Yinhu glared at the phone that shut down automatically because of no electricity. He forgot to ask Jiang Mian for the door code.

He cautiously leaned against the wall and closed his eyes, looking like Qi Yanshu who had been asleep, his footsteps moved slightly back. At this moment, he really wanted to turn into his original form and run away.

In these ten days or so, whether it is good or bad, in terms of his own strength, he has obtained the best-but if time can come back, he said that he would not hold a rose to find ginger. sleep.

If you don't find Jiang Mian, he won't have to go through everything behind.

Just thinking about it, his hair slammed up, and the man standing against the wall suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were full of blood red, and he strangled the silver fox's neck like lightning: "Mianmian!"

Here comes again... the silver fox sighed, and the sigh had not yet come out, his neck seemed to be caught by an iron rod, and he couldn't get up in one breath. Rolling his eyes, he struggled to suffocate one sentence: "Mianmian will be back soon, you ...You let go."

As soon as the voice fell, the hand on his neck was loosened, fresh oxygen entered, and the silver fox quietly exhaled.

The blood in those eyes faded a lot, and he gave him a cold look, then leaned against the wall and closed his eyes.

Silver Fox held all the most vicious curses in his heart, and he touched his bruised neck: Damn, come here every few minutes, do you really treat him like a duck neck?

He kept praying in his heart, hoping that Jiang Mian would come back quickly and take this killer away, so that his life could remain.

Otherwise, he didn't know if he could hold on until the moment Jiang Mian returned.


Jiang Xunian increased his speed almost on the verge of breaking the rules. It was the rush hour to confirm Jiang Mian's address. He changed several roads in a row, avoiding the most congested place, and arrived at his destination in 40 minutes.

It must be no small thing to make Jiang Mian anxious. After she offered to help and was rejected, Jiang Mian was sent to him. He left the sentence "need to call for help", and left without any delay.

Jiang Mian took a deep breath and entered the apartment building. It was displayed on the highest floor as if the elevator were the same as her. After a glance, she ran to the stairwell without hesitation.

She raised the speed to the fastest, and ran up in one breath. Jiang Mian's eyelids twitched when she entered the target screen--Qi Yanshu strangled Yinhu's neck and lifted him up.

"Uncle Qi!" Jiang Mian shouted.

With a bang, the silver fox fell to the ground. He coughed violently and said intermittently: "You... don't come back... I'll be done..."

He lay down on the ground, and he breathed a long sigh of relief: finally came back.

"Uncle Qi?" Seeing the strong blood that was about to overflow in Qi Yanshu's eyes, Jiang Mian's heart was stagnant, and he tentatively said.

The blood in Qi Yanshu's eyes disappeared cleanly in a moment. He looked at Jiang Mian and smiled with his lips. Before Jiang Mian could speak, he suddenly stepped forward and hugged Jiang Mian into his arms.

He used a lot of power, as if he was holding a lost baby, as if he wanted to incorporate her into his flesh and blood. Jiang Mian wanted to struggle, but Qi Yanshu's abnormality made her restrain.

"Uncle Qi." She lowered her voice, put her hand on Qi Yanshu's waist, and patted comfortably.

"You're still alive..." A whisper sounded in the ear, the next second, the force clasped on the waist disappeared, and Jiang Mian stepped back under the sudden weight.

"He hasn't slept in a week, and he should have fallen asleep tired." Yinhu's heart lingered with palpitations, with a dull voice.

Jiang Mian asked Yin Fox to support Qi Yanshu. She opened the door. When Yin Fox heard it, she jumped and shook her head wildly: "Give me the unlock code and I will open the door."

Jiang Mian was also stunned, forgetting this, and busying himself, finally got Zai Qi Yanshu into the room and lay on the guest bed.

After she checked Qi Yanshu, it was indeed as Yinhu said that Qi Yanshu was only limited to falling asleep, but his previous abnormality——

"It was there when it was forbidden. It was fine at the beginning, but later he knew it was wrong. He only said that he wanted to see you, and he would be fine when he saw you... Mention your name and he would be stable for a while." In a few words, he explained the situation of Qi Yanshu, "Master Zuo, that is, your father said, this is the curse force remaining in his body."

Jiang Mian's mind was a little confused, and when he heard the name of Tianshida, he pinched his eyebrows: "Where is my father?"

Silver Fox: "Master Zuo is fine, he and Master Xuanji are in the hospital."

"Hospital?!" Jiang Mian's voice raised eight hundred, and Yin Fox smiled bitterly, "It's really okay. They lacked some nutrition in the forbidden area. Qi Yanshu sent them to the hospital to supplement their nutrition."

He charged his mobile phone and clicked on a small video. Tianshida was lying on the hospital bed, sleeping soundly with his eyes closed.

"When did you leave the forbidden area?"


"Why didn't you notify me when you came out?"

"Did not have time."

Jiang Mian took his gaze back from the video: "Which hospital is it."

Yinhu said, he saw that Jiang Mian wanted to go to the hospital immediately, and pointed to Qi Yanshu on the bed: "You don't care about him?"

After a pause, he said: "As soon as he arrived at the forbidden area, he planned to bring Master Zuo out, but there was an accident at that time and I didn't want you to worry, so I didn't tell you.

Mainly it is useless.

"During this time, if it weren't for him, everyone would have to stay in the forbidden ground. The curse in his body was unstable, and his heart was all you. For this reason, Master Zuo fought him angrily." Thinking of the scene at that time, the corners of the silver fox's mouth twitched--the scene was extremely naive.

"Anyway, if you go to the hospital, if he wakes up and doesn't see you, I guess he will have to tear it down."

Jiang Mian stopped moving, remembering the situation before Qi Yanshu fell asleep... He said before going to the forbidden place, when he came back, she called him father.

It was because of her that he went to the forbidden place to save the heavenly master.

Yinhu saw her embarrassment and hesitation: "Master Zuo is really fine, don't worry, on the contrary, except for the one on the bed, all of us have gained a lot of benefits."

When he said that he made an action, Jiang Mian raised his eyebrows, and said: "I feel it, my spiritual power has more than doubled. If the task to kill you was my current strength, you can't help me."

"I see." Jiang Mian nodded, ignoring his complacency, "What happened in the forbidden area?"

The silver fox shrugged and pointed to his head: "My master, it's not that I don't say it, but I don't know. I only remember an unexpected event that happened in the forbidden area, but what was it? I can’t get up. It’s a weird place. No one should have set foot."

Jiang Mian sighed and did not ask any more questions.

"Well, I will go to the hospital to guard, Master Zuo wakes up, I will notify you immediately." Yin Fox is considerate to share the worries of the master, "Master Zuo is also thinking of you in the Forbidden Land, and you must come back to see you immediately after speaking out. If he wakes up, he will definitely contact you without my notice."

This can only be done, Silver Fox jumped out of the room almost the moment she nodded.

Jiang Mian: "..."

Jiang Mian walked back and forth in the room, looking at Qi Yanshu on the bed from time to time. He was sleeping very deep, and he could see a clear blue color right now. Jiang Mian could see sharply that there were many small wounds on the back of his hand.

She found the medicine kit to deal with the injuries on her hands for Qi Yanshu.

Wounds on your hands, what about your body?

Jiang Mian hesitated for a moment—just be a father.

In this way, she untied Qi Yanshu's shirt with peace of mind. After a while, Jiang Mian sucked in a cold breath - sure enough, there was an untreated wound on her waist and abdomen. The wound was dark around it, and it seemed to have been scorched and tough. Let the wound stop bleeding.

She observed carefully, it was a bit like a beast's paw print.

This kind of wound is not simply treated well, it must be treated with professional medical staff, and thinking of the celestial father in the hospital, I wish I could divide it into two, so that we can take care of both.

Standing in place for a few seconds, Jiang Mian decisively called the local tyrant father.

This time the call was not answered by local tyrant father, but Han Jiayuan.

"Uncle Jiayuan, where's Dad?"

"Zong Han is meeting a guest." Han Jiayuan is a person who has experienced strong winds and waves next to Han Xu. Jiang Mian's voice through the earpiece is the same as usual, but he still hears a hint of eagerness.

He weighed it for a second: "I'll go to Mr. Han immediately."

In the boss's mind, the big things are not as important as his baby girl——

The guest that Han Xu saw was more important. The two were having a good conversation. Han Jiayuan came in quietly and attached to Han Xu's ear: "Mianmian's call."

Han Xu said to the customer without thinking: "Sorry, wait a moment."

The guests looked dumbfounded, and Han Jiayuan stayed to comfort him.

"My little princess, do you miss Dad? Dad should be free after eleven o'clock. He will come to the apartment at that time, okay." Han Xu rarely received a call from his baby daughter, and he must have missed the call by himself. Yes, you have to squeeze time for everything.

Jiang Mian's heart was warm, and she said, "Dad, something happened to the left father. He is in the second hospital and I can't walk away. Would you send someone to take him to our own hospital? A friend of Zuo's father."

Han Xu was shocked. Usually the four of them are wrong, but they don't want each other to have something wrong. Once something happens, it is the baby girl who is sad.

The **** stick actually entered the hospital. This was the first time his vitality was tenacious.

"Okay, Dad will send someone to do it right away." Han Xu agreed, and thought of her baby girl saying that she couldn't walk away, and his heart jumped, "Mianmian, tell your father, where are you now? Why can't you leave? What's the matter? Did someone bully you?"