This kind of physical pain would be of no avail even if the father went, but when he thought of the baby girl lying down with a small face and no one beside him, Han Xu couldn't calm down his heart.

When it comes to the baby girl's menstrual period, the four fathers are very guilty. It was also because of this incident that the baby girl went out to live alone.

The four big men, no women are careful, and busy, they forgot to give Xiao Jiang Mian a book.

The little girl has a thin-skinned face. In school, the teacher will not explain in detail about this knowledge. Every family has a mother. Naturally, the mother will explain this kind of thing in detail.

She knows that the family situation is special. There is no mother, there are only four dads, and each dad is busy. She doesn't know who to ask such privacy questions. And as we get older and puberty arrives, this kind of thing is even more embarrassing to talk to dads.

When Xiao Jiang Mian was living with Han Xu at the age of twelve, one night her stomach suddenly hurt. She didn't know what was going on at the time. She didn't understand until she went to the toilet, and she was flustered.

She didn't have anything for a girl at home, and her stomach hurts again. I didn't want Grandpa butler to know about this, so I had to find Han Xu.

But Han Xu hadn't gone home yet. She called Han Xu, but no one answered him. She also thought about calling other dads, but it was useless if they called. Maybe no one answered.

She didn't know what to do. She was in pain, cold and wronged, so she had to stay in the bathroom.

Han Xu went home in the middle of the night and went to the room to see her baby daughter as usual. He found that her daughter was not in the bed and the bathroom was on. He shouted a few times, but no one responded.

At first, he didn't care, thinking that Xiao Jiang Mian was angry that he would come back late-at that time, although he had taken over the Han's enterprise for many years, he was a big family and he had to devote 100% of his energy to stability.

"Mianmian, Dad must come back early tomorrow, Dad will accompany you to play on weekends, don’t be angry with Dad, okay." He is actually very tired, and has to get up early tomorrow, but I think my baby girl is angry with him. Distressed and worried.

"Mianmian, do you talk to Dad... Where do you want to go on weekends? Dad will be with you all day on weekends."

"My little princess, you can't stay in the bathroom all the time. You have to go to school tomorrow. It's so late. Come out soon. Dad will sleep with you."

After a few minutes of coaxing, there was still no sound in the bathroom. Han Xu suddenly felt that something was wrong. Even if the baby girl was angry with him, she would hide in the bathroom at most and could not come out. How could she not respond to him.

Before he could think about it, Han Xu rushed into the bathroom and saw his baby girl falling silently to the ground, suffering a cardiac arrest, and hurriedly holding the baby girl, his eyes were instantly red.

At that time, the family doctor was an old man from the Han family, an elderly grandfather. After examining Xiao Jiang Mian’s condition, he said to Hanxu: "How can you be a father? No matter how busy you are, you can’t ignore your daughter. , Didn't you teach the little girl in advance."

Han Xu received the training honestly, the old doctor prescribed Chinese medicine and was busy all the time. At that time, Han Jiayuan had a girlfriend, and he almost invited her over "on a whim".

Han Xu pushed off all the work of the next day and guarded Xiao Jiang Mian for one night. After Xiao Jiang Mian woke up, Han Jiayuan's girlfriend told Xiao Jiang Mian all the information.

Xiao Jiang Mian listened quietly, hung his head and said nothing.

When everyone was gone, Han Xu sat cautiously on the side of the bed and said dumbly: "I'm sorry, it's all bad father."

He went to pull Xiao Jiangmian's hand and was avoided by her.

Faced with this reaction from his baby girl, Han Xu was at a loss and had to keep his voice down to the lowest level: "Does it hurt? Would you like some hot porridge?"

He coaxed him for a long time, and finally Xiao Jiang Mian said: "I want to go out and live, and none of you will care about me."

Han Xu thought she was angry. She was so young, how could she let her live alone.

But he didn't expect the baby girl to be serious. She started to lose her temper and went on a hunger strike. She didn't say a word to him. In desperation, he had to tell the other three people about it.

They had a family meeting, and that meeting had been noisy for a long time. No matter what the noise was, their decision was the same: they did not agree that Xiao Jiangmian lived alone.

The four of them rarely got together and cautiously coaxed Xiao Jiang Mian.

Xiao Jiangmian saw them appearing in front of him together, and sneered: "It's really funny. When you take the turn to live with you, you will either be busy without seeing people, or just do what I don't like. I have an official holiday, but instead You are all recruited."

"Are you only going to notice me if I die?"

"You are not worthy of being my father. I would rather not have a father like you."

"I tell you seriously, I want to live alone, and none of you are allowed to control me, otherwise I will die for you to see, and I will do what I say."

She looked at them bitterly, like her enemies, every word and even every punctuation mark stuck in their hearts like a knife.

Finally they compromised.

Since then, it has been difficult to see Xiao Jiangmian. Except for her birthday and Chinese New Year, they have no chance to make up for it.

Han Xu was afraid that she would feel pain every month, so he asked a female doctor to treat her body and persuaded Xiao Jiang Mian on the phone for a long time, but Xiao Jiang Mian remained unmoved.

Later, I received a message from Han Jiayuan: [Mianmian, Mr. Han is too worried about you. It has been a few days since I closed my eyes. I almost had a car accident today. Can you come and see him? 】

Xiao Jiangmian didn't go, but accepted Han Xu's kindness and let the female doctor take care of him for a period of time. He drove the female doctor away until after the monthly menstrual period had no pain.


The past pictures flashed through his mind one by one, Han Xu made up his mind in his heart, made a call, arranged for someone to go to the Second Hospital to transfer Zuo Xingping to the Han's Hospital, and then returned to the room and said to the guests: "Mr. Liu, I'm sorry, I'm a little urgent, what you said, we will talk about it next time we have a chance."

Han Jiayuan looked at Han Xu anxiously - Mr. Liu came here today, and if he left like this, the other party would definitely feel uncomfortable. I'm afraid this cooperation won't succeed.

Did something happen to Mianmian?

"Mr. Han is polite, you should be busy first if you have something." The guest's face is indeed not good.

Han Xu left Han Jiayuan to let him deal with the aftermath, and cooperation could not be reached, so the hospitality of the guests should naturally be perfect.

When the guests saw Han Xu leaving in a hurry, that appearance was indeed something important.

He knew that although Han Jiayuan was Han Xu's chief assistant in name, he was actually half of Han Xu. He was a tens of thousands of people under the Han family. Letting Han Jiayuan accompany him was not to look down upon him.

Thinking about it this way, the guests are in a better mood, Han Jiayuan sees this, and his attitude becomes more enthusiastic, hoping to try his best to negotiate this cooperation.

Occasionally, I can't help but pass by a touch of worry: Mianmian can't do anything big.

Although Dr. Lan is the family doctor of the Han family, most of his usefulness in Karowan is to treat the servants in the house-Han Xu is often away from home.

Even the cat and dog that Han Xu gave Jiang Mian before were checked again by him, and they were sent to him after confirming that they had no symptoms.

As a family doctor for so many years, Dr. Lan covers almost all diseases.

But it was the first time that I received an urgent notice from my boss to show Jiang Mian about his menstrual period.

While mumbling that he is not a gynecologist, he prepared a simple medicine box and hurried to the address given by Han Xu.

And because Han Xu told him to be fast, Dr. Lan forced out the speed of the car and contacted Jiang Mian at the same time to teach Jiang Mian some tips for relieving abdominal pain online. Tips from classmates who are employed.

Jiang Mian who received the call: "..."

She really didn't expect the local tyrant father to be so fast, she glanced at Qi Yanshu on the bed, and she just needed a professional medical staff.

Just ask the family doctor to keep it secret.

She coughed: "Dr. Lan, please bring some tools and medicine to suture the wound. Please don't tell my dad, please."

Doctor Lan: "!!!"

Doctor Lan shook his hand, and the body shook.

"Mianmian..." A dreamy voice sounded.

"Uncle Qi." Jiang Mian held Qi Yanshu's hand, and thought of Yinhu's words, "He is all about you", his nose was slightly sour, "I'm here."

Qi Yanshu's raised eyebrows slowly relaxed.

Jiang Mian whispered: "Uncle Qi, don't you want to be my father? I will call your father when you wake up."

Jiang Mian let go of Qi Yanshu's hand until the doorbell rang and turned to open the door.

When she turned around, the eyelashes of the person on the bed trembled, and the thin eyelids opened, revealing a pair of bottomless black eyes, with a faint blood floating in the bottom of the eyes, and he pressed it down.

He heard Jiang Mian's voice: "Doctor Lan, no, no, it's not that I was injured, and I don't have physical pain...I have an elder injured..."

Dr. Lan breathed a sigh of relief: "You really scared me to death. If you are injured, Mr. Han has to fly over by helicopter...Where is the person?"


When people came in, Qi Yanshu closed his eyes again.

Dr. Lan looked at the person on the bed with surprise in his eyes. Even though the other person was lying quietly, he could tell that he was not an ordinary person from his figure, face, and physique.

So young and so handsome, Dr. Lan looked at Qi Yanshu and Jiang Mian: "Is he really your elder?"

Jiang Mian didn't pay attention to his expression, nodded at random, and opened Qi Yanshu's shirt. When Dr. Lan saw the injury, his eyes were dread: "How did it hurt?"

Jiang Mian didn't say a word.

Dr. Lan looked down: "It's the paw print of a beast, what animal hurts... the outer layer..." He sucked in a cold breath, "This is to forcibly scorch the wound with fire to stop the bleeding."

"He burned it himself?" He raised his head to look at Qi Yanshu, his face became serious, "Mianmian, what is going on? Who is he? What did he do? Where did you meet?"

Jiang Mian pursed her lips: "Doctor Lan, don't ask these questions, you should deal with his injury first."

"Okay, I will deal with the injury." Doctor Lan nodded, "I have to tell your father about this."

Jiang Mian: "..."

Dr. Lan: "Mianmian, although we don’t meet very often, but I often hear your husband mention you, you should know how important you are to him. Here comes a'tough guy' who was scratched by a wild animal and dared to burn the wound with fire. It's not easy, I can't keep it for you."

Before Jiang Mian had time to speak, the doorbell rang again, and her heart jumped, and a bad feeling arose.

Walking to the door, looking at the rich father displayed on the electronic screen, Jiang Mian: "..."

Why does she use the excuse of physical pain! ! !