Qi Yanshu sighed and walked forward a few steps until the distance between him and Jiang Mian was no more than half a foot. He looked down at her and called out, "Jiang'er."

Jiang Mian was shocked and blinked. She couldn't help but raise her hand to hold Qi Yanshu's hand, almost incoherently saying: "When did you come? Where is the original Uncle Qi? Is it in the forbidden area? You are not. Already... why..."

She didn't even know that at this moment, her eyes were already red.

"I am the book of Qi Yan." His gaze flicked across Jiang Mian's face, and then moved a half inch away. "I came to this world after I died, becoming a book of Qi Yan, which is tantamount to rebirth. There is no memory until in the forbidden area, the memory is fully recovered."

In other words, like her, Master walked through the book world after death, but unlike her, she walked halfway through, while Master walked through as a baby. If he does not restore his memory, he is just a simple Qi. Only Yan Shu.

Is it because of her?

Regardless of the reason, it is a joy for Master to survive in another way.

The master was conspired to fall for her sake. Even if she later avenged her, this incident is still her regret.

Now according to Master, he was reborn in this world immediately after he fell, and his life continued in another way.

Suddenly, I was very lucky.

"Master, it's great for you to be alive." I couldn't help it anymore, tears burst into my eyes. She shouldn't cry, Master is still alive, this is a happy event.

Qi Yanshu raised the other hand that was not grasped by Jiang Mian, and gently wiped away tears for Jiang Mian with his fingertips: "Don't cry, I am not good, I was scared."

As soon as the words were spoken, Jiang Mian cried more fiercely. She shook her head vigorously and said happily: "No, I am happy, I did not expect..."

She sniffed her nose, and her voice showed off: "Master, do you know that I finally reached Mahayana, and I only took one step to ascend. I thought at that time, if I enter the fairy world, maybe I can find a way to revive you. ."

"There's still more." She was like a child, "The **** who had counted you, I later killed him in the man-eating sand, and not a single clone was left."

The **** who conspired against the master is a high-level monk, and his method of becoming famous is not to kill - he has a very powerful and very evil technique, which can cultivate a clone. As long as a clone is alive, he cannot be completely killed.

"He was very unwilling when he died. He regretted that he didn't cut the grass and roots in the secret world and killed me together." These memories have been pressed deep in the memory by her, and now they are turned out, without the anger at the time, but proud.

She was seriously injured and became a mortal for five years. After regaining her cultivation level, she broke through once, but there was still a gap between her and that bastard, not to mention the other three.

But she still won.

In the battle in the cannibal sand, although she succeeded in avenging her master, she also lost half of her life and was seriously injured, but there were wolves watching from the periphery, trying to take advantage of her illness to kill her.

In the end she died and survived.

So she doesn't like wolves.

Because of her revenge against her master, she practiced faster than before without worry, but it took ten years to reach the Mahayana. Seeing the ascendant soon, the demons attacked, and then came to this world.

Staring at the girl's white cheeks, Qi Yanshu closed his eyes and covered up all his emotions.

Restrained and restrained, in the end, he couldn't hold back, and he held the girl tightly in his arms and stroked her back.

He didn't speak, he saw all the blood and tears in his eyes, but he couldn't participate, nor could he speak.

"Jiang Er, forget the past, this world is the life you deserve." His gentle voice calmed the grievances and fears she unknowingly revealed from the world of immortality.

In the year he died, she was only in the primordial infant stage, under twenty, and still a child. Under his protection, she knew nothing but cultivation.

Genius monks in the world of cultivating immortals, without the protection of powerful elders, are very easy to fall-some people like to intercept and kill geniuses.

Without his blessing, her growth path can be imagined how difficult.

It's not that she has never been afraid and wronged, but even if she has these emotions, it is useless. The only thing she can do is to keep moving forward, practice hard, and become stronger and stronger.

Only the strong are qualified to speak. At that time, they will no longer be easily afraid, let alone wronged.


Jiang Mian was a little embarrassed and wiped his eyes. He withdrew from Qi Yanshu's arms, and saw a large moist area on his chest. He couldn't help but stunned: How much water did she, she drank, and why so many tears came out.

She has forgotten when was the last time she cried so fiercely.

Jiang Mian raised his head carefully, met Qi Yanshu's smiling eyes, inhaled his nose, pointed to the coffee table next to him, and said dullly, "Master, paper."

When facing Qi Yanshu before, even if she knew that he was kind to herself unconditionally, she always had a sense of distance. Even though she had made up her mind to treat Qi Yanshu as a father this time, it was still different after all. There was a kind of awkwardness that could not be said. sense.

Now that she knew he was the master, those distances and awkwardness disappeared instantly, and the corners of her mouth couldn't stop rising when she thought that he was the master.

Master Tian came back safely, and the person who always wanted to be her father turned out to be Master. She seems to be lucky recently.

Qi Yanshu took out the tissue and handed it to Jiang Mian, staring at her tenderly, watching her change from a shallow smile to a grin, wishing to jump a few steps on the spot, couldn't help but feel distressed.

At the same time, a touch of relief rose in my heart.

She loves to laugh a lot now, which is a good thing.

Because he has been practicing swordsmanship for a long time, his temperament is relatively dull because of the influence of the exercises, so that Jiang Mian is by his side, and under his influence, he has never liked to laugh since he was young.

Moreover, he could perceive that she was afraid of him, she lied very much when she saw him, and she quickly looked away after looking at him.

——At that time, Jiang Mian went through, for fear that someone would find that Xiao Jiang Mian was taken over by her carp, plus she was just a man, and was cautious every day.

She was especially afraid of this master, she had just passed through, and she had heard many legends about Qingyi Daojun, saying how powerful he was, and her heart was overwhelming. In the beginning, every time she met with the master, she was holding a cold sweat.

It took a while to find out that she didn't need to do this, because Master often retreats for practice, and it's common not to see each other for a few months.

Even if they met, the two masters and apprentices, apart from teaching and learning, had no other exchanges.

——That is because Qing Yi Daojun realized that she was afraid of herself, worried that she would scare her if she talked more, and made her even more afraid of herself. In addition, he didn't know how to get along with the little disciple.

At that time, the people in the sect often talked in private, saying that they were the least like master and disciple.

Until the rules of the sect-disciples must go out to practice after the foundation was built, Jiang Mian was only eight years old at that time. As a master, how could he rest assured.

He followed Jiang Mian every time he practiced. He didn't know how other people led the apprentice.

Looking back, the disciple was small and could reach his waist, combing the bud head combed for her by the senior sister in the Zongmen. Although his small face was extremely serious, his eyes never looked at the various foods sold by mortals. go with.

After the monk built the foundation, he didn't enter mortal food to avoid the accumulation of impurities in Xiu, but the little disciple appeared in front of him who clearly wanted to eat but was holding back, and couldn't help but make an exception to buy her.

Once the rules are broken, it is not easy to stand up again. He likes to watch the little disciples eat round belly and shiny eyes.

He likes to listen to her pouting her cheeks every time she ate and said solemnly: "Master, I will work hard to cultivate and try to catch up with you as soon as possible."

Ambitious, this is his disciple of Qing Yi Daojun.


"Master, sit down quickly, you are hurt." Jiang Mian calmed down and wiped his nose and tears, suddenly remembering that Qi Yanshu was hurt, and anxiously helped him sit back on the sofa.

He opened his shirt and looked at it, and he was relieved.

She sat down next to Qi Yanshu and couldn't help but shouted again: "Master."

She thought she had put aside everything in the world of cultivating immortals a long time ago, even if she knew that Qi Yanshu was the master, she should be calm.

Then I thought about it, that was the master. Knowing that he was alive, and now meeting again in this way, it is normal for her to be a little excited.

"Mian Mian." Qi Yanshu stopped just as he said, frowning, considering what he said, Jiang Mian understood from his name what he wanted to say.

They are now in different identities. If she is called Master Qi Yanshu in front of others, it would seem very weird, and being known by her fathers, it would not be easy to explain.

"Master, don't worry, I know how to do it. The most important thing is now, as long as I know that Master is still alive, I will be satisfied."

It's just a title. After thinking about it, she said, "I will call you Uncle Qi in the future. When there are only two of us, I still call you Master, OK?"

Qi Yanshu: "According to you."

Thinking that the master still had injuries, Jiang Mian stopped talking and prepared to take care of the master-let Qi Yanshu lie down in bed.

Qi Yanshu did not refuse, and stood up obediently. At this moment, the door smashed suddenly croaked, and at the same time, there was also the roar of Han Xu, and the strong smell of gunpowder could be heard across the door: Qi, you return my daughter!"

Jiang Mian hadn't spoken yet, Qi Yanshu touched her hair, and said without refusal: "Go back, don't worry about me, it's just a small injury."

Jiang Mian nodded obediently and watched him enter the bedroom before rushing to the door.

As soon as he opened the door, Han Xu charged in fiercely.

"Dad." Jiang Mian quickly grabbed her, "I just sent Uncle Qi back, let's go home."

Han Xu rolled up his sleeves: "Mianmian, get out of the way. This **** turned you into his house. I have to beat him today."

Jiang Mian: "..."

"Dad, Uncle Qi is hurt."

"I don't care what hurts him, I dare to kidnap my baby, I let him go around without eating."

"Dad, I'm hungry." Unable to hold the local tyrant father, Jiang Mian had to resort to assassin.

Han Xu's anger was a little stagnant, and he hesitated for a few seconds between teaching the surname Qi and filling the belly of his baby daughter. He decisively chose the latter. When he took his daughter back, he did not forget to drop a sentence: "I will spare you this temporarily. Back."