Han Xu didn't support eating crayfish and thought it was unclean, but this was a request made by the baby girl, so he had to agree to let the bodyguard find a crayfish shop with good reputation and environmental sanitation.

After leaving the community, he suddenly remembered: "Where is Doctor Lan."

When he woke up and found that his baby girl and Qi Yanshu were not there, he immediately rushed to the opposite side. He didn't expect that there would be Dr. Lan.

Jiang Mianmian replied unchanged: "Doctor Lan treated Uncle Qi's wound and left."

Han Xu didn't suspect him, Jiang Mian took the opportunity to send a message to Doctor Lan.

At this moment, Dr. Lan, who was lying in the corner of the guest bedroom, suddenly woke up, very at a loss.

Look at the phone again and receive the message from Jiang Mian. It says that he sutured the wound for the wounded, and then fell asleep tired, just let him wake up and leave by himself.

Doctor Lan:? ? ?

He looked at his hands, why didn't he remember that he had stitched the wound and fell asleep tired, but he didn't know why he fell asleep.

It was weird, Dr. Lan didn't think of a reason for a long time, and finally had to leave with great doubts.

Today's diagnosis has become another unsolved mystery in his many years of medical experience.

When he arrived at the crayfish shop the bodyguard found, Han Xu glanced at it and walked in reluctantly.

Jiang Mian said to the boss: "I want 30 kilograms of different flavors, take it away."

The boss froze, looked at Jiang Mian's small body, and repeated: "Thirty catties?"

Jiang Mian nodded.

"Mianmian, eating too much will ruin your stomach." Han Xu frowned.

Jiang Mian held his hand: "Dad, I can't eat so much. I'll take it to the hospital and give it to Father Zuo to eat."

Han Xu: "..."

He said sourly: "I have to worry about your left dad after eating something."

Jiang Mian laughed extraordinarily well-behaved. Master Tian stayed in the forbidden area for almost a month. Except for game, I was afraid that she had never eaten normal food. She packed some delicious food and brought it to the hospital. He could eat it when he woke up.

In addition to the crayfish, Jiang Mian went to several restaurants and ordered a large package of food. While Han Xu was sour, he asked the bodyguard to pay quickly.

For the sake of the **** stick hospitalization, he didn't care about it.

In the second hospital, Zuo Xingping and Dahe were in the same ward, so they were transferred to the Han's Hospital and they were still living in the same VIP ward.

Silver Fox sat on the sofa with a rich lunch, which was given to him by a female nurse.

When Zuo Xingping and the great monk turned around, the dean came to see in person, but he received a call from Han Xu and knew that these two people were friends of the big boss.

And because Silver Fox was following along, they were also very kind to him. Seeing that the dean was so kind to Silver Fox, the doctors and nurses below naturally did not dare to neglect.

Coupled with his face of disaster to the country and the people, the silver fox sighed and said that he was hungry, and soon there was a nurse offering the lunch he brought from home.

Silver Fox took it on his part and exchanged WeChat by the way. The nurse who flirted on the spot blushed.

He touched his face, quite satisfied.

"Mr. Ying, are you full." Xiaohe, the nurse who gave the silver fox bento, came in. She looked at the silver fox shyly and timidly. "If you are not full, my house is nearby. I will take it home for you. point."

Silver Fox blinked, and performed a little charm technique to make this little nurse fall in love with him, which made him feel more fulfilled.

He hasn't touched a woman since he was planted in Jiang Mian's hands. Although this little nurse is a little mediocre, he has a good body.

Silver Fox stood up and grinned at her. Every breath in the air became ambiguous: "It's so late. It's not safe for you to go home as a girl. I'll accompany you back, OK?"

Xiao He looked at the face in front of him fascinated, screamed in his heart, blushing and lowered his head: "Yes, you can."

"Then let's go." Yin Fox took the initiative to hold Xiao He's hand, and the latter gently took it, acquiescing.

Yinhu glanced at Zuo Xingping on the bed. Jiang Mian wouldn't come anyway. He took advantage of this time to go to Langlang and will be back soon.

Thinking this way, he took Xiao Hedi out of the ward with peace of mind.

The elevator arrived and opened. Princess Bomi Chu Nianshi and two female bodyguards stood inside. Chu Nianshi talked to them and stopped when she saw the silver fox coming in.

The silver fox raised his eyebrows and turned his gaze unceremoniously to Chu Nianshi. The clean aura on the latter was fascinating.

It's really been a long time since I met such a top product-Jiang Mian doesn't count, in his eyes, he is not female at all.

"This beautiful lady, I wonder if I am honored to know your name?" Silver Fox deliberately lowered his voice, making his own voice sound more low-magnetic and sexy, and followed the ear socket into the brain, bringing a special kind of Sucking and trembling.

Not to mention Xiao He, even the two female bodyguards blushed in his voice.

Chu Nianshi shrank behind the bodyguard a: "Don't pinch your throat to speak like this, it's weird."

silver fox:"……"

His perfect male god's voice reached this woman's ears, and it became a pinch to speak? !

He looked carefully at Chu Nianshi and found that she had no response to the charming technique he had just performed invisibly.

In other words, in addition to Jiang Mian, he once again met someone who didn't catch a cold with him.

Yin Fox's face was slightly stiff, and he continued: "This young lady's words are really sad." He sighed with heartache, like a flower about to disappear, making people feel unbearable.

Xiao He was very unhappy to see his sweetheart being rejected.

She knew Chu Nianshi. Ninety percent of the staff in the hospital knew Chu Nianshi. They all knew that she was a guest of the big boss and was very kind to her.

However, privately guessing and guessing about Chu Nianshi's identity, including the relationship between her and the big boss, occasionally inevitably made two sentences.

But these words had never been spoken in person, nor had they reached Chu Nianshi's ears-the two female bodyguards protected them all.

"Ms. Chu, Mr. Ying's voice is unique and attractive. It's natural. Did you mean to accuse him of pretending?" Xiao He said.

Chu Nianshi was anxious, her eyes were red uncontrollably again, and tears came as soon as she said, Xiao He swallowed the words behind when she saw her cry.

Silver Fox didn't expect that she would cry without saying a word, took out the tissue, and handed it to Chu Nianshi one step forward. Chu Nianshi said, "Don't come here." Then she cried more fiercely.

silver fox:"……???"

With a "ding", the elevator opened.

"What's the matter?" Han Xu glanced around and asked the female bodyguard.

Silver Fox looked up, saw Jiang Mian outside the elevator, met her faint gaze, and instantly ran past ten thousand grass mud horses in his heart.

"I didn't do anything." He quickly made a mouth shape towards Jiang Mian.

"Mr. Han, it's nothing." Chu Nianshi hurriedly spoke before the female bodyguard opened her mouth. She wiped her tears and looked at Jiang Mian again, only to feel that the other party was more drunken than the last time she saw her, looking back at herself.

Trying hard to hold herself from crying, but the more she held her, the more uncontrollable her tears were, and everyone stared at her.

She remembered what Zhongyi said to her: "If you are really embarrassed, just pretend to be dizzy. Someone will catch you anyway."

Thinking of this, Chu Nianshi closed her eyes and fainted gorgeously. Bodyguard A skillfully caught her, and Han Xu calmly waved: "Send Miss Chu back to the room."

Silver Fox couldn't help but look at Chu Nianshi.

Xiao He got out of the elevator awkwardly, waiting for Silver Fox to come out, only to find that Mr. Ying was standing still, Xiao He wanted to shout, but the big boss was still in the elevator and could only watch the elevator close.

It wasn't until he entered the ward that Han Xu found that Silver Fox was also coming in. He frowned and Jiang Mian said, "Dad, don't care about him, he's a mess."

What does a messenger look like?

Han Xu wanted to ask again. Seeing the baby girl rushing to the bed, he had to press down temporarily and walked over. When he saw the magic stick on the bed, he was a little surprised.

The **** stick actually lost a lot, and there was a wound on his face.

He looked at Jiang Mian subconsciously: the baby girl would definitely be sad.

Han Xu frowned and ordered the bodyguard to ask the doctor to come over and ask about the situation.

Jiang Mian didn't expect that Heavenly Master had lost so much weight, and she couldn't see it in the video that Yinhu gave her.

She glared at Silver Fox, who was not sure, so she instinctively made him take a few steps back, a bit wanting to slip, but not daring.

The doctor who got the big boss hurried over and said, "It's no big problem, it's just a lack of nutrition, no rest, just make up."

Han Xu embraced the baby girl, saw her look worried, then looked at the magic stick on the bed, snorted to himself, and said: "Mianmian, didn't you buy something to eat? Open it all, and your left father must wake up. "

He was about to ask someone to open the packed crayfish and other things, the fragrance was already permeated, and when he looked back, the silver fox had all been opened.

The food that Jiang Mian brought, filled the coffee table, was full of color, smell, and taste, especially the crayfish, which exuded a fascinating scent, which drew his heart around.

Han Xu entered the bathroom. The bodyguard was standing outside the door. There was standing inside the house... Silver Fox looked left and right, raised his right hand, and said to Jiang Mian: "My master, I swear, I didn't do any bad things. "

Jiang Mian: "Really?"

Silver Fox: "Really, you must never wrong me. It was just an accident in the elevator. I just said something casually. I didn't know that the woman cried like that. Don't blame me."

Jiang Mian: "You said come and guard my father. If I didn't come just now, where are you going to go?"

Silver Fox: "Ha ha ha ha ha ha."

In the next second, the figure disappeared and replaced by a silver fox. He moved to Jiang Mian's feet and rubbed his head against her.

Jiang Mian: "..."

She pushed the silver fox away with disgust, and said coldly: "I warn you again, not to harm the girl, and let me find out again. I will send you for sterilization."

Damn, it's too cruel.

The silver fox's hair exploded at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then shrank to the corner and stopped moving.

"It smells good." On the hospital bed on the right, the monk sat up with a carp.

The great monk is awake, where is the heavenly master.

Jiang Mian turned his head fiercely, and found that at some point, the quilt of Tianshidi had been pulled over.

Jiang Mian tentatively said: "Dad?"

The person under the quilt arched, not knowing what they were doing, and then rolled up the quilt without showing up.

Now Jiang Mian made sure that the Heavenly Master was awake, she stretched out her hand to pull at the quilt, fearing that he might have any problems before she made this action: "Dad, what are you doing."

The voice of the urn of the heavenly master came out through the quilt: "Mianmian." He shouted and stopped talking.

The great monk now grabbed a piece of chicken leg and gnawed at him unceremoniously: "Little girl, leave him alone, the stinky Taoist priest has no face to see you."

Jiang Mian: "???"

The great monk chuckled and said, "Isn't he got one hundred thousand remuneration, he lost all to me."