"What's a hundred thousand?" Han Xu, who came out of the bathroom, heard this, his eyes fell on the monk, and when he saw his gluttonous food, his brows frowned.

The great monk hadn't spoken yet, Zuo Xing opened the quilt flatly and shouted at the great monk: "If you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb."

Then he got out of bed, pulled up the great monk, and drove the great monk out with lightning speed.

"Life and death for so many days, somehow give me a pot of crayfish." The monk smashed the door.

Zuo Xingping threw the pot of crayfish out again, and said something very imposingly: "Go!"

The great monk was holding the crayfish, and rolled away swiftly as his six relatives did not recognize him.

Han Xu looked at him coldly, and when the people were driven away, he said: "Shen stick, do you treat this place as your site? Just drive people out in front of me."

Zuo Xing said frankly: "I'm a sleeper."

Han Xu: "..."

The thick-skinned person is thicker than the inverted wall.

Zuo Xingping cautiously went to see Jiang Mian. When he saw Jiang Mian, he looked away again, turned to the quilt on the bed, and began to think about whether it would work to wrap himself in the quilt again.

With this guilty conscience, Han Xu showed a black-bellied smile on his face. He slowly said: "Tsk, **** stick, what are you doing, you don’t even dare to look at Mianmian... That bald head is 100,000."

Without waiting for Zuo Xingping to speak, he continued: "One hundred thousand is not a small amount for you, how did you do it, you actually deceived people one hundred thousand, and your heart is very dark."

"No!" Zuo Xingping jumped up, glaring at Han Xu, "He lied to me!"

Han Xu did not hesitate to pour fuel on the fire: "That's even more strange, he lied to you, what is your guilty conscience. Besides, you are a poor and unlucky ghost, where's a hundred thousand to let him lie. Lies Don’t write drafts and want to win your daughter’s sympathy? Your trick is too weak."

Zuo Xingping's anger was rushed to the highest level by Han Xu's taunting words, but he was not good at arguing. He was so angry that he couldn't say a word, and he wished to send a bad luck charm over.

Jiang Mian watching the whole process: "..."

She rubbed her eyebrows and yelled, "Dad."

The two turned their heads together.

"Are there any injuries to Master Xuanji? He just left like that, okay?" This was said to Heavenly Master Father.

Zuo Xingping said angrily: "He is dead, he can't die."

He looked at Jiang Mian eagerly, but he didn't expect that the first thing the baby girl said to him was actually asking the smelly monk.

Jiang Mian nodded. Since Heavenly Master Father can say that, it means that Master Xuanji is indeed okay. She walked up to Han Xu and pulled him onto the sofa to sit.

Zuo Xingping wanted to follow, but stopped again with a move, his eyes were straight, waiting for the baby girl to come and pull him.

However, he discovered that the baby girl actually sat down next to Han Xu, and the two began to eat the food on the table together.

For the baby girl's ignoring the magic stick, Han Xu felt extremely comfortable.

He picked up the gloves and wore them, personally peeled the shrimps for Jiang Mian. After peeling one and feeding one, he saw the sweetness of his daughter's food, and he didn't forget to ask: "Spicy or not, do you want to drink juice, dad let someone send it."


Han Xu immediately called the bodyguard to prepare.

Zuo Xingping looked at the happy father and daughter opposite, then looked at himself, rubbing his hands, and at the same time, his stomach groaned uncontrollably.

He was originally awakened by the smell of food. After waking up, he saw Jiang Mian, and temporarily covered himself with a quilt with a guilty conscience. He carefully recalled that he did nothing other than this.

Why is the baby girl ignoring herself.

If it was changed before, Zuo Xingping didn't think there was anything, because he knew that the baby girl didn't like him, even if they met, he would not pay attention to him. He was always ignored.

But during this period of time, his baby daughter's attitude towards him changed, which made him almost think that when he returned to his daughter's childhood, he was suddenly left out by Jiang Mian and felt very uncomfortable.

There was also an annoying Han Xu nearby.

Zuo Xingping put his heart in a frying pan and fry it to and fry. He rubbed and moved, slowly moved to the side of the coffee table, stared at Han Xu fiercely, and then whispered: "Mianmian."

Jiang Mian pulled the paper towel and wiped his mouth, looked up at Master Tian, ​​and said seriously: "Dad, I'm very angry."

Zuo Xingping panicked immediately, and didn't know what made his baby girl angry.

Jiang Mian began to break his hands index:

"First, Dad, you said you wanted to see me as soon as you came back, but when you woke up, you didn't want to see me, and you still avoided me."

"Secondly, Master Xuanji had already said that he had leaked his mouth, knowing that I would be worried, but he drove him away, intending to hide it from me."

"Third, these things were bought for you by Dad Han and I, but you quarreled with Dad Han just now."

Han Xu was in the mood to watch the show, and suddenly listened to Jiang Mian mentioning himself. The baby girl just chose him. Is it possible to "make justice" to the magic stick for him now?

He stopped the shrimp peeling hand, glanced at Zuo Xingping triumphantly, and raised his ears, ready to listen carefully to how his baby girl was fair to him.

The next second, Jiang Mian turned her head to him, and instantly captured what he was thinking in the eyes of the local tyrant father. After a moment of speechlessness, she still kept her face straight and said, "Dad, you are not right. The doctor said that Zuo's father lacked nutrition and was insane. He just woke up, you deliberately fanned the flames and added fuel to the fire, so he couldn't say a word."

"You are all my dearest and favorite people. The palms and backs of the hands are full of meat." Jiang Mian's eyes were red, and his tears fell as soon as he said it, and his voice was choked. "You are so noisy in front of me, I don't know I feel bad. ."

Han Xu hurriedly pulled off his gloves and was anxious. He wanted to wipe Jiang Mian's tears. He was worried that even if he wore gloves on his hands, he would get hot pepper. He coaxed: "Mianmian doesn't cry, it's my father. It's messed up. I won't quarrel with your left father anymore, I promise."

Zuo Xing sat flat to the left of Jiang Mian, hurriedly pulled the sleeves to wipe the tears of the baby girl, and said anxiously: "Mianmian, I don't want to see you, I just... promised to come back and take you to a high-end restaurant for dinner, for you I bought a beautiful dress, now that I have no money, I can’t buy anything."

He looked at Han Xu again and said, "I won't quarrel with him anymore."

Jiang Mian looked at them with teary eyes and continued to sob: "Then you high-five, if you meet again in the future, you are all puppies."

The two dads raised their heads and stared at each other, sparks flew everywhere.

Han Xu: It's boring to argue with the **** stick, the fighting power is too weak, so let him go.

Zuo Xingping: Forget it, for the face of my baby girl, don't care about him, hum.

The two clapped happily.

Jiang Mian raised his head, tears disappeared instantly: "In this case, in order to save some face for Zuo Dad..."

She turned to the local father and smiled sweetly: "Dad, you go out for a while, okay?"

This is the ultimate goal of all her previous performances.

Don’t let the local tyrants know everything that happened in the forbidden area. He not only doesn’t believe it, but also thinks that the celestial father is engaged in feudal superstition. He will interrupt him if he says a few words at most, maybe even more. Quarrel again.

There are many ways to let the local tyrant father not be there, and to let the local tyrant father leave the ward willingly.

Thinking that the two fathers would be noisy when they met, and every time the Heavenly Master had no resistance, Jiang Mian decided to find a way to prevent this situation.

But you can't let the local tyrants realize that she is clearly helping the heavenly master, so at this time, you have to rely on wisdom.

Han Xu:? ? ?

Is this expression changing a bit too fast?

"All right." Looking at the baby girl's small face, Han Xu readily agreed, took the chestnuts that the baby girl had peeled for him, and left the ward, leaving space for them.

Only Jiang Mian and Zuo Xingping were left in the ward, and Jiang Mian personally peeled a crayfish for the celestial father.

Zuo Xingping was still thinking about the anger of her baby girl: "Mianmian, you are not angry with me."

Jiang Mian sighed secretly. She was not angry at all, but she couldn't tell the heavenly master that she was only acting before, so she nodded: "Dad, I am not angry anymore."

"That's good." Zuo Xingping finally showed a smile on his face.

Although the four fathers would say bad things about other fathers in front of Jiang Mian and want to monopolize Jiang Mian, they were actually very vague, including Han Xu.

There was an important reason why Xiao Jiangmian didn’t like Tianshi Dad later, because she saw Zuo Xing Pingkeng with her own eyes, and the local tyrant father had been instilling in her about Zuo Xing Pingkeng’s abduction, and her attitude gradually Changes.

In fact, Zuo Xing Pingkeng was not a human being. Even if he knew what was the reason for the change in his baby girl's attitude towards him, he did not dare to tell Xiao Jiang Mian the truth for fear of scaring her.

And sometimes in order to make a living, he does not receive the real list, he does do some things that the "god stick" should do.

For a long time, the role model has not been established. It happens that there is a criminal police father like Lian Feng, four fathers, and four different kinds of education. There will always be contradictions, leading to Zuo Xingping being the first to go out.

Zuo Xingping clearly remembered that Xiao Jiang Mian made a fire at him, and after that, he never called his father again.

So this time Jiang Mian was so serious and angry that Zuo Xing was always afraid that his baby daughter would ignore him after he was angry with him.

"Dad, one hundred thousand remuneration...what is going on?" Jiang Mian asked.

If it was Master Xuanji who lied to Master Xuanji, she would have to ask for the money back, but her instinct told her that Master Xuanji should not cheat Master Xuanji.

Zuo Xingping couldn't help covering his face: "Mianmian, can I not say it."

Jiang Mian: "Dad, I specially let Daddy Han leave."

It doesn't matter how embarrassed it is.

Zuo Xingping took a deep breath, put down his hand, and had to confess honestly.

It turned out that the great monk loved gambling very much, and from time to time he used his mobile phone to gamble with others on the Internet-this is why he brought so many power banks.

Zuo Xingping was very curious about this. The great monk saw that he was curious, and generously expressed that he wanted to teach him. Zuo Xingping, who was bewitched by the great monk, learned.

The two used their mobile phones to open a virtual gambling game on the Internet. In their spare time, they gambled. Zuo Xingping, a newly learned, adorable, new monk, a big-tailed wolf?

Zuo Xingping fainted when he left the forbidden area because he learned from the great monk that his 100,000 reward had been lost, and he was angry and fainted.

As for why the great monk fainted, he slapped himself fainted for fear of being choked to death by Qi Yanshu.


After listening, Jiang Mian rolled up his sleeves and raised his voice: "Dad, you now contact the great monk and tell him that I will bet with him."