Qi Cheng felt that he was right. He saw that Jiang Mian didn't want her father to worry, so she lied, but her lie was so false that even a bystander could not stand him, let alone Jiang Dad on the phone.

Instead of this, it would be better to think of a reason to compile it.

He also saw that Jiang Mian was not good at lying, so he took Jiang Mian's phone and thought about the reasons for her.

He thought he was too empathetic.

I don't think that Father Jiang's voice on the other end of the phone was cold for several degrees: "You give her the phone."

Qi Cheng blinked. He was a little puzzled. Sister Jiang's father seemed to be angry. He carefully recalled what he had just said and confirmed that there was nothing wrong.

"Okay, uncle." He said respectfully, adding another sentence at the end, "Don't be angry with sister Jiang...Mianmian."

He handed the phone to Jiang Mian.

Jiang Mian raised his eyes and glanced at him, Qi Cheng shrank his neck and walked away a little bit, not listening to the conversation of the father and daughter anymore.

It was getting colder and colder. He looked down at his waist and then at Jiang Mian. The way she was speaking with her lips bent was really sweet and cute, not fierce at all.

Qi Cheng laughed twice. After a while, the corners of his mouth fell weakly. He slowly sat on the ground, wanting to take a break and gather some strength.

Here Jiang Mian was explaining to the movie emperor's father--Qi Cheng's supernatural touch was a mistake, but Qin Jingrun turned his attention to Qi Cheng.

After all, thousands of kilometers away, I only heard the cracking sound from Jiang Mian on the phone. Qin Jingrun is not a professional after all. Unlike Lian Feng walking through the rain of bullets, he could never imagine that his baby girl was at the time. Show the clips that can only be encountered in the movie.

"Baby, who is Qi Cheng? What he said is true? Where did he take you to play?" The actor father's voice sounded quite calm.

However, his heart: abducting my baby out to play in the middle of the night, and not answering my phone several times, it is not a good thing at first sight.

Jiang Mian had to follow Qi Cheng’s words just now: “It’s a friend I met in high school. He happened to be near the airport and stopped by to pick me up. He had a friend who opened a new bar, so I went to join in for a while. The hotel is newly opened. Fireworks and firecrackers are set off from time to time... The sound was too noisy just now and I didn't hear the call."

When Jiang Mian talked about the bar, he dispelled Qin Jingrun’s last suspicion-the original owner used to take his friends to the bar to play until midnight. All four fathers knew about this. They had been euphemistically blocked before, which caused Jiang Mian’s rebellious psychology: No Let me go, I will go.

At this point, the four fathers had no choice but to pretend to be ignorant. The original owner was fresh for a while, and felt that the bar was too noisy and noisy, so he stopped going.

But the baby girl hadn't been to a bar for a long time. How could she go if it wasn't for Qi Cheng's slap, Qin Jingrun's impression of Qi Cheng declined again with Jiang Mian's explanation.

"Baby, do you and this Qi Cheng meet often?" Qin Jingrun asked.

Jiang Mian breathed a sigh of relief. The actor father believed what she said, and she worked harder: "We haven't seen each other for a long time, Dad, you have a problem with your brain, you don't have to worry about him."

Qin Jingrun got the answer he wanted to hear—the baby girl bluntly said that Qi Cheng had a problem in his mind and would never look down on it. He could rest assured.

But it's rare to hear a complete male name from the baby girl's mouth. This Qi Cheng must be understood.

Fearing that too many questions would cause Jiang Mian's awareness, Qin Jingrun had no choice but to ask questions and found that the baby girl didn't know much of Qi Cheng's information. It was obvious that she didn't care, and she couldn't help but feel more relieved.

Among the four fathers, Qin Jingrun is the one who opposes Jiang Mian's relationship the most. He has always believed that the baby is still young.

The father and daughter talked for a while, Qin Jingrun finally hung up the phone under the comfort and assurance of the baby girl, and, within an hour, Jiang Mian used the apartment phone to call the actor father and let him know She has arrived home safely.

Jiang Mian promised, after hanging up the phone, she couldn't help but feel at ease: Fortunately, the actor father did not ask for a video call, otherwise she would have to find a reason.

With a move of her ears, she heard the sound of police sirens far away.

Yes, there must be someone calling the police if there is a shooting incident on the street. If the police are fast enough, they should be here now.

She didn't want to go to the police station, but she had to leave someone to deal with the matter here. These people came from Qi Cheng, and Qi Cheng couldn't be better.

"Qi Cheng." He shouted, and found that Qi Cheng sitting on the ground was silent.

She walked over: "Hello"

She poke Qi Cheng's back with her toes, and when she wanted to poke lightly, Qi Cheng fell down, her eyes closed and her face pale.

Jiang Mian's heart jumped, wanting to pour some spiritual power over, but in the previous battle, she had exhausted all the spiritual power in her body.

Fortunately, even though Qi Cheng's complexion was pale, she was still angry. Jiang Mian's heart was slightly relaxed, and she couldn't leave if she wanted to.

Jiang Mian sighed and prepared to move Qi Cheng to the car, waiting for the police car to arrive.

Just as soon as he moved, Qi Cheng fan Middendeng opened his eyes. He was too sleepy just now and wanted to sleep. As he lost too much blood, he shivered coldly.

Seeing him wake up, Jiang Mian said, "Hold on, the police are here."

This sentence made Qi Cheng more sane. He heard the whistle getting closer, and he quickly propped up his body: "Sister Jiang, you are a celebrity, with a special identity. If you hide, don’t show up to avoid being caught by the media. Random reports."

The most important thing is that I don’t know who killed him. Jiang Mian is a public figure. The news of "famous actress who captured the gunman in the middle of the night" was exposed. Did you involve Sister Jiang in?

Looking at Qi Cheng's dying appearance, Jiang Mian couldn't do anything to throw him here and turn and leave. Qi Cheng guessed what she was thinking and said with joy, "Sister Jiang, I'm fine, don't worry, wait for me Heal the wound, I will go to school to find you."

Jiang Mian: "..."

Qi Cheng urged her: "You go quickly."

Jiang Mian looked up, and could already see the police lights flashing in the distance. He looked at Qi Orange and smiled. No matter, the police came, just a few minutes, Qi Cheng should be fine.

She didn't say much, took out her backpack from the terrible Land Rover, and chose a location to avoid the rushing rush of the police car.

After Jiang Mian left, only a few minutes later, the police car arrived quickly. The leading policeman held a gun and came to the Land Rover. They received several alarm calls from the police, saying that someone was chased by a gun near the airport, which was very scary. .

This is not a trivial matter. Called to monitor immediately. The monitoring screen showed very clearly, and the police immediately sent armed police to come.

"Uncle policeman, the bad guys who chased me are lying in the factory...Can you stop pointing a gun at me? I need to go to the hospital. If I don't go, I'm going to die in blood." Qi Cheng finished the sentence Then, fainted.

Bewildered thinking: Sister Qin should be on the road now.

The leader of the team was surprised and checked Qi Cheng's injuries. Fortunately, they were not fatal.

The ambulance arrived quickly and quickly handled Qi Cheng's injuries-they received the news, worried about casualties, and called an ambulance to follow when they left the police.

The leader of the team led a few people into the factory. After some investigation, he was surprised.

"Did the kid overturn these?" an armed policeman whispered, "Isn't that good?"

There were a total of six people lying in the factory, and each of them suffered more or less injuries. It would make them suffer a bit, but they would not hurt too much. The people who started the work were very measured.

"Boss, let's see if this person is the wanted criminal Liao Dehua."

The wanted criminal, Liao Dehua, absconded after brutally killing a family of five friends, but he didn't expect to meet him here.

The leader of the team made all the six people handcuffed back. He remembered seeing on the surveillance that there were two people in the chased vehicle. Now there is only one left, and there is one more.

He returned to the ambulance to ask Qi Cheng, but Qi Cheng was in a coma, and people searched around, but no one else was seen. In desperation, he had to take the team back first.

The "other" that the captain was concerned about ran onto the road, tidyed up his messy hair, patted the grass and dust on his body, but his hands were stained with blood from Qi Orange.

Fortunately, there was mineral water in the backpack. She was washing her hands while looking away. From her, she could see that the factory was well lit and the armed police and nurses shuttled.

Clapping his hands, Jiang Mian waited for a few minutes before waiting for an empty taxi. After getting in the car, the driver chatted with lingering fear: "Girl, do you know, there was a realistic gunfight on the Beixing Road behind, which is so exciting. ."

Jiang Mian moved for a while: "...stimulating?"

"Yeah." The driver said very excited, his face was full of curious expressions, "Don't you find it exciting? My friend saw it and took a video to show me. I thought I was making a movie. "

Jiang Mian: "This kind of thing, if you don't pay attention, it will cause many lives, do you think it is exciting?"

Driver: "Otherwise, I guess it must be a vendetta, or a love killing... But where do these people get the guns, they are so courageous, they dare to chase and kill like this on the street, too lawless."

"The one who was being chased drove a Land Rover. My friend said that the car was at least two million up. Tsk, rich people." As if feeling something was wrong, the driver suddenly looked up and met a pair of cold eyes from the rearview mirror. , His voice was stagnant, and he murmured, swallowing the words behind.