Jiang Mian resignedly opened the door.

"Mianmian, why did you come to open the door, Doctor Lan hasn't come over yet?" This doctor Lan, his legs became slower and slower, Han Xu hugged Jiang Mian carefully, "Lie down quickly and drink brown sugar water?"

With a glance, there was nothing on the coffee table.

Han Xu's brows tightened instantly.

"Sir." Dr. Lan, who heard the sound, walked out of the guest bedroom, "Why are you here?"

Doctor Lan took a slender knife in his hand, and the light reflected a cold light on the surface of the knife. Han Xu turned his eyes away and frowned, "What are you doing with the knife?"

Doctor Lan: "Well... you should ask Mianmian."

Han Xu turned to Jiang Mian. The latter touched the tip of his nose and said, "I'm sorry, Dad, I lied, I'm fine... I will ask Doctor Lan to help Uncle Qi treat the wound."

Han Xu rushed into the guest bedroom with three steps and two steps. He saw Qi Yanshu lying on the bed, his eyelids twitched: "Mianmian, didn't Dad ever say that there is not a good thing surnamed Qi, how can you pay? This guy comes and goes."

Now that he was still moving into the house, Han Xu only felt an unknown fire rushing up. The first reaction was to call the bodyguard up and take Qi Yan Shu back.

Jiang Mian knew that the local tyrant was about to explode. The serious point between the Han family and the Qi family was the enemy. She took Han Xu’s hand, avoided Doctor Lan, and said quickly: "Dad, Uncle Qi is injured, he It was to save Zuo's father that he was injured."

Han Xu's blazing flame stagnated--the four fathers disliked each other, but because there was Jiang Mian in the middle, the four of them also had a connection, and they were considered "owners".

Qi Yanshu saved the **** stick. With this relationship, he couldn't do anything to face Qi Yanshu in front of his baby girl.

He didn’t take a close look at Qi Yanshu’s injury just now. At this moment, he took a closer look, snorted, and said bitterly to Jiang Mian: "Mianmian, his house is opposite. He was injured and treated his wounds and brought him into his house. That's it, why have to get him here."

No, Han Xu frowned and moved away to let Doctor Lan continue to deal with Qi Yanshu's injury. He took Jiang Mian out of the room and said with a straight face: "Mianmian, why don't you tell the truth with Dad on the phone."

Jiang Mian shook his hand and shook his face, showing a pleasing smile: "I'm afraid to tell you the truth and worry you, and then leave my job and come to me."

In the end, the local tyrant still threw a job to find her—she never expected that the local tyrant would rush over just for a random reason.

Han Xu's stern face relaxed a little. He thought that the baby girl didn't believe him, so he kept it from him, he coughed secretly, and calmed down his expression: "Then tell your father, how did the surname Qi rescue your left father? , How did his injury hurt him? Why didn't he go to the hospital and just came to you. Is the surname Qi always pestering you?"

With so many questions, the last one is the point.

However, Jiang Mian really couldn't answer any of these questions. The main reason was that the local tyrant did not believe that the celestial father could know profound arts. Even if the celestial father had shown unusual abilities in front of him, Yu Hanxu said that it was a blind technique. .

Compared with the detective father, the local tyrant father is more stubborn. Even if the paper man is placed in front of the local tyrant father, the local tyrant father can come up with various scientific reasons to explain it.

Therefore, he has always firmly believed that Zuo Xingping is a magic stick, and even when he brought Xiao Jiangmian, he kept instilling this kind of news to Xiao Jiangmian. Of course, it also meant to fight for favor, which caused Xiao Jiangmian to dislike Tianshi father more and more. .

"Dad, you know that Uncle Qi has always lived in Taoist temple before."

The youngest son of the Qi family grew up in Taoist Temple, which is no secret in the upper class. Han Xu nodded.

"Papa Zuo is that Taoist temple, and Uncle Qi is his junior."

Han Xu understood: "What you mean is that your left father and the surname Qi have known each other a long time ago, and then this time your left father was in danger, and the surname Qi rescued him and he was injured."

Jiang Mian nodded again and again: "As for how Uncle Qi was injured, I don't know. I only have to ask him when he wakes up."

"Okay." Han Xu repeated the previous question again, "Then why didn't he go to the hospital, but came to you instead?"

Jiang Mian blinked, of course at this moment--

"I don't know." She shook her head innocently. "He was injured so badly, and he was injured to save Zuo Dad. How can I just let it go. Dad, didn't you teach me when you were young? ."

Han Xu: "..."

"In that case." Han Xu pondered for a moment, and said, "I will send someone over and transfer him to our hospital after Dr. Lan treats his wound."

He touched the soft long hair of his baby daughter: "Mianmian, you are still young, so I don't need you to act, my father will repay you this favor."

"No." A low voice sounded behind him, Jiang Mian turned his head fiercely, who was not Qi Yanshu who was standing at the door?

Han Xu subconsciously took the baby girl behind him. This action made Qi Yanshu's eyebrows undetectable. Han Xu said: "When did you wake up? You actually overheared us..."

Suddenly I felt something was wrong. Qi Yanshu was still dizzy just now. Doctor Lan was treating his wound. After only a few minutes, the wound was treated?

The sights of Han Xu and Qi Yanshu collided in the air. In the next second, Han Xu only felt that everything in front of him became blurred. Jiang Mian caught the soft body of the local tyrant father, and realized that he had just fallen asleep. She frowned: "Qi Uncle, what are you doing?"

Qi Yanshu didn't speak, but just stepped over, took Han Xu from her hand, put him on the sofa, and in front of Jiang Mian, he also covered the blanket on Han Xu from the sofa.

"He's mentally weak, he should have worked for a long time, let him sleep." The faint voice explained his behavior.

Jiang Mian sips, and then sees Doctor Lan in the guest bedroom, lying on the bedside, sleeping Zhengxiang.

Qi Yanshu re-entered the guest bedroom. He sat on the bed and looked at Jiang Mian silently: "You will help me deal with the wound."

Jiang Mian walked over subconsciously, Qi Yanshu opened his shirt, and the burnt part of the wound had been removed by Doctor Lan, and only needed stitches.

"It's okay, Dr. Lan gave me anesthetic, you can do it casually." His voice has a calming effect, "You can sew flowers."

Jiang Mian: "I..."

She wanted to say that she didn't know how to sew at all, and would only handle the wounds roughly. She raised her head abruptly and touched Qi Yanshu's misty black eyes. There were too many unintelligible emotions in it, fleeting. It almost made Jiang Mian think it was dazzling.

He said softly, seeming to have insight into what she meant: "You will."

Jiang Mian obediently picked up the needle and thread prepared by Dr. Lan. When the first needle was dropped, she asked, "When did you wake up?"


Jiang Mian: "Why don't you close your eyes and sleep for a while, Yin Fox said you haven't closed your eyes in a week."

Qi Yanshu: "He is just exaggerating."

Jiang Mian asked, "How many days have you closed your eyes?"

There was no sound above his head, Jiang Mian couldn't help but raise his head, just seeing Qi Yanshu's raised hand, and seeing her raising his head, he naturally retracted his hand.

Jiang Mian lowered her head and did not speak. From the very beginning, the first stitch was a bit strange, and the subsequent stitching was much smoother-she did not learn to stitch, but she felt a lot.

In the world of Xiuxian, the cultivation base was lost and the wound was serious. In order to take the broken bones back for her, the healer cut her body apart, took the bones back bit by bit, and then stitched them up-she was always awake.

After the last stitch was finished, she breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the wound, which was okay and relatively complete.

She put away the tools, moved Dr. Lan on the floor to the corner by the way, and thoughtfully covered a blanket. When she was doing all this, Qi Yanshu watched silently without saying a word.

"Okay." Jiang Mian washed the blood stains in his hands. Seeing some blood stains on Qi Yanshu's shirt, he thought for a while, "Dad, take your clothes off, I'll go to the other side to find you a clean shirt."

"What do you call me?" Qi Yan Shu's foggy black eyes changed significantly, seeming to be a kind of surprise that was caught off guard, and it seemed to be an indescribable helplessness.

Three questions popped up in Jiang Mian's mind. What kind of expression was this. She tilted her head and said, "Didn't we say that, when you come back, I will call your father."

"Although I don't know why you want to be my dad, you will be my dad from now on."

Qi Yanshu stood up, almost flustered and said: "You don't need to call me father, I am not your father."

Jiang Mian: "...Huh?"

Qi Yanshu quickly glanced at her, then looked away, and then frowned, "I was just an illusion before, sorry."

After being silent for a while, Jiang Mian said, "Then I still call you Uncle Qi?"

Qi Yanshu closed his eyes, and after a while, he gave a faint hum.

Jiang Mian leaned forward and raised his hand to cover Qi Yanshu's forehead. He stiffened, slowly opened his eyes, and looked at the familiar face with concern in front of him.

Jiang Mian frowned, Qi Yanshu's palms were hot, but his forehead was cold.

"Qi Shubo, your curse power..."

Qi Yanshu interrupted her: "Nothing."

Jiang Mian retracted his hand and changed the subject: "What happened in the forbidden area? What hurt you?"

"It's just a kind of innocent monster, you don't need to know it." Qi Yan called.

Jiang Mian paused: "Uncle Qi, how do you know it is a monster, not a monster?"

In this world, animals with different abilities are called monsters, monsters, and that is the name of the world of cultivating immortals.

Qi Yanshu lowered his eyelashes and said: "That's what people in the forbidden area call."

"The forbidden land is inhabited?"

The corners of Qi Yanshu's lips raised slightly: "Nature."

Jiang Mian let out an "Oh", sat down next to Qi Yanshu, and slowly said: "Uncle Qi, you let my father and Doctor Lan sleep, don't you have something to tell me, what is it?"

Qi Yanshu stared at her deeply. After a while, he said word by word: "I just want to ask, are you happy during this time."