's wrist away.

Jiang Mian withdrew his hand and ignored him lazily.

Qicheng is a dog skin plaster, it is not easy to tear off once it is stuck, the more Jiang Mian ignores him, the more energy he gets.

Twitter kept talking next to me about what it was like to be tired from filming, how it felt to be filming, whether the scene would laugh, and whether there was any contact with the crew and so on.

He seemed to have a hundred thousand whys. Jiang Mian answered him a few words at first, but then he closed his eyes altogether.

So Qi Cheng asked and answered questions next to him. After a while, seeing Jiang Mian ironically ignored him, he murmured boredly, took out the tablet from his backpack, and invited Jiang Mian: "Let’s watch a movie together. "

Jiang Mian still ignored him, but he went to calmly put the tablet between the two, Jiang Mian had to take a glance-it was a spy movie filmed by the actor father and won several international awards.

"Among these movies made by Qin Jingrun, I like this one the most. It's super good-looking and so flavorful." Qi Cheng found that Jiang Mian treated him, as if it was because he praised Qin Jingrun?

He patted his thigh: "Do you like Qin Jingrun too?"

He snapped a loud boast, and then turned from Qin Jingrun to Jiang Mian: "We even have the same idol that we like, Sister Jiang, it’s the fate of the two of us, Godsend."

He raised his eyebrows to look at Jiang Mian. If this action fell on a person with ugly facial features, it would be completely obscene, and it would fall on Qi Cheng, and he would suddenly become a little bit more scornful, and there would be a smell of wickedness.

Jiang Mian was more patient with him because of the original work, and now she is almost finished. She smiled slightly and said every word: "Can you watch the movie well?"

As if feeling the murderous aura in this sentence, Qi Cheng finally became a little quiet, and the little chicken nodded like a peck: "Can, can, can."

He took out more than ten pairs of earphones and wanted to ask which one to choose. Jiang Mian took out his earphones and plugged them in and gave them only to him.

Qi Cheng looked at Jiang Mian's profile for two seconds, then quietly put on the headphones, and the two watched the movie starring the actor father.

The plane didn't arrive until after watching the movie. On board the plane, Qi Cheng had to sit next to Jiang Mian, and the husband who was sitting next to Jiang Mian changed positions.

"I still have a lot of Qin Jingrun's movies here, do you want to watch it again?" He asked diligently.

Jiang Mian helplessly said, "What are you bothering me for?"

"I didn't haunt you." Qi Cheng cried out, "Isn't this making friends, you have to be enthusiastic."

Jiang Mian said lightly: "But I don't want to make friends with you."

"..." Qi Cheng, who was so frankly rejected, felt that she was all on her face, "Why?"

"No reason."

"Not why is why."

"How can there be so many reasons, not wanting is just not wanting."

The smile on Qi Cheng's face was almost unsustainable. He rolled his eyes and said, "Then I can always be your fan."

Jiang Mian: "..."

He watched Jiang Mian's expression and chuckled, "I know you want to make friends with me, don't you think you have been tolerating me?"

Qi Cheng knew that he was wrong as soon as he spoke.

There was a cold expression in Jiang Mian's eyes: "You see that I am tolerating you, so you keep provoke me. Do you want to see how much I can tolerate you?"

Qi Cheng explained: "I didn't mean that, don't get me wrong. My original intention was just to make friends with you. Really, I see you as I see it. If there is a lie, it will be hard to die."

In order to show his sincerity, he put three fingers on his head in a decent manner.

Two seconds later, the other hand was also raised, and together they bend their fingers towards Jiang Mian to sell cuteness.

Jiang Mian: "..."

Jiang Mian didn't speak. If there was a ruler that could calculate the endurance value, her endurance value had reached a negative number at this moment.

Qi Cheng would also be observant of words and expressions, seeming to know that Jiang Mian's patience was to the utmost, and he withdrew his hand in a slanderous manner, smiled graciously at Jiang Mian, returned to his position, and shut up.

It’s just that although he didn’t speak, he made a lot of small movements. From time to time he stretched his head to look at Jiang Mian, shook his head for a while, nodded for a while, then took out his mobile phone and fumbled sneakily, and then he held his chin to look at Jiang Mian carefully. .

The phrase he said to Jiang Mian, "it’s the same at first sight", really couldn’t be more true-he saw Jiang Mian stretch out his leg and trip, and after he stumbled, he quickly closed his foot and finished with an innocent look like "I haven’t done anything". Aroused his curiosity.

The first time Qi Cheng heard Jiang Mian's name was from Qi Menghan's mouth, and then searched for some Jiang Mian's information. After reading it, it passed quickly.

But he had a good memory, so in the lounge, he recognized Jiang Mian at a glance, so that he became curious when he saw her small movements.

She can be regarded as a celebrity. The celebrity does this kind of thing quietly, whether it is a help or not, if it is seen and posted on the Internet, it will be a nuisance.

When I leaned over to talk to her, I felt more familiar as I watched it. This familiarity does not mean that I have seen her pictures and know who she is, but a sense of inexplicability.

More importantly, he found that Jiang Mianren was obviously annoying him, but still endured him. Instinctively told him that Jiang Mianren was not because of her star status. His instinct had always been very accurate, could it be because of his. family background?

Online discussions about Jiang Mian's background are not small, and it should not be the country of origin.

So he became more curious.

The more curious, the more I want to figure it out.

The plane was delayed for two hours and arrived at Kyoto Airport. It was already past twelve o'clock. Jiang Mian sent a message to the actor father to report safety and prepared to take a taxi back.

But at this moment, a Land Rover stopped and Qi Cheng stretched out his head: "Sister Jiang, it's so late, no one will pick you up, I will take you home."

——When getting off the plane, Qi Cheng jumped out quickly. When Jiang Mian got out of the plane, Qi Cheng had already disappeared, so she didn't take it seriously.

Fearing that he would get entangled again, Jiang Mian said coldly: "No."

"Why not? It's dangerous for a single girl to ride in a stranger's car at night, but you can rest assured that it looks safe from my appearance. Also, if you are in danger, I will protect you." He pushed the car door and jumped down. , Suddenly said, "The first few cars drove a bit faster."

When the words were over, the three black cars stopped and the door opened, and five or six men in black clothes and black pants came down and rushed here quickly.

Qi Cheng exclaimed "Wow" with only a half-tone, and was pushed hard by both hands: "What do you want to do, come at you, get in the car and run away."

Qi Cheng dumbfounded, his hands moved subconsciously along Jiang Mian's words.

Jiang Mian had planned to leave two at a time, his eyes swept around the waists of those people, bulging, and then looking at Qi Cheng with a stupid expression on her face shouting "You will get in the car too", weighing half a second and getting on the car.

——Many people on the other side have guns, and there are other people coming out of the airport around. It is not advisable to head-on.

"These people are coming at me? What are they doing? Are they kidnapping me? Why? Why did I provoke them? It's strange." Qi Cheng asked questions outside while just getting into the car at Jiang Mian, moving very fast Reversing and steering, the car swished out.

When the group saw the target getting into the car and fleeing, they returned to the car to chase.

Jiang Mian finally knows that every time Qi Cheng in the book tries to save Jiang Mian, there is no reason for success-too stupid!

There are also interceptions in front.

There were cars chasing before and after, and there was no way to go.

Qi Cheng didn’t panic at all. He seemed quite excited. He quickly said, “Sister Jiang, my car is bigger than the other’s. It’s okay for me to rush over and hit him like this. You fasten your seat belt. I ran into it last time. It's sturdy, it won't be a problem."

Jiang Mian: "..."

"What's that black hole?" Seeing the two cars get closer together, a muzzle sticks out from the rear window of the opposite car.

"Oh, that's a gun!"-Needless to say, this is a pleasant tone.

Jiang Mian blocked her throat with a single breath, regretting getting into the car.

"Head down!" Jiang Mian took his hand and turned violently to the right. The direction of the car deviated from its original position, hit a flower platform, and then roared and rushed out to another retrograde road.

The bad thing is Land Rover, the chassis is high, there is a car coming over, and the harsh whistling sound is endless. Without Jiang Mian's reminder, Qi Orange reacted very quickly, quickly circling the car, and moving forward.

Fortunately, in the early morning, even on the streets of the airport, there were not too many vehicles. The cars behind were chasing after him. Qi Cheng's driving skills were quite good. He shuttled in traffic, then turned at an intersection and turned to the normal direction.

"Sister Jiang, I want to speed up. Next, I will take you on a cool run. I will tell you that last time I raced with someone else, I won first place..."

With a slap, Jiang Mian slapped him on the back of his head and pressed him on the steering wheel. The front and rear windshields showed cobweb-like cracks, which exploded in the next second.

"Damn! Actually shot!" Qi Orange wiped away the glass **** on his head and started running the S-shaped route.

At this moment, the laughter and jealousy on his face disappeared, showing a little seriousness, and said to Jiang Mian: "I'm sorry, sister Jiang, you are a burden."

"Don't worry, I will protect you."

His speed rose again.

"I thought it was the bodyguard in my house just now, and I was joking with me." He explained with a pursed mouth, "I used to not go home, so my family would use this method to catch me back."

Obviously it was not the bodyguards frightening him this time, but someone really wanted to kill him.

Jiang Mian let out a faint "Oh", what else Qi Cheng wanted to say, Jiang Mian's cell phone rang, and it was the actor father who called. She hesitated and connected.

"Baby, where is it?" Qin Jingrun just got off work and finished packing, and when he saw the message from his baby girl, he immediately called Jiang Mian.

Jiang Mian: "Still on the way."

She glanced at the rearview mirror. Although the four cars were far away, they kept chasing and couldn't get rid of them.

The rearview mirror on Jiang Mian's side was broken.

"Baby, what sound?" Qin Jingrun was about to lie down and sat upright.

Jiang Mian: "..."

Jiang Mian: "Just passing by, someone was setting off firecrackers."

Qin Jingrun: "Firecrackers? It's not a festival. Firecrackers will be set off at midnight?"

At the same time, Jiang Mian kicked Qi Cheng's waist fiercely, Qi Cheng bends down in pain, and escaped a bullet that swept in from the side.

Qin Jingrun: "Baby?"

Jiang Mian was a little frustrated. She said, "Dad, it's really firecrackers. I lie to you and I am a puppy."

Without waiting for the actor father to speak, she hung up the phone and said to Qi Cheng: "Change location!"