
Jiang Xunian sat in a chair and looked at a lesson plan in his hand. If anyone had heard of him, he would find that he had maintained this status for a long time, but the lesson plan hadn't been opened.

"Brother, brother!" The bluffing sound sounded, interrupting the silence of the room, Lu Yixiu ran in, panting and said, "Why are you looking for me? I finally borrowed an electric car, but the senior sister has already left. Now, in case..."

Jiang Xunian raised his head: "What if?"

Lu Yixiu hesitated.

Jiang Xunian: "Do you know who she is going to meet?"

"Yeah." There is nothing to say about this. Lu Yixiu was inexplicably vague at first, but now he has calmed down and said in a few words.

"Qi Menghan...Qi Orange..." Jiang Xunian frowned and instantly understood.

"Brother, what are you talking about?" Lu Yixiu heard his brother murmur, but he didn't hear clearly, so he leaned forward and put his head over.

Jiang Xunian rolled up the lesson plan and knocked on Lu Yixiu's forehead with a blank expression: "How many times have you said it, call me teacher at school."

"It hurts." Lu Yixiu clutched his head, secretly irritating his brother's "viciousness", but didn't dare to show it, "What the **** are you telling me to come over? If it's okay, I'll pick up the senior sister."

"You said that the seat behind the bicycle is your girlfriend, not the electric car." He also found a reason.

Jiang Xunian: "What I said just now, are you deaf? Do you want to be on the hot search?"

Lu Yixiu: "Huh?"

"It's not so serious." Lu Yixiu was puzzled. "I didn't do anything. How could I just go on hot search casually."

As he spoke, his voice became quieter.

He remembered the news that Jiang Mian swept across the Internet a few days ago. The news of Jiang Mian was pushed by all the big headlines, and it occupied the top three in Weibo search.

He didn't know it at first, so he took a camera and took pictures everywhere. When he returned to school on Monday, the other buddies in the dormitory said to him: "Fourth, your senior sister Jiang Mian occupied Weibo, do you know?"

Two days have passed by this time, and Jiang Mian's hot search rankings have reached the bottom, and the momentum is not as hot as before, but he still watched carefully, only to realize that his senior sister is a bit powerful.


Under his brother's sight, Lu Yixiu thought for a while and said, "Then I won't go."

Jiang Xunian waved his hand, that was the gesture that made him leave smoothly. Lu Yixiu left obediently and waited out of the office. He scratched his head in wonder: his brother called him over, why on earth did he come here.


Lu Yixiu left the Academic Affairs Office in a dull manner, and a black electric car was parked downstairs, which he borrowed from a classmate.

I stepped into the car and started, and discovered how the people walking in front of me were so familiar.

"Senior sister." He stopped the car eagerly, "You have gone to meet Qi Menghan, so fast, are you okay? Where are you going, I'll send..."

Thinking of what his brother said just now, he swallowed the second half quickly.

Jiang Mian didn't pay attention to his pause: "I have something to ask Teacher Jiang, you go."

Lu Yixiu drove the electric horse away, and after driving for a distance, he stopped again: No, he was riding a car and his senior sister was said to be adulterous by his brother. His brother and senior sister met in the office alone.

No, he has to go back and use his brother's words to avoid the gossip.

As a result, when he was about to turn around, the phone rang, and he saw that he liked the girl to call, and the girl’s soft voice sounded over there: "Yixiu, let's meet."

Lu Yixiu was stupid. He was so excited that he could no longer care about his brother's scandal. No, he had to go back to prepare and try to make her shine when he appeared in front of his sweetheart.

"Mr. Jiang." Jiang Mian knocked on the door, and after receiving a response, she pushed the door in. Because the question to be asked was a bit special, she closed the door.

Glancing at the lesson plan in Jiang Xunian's hand, Jiang Mian smiled and said, "Mr. Jiang, have you prepared the lesson plan?"

"No." Professor Jiang's answer was simple.

Jiang Mian: "Then I am waiting for you here."

Jiang Xunian was noncommittal, his gaze shifted slightly behind the lens, and calmly fell on Jiang Mian.

Seeing her sitting on the chair properly, she looked like a cute student that the teacher liked.

People who don't know her will surely lie to her.

Jiang Mian waited calmly. I don’t know how long it took. She heard the sound of the chair rubbing against the ground. She raised her head. Jiang Xunian stood up. She didn't speak yet. Jiang Xunian said, "It's half past six, you haven't eaten yet. Together. If you have any questions at the dinner table, just ask."

So Jiang Mian got into Jiang Xunian's car again, and met some students on the way, and looked at them from time to time, but neither of them cared.

Jiang Xunian's car turned left and right. Instead of driving into the bustling urban area, he entered a deep alley where there was an old shop with a very old sign, which read four words: Eternal Fish

"The fish in this shop tastes very good." Jiang Xunian pushed the door and got off the car. "Forgot to ask, classmate Jiang, do you like fish? Last time my grandma made the braised fish in soy sauce, you didn't eat much. I wonder if it is not for you. Taste. This shop has a history of 100 years and can make fish of all tastes."

"No, the fish made by Grandma Jiang is delicious." Jiang Mian said, "I can eat any fish except carp."

Jiang Xunian pondered for a moment, and said: "My grandma made braised carp that time."

Jiang Mian smiled without saying a word.

Entering the store, it was actually full of people. The lady boss greeted her with a red smile: "Oh, it's Xiao Jiang, you haven't been here for a while, come in quickly..."

When she saw Jiang Mian, she was stunned, and then rubbed her hands on her apron: "Such a beautiful girl, Xiao Jiang, why didn't you tell me in advance when you brought a girl here for the first time."

"Madam, this is one of my students named Jiang Mian." As soon as Jiang Xunian's voice fell, the lady boss looked even more stunned.

Jiang Mian frowned and looked at it without saying a word. She noticed that the lady's left hand, little finger and ring finger were all broken off, and there were deep scars on the back of her right hand.

There were many guests, the lady boss didn't ask too much, and pointed to the vacant seat at the innermost side: "Sit there, you two."

Just sitting down, a waiter handed over the menu. He was small and his voice was not small: "Brother Jiang, why haven't you been here during this time? Sister Ru has been talking about it several times...what fish to eat? Is it the old rules? ?"

Jiang Xunian handed the menu to Jiang Mian, and she said, "Teacher Jiang, order it."

Jiang Xunian: "Old rules, no carp."

"Good." The little man ran away with a grin, ran two steps and looked back at Jiang Mian, then wiped the crowd into the kitchen like a monkey.

Jiang Xunian poured two cups of tea into the teapot, and pushed the cup towards Jiang Mian's: "I used to be in the army for a while and recognized a master to take me, but then my master went abroad to perform a secret mission, and the news was interrupted. My sister-in-law can't rest assured, go abroad to find him..."

After a pause, his voice fell a bit lower: "Bring back his remains."

Jiang Mian took a sip of tea, and the hand of the proprietress flashed in his mind. Jiang Xunian watched her calm and clear eyes flashing a touch of appreciation, and the corners of his lips twitched, saying: "This shop is my master's father's shop, Master After the accident, the old man could not withstand the blow, and it didn't take long for him to die, so my wife took care of the shop."

After a while, the little man walked over with a big pot. There were many people in the store. He had small arms and legs, and one who accidentally overturned the pot or hit people.

Jiang Mian frowned subconsciously.

"Don't underestimate him, he is born with great strength. It was the child picked up by my master and his wife. He was originally intended to send him to the army for special training, but after the accident, the wife asked him to work as a waiter in the shop. In terms of honor responsibility, being an ordinary talent is the safest."

At the end of the speech, the little man had brought the big pot up. The big pot was similar to Jiugongge. The soup and sweat of each grid was different. The hot soup was rolling, and the rich fragrance came out.

"The fish fillets will be ready soon." The little man patted his chest and said to Jiang Mian, "Pretty sister, our fish, I promise you you want to eat it next time."

Jiang Mian glanced: "This hot pot."

Jiang Xunian looked at her in surprise: "You only know now?"

Jiang Mian: "..."

With a faint smile on his face, Jiang Xunian filled a bowl of white soup in a grid: "This is boiled fish soup. You can drink it directly. You can try it."

Jiang Mian had to take it and tasted it, his eyes lit up: "Yes."

The smile on Jiang Xunian's face filled his eyes, and he said, "In addition to fish, there are still dishes. Do you want to eat?"

Jiang Mian looked at the table full of fish and said silently, "...enough."

The little man jumped over again: "Brother Jiang, my mother said there are extra fish heads. Would you like to give it away for free?"

Jiang Xunian: "What fish?"

Little man: "It looks like a carp."

Jiang Xunian glanced at Jiang Mian: "No need."

After the little man left, he asked Jiang Mian, "Why don't you eat carp?"

This question... Jiang Mian replied blankly: "I don't like it."

Although she is now a human being, she used to be a carp anyway. She has no reason to eat herself. She is not so heavy.

Jiang Xunian picked up some topics and said that when he had eaten halfway and his stomach was bulging, Jiang Mian suddenly remembered that she and Jiang Xunian had something to ask him when she was out for dinner.

She was captured by the delicious food.

Jiang Mian: "..."

"Mr. Jiang." She coughed, "You..."

Before she could speak her words, Jiang Xunian interrupted: "You want to ask at 12 o'clock in the morning on Sunday, why did I know that one of them was you in the gun battle between Beixing Road and Nanyun Road in the airport, right? ."

He felt that when his words fell, the temperature of the girl who was smiling on the opposite side instantly cooled down.