At noon, when Jiang Mian and Meng Yuwen went to the cafeteria for a meal, they probably thought Jiang Mian's approach was very grounded, and many people looked at them.

Feeling these gazes, Meng Yuwen couldn't help asking his doubts: "Mianmian, the news on the Internet that you are a nobleman, is it true?"

Jiang Mian raised his eyes to look at her, Meng Yuwen was a little bit silly: "Everyone is more curious."

Jiang Mian smiled and said, "Let's eat."

Meng Yuwen thought this was an acquiescence, his eyes lit up, and the time he talked with Jiang Mian was a little more cautious and flattering than before. Jiang Mian saw it in his eyes and didn't say anything.

"Mianmian, the music talent in the cafeteria I talked about last time is that one, don't you think they are very handsome." Meng Yuwen pointed to the window with the longest line.

Jiang Mian took a look and turned his gaze back. Seeing that she was not interested, Meng Yuwen had to stop the topic, but looked at the window over there frequently. Jiang Mian said, "Go over there."

Meng Yuwen couldn't resist the call of the handsome guy and went to the longest line.

However, what was surprising was that there was a long queue at the window where Jiang Mian was located—Many students recognized Jiang Mian, and when they saw her line up here, they subconsciously followed.

There were a lot of discussions, but none of them dared to talk to Jiang Mian.

"Senior sister, senior sister, I finally found you." Lu Yixiu ran over and laughed out a pair of fangs, "I'll step in and stand in front of you, OK?"

Jiang Mian glanced back. The boys standing behind her did not need Jiang Mian to speak. They nodded quickly: "You can, of course."

Lu Yixiu stood in front of Jiang Mian with peace of mind—anyway, the last time the senior sister sent him to the boys’ dormitory, he had been in the school forum for a while, so he should be open and generous. If it is hidden, it would be wrong. .

"Senior Sister..." He looked at Jiang Mian blankly.

Jiang Mian: "..."

Jiang Mian: "If you find an emotional master, don't find me."

"No, no, it's not this." Lu Yixiu was ashamed. He scratched his head and lowered his voice. "That Qi Menghan came to me and said that he wanted to meet you. A girl begged me. I can't refuse."

"Senior sister, if I don't want to see her, I immediately refuse her."

Jiang Mian raised his eyebrows slightly: "She asked you to come to me? Why not come to me by herself?"

Lu Yixiu's voice was even lower: "She said you don't want to see her. If she comes to you, you won't pay attention to her."

Although he knew it, Jiang Mian did not speak.

Lu Yixiu dutifully passed the microphone: "She said she was looking for you about her brother. If she wants to see her, at 5:30 in the afternoon, she will be waiting for you in the cafe outside the school."

School was over at five in the afternoon and Jiang Mian left the classroom. Lu Yixiu rode a bicycle downstairs and saw Jiang Mian beckoning: "Senior sister."

"What are you doing?"

Lu Yixiu: "I'll drive you there. In case Qi Menghan has any bad thoughts, I'm also a man anyway, helping you to block it."

He forgot about Jiang Mian kicking Gu Qiwen in Jiang Xunian's office before.

Jiang Mian hadn't spoken yet, there was a burst of "Mr. Jiang" behind him. Looking back, Professor Jiang just walked out of the teaching building, and the students were greeting him.

When he stopped, his gaze fell on Lu Yixiu, who had a pair of eyes with his brother, shrank his neck, and said, "Brother... Teacher Jiang, I will take the senior sister out of school."

Jiang Xunian gave a faint "Oh" and said, "Those who don't know thought you were chasing your girlfriend with a bicycle."

Lu Yixiu's mind was dumbfounded, his face flushed, and he jumped off the bicycle: "No, my senior sister and I can't be pure brother and sister relationship."

"Don't you know, boys usually sit in the backseats of their bicycles." Professor Jiang's voice did not fluctuate. He seemed to be just stating a fact, "Classmate Jiang is a public figure, and every word and deed attracts attention, you Want to gossip with her?"

Lu Yixiu: "???"

Didn't he just want to send the senior sister out of school? It was he who spoke for Qi Menghan, and the senior sister agreed. He felt that he was obligated to accompany the senior sister. How could there be an adultery after his brother said so.

He bulged his cheeks and said to Jiang Mian: "Senior Sister, then I'll change the car, you wait for me." Before Jiang Mian could reply, he stepped on the bicycle and whizzed away.

Jiang Mian: "..."

When Jiang Mian was about to speak, Professor Jiang spoke first: "Student Jiang, what I said to Lu Yixiu is also what I said to you. Also, you are a girl, don’t rely on your skills and don’t take your own life seriously. , Since your uncle taught you how to fight, he should also teach you how to protect yourself in dangerous situations."

After speaking, Professor Jiang walked away.

Jiang Mian: "???"

She looked at Jiang Xunian's back, a little inexplicable, and Professor Jiang seemed to be angry. No, he is angry with him.

This Wednesday, three days after the gunfight that night, only yesterday was the simulation class given by Professor Jie Jiang. The other party was so good, why suddenly he became angry.

Recalling what Professor Jiang said earlier, it was obvious that there was something in the words, and the detective father was mentioned, etc.—

Could it be that the gunfight that night, Jiang Xunian knew she was in it?

Impossible. It stands to reason that Qi Cheng would not tell her, otherwise the police would have contacted her long ago. If this were the case, how would Jiang Xunian know.

With a lot of problems in his mind, Jiang Mian subconsciously caught up with Jiang Xunian's back: "Mr. Jiang."

Jiang Xunian paused, and turned his head: "What's the matter?"

The two looked at each other, and Jiang Mian bent his eyes: "Why don't you go to your office, I have some questions to ask you."

Jiang Xunian helped with his glasses and said lightly: "I want to file a lesson plan. I don't have time. Let's talk about anything."

Jiang Mian: "..."

"It's not very convenient here." Jiang Mian continued to smile.

Jiang Xunian's eyes flickered behind the lens. He raised the watch on his wrist and looked at the time on it: "If you are not afraid of trouble, then let's do it. If there is any problem, wait until I put the lesson record on file."

This is for her to wait for him.

She had to figure it out, Jiang Mian nodded quickly: "Okay, I will meet someone first, and I will come to the office to find you later."

Jiang Mian didn't delay any more and went to the cafe outside the school, where Qi Menghan was already waiting.

"What do you want to drink?" Qi Menghan's dress is quite plain this time, but his hair is a bit longer. Compared with the neutral dress before, it is now a little girlish.

"Nothing to drink." Jiang Mian knocked on the table. "Let's talk, what's the matter."

Qi Menghan looked at Jiang Mian. The girl had delicate facial features. She looked sweet and lovely with crooked eyebrows, but every time she faced her, she had an indescribable fear.

I know too little about her, but she knows her biggest secret, she is a fire, and a fire may burn her own.

Therefore, she dislikes her very much.

But helpless, even--

Qi Menghan stood up suddenly and bends down deeply towards Jiang Mian, "Thank you."

Jiang Mian tapped her hand on the tabletop to stop, she didn't move, "What do you mean? So many people around you are watching, and those who don't know think I'm bullying you."

Qi Menghan straightened up and sat down again, ignoring the gaze projected here from the cafe: "You know what I mean, you saved my brother, this'thank you' is what I should say. I owe you one. Favor, if you need my help in the future, you can just say it."

"It's true that you hate me, and I don't like you, but I don't like to owe favors." Qi Menghan is quite calm, "My brother is very good to me. If it weren't for you, he would be dead this time."

"You don't need anything, and I have nothing to give you, only this favor. If you don't care for it, just treat it as I haven't said anything before."

After speaking, Qi Menghan stopped speaking, only looking at Jiang Mian, waiting for her answer.

The hand placed on her lap was clenched involuntarily. Naturally, her character would not say these words, but it is true that Jiang Mian saved her brother.

Although she already knew that she was not from Qi's family, it meant that Qi Cheng was not her own brother. Although she looked down on this stupid brother since she was a child, she only had this brother.

This brother always loves to compete with her, but once she is wronged, this brother will always stand in front of her.

Jiang Mian suddenly said, "How do you know that I saved your brother? He told you?"

Qi Menghan nodded: "When he was in a coma, he yelled ‘Sister Jiang’ several times, and later woke up and told the police that a fairy had come down to rescue him..."

Speaking of this, Qi Menghan paused, seeming to be unspeakable about what his brother said. She fumbled over this passage: "In short, a mysterious man saved him. The police asked who he was, but he didn't pretend to be dizzy. I asked him in private who is'Sister Jiang', and he told me."

In Qi Cheng's view, when Sister Jiang was in the airport's first-class lounge, she recognized that she was Qi Menghan's elder brother by her name. It was definitely more than just meeting Qi Menghan.

Mostly he had a relationship with his younger sister, and then he knew his existence. In that case, he had to let his younger sister know that Sister Jiang had rescued him, so as to help take care of Sister Jiang at school.

When Qi Menghan heard this answer, he didn't believe it at first, and he felt that Qi Cheng didn't have to lie to her. Then he thought of Jiang Mian's neatness when beating Gu Qiwen, and he didn't believe it.

The scenes at that time, even if Qi Cheng only verbally narrated, there was an exaggeration, but it is undeniable that if it weren't for Jiang Mian, her brother could not escape the danger under such circumstances.

Jiang Mian: "Okay, let's turn this story around. I just saved your brother by doing it easily. There is no other meaning."

It seemed that Qi Cheng was recovering well, and Jiang Mian got up and prepared to leave.

Qi Menghan didn't expect Jiang Mian to leave. He was stunned and suddenly said, "Don't you want to know why my brother was hunted down?"

Jiang Mian turned back: "What's up with me."

Jiang Mian's reaction was not as expected by Qi Menghan, she blurted out: "You, don't you like my brother?"

Jiang Mian had a meal, and said every word: "...What did your brother say?"

Qi Menghan only felt a cold back, and shook his head subconsciously: "I guess, you don't want it for my brother's life..."

Jiang Mian smiled kindly: "Ms. Qi, you can eat rice indiscriminately, but you can't talk nonsense. I said, saving your brother is just doing it easily!"

She turned around, walked a few steps and felt uncomfortable, then turned around and threw a sentence: "Your brother is so stupid and likes him? Is my brain flooded!"