Without waiting for Jiang Xunian's answer, Jiang Mian bends the corners of his lips: "Let me guess, the military behind you rely on, so I know this news, I don't know if I guessed correctly."

Jiang Xunian took off the glasses, without the barrier of the lens, the two eyes met directly, Jiang Xunian caught the coldness flashing through her eyes.

She was not happy that he had seen too thoroughly, so she would take the initiative and let her be passive, so the news revealed with this sentence would take the initiative.

Jiang Xunian suddenly laughed, not caring about the seemingly hostile hostility in Jiang Mian's tone. His tone was soft, with just the right amount of doubt, and a little careless, and he didn't care about Jiang Mian's words. Student Jiang, how do you know that I am behind the military?"

Jiang Mian frowned slightly. She didn't like this feeling very much. Jiang Xunian's every move, even every word he said, did not behave like the smiling tiger-like Professor Jiang before.

He explained Jiang Mian's intentions, and it was at this time that she discovered that all the initiative was in the hands of Jiang Xunian.

She became passive and she must take the initiative.

But she found that when she held the initiative in her hands, the reaction of the Professor Jiang was not within her expectations.

She couldn't see the professor Jiang clearly.

Jiang Mian quickly went through the description of Jiang Xunian in the book in his mind. He didn't have much ink but only introduced his background. Almost every time he appeared, he was to relieve Guan Xin and treat other people with a gentle and polite manner. Box lunch.

Calculated by time, he received the box lunch very early. At that time, Guan Xin had not graduated, but she had already made her mark in the entertainment industry.

The school learned the news of the death of the male **** teacher in a car accident. A large group of students spontaneously mourned him, and held a grand memorial service. Guan Xin came to attend, and it was also searched for.

Jiang Mian pressed down his thoughts, took a sip of fish soup slowly, and said, "Mr. Jiang, you haven't answered my question yet."

"You're right, I did know it through the military." Jiang Xunian turned around, "Do you know the six killers who chased you to the factory? Who is one of them?"

Jiang Mian: "..."

Jiang Mian: "I have been chased and killed, I still want to care who he is?"

Jiang Xu smiled young: "His name is Zhang Guoqiang. He used to be a special trainer who performed various secret tasks."

Jiang Mian's heart moved.

"During a mission, he disappeared, and his team did not come back. Everyone thought he was gone."

Jiang Mian pointed to the side of his face: "Is that person with a mole here, the one with the right hand missing?"

Jiang Xunian nodded: "According to him, his right hand was gone during that mission. Luckily, he took his life back and wanted to live for himself. In the end, he became a killer by mistake and received a mission to assassinate Qi Cheng."

"I remember him." Jiang Mian said, "the skill is very good."

She used the word "very", Zhang Guoqiang lost her hand, and she was in the dark again, borrowing the terrain, otherwise she might not be able to knock the opponent out.

At that time, she saw at a glance that he was the leader, the first target was him, and to kill him, the other five were not threatening.

Jiang Xunian's eyes were full of smiles: "But you beat him."

Just as Jiang Mian was about to say a few words of humility, the smile in Jiang Xunian's eyes disappeared instantly: "You probably don't know that Zhang Guoqiang was once codenamed'Viper', even in the special training troops, his strength can be ranked in the top ten. If it weren't for losing the most powerful right hand and losing his strength in half, in that situation, would you have won him?"

"I have seen the situation of the six of them and asked Zhang Guoqiang. He said that when fighting against you, every move you made was very fast, with instant explosive power, but insufficient stamina. This is your strength and weakness. You are indeed very strong, but no matter how strong you are, you are still alone. Last time there were only six people. If it were sixty, six hundred."

After Jiang Xunian finished speaking, his slightly cold expression just softened again. He said: "Since you are my student, in terms of education, in addition to professional courses, I want to be a teacher. I have this obligation. Mention something to you."

Jiang Mian was slightly startled.

If she understood correctly, Professor Jiang's "qi" was because the gunfight she participated in was too dangerous, and she was worried that she was angry?

Jiang Mian, who had come to understand, recalled that he looked aggressive just now for the so-called initiative, and he was very embarrassed.

She just didn't like that Jiang Xunian knew everything, and she knew everything...

"Mr. Jiang, I..." She had an idea, and smiled more sincerely, "I will serve you fish soup."

She quickly filled Jiang Xunian with a bowl of fish soup: "Please."

Jiang Xunian glanced at the fish soup, and the corners of his lips twitched slightly: "Student Jiang, I don't know that you hate my teacher so much and want me to die in the intestines?"

Jiang Mian: "?"

Looking down, he was embarrassed.

What she gave Jiang Xunian was a spicy soup base that could not be drunk at all, a slice of red oil, and many peppers floating in it.

Seeing that Jiang Mian was about to serve him another bowl, Jiang Xunian stopped, and changed the subject empathetically: "I didn't know that this matter was related to you, but Zhang Guoqiang used to have a special status. I received the news and saw the surveillance. , Although the monitor screen display is rather vague..."

Jiang Mian understands that the vagueness is vague, but as long as people who know her can still recognize her, since they recognize her, the police--

"Don't worry, I'm pressing it down, no one knows that it is you." Jiang Xunian said, "You are not an ordinary college student now, but an entertainer who has already entered the entertainment circle with half his foot. While enjoying the scenery, you must also enjoy the scenery that it brings. shackles."

"Who wants to kill Qi Orange, I don’t know yet. You desperately saved Qi Orange. If the other party did not succeed, it is impossible to guarantee that there will be no move. Even you have caught the eye. Next, you have to pay attention. Good bodyguards follow."

He smiled and joked, "With your pride, it's no problem to ask a few good bodyguards."

He wanted to come here to see the 110 million hot searches about her.

Jiang Mian had to show an awkward and polite smile.

The atmosphere became relaxed and harmonious again, and Jiang Xunian asked casually: "Qi Cheng and Qi Menghan are brothers and sisters, you know that."

Jiang Mian nodded casually.

Jiang Xunian: "Qi Cheng was suddenly assassinated. If it weren't for you to protect his life, I am afraid that his life would not be gone... You are a muscle. No matter how good your relationship is with him, you should think about doing what you can. What happened, what should your family do."

Jiang Mian: "I didn't have a good relationship with him. I just met him that night."

Jiang Xunian's hand holding the cup paused, and he put down the cup: "Just met?"

"In that case, why are you trying to protect him, not even your own safety?" He rubbed the cup, and at some point, he put his glasses back on again. No one knew what kind of emotions the gaze behind the lens was filled with.

"I can't save my life, right." Jiang Mian sighed and briefly talked about the encounter with Qi Orange at the airport and the situation after the distress. "Not to mention there were many innocent people at that time."

What she said was an understatement, but Jiang Xunian was rarely silent.

"Ms. Jiang?" Jiang Mian stretched out his hand and shook it before Jiang Xunian's eyes, the latter regained consciousness, "It's nothing."

He scanned the tabletop: "Want to add more fish?"

Jiang Mian made a pause gesture: "I have been working hard to clean up, if you come again, you can enjoy it alone."

Jiang Xuyou laughed out loud. He didn't ask how Jiang Mian knew that he was backed by the military. He kept this secret very secretly, and Lu Yixiu didn't have the guts to talk about it.

It doesn't matter anymore, it doesn't hurt to know.

Then the dinner table was quiet, only the chaotic noises of other table guests could be heard. The more noisy, the quieter the corner.

The little guy frequently stood on tiptoes and looked to the corner, and after a while he jumped into the back kitchen and said to the proprietress: "Mom, Brother Jiang and the pretty sister keep talking, hehehe."

The proprietress twisted him: "Bring the fish, what more, I don't want you to stare at someone else."

"Oh." The little man jumped out frustratedly, sullen: He obviously wants to hear it too.

Brother Jiang often comes here and has never brought a girl. This time, he brought such a beautiful sister, she must be a girlfriend.

Mom must think the same way, otherwise, why don't you think of giving fish heads, don't you just want to take this opportunity to let him inquire.

It happened that a table of guests close to the corner table had finished checking out and left. The little man took the opportunity to collect the plates and leaned in to hear what they were saying, only to find it was quiet.

The little man listened for a while, and didn't hear a sound until the table was finished.

It's so strange, is this a pantomime? How can I not say a word for dinner? It was quite lively before.

Jiang Mian had noticed the sneaky little man a long time ago, and thought it was funny. He took a look here for a while. This kid was really blind. She was about to speak when the familiar ringtone interrupted her.

The caller ID is-Silver Fox.

Jiang Mian's eyes lit up and her heartbeat accelerated. She knew that Yinhu followed Qi Yanshu to the forbidden area. This was what Qi Yanshu told her on WeChat later. Yinhu would send her messages at first, but the news broke. Up.

Even Qi Yanshu didn't send her any more messages. She guessed that the mobile phone was out of power, so she could only comfort her few big bosses together, and it would be okay—if something happened, she couldn't even go.

Now that Silver Fox calls, does it mean that the Heavenly Master and the others have come out of the forbidden area?

After Jiang Xunian saw Jiang Mian take out his phone, his expression changed significantly. He said, "Do I need to avoid it?"

Jiang Mian shook his head, and almost couldn't wait to get on the phone, the silver fox's voice came over, with a thick hoarse: "My master, why are you not at home?"

"you're home?"

Silver Fox's voice couldn't help: "I'm at your door, come back soon, I can't help this person."

Jiang Mian: "Who?"

The silver fox gritted his teeth: "Qi Yanshu."

"Where is my father?!" Jiang Mianhuo stood up, but there was no sound on the phone. He called again and turned it off.

"Ms. Jiang, I have to go home immediately." Jiang Mian said quickly, "I will invite you next time."

Seeing her eagerness, Jiang Xunian stood up, his voice calm: "I will send you."