Are you happy during this time?

Jiang Mian was startled, of course he was happy.

There is no such thing as the fear and fear of braised carp in the first world, and there is no such cruelty that the strong in the second world are respected and the weak can only be eliminated.

The world is peaceful and stable, with dads who love her, giving her family affection she has never felt before.

Sometimes I can't help but think, maybe all her good luck as a red carp at the beginning has been transferred to this life.

Otherwise, the previous two lives would be too unlucky.

But why did Qi Yanshu ask her so.

Jiang Mian once suspected that Qi Yanshu, like her, came from the world of Xiuxian, but she tried, and Qi Yanshu's reaction made her dispel this doubt.

If she came from the world of cultivating immortals like her, it would be impossible for her to want to be her father... What made her puzzled was that before going to the forbidden land, Qi Yanshu single-mindedly thought about being her father, and she had decided not to do more Think, recognize.

But when he got out of the restricted area, his attitude changed.

The suspicion once came to his mind again, Jiang Mian calmly looked back at Qi Yanshu, smiled slightly, and replied calmly, "Why do you ask? I have so many people guarding me, how can I be unhappy."

She observed Qi Yanshu calmly. Although he covered it up well, Jiang Mian still caught Qi Yanshu's relief at that moment when she finished saying this sentence.

As if her answer gave him some kind of redemption.

"You like your four dads very much?" He said again.

Jiang Mian nodded without hesitation: "They are very good, especially good."

"In your heart, they are your most important people?"

"Yes." Jiang Mian replied simply, "They are my only relatives. As long as I live, I will do my best to protect them."

"Still unchanged..." Qi Yanshu whispered, the voice was too low, even if Jiang Mian listened attentively, he didn't even hear what he was talking about.

Jiang Mian shifted his gaze slightly, dropped to Qi Yanshu’s slender and powerful fingers, and suddenly said: "Uncle Qi, last time I was listening to Yuge, you said that you think you are my father, and that you will give me an answer after a while. Now you come back from the forbidden area and say it is just your illusion."

"My curiosity has been hooked up by you. Can you explain to me why you had such an illusion before, and why you think it is an illusion now."

Qi Yanshu was silent.

Jiang Mian didn't urge him, only tilted his head and looked at him with a behaving expression.

Qi Yanshu sighed secretly, knowing that if he didn't say anything, Jiang Mian would not give up. He first asked: "Mianmian, do you think people will remember the memories of previous lives?"

Jiang Mian's eyelids twitched, and two seconds later, he nodded imperceptibly.

Qi Yanshu took her reaction in his eyes. When he didn't see it, he continued half-truth and half-truth: "The night when the curse was lifted, when I woke up, there were some more memory images in my mind. These images are all. It’s about you, but I can’t see clearly. There is only one feeling that you are a very important person to me, like my daughter, the person I want to protect."

"When I went to the forbidden area, I encountered some unexpected situations, but let me see all these memory images. If I didn't guess wrong, these memories belonged to my previous life. In that memory, I was a teacher and taught many students. , You are one of them."

"You are very good. With your light, my treatment has also changed... It's a bit weird to say, but that's probably it."

Qi Yanshu’s answer is reasonable and well-founded, the tone is stable, logical, and there are no loopholes. It stands to reason that Jiang Mian should believe it, but there is a voice in her heart that keeps saying to her: "False, what he said is false of."

Since Qi Yanshu can say such a thing, it shows that he doesn't want to tell the real reason. He doesn't want to say it. Jiang Mian asks again, he can make up different reasons, and he will never hear the truth.

Unless let him take the initiative to speak out.

Jiang Mian rolled her eyes and took the initiative to end the topic. She stood up and said, "I'll go to the other side to get you clothes, what's the password?"

Qi Yanshu also stood up: "No, I'll go back and change it myself."

"What's the matter, you have injuries." Jiang Mian shook his head and insisted, "Even if you want to go back, I will send you there."

Qi Yanshu did not refuse.

Jiang Mian firmly helped Qi Yanshu out of the room, passing by the sofa, and seeing the local tyrant father sleeping very well, he assured Qi Yanshu to the opposite room.

Qi Yanshu was about to press the code, Jiang Mian: "I'll come here, don't stretch the wound, how much is it?"

Qi Yanshu had to report the password.

After the door was opened, Jiang Mian directly regarded herself as the master. First, he pressed Qi Yanshu on the sofa and sat still, and then entered the bedroom-this was the first time she entered Qi Yanshu's bedroom, and looked around. In a cold style, she picked a clean shirt from the closet.

Then, she unbuttoned Qi Yanshu's shirt, the reason was still worried that Qi Yanshu would stretch the wound casually.

"Mianmian." Qi Yanshu said helplessly, protecting his shirt collar, "I can."

Jiang Mian blinked: "Uncle Qi, don't be embarrassed. We are all so familiar with each other. Here, you are my relative. You see, in your past life, I was your student, so I misunderstood that I was your daughter. ."

"It's okay, even if it's not, you can still treat me as a daughter, and I can also treat you as a father. My father is injured, and my daughter helps change clothes. It's justified, right? Besides, I just sewed the wound for you.

As she talked, she continued to pull Qi Yanshu's shirt. The latter of course could stop her, but he was afraid of hurting her. Hesitatingly, the shirt was really untied by Jiang Mian.

Soon, Qi Yanshu's upper body was naked, and his lips tightened instantly.

Sewing wounds and simply changing clothes are two different things. Qi Yanshu wanted to talk several times, but Jiang Mian hurriedly blocked him with words before he spoke.

Until the end, Jiang Mian put on clean clothes for Qi Yanshu. She said in a chatty tone: "Speaking of which, I had a dream a few days ago. I dreamed that I was in a very strange world with swords everywhere. Fairies flying around are like filming a fairy tale TV series."

"I dreamt that I became a genius in the sect. There is a master who is famous all over the world. Guess, what is the name of the master in my dream?"

Qi Yanshu looked down, and suddenly, his tight body relaxed, looking at the girl who buttoned him with a white face in front of him: "It's your dream, how can I know."

"Guess it, maybe you can guess it." After tying the last button, Jiang Mian straightened up and looked at Qi Yanshu with a smile.

Without waiting for Qi Yanshu to speak, Jiang Mian quickly revealed the answer: "My master is known as the Qing Yi Daojun. He enters the Dao with a sword. No one can beat a cultivator of the same level. He has leapfrogged and challenged a cultivator three levels higher than himself. One sword wins, and the world is famous."

When the words were over, Jiang Mian stared straight at Qi Yanshu, not letting go of any of his expressions.

In the world of cultivating immortals, no one knows the emperor of Qing Yi Dao. If Qi Yanshu really came from the world of cultivating immortals, he would have never heard of the emperor of Qing Yi Dao.

She needed to determine whether Qi Yanshu came from the world of cultivating immortals.

If he comes from the world of cultivating immortals, then... who is he.

However, Qi Yanshu's reaction was far beyond what Jiang Mian meant. He closed his eyes to prevent Jiang Mian from spying.

The next second, he almost said in a sighing voice: "How did you recognize it."

Jiang Mian's heartbeat stagnated, and a thought came into her mind that made her panic or even dare not think deeply, so that she couldn't help but step back for a while without making a sound.

Qi Yanshu, with his eyes closed, didn't notice her reaction, he weighed it in his heart.

The previous life memory he explained to Jiang Mian was half true-after the accident that happened in the forbidden area, he did see the memory images that appeared in his mind.

After he saw it clearly, the dust-covered memory seemed to be torn open, and countless images poured into his mind.

Only then did he understand that the scene he saw before was just the tip of the iceberg in his memory. With this tip of the iceberg, he thought that Jiang Mian was his daughter, which was reasonable.

Because he is her master.

He picked her up, took her into the sect, taught her all his life learning, watched her grow, watched her step into the ranks of the strong.


It is a good thing that she can return to this world. He hoped that she would not think of everything in the past. As for him, the master, it was the past tense. He only hoped that he would be happy in this life.

But he overestimated his hiding power and underestimated Jiang Mian's IQ. He had forgotten that she had always been smart, and perhaps his every move had made her suspicious before he woke up.

She has seen it through now, and there is no point in continuing to hide it.

What's more, if there is more relationship with the master, it will happen to be nice to her.

He didn't expect anything else.

Qi Yanshu slowly opened his eyes, the corners of his lips raised a shallow arc, his eyes were calm and gentle.

No way, Jiang Mian's eyes were full of disbelief. She stepped back a few steps. Such familiar gaze brought her back to her past memories in a daze.

"Master?" She said tentatively, still with extreme disbelief.

Qi Yanshu's answer pulled back her thoughts, and he said, "It's me."

Jiang Mian murmured blankly: "You are still alive."

Qi Yanshu twisted his eyebrows slightly, Jiang Mian's reaction was beyond his expectation. Didn't she recognize him? How did she return it...

Jiang Mian opened her mouth. A few seconds later, she found her voice: "You let me slow down."

She thought that Qi Yanshu came from the world of cultivating immortals just like her. She just wanted to "fraud" his identity through a special method, but she never expected that the answer to "fraud" was actually this.

She never thought that Qi Yanshu would be her master. She opened her eyes to look at Qi Yanshu, not knowing whether she should be surprised or frightened.

Qi Yanshu: "..."

From Jiang Mian's gaze, he understood that he seemed to expose himself.